Section A - General FAQ
Section B - MYOs and Customs
1.B - Where can I buy an MYO slot?
You can purchase an MYO slot from [.:Vesper MYO Market:.]( or in the Vesper Discord!
2.B - Where can I get my MYO approved?
Firstly, you must have your MYO on the Masterlist after purchasing it. You can then have it approved after creating you Vesper! All of this can be done [here.](
3.B - Can my MYO slot expire?
No, MYO slots do not expire.
4.B - Can someone else help me design my MYO?
Yes! Please be sure to credit them somewhere when getting the Vesper approved and registered to the master list.
5.B - Is there any specific design rules I need to follow?
The only design rules is that depending on your Vespers rarity, they must follow the traits given on the official trait sheets, and your Vesper must be drawn anatomically correct. Otherwise, most colors and details are all up to you! If you are unsure of a certain aspect of your design, please be sure to ask one of the mods!
6.B - Can we sell/trade/gift an MYO slot?
Yes, you can resell/trade/gift an MYO slot you have purchased. However, MYOs won through raffles and events cannot be resold. They can be raffled/gifted or Traded!
7.B - Can I make Clothes/Accessories for my Vesper?
Of course!
8.B - How can I obtain a custom?
Customs can be purchased from one of the rights holders or owner! Depending on who has them open. Custom prices will vary between each person, please keep that in mind!
9.B - Can I get Rights? Can Someone Gift/Trade/Sell me rights?
As of now, rights are closed for good. And for the second question- Yes! They have a cool-down of half a year, Contact Alterici#5661 on discord for all the information!
10.B - How do I get Corrupt/Mythic Rights?
Mythic rights are NOT an option to anyone, Owner only.
However Corrupt rights are gifted every 5-6 months to a Holder that stands out to the Owner of the species.
11.B - Are there Mythic and Corrupt MYOs?
To answer shortly, no. They will not be available nor have they ever been. There were two open for bid but alas we do not plan on selling any more
12.B - If I get blank Rarity MYO, can I use the traits from the rarities below?
Yes! Of course you can! The vesper's rarity is determined by the highest rarity trait they have
13.B- Can i buy blank Right holder a MYO?
Apologies but no! Rights holders can not obtain MYOs whether buying for themselves or having someone else buy the slot for them. Its a loophole to the slots we have set up
Section C - General Info and Clan Questions
Section E - Trait FAQ
1.E - Can I use the half/half traits on the Trait sheets?
Apologies but no! The half/half traits are MOD only! So only the mods are allowed to use them, they are half/half to show the rarity of the trait, but mods are the only people who can use them
Since mods are not paid, this is the perk they have
2.E - Can I make an Enraged Vesper?
For approvals, have a calm form ready!
But!! you are fully welcome to make enraged forms for your vespers, since they are a natural part of the species. However, please keep in mind that forever passives and Goliaths can NOT go enraged
3.E - Can i give my vesper [Specific ailment or odd thing] ?
If you have a specific idea, its usually good to check with the mods before approval! As long as you don't go into the mythic or corrupt territories you should be fine
But here's my normal answer: Cursed items
Want a forever enraged?- Cursed item.
Want a vesper with a shadow demon?- Elemental or Cursed Item.
Cursed items,, as long as listed on the image can work for a lot but can not mimic traits, like mist eyes or decay tendrils
4.E - Can I make a Post corrupt?
Sadly No!
That's apart of the corruption rights, it basically skips the entire corruption process and is a big loophole for the corrupt rights since you still get a heavily scarred, decayed vesper. You can however, make a vesper BEFORE corruption.
5.E - What is Mandatory for Corrupt Vespers?
Only mandatory thing is the eyes, Fully black and dripping with the corrupted liquid, this liquid coming from the mouth is also mandatory! That liquid is NOT blood! it is a mix of a venom/poison and decay from the vesper
Other traits that can be added are not fully formed back spikes (long and sharp, more than one row- Think more porcupine than dinosaur) if male and broken scale plates on the front of the hind legs/on forearm and bridge of the nose! Corrupts are an inbetween state of Calm and Enraged!!! They can also have horns
6.E - Do Post-Corrupts keep their enraged traits?
To answer simply, no they do not. Over the course of time they are knocked out from the healers potion, their decay is stopped and they will slowly go back into their calm form as their wounds heal over, they will lose all abillity to go enraged and are usually half the vesper they were before corruption
7.E - How does the Chameleon Defensive Shift work?
Any vesper with this mutation will go "transparent"/Bland in with their surroundings as a DEFENSIVE mechanism! However as the vesper gets older they can learn to control it, this developed because of the hunters in the forest, a way to hide
8.E - If I redesign an older gen kid with retired traits, can i keep the retired traits?
You can redesign around the retired traits that exist on vespers, these traits including the Unicorn horn, Feathers, etc. The ONLY traits you will have to remove would be any mythic traits, such as scales on the from of the leg, on the wings, back, white and black blood
9.E - If i redesign a kid with mod traits, can I keep the mod traits
Like the retired traits, you can keep the mod traits as they are and work around them to redesign the kid you want to redesign!
10.E - Can I change the length of my Long Vesper?
If you have a vesper with lonk listed in their ML, you are free to change the length of their body as you please! Have fun with your noodles
11.E - What Elementals are Allowed?
Our list of approved elementals are, please keep in mind these are all EXTERNAL!! They can not be internal, this means crying, coming from under skin, from mouth, etc.
This includes the subcategories (Such as Ice, Rock, Shadow, etc) as well:
-Stone (Earth subtype)
-Jelly (Water + Earth)
-Slime (Water + Earth)
-Glass (Earth + Fire)
-Lightning (Fire + Air)
-Clouds (Air + Water)
-Mist (Air + Water + Fire)
So on and So forth!
For Specific ideas, Questions or Concerns with a concept or Idea, please contact Alteric#5661 about it!
12.E- How do Elementals Effect the vesper in day to day life?
Vespers with the elemental mutation have to adjust to how their surroundings react to said Elemental but please keep in mind, elementals are more or less Magic!
13.E - Are elemental bits actually hot (as for example, fire) and if a vesper has that elemental type, does that make them immune to that type?
Its very dependent, when calm and vibing, no! When they are genuinely angry or subconsciously have a strong negative emotion (fear, anger, jealousy), they can set off fires, blind vespers, etc. Forces of nature. But for a good majority of the time they are just magic and used for intimidation! The vespers are not immune to outside elements, but they are immune to the element they have on their body so they don't self-destruct
In some cases, Fish can live in the water, electricity can shock, etc
14.E - What percent of the body can they replace? I know arms and legs and such, but like head, ears and body. basically how much is too much?
In recent updates- you can have almost any amount of elemental! Including a fullbody elemental as long as the mandatory traits are visible
15.E - Can entire body parts be elemental? Like can a leg be and of only dirt/rock?
Yes! It has been done before
16.E - To what extent does the element have to its host? [Holding shape/etc]
As long as the vesper has the energy to do so, the elemental can take almost any shape! But it can not detached from where it is on the body. It takes a lot out of the vesper to keep those elemental parts maintained
17.E - Can I use "" would that be listed as "Elemental listed in approved elementals"?
If its a form of the elemental that has already been listed as approved, then yes it is fine to use! [i.e Clouds/Mist would have water as a base element]