
Aami, Acantha, Aceldama, Akal (Vesper Subtype)

The clans are the most important part of the vesper lore, arguably.
The information here is mostly open ended, giving you the oldest clan year and the newest clan year to current time- you can fit in personal aus in this set up easily


"One who is Loved Dearly"
A Clan from Love

Founded in 102, First clan to rise
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
The clan of Aami is located in the central forest. The clans of Alma, Von Tiefe, Daffodi, Aceldama and the Empire border it! They have good standings with mostly all clans besides the Empire, Olaug and Acantha, they are on slightly aggressive terms with them. Aami is and has always been a pacifistic clan to some extent though, believing more in the good and light of things than worry about the looming war and threats of death that linger around the darker edges of the forest. Aami as a whole is a clan that is close knit and usually very sweet. Arguments don't happen often and the clans are known to protect one another from the invading Empire troops who come in every once in a while, the clan is still strong enough to keep the empire at bay. Aami is described to be a clan full of hopeless romantics, those who have their heads up in the clouds and starry eyes- while this is true for a majority of the clan, not all vespers who live here fall under this typical or 'perfect' aami vesper idea . Aami vespers are strong and full of passion and love for the things they do and for those they protect. This is the main reason the Empire has not taken their territory thus far. The elder council is the backbone of the clan and well beloved by those who live here or have come in from other clans. They do not treat outsiders with distaste- or at least try to with vespers coming from clans they don't have the best relationships with -so even those who have run from Olaug and Acantha can try to find a loving home here.

•Clan Environment Desc•
Aami is within the center of the forest, seeing as the forest spans over a continent in its own right- they have a fairly moderate climate. Aami experiences all the seasons, winters are mild, summers are hot, springs kick up a ton of allergies (So rip any vespers with major allergies who live here) and fall is a beautiful season! The clan has 4 separate major clans within its territory, each having 4 elders within the elder council that meets in the Southern Aami Clan. All the clans are built roughly the same- Having up to 3-4 huts on one of the massive trees alone, to the elder hut taking up an entire tree by its lonesome. In the heart of the clan there is an island that has rivers stemming from all sides, the largest going into the Tiefe Clan as one of the 3 waterfalls. The island is heavily avoided as it's rumored to have a rogue group of vespers who travel by boat and rob any vespers they see with gold- or shiny, expensive looking weres! Overall the general terrain is pretty flat but has a lot of flora! Aami and the other clans surrounding Tiefe have a large density of trees, flora and bioluminescent flowers.

•Typical Hut Desc•
Aami's huts are pretty standard! They were one of the first clans to set up well- the standard hut! These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room, Aami is one of the few clans to have roof gardens! Having made use of the forest floor, they'd create a shallow bed with the planks, fill it with dirt and grow some fruit or veggie bushes to soak up the rain! This also provides them with delicious foods- Oftentimes they use the leaves from their trees, which the closer they get to tiefe become willow trees, as tiefe is surrounded by willows! The willow tree has some of the best greenery to use for doors and windows- usually being preserved with magic to stay green all year! Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry

Aami's Hierarchy is straight forward and simple, this is actually the standard for almost every clan beyond the dead clans + the Empire, Acantha and Olaug who follow their own rules and ideals

>Elder Council
>Elder Females
>Protector Jobs
>General Labor Jobs
>Kit Based Jobs
>Adult Females
>Mutated folk
>Ailment folk
>Cursed folk

•Views on Goddesses•
Every clan has a different view on the goddesses, this includes the sub-clans within the main ones! Oftentimes these meanings can be the same but they view the goddess as a god or deity instead!

