Species Rules

Created: 13 June 2022, 02:50:54 EDT
Last updated: 16 April 2023, 11:26:06 EDT

------- ★GENERAL RULES★ -------

Here is are the rules for the Vesper species. By purchasing and owning a vesper, you must adhere to these rules. This was Last Updated 04/16/23.
Rules will be added as needed.

1.1✧ If there is a rule or something youve been told that is not here, it is either invalid or was missed; Do let a moderator know.

1.2✧ VesperCove is a safe space for LGBTQ+, POC and those who are austisic,  neurodivergent or have mental illnesses. We will not tolerate ANY form of discrimination, that is a quick way to be banned and/or blacklisted.

1.3✧ You may not under any circumstances post any NSFW work on site; nor mention it in bios. Vespercove allows people of the ages 13+ into its community. Keep NSFW confined to that of the proper channels in the Discord server. Feral NSFW is not permitted regardless, anthro/humanoid only.

1.4✧ When submitting to the gallery; Please make sure you are only submitting an image once. If you have a repeat or multiple for any reason; a mod will archive the pieces, and you can reupload a new image in its place. You may request a mod to unarchive pieces once the image is fixed and it is no longer a repeat.

1.5✧ All Pieces pertaining to gore or a TW topic must be put into the Gore and TW art gallery WITH a spoiler pertaining to what it is.

1.6✧ Under NO circumstances will you be permitted to make or use alternative or alt accounts for the website and/or discord server. Users found with these will be banned.


------- ★Creation RULES★ -------

2.1✧ MYO slots are transferable but non-refundable.
↳ Duly note that Rights Holders are ineligible to hold onto or obtain MYO slots.

2.2✧ MYO Slots do NOT expire.

2.3✧ You may get your MYO designed by someone other than yourself, be it commissioned or through a trade/commission.
↳ These Designs may NOT be done by Rights Holders or Moderators of the Species.
↳ Make sure the Designer is properly credited upon submitting the MYO design for Approval.

2.4✧ Specially made MYOs will only be sold once until the former MYOs have been used. This refers to the Corrupt and Mythic MYO slots.

2.5✧ Any unofficial "vesper" designs that are brought to us requesting to be made official will be denied. Please do not make vespers without a myo slot or bring us knock-off Vespers to be made official. If you wish for them to be official, you will need an myo slot and must go through approval.
↳ Concepts are fine as long as you do not actively use them before they are official!
↳ Concepts may NOT be complete or full bodies, but rather bits and pieces with the general idea of the character.
↳ You may make concepts of Corrupts and Mythics.

2.6✧ One may not mimic  Mythic Traits, or in general mimic traits higher than the vesper's rarity.
↳ Fake horns are a-okay, you can make a headband or clip-on accessory.
↳ Accessory Back Spines are a-okay, you can make a hoodie or straps that are clearly detachable from the body. (If it could not be removed it is not allowed).
↳ Fake Unicorn horns are a-okay, ONLY if it is attached on a hoodie
↳ Any design with mimicked traits MUST have a reference without the accessories present for Approval.

2.7✧ "Twin" or "Clone" designs are not allowed! All designs must be recognizable from one another and in the event of these designs being separated we do not want any future owners to be upset if they didn't know of the others existence.
↳  Sibling/Twins are allowed, Do keep in mind Twins are two vespers who came from the same egg.

2.8✧ Twin designs may be made by anyone, however Triplets and so forth are not allowed.
↳  Any Triplets that exist were created by the Owner(s) - This goes for separately made designs being called triplets for story purposes.

2.9✧ In regards to designing off existing media: 
↳  You may NOT base any characters off of real people (i.e Youtubers, Celebrities, etc) , unless it is a fictitious character with a live-action human actor (i.e Superman, Jack Sparrow, etc).
↳  You MAY take inspiration from popular sources of media as LONG as they are not rip off/ are not blatant copies of the original. They must be recognizable as their own character.
↳  You may NOT heavily reference other peoples ocs, we do not condone character theft.

