Jestea Jestea

8 May 2022 (2 years ago)
16 Jan

Credit @ Puppv

:: Theo / Beau / Tort ::

Head moderator :: He/Him

Hi I'm Theo! But I also go by Beau or Tort/le, feel free to switch between them.

I'm an autistic artist, one of the big three at the head of the vesper community. If you need any assistance don't hesitate to ask! If you're curious what I do in this team, I balance out decisions made by our lovely owner and co-owner, and manage and direct the species moderators. Essentially, I make sure people do their jobs lmao

I've been in the community almost since the beginning! Joining a month or two after vespers were made, and I've been consistently active for the mOst part, having my periods where I needed a break for school or mental health or whatever. My activity as a mod has been about the same. But! At the moment, I am graduated from school and art is my main job so I have more free time. If you see me on break though it's because my body hates me n I can feel sick often woops /lh

I definitely have a lot of vespers, but I love them and enjoy rambling abt them + my au, all ya gotta do is asK


focal image by Puppv // pfp image by Jagga-Chan // char: pluto

575 Fein Crystal
378 Star Shards
0 Silver Kernels
Ba (Summer)
Teacup Piggy (Space)
Eek (Watermelon)
Kikoo (Spring)

Characters / Pliffs

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