Views on Polaris:
>South - Polaris is seen as female, the goddess of the stars and moon
>West - Polaris is seen as male, a god of the stars and moon - He is mainly worshiped here
>East - Polaris is seen as a female, a goddess of life and spirits
>North - Polaris is seen as genderless, a deity of life, stars and the spirits - They are mainly worshiped here

Views on Daifa:

>South - Daifa is seen a male, he is a bringer of harvest and love - He is mainly worshiped here
>West - Daifa is seen as a genderless being, They are believed to breathe life into the species and bring them a bountiful harvest
>East - Daifa is seen as Female, She is the goddess who brings love and peace to the clans, prayed to for a plentiful harvest or mating season
>North - Daifa is seen as a genderless being, They are pictured frequently as a deity who brings good fortune to fertility and growth

Views on Shivani:

>South - Shivani is seen as a male figure, he is whispered to be the god of doom and death, most avoid every mentioning or worshiping to him- this goes for all of the Aami clan as a whole
>West - Shivani is seen as a female, she is thought to be a goddess of death and destruction
>East - Shivani is seen as a male figure, believed to be a bringer of doom and destruction
>North- Shivani is seen as a male figure, he is believed to be a god who is only to bring forth plague, destruction and death to the clans and forest

Aami's land is a fruit rich area! They do have natural veggies such as spring onions and garlic
But they grow, forage and collect a lot of the berries, fruits from trees and bushes! So these folk definitely have a sweet tooth to some degree! They are able to stomach things like dairy products and the occasional food that has concentrated sugar products in it- but because of how far they are from Altan, this is a rare occasion! They can not stomach meats of any kind, this includes fish and shellfish

Sweethearts Festival
The sweethearts festival is one unique to the clan of aami and celebrated everywhere in this clan! This takes place during the end of winter into the middle of spring as the late-est time! This is a festival for the sweethearts, the lovers or the platonic soulmates and bromances! It's a festival of love, all kinds of love! Usually a messenger or two from the clan will go to altan to purchase a big bag of sugar and other ingredients! The center point of the clan will get flooded with couples as a big bonfire is made and the sugar is melted down, flavored and spun into wonderous shapes- oftentimes they opt for hearts, stars, petals and flowers! The vespers will give each other these sweets and spend the night looking at the stars. This is usually the festival that many vespers propose to their mates!

Harvest Festival
This is a festival celebrating Daifa more commonly than not, but as not all clans have Daifa as a deity that they worship- this festival is also known to be the week of feasts! Seeing as the winter hibernation is something all but a handful of clans go through, this is the time that the vespers will finish fattening themselves up for the long slumber ahead!
There's two phases to this festival usually, there's the two week period where they will gather their crops and preserve some for after the hibernation and the rest will be gathered in the center point for the clan to be prepared into many meals for the next week! The second part of this festival is that Vesper families will reunite to feast and talk about the upcoming slumber and plans for the springtime! There's always a bit of music and a wondrous feeling to the group of vespers, this is often a festival kits will not remember until they get to the age of 3, but they do remember faint sounds and smells- Once the festival has come to pass and the leftover foods have been preserved, the vesper families will go their separate ways and seal themselves away to slumber

The Lunar Feast
The lunar feast is an end of summer- early fall festival that those in this clan celebrate! This is a festival that is a spin of the Lunar festival popularly attended in the clan of Jagnu! While it does not have the traditional garb, the sweet candies or the plays that go on that night- This lunar feast has some of the same elements and feeling to it! The feast is the same area as the rest, in the case of Aami it will always be the southern clan's area- the trees will have moon and star lanterns strung amongst its branches and the foods prepared all have some sort of lunar theme to them! It is a small celebration of Polaris and the beautiful night sky they prepare over the clan each and every night before they start their day, the elders and the kits of the clan will be given little slips of parchment that's covered in stars, each holding a bit of fein within

•Misc Details•
>The Native fruit for this clan is that of Cherries
>Aami is one clan to commonly use pebbles in proposals, Some do use the traditional method of using peacock feathers or replicas
>Aami is the home place where the folklore of the pull originated
>Pulls are highly celebrated in this clan and vespers are encouraged to find their mates and explore their feelings
>Trans vespers of the forest are helped with passing and transitioning! Aami has limited healing and medical knowledge but they have a safe passage alongside the empire to access Altan for the clans too far away
>Aami's kits are the ones that know the fable of the pull by heart and can recite it even when they are much older, it's a fable is told the most out of all in this clan
>Aami has a good education system! The kits from the clan are both knowledgeable in the forest, what they can survive on and how to read and write fluently!


