
Aami, Acantha, Aceldama, Akal (Vesper Subtype)

The clans are the most important part of the vesper lore, arguably.
The information here is mostly open ended, giving you the oldest clan year and the newest clan year to current time- you can fit in personal aus in this set up easily


"One who is Loved Dearly"
A Clan from Love

Founded in 102, First clan to rise
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
The clan of Aami is located in the central forest. The clans of Alma, Von Tiefe, Daffodi, Aceldama and the Empire border it! They have good standings with mostly all clans besides the Empire, Olaug and Acantha, they are on slightly aggressive terms with them. Aami is and has always been a pacifistic clan to some extent though, believing more in the good and light of things than worry about the looming war and threats of death that linger around the darker edges of the forest. Aami as a whole is a clan that is close knit and usually very sweet. Arguments don't happen often and the clans are known to protect one another from the invading Empire troops who come in every once in a while, the clan is still strong enough to keep the empire at bay. Aami is described to be a clan full of hopeless romantics, those who have their heads up in the clouds and starry eyes- while this is true for a majority of the clan, not all vespers who live here fall under this typical or 'perfect' aami vesper idea . Aami vespers are strong and full of passion and love for the things they do and for those they protect. This is the main reason the Empire has not taken their territory thus far. The elder council is the backbone of the clan and well beloved by those who live here or have come in from other clans. They do not treat outsiders with distaste- or at least try to with vespers coming from clans they don't have the best relationships with -so even those who have run from Olaug and Acantha can try to find a loving home here.

•Clan Environment Desc•
Aami is within the center of the forest, seeing as the forest spans over a continent in its own right- they have a fairly moderate climate. Aami experiences all the seasons, winters are mild, summers are hot, springs kick up a ton of allergies (So rip any vespers with major allergies who live here) and fall is a beautiful season! The clan has 4 separate major clans within its territory, each having 4 elders within the elder council that meets in the Southern Aami Clan. All the clans are built roughly the same- Having up to 3-4 huts on one of the massive trees alone, to the elder hut taking up an entire tree by its lonesome. In the heart of the clan there is an island that has rivers stemming from all sides, the largest going into the Tiefe Clan as one of the 3 waterfalls. The island is heavily avoided as it's rumored to have a rogue group of vespers who travel by boat and rob any vespers they see with gold- or shiny, expensive looking weres! Overall the general terrain is pretty flat but has a lot of flora! Aami and the other clans surrounding Tiefe have a large density of trees, flora and bioluminescent flowers.

•Typical Hut Desc•
Aami's huts are pretty standard! They were one of the first clans to set up well- the standard hut! These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room, Aami is one of the few clans to have roof gardens! Having made use of the forest floor, they'd create a shallow bed with the planks, fill it with dirt and grow some fruit or veggie bushes to soak up the rain! This also provides them with delicious foods- Oftentimes they use the leaves from their trees, which the closer they get to tiefe become willow trees, as tiefe is surrounded by willows! The willow tree has some of the best greenery to use for doors and windows- usually being preserved with magic to stay green all year! Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry

Aami's Hierarchy is straight forward and simple, this is actually the standard for almost every clan beyond the dead clans + the Empire, Acantha and Olaug who follow their own rules and ideals

>Elder Council
>Elder Females
>Protector Jobs
>General Labor Jobs
>Kit Based Jobs
>Adult Females
>Mutated folk
>Ailment folk
>Cursed folk

•Views on Goddesses•
Every clan has a different view on the goddesses, this includes the sub-clans within the main ones! Oftentimes these meanings can be the same but they view the goddess as a god or deity instead!

Views on Polaris:
>South - Polaris is seen as female, the goddess of the stars and moon
>West - Polaris is seen as male, a god of the stars and moon - He is mainly worshiped here
>East - Polaris is seen as a female, a goddess of life and spirits
>North - Polaris is seen as genderless, a deity of life, stars and the spirits - They are mainly worshiped here

Views on Daifa:

>South - Daifa is seen a male, he is a bringer of harvest and love - He is mainly worshiped here
>West - Daifa is seen as a genderless being, They are believed to breathe life into the species and bring them a bountiful harvest
>East - Daifa is seen as Female, She is the goddess who brings love and peace to the clans, prayed to for a plentiful harvest or mating season
>North - Daifa is seen as a genderless being, They are pictured frequently as a deity who brings good fortune to fertility and growth

Views on Shivani:

>South - Shivani is seen as a male figure, he is whispered to be the god of doom and death, most avoid every mentioning or worshiping to him- this goes for all of the Aami clan as a whole
>West - Shivani is seen as a female, she is thought to be a goddess of death and destruction
>East - Shivani is seen as a male figure, believed to be a bringer of doom and destruction
>North- Shivani is seen as a male figure, he is believed to be a god who is only to bring forth plague, destruction and death to the clans and forest

Aami's land is a fruit rich area! They do have natural veggies such as spring onions and garlic
But they grow, forage and collect a lot of the berries, fruits from trees and bushes! So these folk definitely have a sweet tooth to some degree! They are able to stomach things like dairy products and the occasional food that has concentrated sugar products in it- but because of how far they are from Altan, this is a rare occasion! They can not stomach meats of any kind, this includes fish and shellfish

Sweethearts Festival
The sweethearts festival is one unique to the clan of aami and celebrated everywhere in this clan! This takes place during the end of winter into the middle of spring as the late-est time! This is a festival for the sweethearts, the lovers or the platonic soulmates and bromances! It's a festival of love, all kinds of love! Usually a messenger or two from the clan will go to altan to purchase a big bag of sugar and other ingredients! The center point of the clan will get flooded with couples as a big bonfire is made and the sugar is melted down, flavored and spun into wonderous shapes- oftentimes they opt for hearts, stars, petals and flowers! The vespers will give each other these sweets and spend the night looking at the stars. This is usually the festival that many vespers propose to their mates!

Harvest Festival
This is a festival celebrating Daifa more commonly than not, but as not all clans have Daifa as a deity that they worship- this festival is also known to be the week of feasts! Seeing as the winter hibernation is something all but a handful of clans go through, this is the time that the vespers will finish fattening themselves up for the long slumber ahead!
There's two phases to this festival usually, there's the two week period where they will gather their crops and preserve some for after the hibernation and the rest will be gathered in the center point for the clan to be prepared into many meals for the next week! The second part of this festival is that Vesper families will reunite to feast and talk about the upcoming slumber and plans for the springtime! There's always a bit of music and a wondrous feeling to the group of vespers, this is often a festival kits will not remember until they get to the age of 3, but they do remember faint sounds and smells- Once the festival has come to pass and the leftover foods have been preserved, the vesper families will go their separate ways and seal themselves away to slumber

The Lunar Feast
The lunar feast is an end of summer- early fall festival that those in this clan celebrate! This is a festival that is a spin of the Lunar festival popularly attended in the clan of Jagnu! While it does not have the traditional garb, the sweet candies or the plays that go on that night- This lunar feast has some of the same elements and feeling to it! The feast is the same area as the rest, in the case of Aami it will always be the southern clan's area- the trees will have moon and star lanterns strung amongst its branches and the foods prepared all have some sort of lunar theme to them! It is a small celebration of Polaris and the beautiful night sky they prepare over the clan each and every night before they start their day, the elders and the kits of the clan will be given little slips of parchment that's covered in stars, each holding a bit of fein within

•Misc Details•
>The Native fruit for this clan is that of Cherries
>Aami is one clan to commonly use pebbles in proposals, Some do use the traditional method of using peacock feathers or replicas
>Aami is the home place where the folklore of the pull originated
>Pulls are highly celebrated in this clan and vespers are encouraged to find their mates and explore their feelings
>Trans vespers of the forest are helped with passing and transitioning! Aami has limited healing and medical knowledge but they have a safe passage alongside the empire to access Altan for the clans too far away
>Aami's kits are the ones that know the fable of the pull by heart and can recite it even when they are much older, it's a fable is told the most out of all in this clan
>Aami has a good education system! The kits from the clan are both knowledgeable in the forest, what they can survive on and how to read and write fluently!


"Sharp Edge"
A Clan of the Damned

Founded in 349
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
Acantha is one of the 5 clans that are known to be ruthless, rude and downright cruel and abusive to some extent. They are a power-oriented clan, the more powerful and strong you are- the higher of a rank you are in the eyes of this clan, that of course is if you meet certain thresholds. This is one of the worst clans to be an Ara for- aras are treated with no respect and there's often only 1 so they are weighed down with the guilt of, if they leave there's so many couples who will never get to have kits and the fact they'll be killed without a second thought. The Acantha border patrol is known to torment and maim vespers who try to leave the clan as well as maliciously tease and taunt passer-bys to try and get them to foolishly step into enemy territory. Some vespers are able to slip by, but not most and most are discouraged to find their mates as they know no vesper would be foolish enough to step in the dangerous territory. Needless to say, this clan is full of ruthless, reckless and disrespectful thugs. Granted not every single vesper hatched to this clan is but there's enough in the clan to make it known this way. Either way- Steer clear of Acantha, they have nothing but bad intentions for you and your friends and family