2.10✧ You may make a vesper based on an existing piece of media even if other designs exist for the same piece of media. However, if they end up too similar of designs you will be asked to change things. If you are aware of another character existing with these conditions and want to be safe or courteous, please contact the owner/designer to make sure the design is not too close as to avoid discomfort from any parties involved beyond moderator involvement.

2.11 ✧ Eyes and Ears match each other in color and pattern. Tongue and Blood also must match each other in color and pattern.
↳ The only exception to this is the Mismatched Blood/Tongue Mutation.
↳ There is no exception to this for Eyes/Ears. 

2.12✧ When making a pre-existing design into a vesper, you must ask the ORIGINAL DESIGNER permission to do so. This permission must be explicit and presented during approval as a screenshot of a conversation or the designer's TOS regarding species changes in order for the character to be approved.

↳ If the TOS does not explicitly regard species changes, you must get permission via conversation.
↳  The only exception to this is if the designer is listed as 'Unknown' and can not be tracked down, and/or ir if the person has disappeared off the internet (be it deactivated accounts or activity that suggests they haven't been online for 4+ months), These cases require a screenshot of proof.
  There are folks who wish to not have their designs vesperified, they go as follows:

2.13✧ Adopt Concepts or scrapped designs made by Blacklisted folks may NOT be passed on to people in the community; if you are using a blacklisted persons design/concept to make an official vesper; you have a high chance of losing your rights if you have them, or facing other punishment if you don't.

------- ★(Re)Design RULES★ -------

3.1 ✧ You are allowed to change hairstyle, gender, clan markings and accessories 100% as you like. That has been, and always will be, be allowed

3.2✧  Only slight changes can be made to designs otherwise! Small alterations such as minor color changes, markings, and eye colors are okay (Please note that you can not change color traits without items or rights, such as sclera, blood color or # of eye colors - changing traits requires reapproval). The redesign must be immediately recognizable as the same design regardless of what little things are changed.
↳  If you are unsure on a redesign, ask three members of the community before you ask a moderator.

3.3✧ If you are wanting to push a design past what's considered okay for a redesign, you MUST get the permission from the og designer to do so, this is called an overhaul. Overhauls require potion items from the shop.
↳ Rights holders must still gain permission of the designer to overhaul, and do need the appropriate items to do so.
↳ If the permission you get is for a color overhaul but not a full overhaul, you will be required to get the explicit full overhaul permission.

3.4✧ Color overhauls are where someone can change the full color scheme, markings n everything they could want color-wise for a character; of course with permission from the original designer, this proof must be given at approval. However they may NOT change any traits unless they have the proper items.
↳ If you have Rights and you change traits, it will take a slot from you if Legendary or Corrupt.
↳  Odd Fruit or Odd Fruit Seeds may be used in addition to Color Overhauls to change traits or to avoid using slots or are an option if you do not have rights.
↳ You may be required to use a full overhaul instead of a color + items if you attempt to change a considerable number of traits. If you're not sure if it's too much, ask a mod.
↳  Do note that keeping the colors but redoing all markings, or hue-shifting the character would still fall under color-overhaul.

3.5✧ Extra Legendary and Corrupt slots may be stacked up by rights holders but only 5 may be used per month. These slots can be used to make additional legendries or corrupts, or to change traits in redesigns without using items. These slots can only be used when the free monthly slots included in rights are fully used.

3.6✧ Full Overhauls are where someone with or without rights scraps a previous design in order to fully redo both traits and colors of a vesper. This is the only form of 'voiding' the species has, but it HAS to be replaced with a new design.
↳  Of course this potion can also be used for extensive redesigns for a character; Where they share the same or similar colors with shuffled around traits, etc

3.7✧ Mythics may not be redesigned trait wise UNLESS you have an Odd Fruit/Seed to remove mythic traits or a Mysterious Orb to add/change a Mythic trait to a preexisting Mythic.
↳ Duly note that you can use a color overhaul on a mythic to change their patterning and/or colors.
↳ You may use a full overhaul to a mythic to change their patterns/colors and affect Non-Mythic traits only. Mythic traits will still require a Mysterious Orb to add or change.
↳ You may however use an Odd Fruit/Seed to change/add Non-Mythic traits on a mythic.