"Sharp Edge"
A Clan of the Damned

Founded in 349
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
Acantha is one of the 5 clans that are known to be ruthless, rude and downright cruel and abusive to some extent. They are a power-oriented clan, the more powerful and strong you are- the higher of a rank you are in the eyes of this clan, that of course is if you meet certain thresholds. This is one of the worst clans to be an Ara for- aras are treated with no respect and there's often only 1 so they are weighed down with the guilt of, if they leave there's so many couples who will never get to have kits and the fact they'll be killed without a second thought. The Acantha border patrol is known to torment and maim vespers who try to leave the clan as well as maliciously tease and taunt passer-bys to try and get them to foolishly step into enemy territory. Some vespers are able to slip by, but not most and most are discouraged to find their mates as they know no vesper would be foolish enough to step in the dangerous territory. Needless to say, this clan is full of ruthless, reckless and disrespectful thugs. Granted not every single vesper hatched to this clan is but there's enough in the clan to make it known this way. Either way- Steer clear of Acantha, they have nothing but bad intentions for you and your friends and family

•Clan Environment Description•
Acantha is bordered by Aceldama, North and East Oblivion as well as the clan they have an alliance with: Olaug. Olaug and Acantha sharing a border makes it to where their vespers can move between clans without an issue- it's only when the vespers try to leave either territory where their lives are at stake. Anyhow, Acantha does not have good standings with any clan beyond Olaug and Empire- All of which have made a sort of treaty, as the Empire does not stand to face either yet. Acantha's northern border is up in the mountains and is less patrolled than anywhere else. So a majority of the clan, mostly in the north/North-east areas are more rocky and hilly while that of the south and south-west get flatter and easier to maneuver through. Their one massive river flows into the clan of Tiefe, so following the river would get you there quite fine- or an unexpected earth tremor, as that has been known to open up into the tiefe tunnels far below ground below the arena. The Arena itself is in the large area of land in the south-west of the territory, having formed hundreds of years ago by a meteor, the vespers of the clan had overtime cleared it out and carved it into the arena it is today!

•Typical Hut Description•
For the higher ups in the clans, they have the more typical hut build, but their huts are much bigger and contain 3 rooms instead of the typical 2! They live up in the trees if they are an Ara and up.
If you are a High rarity male to a Kit, you'll have a brick hut on the forest floor around the clan! They make mud bricks and build up these huts- some are more decrepit than others and they all have bark or woven leaf roofs, sometimes they'll have fur pelts depending on their status! Like all clans they do use fur pelts to seal their windows and doors for the winter hibernation with the addition of those higher than i high rarity male will use the best fur pelts to line their nests and make it extra comfy for them to exist within than the typical leaves. For those who live within the arena [This is explained in more detail later]- The arena itself is a crater in the earth that's been carved out to expand it- tunnels have been made in the ground that lead to the surface as well as to the many layers of stands that the arena has!
The Arena dog and Arena grunt quarters are shared- they have 2 massive rooms on either side of the arena. One for the dogs and one for the grunts, these rooms have rows of holes that have nests and a shelf for all of them to keep a bit of personal belongings and also have a place to sleep- these areas are simply for rest and not comfort, they work in the Arena after all.
And as for the prisoners- in a deeper area of the arena, there's multiple cells carved into the stone and earth, they are kept solitary in the dark, with an occasional grunt coming by to make sure they are alive.