•Clan Environment Description•
Acantha is bordered by Aceldama, North and East Oblivion as well as the clan they have an alliance with: Olaug. Olaug and Acantha sharing a border makes it to where their vespers can move between clans without an issue- it's only when the vespers try to leave either territory where their lives are at stake. Anyhow, Acantha does not have good standings with any clan beyond Olaug and Empire- All of which have made a sort of treaty, as the Empire does not stand to face either yet. Acantha's northern border is up in the mountains and is less patrolled than anywhere else. So a majority of the clan, mostly in the north/North-east areas are more rocky and hilly while that of the south and south-west get flatter and easier to maneuver through. Their one massive river flows into the clan of Tiefe, so following the river would get you there quite fine- or an unexpected earth tremor, as that has been known to open up into the tiefe tunnels far below ground below the arena. The Arena itself is in the large area of land in the south-west of the territory, having formed hundreds of years ago by a meteor, the vespers of the clan had overtime cleared it out and carved it into the arena it is today!

•Typical Hut Description•
For the higher ups in the clans, they have the more typical hut build, but their huts are much bigger and contain 3 rooms instead of the typical 2! They live up in the trees if they are an Ara and up.
If you are a High rarity male to a Kit, you'll have a brick hut on the forest floor around the clan! They make mud bricks and build up these huts- some are more decrepit than others and they all have bark or woven leaf roofs, sometimes they'll have fur pelts depending on their status! Like all clans they do use fur pelts to seal their windows and doors for the winter hibernation with the addition of those higher than i high rarity male will use the best fur pelts to line their nests and make it extra comfy for them to exist within than the typical leaves. For those who live within the arena [This is explained in more detail later]- The arena itself is a crater in the earth that's been carved out to expand it- tunnels have been made in the ground that lead to the surface as well as to the many layers of stands that the arena has!
The Arena dog and Arena grunt quarters are shared- they have 2 massive rooms on either side of the arena. One for the dogs and one for the grunts, these rooms have rows of holes that have nests and a shelf for all of them to keep a bit of personal belongings and also have a place to sleep- these areas are simply for rest and not comfort, they work in the Arena after all.
And as for the prisoners- in a deeper area of the arena, there's multiple cells carved into the stone and earth, they are kept solitary in the dark, with an occasional grunt coming by to make sure they are alive.

Art by Dinoberry

Acantha's Hierarchy is straight forward and simple, It does not follow the standard that almost all the clans use, like its brethren Empire and Olaug, it has its own ideals and priorities

>Strongest Legendary or Rare Female, the Leader
>Her Guards
>Strong High Rarity Females
>Strong Low Rarity Females
>Strong High Rarity Males
>Strong Low Rarity Males
>Arena Guards
>Arena Grunts
>Arena 'Dogs'
>Imprisoned Trespassers
>Mutated folk
>Ailment folk
>Cursed folk

•Views on Goddesses•
This clan bans and will punish vespers for having an veiws on any of the goddesses, they can not and will not be worshiped in the clan of Acantha unless you have a death wish

Acantha vespers are omnivores, they have not committed to solely eating meat but since their start, they've forced lower rarities to do so as to make sure the arena prey do not go to waste- While this fucked up their stomachs it would eventually be mutated to where they could stomach such meats without making them vomit or feel extremely ill. Though of course this took many generations. Meat from rodents, small creatures like rabbits and foxes and occasionally a deer or moose would be considered a normal meal to the vespers of this clan. While the higher ranking vespers would never have to stoop that low which is something Acantha and Olaug do not see eye to eye on- and would feast on the best and most luxurious fruits, veggies and saps they can get their grabbers on. The higher rank you are, the better you eat- While those like the trespassers will be starved and left to their own devices in the underground cells


Death Day
Death day is a celebration that both Olaug and Acantha have on October 31st! It is their version of Nightmare night that the ponies celebrate. This is the one time in all of their lives that kits will be able to have fun and be normal children! This is more or less to cover up the truth behind the holiday/festival. Acantha and Olaug will meet at their border and perform a blood ritual to continue having their power in the forest for another year- they don't care what source gives them this as long as they can maintain status and strike fear into the hearts of those who hear whispers of their clan- often times the sacrificial lamb is a vesper of each leaders choice. This is performed by both leaders before they part ways with a mutual truce and alliance. However- on the other end! This is a night where kits from the ages of 1 to 8 will get to dress up and go pick a pumpkin from a cart olaug would bring over- the parents and the kits will sit and carve the pumpkin, filling it with a caramelized sugar before carving it into eat-able pieces and shared between the family- the kits often getting the most of the pumpkin! This is often the only good memories a kit will have from this clan