3.8✧ Redesigns and MYOs are done on site; They need traits listed (Traits can be found under Encyclopedia -> Species -> Visual Trait Index). Common-Rare Redesigns for Rights Holders are done completely on site. However, Legendary, Corrupt and Mythic Redesigns MUST be  done on the Discord server as to keep track of slots.
↳ Redesigns in the server only applies if traits are changed or items are used in any way (such as a color overhaul). Cosmetic standard redesigns are all done site regardless of rarity.

3.9✧ Only CottonCloud and Jestea may approve in DMs, No other mods are allowed to do so.

3.10✧ Wacky taffy may be used to add/change up to TWO traits on a preexisting Corrupt vesper.
↳ You may however use an odd fruit/seed in order to remove or change the non-corrupt traits of the character.

3.11✧ When redesigning a character with Invalid traits, and/or traits currently recognized as Mythic traits, you may keep the Invalid marked traits until they are removed or modified, but you will have to remove any Mythic traits if the design is not an approved Mythic already.

3.12✧ Vespers designed with the 'cursed traits' MUST be designed with a version without the cursed item and curse/s that it brings; MLs will list both the curse and the pre-curse traits.

------- ★Resale/Trading RULES★ -------

4.1✧ You may not resell/trade/gift your vesper until 7 days have elapsed since their approval; This is their 'Cooldown' period.

4.2✧ You may not sell/trade/gift a character who is account bound or retired.
↳  Retiring: A retired vesper is one that can NOT be used in any way shape or form until unretired. These indicate that the vesper design is NO LONGER in use. They may not be traded in any way, shape, or form.
↳  Account Bound: These vespers may still be used, actively being ineligible to be traded in any way shape or form. This is a way to keep hold of vespers they wish to never trade or because they don't want folks constantly asking about them, etc

4.3✧ As of 04/16/2023, Vespers may not be co-owned.
↳   If a vesper was co-owned prior to this date, you may keep the co-ownership deal! You are not required to end it.
↳   For a vesper with pre-established co-ownership, the Primary Owner is the one with the ML under their account. They will be held responsible for any issues regarding that specific vesper.
↳   You may trade the halves of co-ownership, you are not required to make that ownership whole even if you do not want your part in it anymore. but if ownership is made whole it may not be split apart again.
↳   Users who create new co-ownership deals on vespers going forward will recieve a strike for all parties involved.
↳   Any issues that arise from co-owning is out of the hands of the moderation team, and must be solved between the parties involved. The only exception is if either party breaks TOS or the species rules in some way using the co-owned character (char theft, scamming, etc.).

4.4✧ Specialty MYOs such as the Mythic and Corrupt can only be sold for how much they were purchased for!

4.5✧ If you are a Rights Holder that no longer wishes to keep their rights, you are able to trade your rights as below:
↳ Rights:
✔ Can be traded or gifted
✘ Can NOT be sold
All rights would transfer to the new owner, the previous owner would need myos and such again to redesign, create new vespers, etc.
You must dm CottonCloud to confirm the transfer, this would mean letting us know your DA/Vespercove username, the username and Discord User of the person who is recieveing rights, as well as whether its a trade or gift
Rights will have a Cool-down of half a year or 6 months until they can be gifted or traded again.

4.6✧ You may NOT sell a vesper for Amino Coins

4.7✧ You may offer or get a voucher for a vesper who's trade value is higher than sale value; but due note that these vouchers are NOT protected by the moderator team.

4.8✧ TBDs or Trade Back Deals are not protected by the moderator team; this is unfortunately between parties involved.