Art by Dinoberry

Acantha's Hierarchy is straight forward and simple, It does not follow the standard that almost all the clans use, like its brethren Empire and Olaug, it has its own ideals and priorities

>Strongest Legendary or Rare Female, the Leader
>Her Guards
>Strong High Rarity Females
>Strong Low Rarity Females
>Strong High Rarity Males
>Strong Low Rarity Males
>Arena Guards
>Arena Grunts
>Arena 'Dogs'
>Imprisoned Trespassers
>Mutated folk
>Ailment folk
>Cursed folk

•Views on Goddesses•
This clan bans and will punish vespers for having an veiws on any of the goddesses, they can not and will not be worshiped in the clan of Acantha unless you have a death wish

Acantha vespers are omnivores, they have not committed to solely eating meat but since their start, they've forced lower rarities to do so as to make sure the arena prey do not go to waste- While this fucked up their stomachs it would eventually be mutated to where they could stomach such meats without making them vomit or feel extremely ill. Though of course this took many generations. Meat from rodents, small creatures like rabbits and foxes and occasionally a deer or moose would be considered a normal meal to the vespers of this clan. While the higher ranking vespers would never have to stoop that low which is something Acantha and Olaug do not see eye to eye on- and would feast on the best and most luxurious fruits, veggies and saps they can get their grabbers on. The higher rank you are, the better you eat- While those like the trespassers will be starved and left to their own devices in the underground cells


Death Day
Death day is a celebration that both Olaug and Acantha have on October 31st! It is their version of Nightmare night that the ponies celebrate. This is the one time in all of their lives that kits will be able to have fun and be normal children! This is more or less to cover up the truth behind the holiday/festival. Acantha and Olaug will meet at their border and perform a blood ritual to continue having their power in the forest for another year- they don't care what source gives them this as long as they can maintain status and strike fear into the hearts of those who hear whispers of their clan- often times the sacrificial lamb is a vesper of each leaders choice. This is performed by both leaders before they part ways with a mutual truce and alliance. However- on the other end! This is a night where kits from the ages of 1 to 8 will get to dress up and go pick a pumpkin from a cart olaug would bring over- the parents and the kits will sit and carve the pumpkin, filling it with a caramelized sugar before carving it into eat-able pieces and shared between the family- the kits often getting the most of the pumpkin! This is often the only good memories a kit will have from this clan

Arena Tournament
The Arena tournament happens in late spring and early summer- spanning for 3 weeks. This is when the prisoners of the clan and some arena dogs (The arena dogs can watch the event go down or sign up to participate) will compete in the tourney. All fights are to the death and if they refuse to kill the vesper a guard will step in and do it for them. This is, needless to say, very traumatizing for the vespers who are put through this for the sick entertainment of the acantha vespers. Oftentimes it'll start with prisoners sparing, to earn their place in the clan- going all the way up to fighting arena dogs- the last vesper alive will have a guaranteed decent life- being pulled to about the same rank as a high rarity male. So this is incentive for there to be bloodshed with little to no hesitation- Many vesper families will attend the event, make a weekend of it and some will spend their time placing bids with the vespers who are holding and maintaining said bids- while others will use a voice enhancer to make announcements as the fights go on- Needless to say this is a well anticipated event for many vespers, but also dreaded by those captured

Trial of strength
The Trial of Strength is a massively anticipated event for all aspiring females hatched in the clan of Acantha! This is a free-for-all that will select the leader of the clan for the next year. Any females 18 and above can participate in this battle- It takes place in the arena, all the vespers who signed up will stand along the walls of the arena, the leader will stand in the middle. The second she goes enraged- the battle begins. Some will try and wipe each other out of the competition right away- this is a no death battle as the clan values their strong women, vespers who kill in the tourney will be put down. Ways they can subdue their enemies is by breaking limbs or throwing them outside of the arena's walls into the stands. With how brutal this event can be, many vespers do come out with amputated limbs and killer scars- Often times the current leader can't be taken down, which is why she's leader in the first place- but on the occasion that does happen, after the clans hibernation, that vesper will be 'crowned' leader of the acantha clan and be able to select her guards