Arena Tournament
The Arena tournament happens in late spring and early summer- spanning for 3 weeks. This is when the prisoners of the clan and some arena dogs (The arena dogs can watch the event go down or sign up to participate) will compete in the tourney. All fights are to the death and if they refuse to kill the vesper a guard will step in and do it for them. This is, needless to say, very traumatizing for the vespers who are put through this for the sick entertainment of the acantha vespers. Oftentimes it'll start with prisoners sparing, to earn their place in the clan- going all the way up to fighting arena dogs- the last vesper alive will have a guaranteed decent life- being pulled to about the same rank as a high rarity male. So this is incentive for there to be bloodshed with little to no hesitation- Many vesper families will attend the event, make a weekend of it and some will spend their time placing bids with the vespers who are holding and maintaining said bids- while others will use a voice enhancer to make announcements as the fights go on- Needless to say this is a well anticipated event for many vespers, but also dreaded by those captured

Trial of strength
The Trial of Strength is a massively anticipated event for all aspiring females hatched in the clan of Acantha! This is a free-for-all that will select the leader of the clan for the next year. Any females 18 and above can participate in this battle- It takes place in the arena, all the vespers who signed up will stand along the walls of the arena, the leader will stand in the middle. The second she goes enraged- the battle begins. Some will try and wipe each other out of the competition right away- this is a no death battle as the clan values their strong women, vespers who kill in the tourney will be put down. Ways they can subdue their enemies is by breaking limbs or throwing them outside of the arena's walls into the stands. With how brutal this event can be, many vespers do come out with amputated limbs and killer scars- Often times the current leader can't be taken down, which is why she's leader in the first place- but on the occasion that does happen, after the clans hibernation, that vesper will be 'crowned' leader of the acantha clan and be able to select her guards

•Misc Details•
>The Native fruit for this clan is Oranges
>Most Vespers in this clan propose with a sharp, jagged and often polished rock, otherwise they use the traditional peacock feather method
>If you are not a Strong female, you cannot and will not be taught to read or write
>Most kits are taught combat before they are taught how to count and basic skills
>Vespers from this clan are naturally more aggressive and rude- Resource guarding is common when in another clan
>Rats and Mice are a clan favorites for quick snacks
>A lot of the arena grunts and arena dogs are good friends, having to share living quarters and all- but will not hesitate or bat an eye about tearing each others throats out
>Acantha vespers tend to find mates who are much softer and squishy in nature to balance them out
>These vespers have a more jagged and rough accent when speaking ponish and other languages
>Bastard clan in general, some will abandon their kits for merely being weak or disabled. if they are somehow able to survive and make their way back to the clan. theyll be welcomed and enter the clan as an Arena Dog
>Trans Femme/Trans Female vespers are heavily supported and encouraged in this clan
>The best chance you have of escaping this clan is either; befriending the patrol guards, befriending the arena guards or trying your luck at playing dead during an arena fight; though granted this is easier said than done and is more often to succeed during that of the Arena Tourney. Lets just hope you dont have a fear of corpses


"Field of Blood"
A Clan of Vampires

Founded in 108
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
Aceldama is bordered by the Empire, Altan, Daffodi and Acantha. Across the lakes they do have olaug but there's currently no way either clan will cross the water to fuck with one another or walk around. Aceldama as a whole is split into 3 groups and each group is different to their own discretion. Overall the clan is known to be regal, hush hush and more of a secret society feeling clan rather than the close-knit rowdy clan that most of the forest consists of. These vespers keep to themselves and mingle in their own small social circles. Not really having any festivals or events that are done as huge groups. Though of course there are the social butterflies who will be loud and rowdy, that's to be expected! These vespers are vampiric, meaning they drink blood.
This has caused the clan to divide into three sub-clans over the hundreds of years they've existed: The Resistance, The Embracers and The Middle. Resistance vespers are adamant on never showing their fangs, it's considered improper and will get a vesper scolded. They suppress all drinking urges and manage to bite back frenzies by drinking a substitute sap. They can and will force their ideals onto you- this part of the clan has probably been the single-handed reason no one goes into the territory or tries to. The Embracers are the opposite, they are more solitary and are either refined or completely feral. Either way they drink blood from willing vespers, including their own vampirics and also give the clan a bad rep. The middle ground is a group of vespers that drink solely from animals to quench their hunger. They are laid back, friendly and just wish the other two would stop shoving their ideals down the others throat. Overall there's an internal conflict

