Approval and ML Submission

Created: 21 June 2022, 19:24:38 EDT
Last updated: 19 January 2023, 16:24:35 EST

------- ★Masterlist/Approvals★ -------

This page is used for uploading missing characters OR getting characters approved as a rights holder.
If you are using an MYO, there is an option to submit a design on the MYO ML itself!

Please use the following form for Approval/Uploading a missing Character:
You can use any sort of link to submit an image as long as it is high quality and unwatermarked!
And then fill out the following form:

CD ---> (Don't Delete or Fill In, Mod Use Only)

Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Artist DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker:

• If vesperfication, please list Designer as the ORIGINAL Designer and provide proof of permission along w/ the char in question.

If using Items, which items?:
If using Items, link Inventory:

[ Please reference when writing out the vesper's traits. ]


Eye Traits
# of Eye Colors:
Sclera Color:
Pupil Shape:

Head Traits
Sets of Horns:
Gem Shape:
# of Gems:
Ear Type:
Nose Type:

Mouth Traits
Blood Color:

[ List in C->L Ascending Order ]
Scale Traits
Scale Shape:
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck, & Belly
Additional Scale Placements:

Body Traits
Hind Legs:
# of Grabbers:
Tail Type:

[ List in C->L Ascending Order ]
Cursed Traits
Body Decay


Mochi13 Avatar

CD ---> (Mod Use Only)

Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:<
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Artist DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker: dragonking13

Rarity: Legendary
Purpose: Personal myo
• If vesperfication, please list Designer as the ORIGINAL Designer and provide proof of permission along w/ the char in question.

If using Items, which items?: n.a
If using Items, link Inventory: n.a

[ Please reference when writing out the vesper's traits. ]


• Eye Traits
Number of Eye Colors: 1
Sclera Color:gray
Pupil Shape: goat

• Head Traits
Sets of Horns: 0
Gem Shape: multi gem
Number of Gems: 5
Ear Type:bat
Nose Type:pony

• Mouth Traits
Tongue: split
Blood Color: rose gold

[ List in C->L Ascending Order ]
• Scale Traits
Scale Shape: round
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck, & Belly
Additional Scale Placements: none

• Body Traits
Hind Legs: clawed
Number of Grabbers: 4
Tail Type:nub tail

[ List in C->L Ascending Order ]
• Cursed Traits
> Elemental vents
Link to reference sheet

2023-07-01 20:08:09 (Edited 2023-07-01 22:28:57)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

On the page of your MYO there is an option in the left-hand side menu to submit a design or update myo, something along that wording. Please go through there to get your MYO approved! Mods will not approve it here.

2023-07-04 23:19:42

Mochi13 Avatar

Okay thank you I made a request for my myos to be approved!

2023-07-05 06:45:30

Choghii Avatar


Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Artist DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker: (I'm not sure sorry ;;)

Rarity: Rare
Purpose: Personal
(I purchased her a long time ago so I don't have proof of purchase and lack of memory, just found her in my old account! )

TRAITS (I'm sorry if I got any of her traits wrong!)

• Eye Traits
# of Eye Colors: 2 (Uncommon)
Sclera Color: White (Common)
Pupil Shape: No Pupil (Common)

• Head Traits
Sets of Horns: None
Gem Shape: Diamond (Common)
# of Gems: 1 (Common)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (Common)
Nose Type: Pony (Common)

• Mouth Traits
Teeth: Flat Teeth (Common)
Tongue: Round Tongue (Common)
Blood Color: Pastel/Light Blood (Rare)

• Scale Traits
Scale Shape: Round/Natural Scales (Common)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck, & Belly
Additional Scale Placements: None

• Body Traits
Hind Legs: Pony (Common)
# of Grabbers: 1 (Common)
Tail Type: Nub (Common)

• Mutations
> 2x Tail (Rare)
• Cursed Traits
> ----
• Body Decay
> ----

2023-04-04 21:39:06

Its-Chips Avatar
Its-Chips Staff Member

Hiya! Firstly, huge apologies for the delay in response- hopefully shouldn't happen again!
Secondly, there are a handful of things off here, so bear with me;
- This is not a vesperfication! Those are when pre-existing designs of a different species are turned into vespers, and require the original designer's permission. This would be an ML submission for a vesper that has yet to be uploaded ^^
- As such, it also wouldn't be considered a "Personal" design either (that term is used when RHs submit designs they intend to keep for themselves)!
- I don't believe this piece is on a base, but if it is, it's by the designer!