•Misc Details•
>The Native fruit for this clan is Oranges
>Most Vespers in this clan propose with a sharp, jagged and often polished rock, otherwise they use the traditional peacock feather method
>If you are not a Strong female, you cannot and will not be taught to read or write
>Most kits are taught combat before they are taught how to count and basic skills
>Vespers from this clan are naturally more aggressive and rude- Resource guarding is common when in another clan
>Rats and Mice are a clan favorites for quick snacks
>A lot of the arena grunts and arena dogs are good friends, having to share living quarters and all- but will not hesitate or bat an eye about tearing each others throats out
>Acantha vespers tend to find mates who are much softer and squishy in nature to balance them out
>These vespers have a more jagged and rough accent when speaking ponish and other languages
>Bastard clan in general, some will abandon their kits for merely being weak or disabled. if they are somehow able to survive and make their way back to the clan. theyll be welcomed and enter the clan as an Arena Dog
>Trans Femme/Trans Female vespers are heavily supported and encouraged in this clan
>The best chance you have of escaping this clan is either; befriending the patrol guards, befriending the arena guards or trying your luck at playing dead during an arena fight; though granted this is easier said than done and is more often to succeed during that of the Arena Tourney. Lets just hope you dont have a fear of corpses


"Field of Blood"
A Clan of Vampires

Founded in 108
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
Aceldama is bordered by the Empire, Altan, Daffodi and Acantha. Across the lakes they do have olaug but there's currently no way either clan will cross the water to fuck with one another or walk around. Aceldama as a whole is split into 3 groups and each group is different to their own discretion. Overall the clan is known to be regal, hush hush and more of a secret society feeling clan rather than the close-knit rowdy clan that most of the forest consists of. These vespers keep to themselves and mingle in their own small social circles. Not really having any festivals or events that are done as huge groups. Though of course there are the social butterflies who will be loud and rowdy, that's to be expected! These vespers are vampiric, meaning they drink blood.
This has caused the clan to divide into three sub-clans over the hundreds of years they've existed: The Resistance, The Embracers and The Middle. Resistance vespers are adamant on never showing their fangs, it's considered improper and will get a vesper scolded. They suppress all drinking urges and manage to bite back frenzies by drinking a substitute sap. They can and will force their ideals onto you- this part of the clan has probably been the single-handed reason no one goes into the territory or tries to. The Embracers are the opposite, they are more solitary and are either refined or completely feral. Either way they drink blood from willing vespers, including their own vampirics and also give the clan a bad rep. The middle ground is a group of vespers that drink solely from animals to quench their hunger. They are laid back, friendly and just wish the other two would stop shoving their ideals down the others throat. Overall there's an internal conflict

•Clan Environment Description•
Aceldama's clan is funnily enough- split into 3 separate sections due to how the rivers and lakes form. The further north-west you go, the sooner the trees and foliage becomes denser and will slowly shift to more and more willow trees, as they are rather close to the clan of tiefe, coming straight onto their border. This also means one of their main rivers is the last of the 3 major rivers that become the Tiefe clan waterfalls! They are also in the central forest, which means they do experience all seasons like the other clans in the same region on the map! Each of the subclans settled on a piece of land cut off by rivers. The resist sits on the furthest south land, the middle is in the middle and the embracers are the northmost part of the clan! Each of these clans tend to not interact very much but are still in good enough terms to be one 'unified' clan. Generally the clan has a very nice terrain, it's not too dense or hilly until you get closer to the Tiefe clan. Though you do need to be warned that there are very frequent earth tremors that will swallow vespers up whole. Aceldama and the other clans surrounding Tiefe have a large density of trees, flora and bioluminescent flowers.