•Clan Environment Description•
Aceldama's clan is funnily enough- split into 3 separate sections due to how the rivers and lakes form. The further north-west you go, the sooner the trees and foliage becomes denser and will slowly shift to more and more willow trees, as they are rather close to the clan of tiefe, coming straight onto their border. This also means one of their main rivers is the last of the 3 major rivers that become the Tiefe clan waterfalls! They are also in the central forest, which means they do experience all seasons like the other clans in the same region on the map! Each of the subclans settled on a piece of land cut off by rivers. The resist sits on the furthest south land, the middle is in the middle and the embracers are the northmost part of the clan! Each of these clans tend to not interact very much but are still in good enough terms to be one 'unified' clan. Generally the clan has a very nice terrain, it's not too dense or hilly until you get closer to the Tiefe clan. Though you do need to be warned that there are very frequent earth tremors that will swallow vespers up whole. Aceldama and the other clans surrounding Tiefe have a large density of trees, flora and bioluminescent flowers.

•Typical Hut Description•
The general hut structure in Aceldama is an odd inbetween of what you would find in Altan and what your typical hut looks like. This also depends on what part of the clan you are visiting or living within. Generally! Those who feed into their bloodlust for their own kind and/or animals have huts closer to that of a more typical hut. The layout is built from wood, brick, mud and other resources they can get their grabbers on. These homes often have a maximum of 3 rooms; A General visitation or work room, a nesting room and a room for food storage. When it comes to their food storage; those who don't resist their blood intake will often have a dedicated room unless they are one who feeds off live animals. In this case it's common for folks to see pens with a range of livestock from cows to chickens to pigs. For those who drink other vespers blood however, they often have a dark, dry room where bags and/or barrels of blood supply is kept; these bags and barrels are often enchanted to keep it fresh and prevent spillage. Oftentimes these blood bank rooms have a multitude of things stored for future months [So bulk storage]. Though of course, those who drink primarily from animals can also have a blood bank room.
When it comes to those who resist their blood lust; they have less of your typical hut and more of what you would see in Altan; pony style homes. This is mostly because this part of the clan borders on Altan! [Based on the map; those who Embrace are closest to the Acantha and Daffodi borders, the middle is in the middle and then the resistance is on the border of Altan] This style of home often has 4-5 rooms; consisting of a nesting room, bathroom, kitchen, visitation room and that of a study or work room. Most vespers who move from other clans into one of these homes may feel like there is far too much space. Generally thought; these homes are made from brick, logs and other materials; sitting on the ground of the forest floor or some built up in the trees on supports. They have tiled roofs and often have garden boxes or gardens beside them that grow the native fruit of the clan; Bloodfruit. This amongst other veggies are what's typically grown in an attempt to keep themselves nutritious and keep hunger back.

Art by Dinoberry

This is actually the standard for almost every clan beyond the dead clans + the Empire, Acantha and Olaug who follow their own rules and ideals

>Elder Council
>Elder Females
>Protector Jobs
>General Labor Jobs
>Kit Based Jobs
>Adult Females
>Mutated folk
>Ailment folk
>Cursed folk

•Views on Goddesses•

Views on Polaris:
The general consensus of this goddess is that she is seen as a female figure; a guide amongst the stars that both cursed and blessed this clan with the ability to consume more than the flesh of fruits and vegetables. She is respected but not a major goddess within this clan by any means. Most from this clan can all agree on their views for her; the real discourse comes from that of the other two.

Views on Daifa
Daifa is a heavily reveired and beloved goddess within this side of the clan, they beleive if they follow her that they can free themselves of the curse that Shivani had placed upon them. Daifa is a female figure that is often beleived to be a goddess of harvest, purity and salvation.
Daifa is seen as a genderless figure, neither deeply worship nor rarely worshiped; they are always thanked for the meal given when an animal is slaughtered to feed a vespers family for months to come. They are seen as a deity of Harvest, Life and Sacrifice.
The Embrace rarely worship this god, Daifa is seen as a masculine figure that is often refered to for Harvest; good luck and knowledge of the earth around them. They do not see him as a significant god; which results in some conflict

Views on Shivani
The Resistance utterly and actively dispises this god. Shivani is a god that you can get outcasted or banished from the clan for worshiping. He is seen as a masculine figure that brings forth a disgusting hunger; plauge, corruption and death. Most speak very ill of this god which causes this to be a conflict.
Those within this part of the clan see Shivani as a Female figure; she is the mother of corrupts and mythics alike. And is equally worshiped alongside the other goddesses as if she is no lesser. Shivani is seen as a figure who can both give and take; a goddess of blood and famine.
Those apart of the Embrace see Shivani as a god, a masculine figure. He is beloved for being a father of corrupts and mythics. The properties of those bloods being rumored to have his touch; which explains why it always heals the body. Shivani is seen as a god of healing, blood and death.