- You don't need to list the rarity of traits!
> Overall Rarity --> Legendary
> # of Eye Colors --> 3
> Sets of Horns --> 1
> Gem Shape --> Diamond + Circle
> # of Gems --> 2
> Teeth --> Fanged
> Tongue --> Drippy Round
> Blood Color --> Dark (Red)
> Hind Legs --> "Hooved" (specific wording helps us identify traits easier)
> # of Grabbers --> 3
> Tail Type --> List as "see mutations"
- Remove x2 Tails
+ Add Bunny Tail

2023-06-04 19:24:07

Scarlet-The-Flox Avatar

Theme: Don't Tell That Your Love Is Gone
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
DA: Lavender-Skunk Vespercove: Lavender-Skunk
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link: DA: Rivers-Of-Trees Vespercove: Scarlet-The-Flox
Base Maker's DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:: Site: Jestea

Rarity: Rare
Vesperfication, Custom, Adopt, Personal or Gift: Custom
Are you using any items: (If so please attach your inventory and specify what item)

If Vesperfication, please give the OG Designers DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:

Please use the (, to write out the vespers traits, add a (C), (UC), (R), (L), (Co) or (M) to indicate each rarity for each trait! Thank you : D

# of Eye Colors: 3 Eye Color (Rare)
Sclera Color: White Sclera (Common)
Pupil Shape: Round Pupil (Uncommon)
Gem Shape: Geometric Shape Gem (Common)
Gem #:
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (Common)
Nose: Pony Nose (Common)
Teeth: Fanged Teeth (Common)
Tongue: Round Tongue (Common)
Blood Color: Greyish Purple (Uncommon)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common, UC, R or Leg, Please list all places out) Up To Common (Common)
Hind Legs: Hooves (Common)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (Common)
# of Grabbers: 1 Grabber (Common)
Tails: 2 Nub (Uncommon)
Horns: No Horns (Common)
Mutations: N/A

2023-01-31 15:24:08 (Edited 2023-01-31 15:27:44)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

Sorry for the wait this one was missed, approved.
CD ---> July 11th.

2023-07-04 23:30:33

GeminiSkye Avatar

![This is an image]

Theme: sky like the ocean
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:

Base Maker's DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Rarity: Rare
Vesperfication, Custom, Adopt, Personal or Gift: Custom

Are you using any items?: N/A

# of Eye Colors: 2(UC)

Sclera Color: N/A

Pupil Shape: Round (UC)

Gem Shape: Round (C)

Gem #: One Gem (C)

Scale Shape: Round (C)

Nose: Deer (R)

Teeth: Sharp (R)

Tongue: Forked (UC)

Blood Color: White (C)

Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common, UC, R or Leg, Please list all places out)

Hind Legs: Hooved (C)

Ear Type: Normal (C)

# of Grabbers: 1 (C)

Tails: N/A

Horns: N/A 

Mutations: Under bite (C), Whiskers (UC)

Note: Do let me know if the image works if not I can send it through discord, I’m really sorry I’m new to this.

2022-12-15 04:38:13 (Edited 2022-12-15 04:41:49)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

- Purpose should be a Personal instead of a Custom, since you are the owner and designer!
- Sclera color should be White
- Teeth need to be visible on the ref
- White blood is a mythic trait! Please change the blood color
- Tail should be Nub

2022-12-22 16:20:48

Scarlet-The-Flox Avatar

Theme: Toxic Waste
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
DA: Ravenwingedcastiel Vespercove: TheAngelWhoWouldBeKing
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link: DA: Rivers-Of-Trees Vespercove: Scarlet-The-Flox
Base Maker's DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:: DA: Alteric Vespercove: Alteric

Rarity: Legondary
Vesperfication, Custom, Adopt, Personal or Gift: Custom
Are you using any items: (If so please attach your inventory and specify what item)

If Vesperfication, please give the OG Designers DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:

Please use the (, to write out the vespers traits, add a (C), (UC), (R), (L), (Co) or (M) to indicate each rarity for each trait! Thank you : D

# of Eye Colors: 1 Eye Color (Common)
Sclera Color: White Sclera (Common)
Pupil Shape: Round Pupil (Uncommon)
Gem Shape: Geometric Shape Gem (Common)
Gem #: One Gem (Common)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (Common)
Nose: Pony Nose (Common)
Teeth: Fanged Teeth (Common)
Tongue: Round Tongue (Common)
Blood Color: Bright Blood (Legondary)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common, UC, R or Leg, Please list all places out) Up To Common (Common)
Hind Legs: Paws Legs (Rare)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (Common)
# of Grabbers: See Mutations
Tails: See Mutationd
Horns: No Horns (Common)
Mutations: Paws Instead of Grabbers (Rare),Dog Tail (Uncommon)

pls note this was done before getting blacklisted (trying to get all vesper customs approved now that i have time to make fixes to them, will do one at a time)

2022-12-08 08:49:38 (Edited 2022-12-08 08:51:45)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

Unfortunately, the moderators believe this design is much too similar to an existing vesper, and the designer agrees! Considerable changes will be needed before your design can be approved (apologies for the super late notification of this).

Some suggestions of what you can do:
- Lighten/darken body color
- Move around and/or some of the white areas
- Change markings
One of these changes alone will not be enough, so all of these suggestions combined are the most recommended

2022-12-22 16:17:29

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