•Typical Hut Description•
The general hut structure in Aceldama is an odd inbetween of what you would find in Altan and what your typical hut looks like. This also depends on what part of the clan you are visiting or living within. Generally! Those who feed into their bloodlust for their own kind and/or animals have huts closer to that of a more typical hut. The layout is built from wood, brick, mud and other resources they can get their grabbers on. These homes often have a maximum of 3 rooms; A General visitation or work room, a nesting room and a room for food storage. When it comes to their food storage; those who don't resist their blood intake will often have a dedicated room unless they are one who feeds off live animals. In this case it's common for folks to see pens with a range of livestock from cows to chickens to pigs. For those who drink other vespers blood however, they often have a dark, dry room where bags and/or barrels of blood supply is kept; these bags and barrels are often enchanted to keep it fresh and prevent spillage. Oftentimes these blood bank rooms have a multitude of things stored for future months [So bulk storage]. Though of course, those who drink primarily from animals can also have a blood bank room.
When it comes to those who resist their blood lust; they have less of your typical hut and more of what you would see in Altan; pony style homes. This is mostly because this part of the clan borders on Altan! [Based on the map; those who Embrace are closest to the Acantha and Daffodi borders, the middle is in the middle and then the resistance is on the border of Altan] This style of home often has 4-5 rooms; consisting of a nesting room, bathroom, kitchen, visitation room and that of a study or work room. Most vespers who move from other clans into one of these homes may feel like there is far too much space. Generally thought; these homes are made from brick, logs and other materials; sitting on the ground of the forest floor or some built up in the trees on supports. They have tiled roofs and often have garden boxes or gardens beside them that grow the native fruit of the clan; Bloodfruit. This amongst other veggies are what's typically grown in an attempt to keep themselves nutritious and keep hunger back.

Art by Dinoberry

This is actually the standard for almost every clan beyond the dead clans + the Empire, Acantha and Olaug who follow their own rules and ideals

>Elder Council
>Elder Females
>Protector Jobs
>General Labor Jobs
>Kit Based Jobs
>Adult Females
>Mutated folk
>Ailment folk
>Cursed folk

•Views on Goddesses•

Views on Polaris:
The general consensus of this goddess is that she is seen as a female figure; a guide amongst the stars that both cursed and blessed this clan with the ability to consume more than the flesh of fruits and vegetables. She is respected but not a major goddess within this clan by any means. Most from this clan can all agree on their views for her; the real discourse comes from that of the other two.

Views on Daifa
Daifa is a heavily reveired and beloved goddess within this side of the clan, they beleive if they follow her that they can free themselves of the curse that Shivani had placed upon them. Daifa is a female figure that is often beleived to be a goddess of harvest, purity and salvation.
Daifa is seen as a genderless figure, neither deeply worship nor rarely worshiped; they are always thanked for the meal given when an animal is slaughtered to feed a vespers family for months to come. They are seen as a deity of Harvest, Life and Sacrifice.
The Embrace rarely worship this god, Daifa is seen as a masculine figure that is often refered to for Harvest; good luck and knowledge of the earth around them. They do not see him as a significant god; which results in some conflict

Views on Shivani
The Resistance utterly and actively dispises this god. Shivani is a god that you can get outcasted or banished from the clan for worshiping. He is seen as a masculine figure that brings forth a disgusting hunger; plauge, corruption and death. Most speak very ill of this god which causes this to be a conflict.
Those within this part of the clan see Shivani as a Female figure; she is the mother of corrupts and mythics alike. And is equally worshiped alongside the other goddesses as if she is no lesser. Shivani is seen as a figure who can both give and take; a goddess of blood and famine.
Those apart of the Embrace see Shivani as a god, a masculine figure. He is beloved for being a father of corrupts and mythics. The properties of those bloods being rumored to have his touch; which explains why it always heals the body. Shivani is seen as a god of healing, blood and death.