Generally as explained in an earlier section; Aceldama is a clan full of Vampiric vespers. They consume blood; be it from their own kind, animals or if they take a replacement sap. This bloodlust comes with a frenzy; in which a vesper can lose complete control due to a starvation caused by not drinking; this can happen even if the vesper has a full stomach from eating fruits and veggies! Generally vespers of this clan can either solely survive off drinking blood or having a replacement sap and eating fruits/veggies! The way they get this replacement sap is from their native fruit; the Bloodfruit. It is a deep red circle-esc fruit that resembles a cross between a coconut and cherry. This fruit has a hard shell, similar to that of a coconut! When cracked open, a shiny red liquid will be harvested and the gummy ref fruit will be cut out and often sold to altan as all they really need is that red sap; It's a blood replacement. This sap holds the same nutrients these vespers would get from drinking blood and acts as a slightly effective way to reduce their thirst, though granted they need to consume a lot more of it than if they would drink from an animal or vesper. Those who drink from a vesper only need to feed once every 3 days, those who go off animals only need to drink once every day and a half. As for where those who drink vesper blood get their source of it; well that can be summarized by a secretive 'speakeasy' club known as the Black Rose Society or the B.R.S [Contact Keeble for info]. The blood has different flavors depending on what color it is; this list can be found in general information.


The Feast
This festival belongs to the part of the clan either known as the Middle or those who drink from Animals! This is a night to celebrate and thank the goddesses for their blessings and to give proper thanks to the animals they have consumed over the past year. This is an event typically done right before the hibernation preparation is coming to an end. Vespers of the clan will set up shrines to the goddesses and leave offerings of handcrafted jewelry, wooden statues, armor, fein, or anything of their belonging that holds deep value and/or meaning to the vesper. Amongst this activity; the vespers will gather the bones of the animals they harvested the blood from [The meat does not go to waste; its often sold to Olaug and Altan] and clean them before letting folks pick out a bone to carve; The order often goes- Elders, Kits, Teenagers, Adults. They will carve stories, thank you notes, small love letters- anything that speaks to the mood towards the animal who gave its life and before the feast starts; they'll add their bones to a pile in a bonfire pit. The clan elder will say a few words as extravagant veggie/fruit dishes and animal blood is served to all who attend. The feast lasts from the start of the bonfire to when the bones become nothing but ashes in the bottom of the pit. The event is a rewarding one; giving back to the gods and the animals in their own way as well as finishing the fattening up they need for the hibernation to come

Blood Moon
Blood moon is an event celebrated by those who embrace their core nature; Beasts who drink the blood of their own kind. This is a celebration that revels in celebrating Shivani and who these vespers are at their core; there is no shame. This event happens twice a year with the coming and the going of a blood moon. During this time the clan will openly speak and celebrate the source of the blood they get and they'll drink until they feel like they'll pop. vespers will dance and share stories; listening to music and offering multiple shades and tones of blood to shivani; be it their own or some they purchased. Often times the small fountain they have for the goddess will look like a rainbow swirled together in celebration of her for the night [Its often deeply cleaned after this event as to keep the clan in its pristine state once the night of letting loose and being your inner self is done] The vespers who come to this event who never have before are often taken off guard by the sudden switch in the clans personality; from being proper and pristine to being messy, loud and carefree for the single night.Once they do let loose; its easier to return to the normalcy of keeping the beast inside and quenched with the blood secretly purchased in the dark recesses of the forest.

The Fasting
This event is hosted by that of the resistance part of the clan. As a core part of this clan is rejecting the core of their being; a beast who needs the blood of their own kind or of another animal. Because of the beliefs and ideals pushed onto the vespers who grow up in this clan this is an event that can be widely anticipated. The event itself is rather dangerous when it comes down to it, as the vespers who partake will be chained to the center tree and/or trees around the main tree and will not be released until they go into a frenzy; which can cause the vesper to occasionally go into a cardiac arrest and or starve to death. This can happen due to starvation; when the frenzy is triggered the fact that they are starving puts their body into shock as a wave of strong adrenaline hits, causing a huge amount of stress and ultimately a vespers untimely death. Though this is a rare case as many tap out before this can happen. Vespers are very cheered on during this event and many are highly praised and treated like royalty when they make it past the safe amount of days one can fast; that being 3 days. Once the event is over; these vespers are slowly reintroduced to food and sap; given a lot of time to recover from it while given praise no matter how long they fully lasted; being called brave and inspiring for trying.

•Misc Details•
>The native fruit of this clan is the Bloodfruit [Very well named I know]
>Generally vespers from this clan often will seek out the smoothest, smallest and prettiest pebbles they can or they will offer a peacock feather to their mate in order to 'pop the question' 
>Vespers from this clan are very well educated no matter where they come from; though granted that those in some areas *cough* the resistence *cough* are often fed propaganda
>Vespers apart of the Middle and the Embracing are the face of the clan and the reason why they have the antisocial, prestine and proper image
>Outside of this clan, drinking from other vespers is considered very taboo and very discouraged or punishable
>The method of getting the blood is mostly unknown by those who buy, the practices of the main sourcer [The Black Rose Society] are less than appealing, so they never advertise it
>The BRS is very secretive and can only be learned about through word of mouth; this is the biggest blood provider/club for vampiric vespers
>Vespers in this clan are often taught at a young age to keep their fangs hidden; to be respectful and to never drink infront of another living being besides family and friends
>Despite it being a topic most try to hide, unfortunatly the topic of how a vesper feeds and blood itself is very much discussed and very much more important to this clan and its society than most would want
>For a Mate Claiming Cermony; instead of exchanging scales and biting the neck of their mate; instead they will cut the palm of their grabbers and will combine their bloods. The binding potion will then heal this spot over as a scar.


A Clan of Mythics

Founded in 353
Fell in 1287

•Clans Nature/Description•
Akal use to be located within the borders of West Oblivion, Alma, Jagnu, Von and Nekane. It was and has always been known as a Clan of Mythics and believed to be Eternal. Overall this clan is very much a safe haven and a nice place to live; having little worry of being discriminated against if you have mutations or were born with an ailment you couldn't control! The vespers of Akal had open arms and a deep love for the goddesses and the mythics. It's rumored that a lot of the mythics hatched there had never heard or been from the clan in their previous life; it's as if the goddesses plucked them from the dangers and placed them into a place where they could grow up and live a happy life. Generally! This clan had really strong alliances and trade with its neighboring clans; Nekane being its biggest source of some ponish goods and services. They are very much known to have a more close-knit; save and welcoming environment, which is something a lot of vespers will actively seek out. On the sadder end of this; its known that a lot of kits or vespers who have had or are going through rough lives - will often pray to the goddesses that if they have a second chance; they go there. Nowadays; that hope has been lost as the clan fell.

•Clan Environment Description•
Akal used to be located within the borders of West Oblivion, Alma, Jagnu, Von and Nekane. Being nestled right up in the area that was flat lands for the most part and one main river that divided into smaller streams and creeks as it went along! The forest in this area was never too dense until it got much closer to that of Vons territory. When you'd get closer to that of West Oblivion the terrain would get more rocky and trees more spacious; but the heart of the clan was located closer to Nekanes old border. Their biggest landmark is that of a dark blue barked tree; having silver-y blue leaves that grew two types of fruit all year round. This legend is called the 'God Tree'; the final resting place of the goddesses Daifa and Polaris. The clan was founded and very lively around this center tree. Luck would have it that the clan is far enough away from Teife that the earth tremors that a lot of other clans experience; do not reach far enough to do any damage. Before the Empire took over their territory; Akal made the decision to sell the god tree's land to Nekane to keep it protected from the horror of a clan who would do nothing but destroy it.

•Typical Hut Description•
Akal's huts follow the more standard build for what a hut is.
These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room. Oftentimes these homes will have little garden boxes on the same branch of their homes. Having made use of the forest floor, they'd create a shallow bed with the planks, fill it with dirt and grow some fruit or veggie bushes to soak up the rain! This also provides them with delicious foods- Oftentimes they use the leaves from their trees, which the closer they get to tiefe become willow trees, as tiefe is surrounded by willows! The willow tree has some of the best greenery to use for doors and windows- usually being preserved with magic to stay green all year! Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry


Akal, on the terms of their Hieracrhy, theres not a very structured one. They value their members more than most clans! Their ranking goes as:

>Elder Council
>Mythic Females
>Mythic Males
>Working Adults

•Views on Goddesses•

Views on Polaris

The clan being as united as it is; they share very very similar ideas on who the goddesses are and so; all of these three will only have one view listed! Polaris is seen as a femine figure that is highly praised and looked to for guidance and wisdom. A Goddess of the Afterlife, Life, Rebirth, Knowledge, and Direction. Many shrines are dedicated to this goddess amongst the clan's various sections. She is believed to be buried under the side of the god tree that produces the Moonfruits; Crescent shaped Blue Java Bananas.

Views on Daifa
As stated above; the clan is rather united so their views are just about the same. Daifa is seen as a femenine figure and the mate of the goddess Polaris. Many will pray to her for fortunes of luck, wealth and harvest. She is a goddess of Fertility, Agriculture, Love, Flora/Fauna and Magic. Daifa is another heavily celebrated and loved goddess amongst the different parts of this clan; She is beleived to be buried beside Polaris under the part of the god tree that grows that of starfruit. Many rumor this is because Polaris always called her 'Little Star' - Many folklore within the clan often refer to this little detail

Veiws on  Shivani
Generally; this clan does not know nor cares for the existance of this goddess; thus there is really no veiws from anywhere in the clan for this specific one.

Akal's land is very rich in vegetables! Their main source of fruit is that of the one the god tree produces year round, beyond this they do have things such as wild berries!
You are more likely to come across things like salads, soups and such made from the vegetables that are commonly grown; be that of pumpkins, gourds, cucumbers and so on and so forth! Many vespers in this clan have a natural lactose intolerance which can make it very difficult for them to enjoy sweets and other confectionates that come from the clan of Altan. They are unable to eat any sort of seafood or meat; this is not a clan that has developed the ability to do so; so places such as Tiefe, Acantha or the Empire for example, would be difficult to find restaurants that sell more veggie and fruit dishes than that of meat or seafood ones.


Night of the Pheonix
This is an event that happens once a year on the two week mark before that of the winter preparations. As this clan often houses a minimum of 5 mythics at any given 100 years or so; this is an event run by the mythics to give back to the clan for their generous care. This is a festival/event that surrounds the legend of the great landmark of the clan; the God Tree. Mythics will dawn traditional garb as to retell the legend of the tree; using magic amplifiers to project their voices and have effects. It tells the love story between the goddesses Polaris and Daifa; and tells of how they eventually die to the tricks of a horrid beast. How the tree grew from their bodies and that their magic and souls are within the trees themselves so that's why they are always in bloom. However the legend does not end there; it often ends with the talk of daifa returning from the earth; like a phoenix rises from its ashes; to once again guide the vesper kind until she is ready again to meet her lover in the night sky. The performance is often ended with two mythics on opposite sides; three in the middle with one raised as they shoot multi-colored magical flames into the sky in the shape of a phoenix. It's a well anticipated event for those who live within, especially as a kit. Every year there are market stalls for kits and families to purchase items and food; the mythics will personally attend to giving the elder council food and drink during this time.

Mythical Parade
While the Night of the Phoenix is a way for the mythics to give back to their community; the opposite is true for the Mythical parade; this event happens once throughout the middle of August-November as to celebrate the mythics hatchdays in one go; in one huge extravagant event! The newest hatched mythic is often forged something of a small crown of gold and sits in the middle of the lined up mythics as they sit on a stage in view of the clan. The mythics will be dawned in robes and gold; jewelry and paint as well; they are treated to a wonderful feast as a small parade goes on in their honor. This parade often contains music, small performance numbers and floats/lanterns made in the image or designed to be something that the mythics enjoy. Once the food and parade are concluded; members of the clan can approach the mythics and offer them a variety of hatch-day gifts; be it a handcrafted item to some fien. The Mythics are usually very humble about this event and graciously accept the gifts. The only true downside to this grand birthday is that no mythic in this clan will ever have a small, private event for the times they age another year. As in Akal it is a very very public and well known event.

•Misc Details•
>This Clans Natural Fruits are that of a Blue Java Banana and a Starfruit; also known as the MoonFruit and Starfruit. These grow all year by the God Tree
>This clan is very traditional when it comes to popping the question; They often use Peacock feathers passed through family line to family line or newly purchased feathers. Most will not accept a feather unless it is a pure, authentic peacock feather. Which is difficult to come by as peacocks are near-extinct
>Education is an equal opprotunity for all the vespers within this clan and it is saught out by parents so their kits are prepared to exist in the forest when they come of age.
>Trans vespers are hevaily supported in this clan! This is where the 'goddesses fixing a mistake of a wrong body' legend comes from!
>Mythics are very much adored public figures in this clan; this can result in some very egotistical and materialistic mythics; or it can cause a mythic to flee the clan to live a much more peaceful life.
>This is the only clan amongst the forest that wouldnt have ever judged a vesper based off the mutations or ailments they have; treating both males and females the same if not on a Mythic/Elder scale.

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