Generally as explained in an earlier section; Aceldama is a clan full of Vampiric vespers. They consume blood; be it from their own kind, animals or if they take a replacement sap. This bloodlust comes with a frenzy; in which a vesper can lose complete control due to a starvation caused by not drinking; this can happen even if the vesper has a full stomach from eating fruits and veggies! Generally vespers of this clan can either solely survive off drinking blood or having a replacement sap and eating fruits/veggies! The way they get this replacement sap is from their native fruit; the Bloodfruit. It is a deep red circle-esc fruit that resembles a cross between a coconut and cherry. This fruit has a hard shell, similar to that of a coconut! When cracked open, a shiny red liquid will be harvested and the gummy ref fruit will be cut out and often sold to altan as all they really need is that red sap; It's a blood replacement. This sap holds the same nutrients these vespers would get from drinking blood and acts as a slightly effective way to reduce their thirst, though granted they need to consume a lot more of it than if they would drink from an animal or vesper. Those who drink from a vesper only need to feed once every 3 days, those who go off animals only need to drink once every day and a half. As for where those who drink vesper blood get their source of it; well that can be summarized by a secretive 'speakeasy' club known as the Black Rose Society or the B.R.S [Contact Keeble for info]. The blood has different flavors depending on what color it is; this list can be found in general information.


The Feast
This festival belongs to the part of the clan either known as the Middle or those who drink from Animals! This is a night to celebrate and thank the goddesses for their blessings and to give proper thanks to the animals they have consumed over the past year. This is an event typically done right before the hibernation preparation is coming to an end. Vespers of the clan will set up shrines to the goddesses and leave offerings of handcrafted jewelry, wooden statues, armor, fein, or anything of their belonging that holds deep value and/or meaning to the vesper. Amongst this activity; the vespers will gather the bones of the animals they harvested the blood from [The meat does not go to waste; its often sold to Olaug and Altan] and clean them before letting folks pick out a bone to carve; The order often goes- Elders, Kits, Teenagers, Adults. They will carve stories, thank you notes, small love letters- anything that speaks to the mood towards the animal who gave its life and before the feast starts; they'll add their bones to a pile in a bonfire pit. The clan elder will say a few words as extravagant veggie/fruit dishes and animal blood is served to all who attend. The feast lasts from the start of the bonfire to when the bones become nothing but ashes in the bottom of the pit. The event is a rewarding one; giving back to the gods and the animals in their own way as well as finishing the fattening up they need for the hibernation to come

Blood Moon
Blood moon is an event celebrated by those who embrace their core nature; Beasts who drink the blood of their own kind. This is a celebration that revels in celebrating Shivani and who these vespers are at their core; there is no shame. This event happens twice a year with the coming and the going of a blood moon. During this time the clan will openly speak and celebrate the source of the blood they get and they'll drink until they feel like they'll pop. vespers will dance and share stories; listening to music and offering multiple shades and tones of blood to shivani; be it their own or some they purchased. Often times the small fountain they have for the goddess will look like a rainbow swirled together in celebration of her for the night [Its often deeply cleaned after this event as to keep the clan in its pristine state once the night of letting loose and being your inner self is done] The vespers who come to this event who never have before are often taken off guard by the sudden switch in the clans personality; from being proper and pristine to being messy, loud and carefree for the single night.Once they do let loose; its easier to return to the normalcy of keeping the beast inside and quenched with the blood secretly purchased in the dark recesses of the forest.

The Fasting
This event is hosted by that of the resistance part of the clan. As a core part of this clan is rejecting the core of their being; a beast who needs the blood of their own kind or of another animal. Because of the beliefs and ideals pushed onto the vespers who grow up in this clan this is an event that can be widely anticipated. The event itself is rather dangerous when it comes down to it, as the vespers who partake will be chained to the center tree and/or trees around the main tree and will not be released until they go into a frenzy; which can cause the vesper to occasionally go into a cardiac arrest and or starve to death. This can happen due to starvation; when the frenzy is triggered the fact that they are starving puts their body into shock as a wave of strong adrenaline hits, causing a huge amount of stress and ultimately a vespers untimely death. Though this is a rare case as many tap out before this can happen. Vespers are very cheered on during this event and many are highly praised and treated like royalty when they make it past the safe amount of days one can fast; that being 3 days. Once the event is over; these vespers are slowly reintroduced to food and sap; given a lot of time to recover from it while given praise no matter how long they fully lasted; being called brave and inspiring for trying.

•Misc Details•
>The native fruit of this clan is the Bloodfruit [Very well named I know]
>Generally vespers from this clan often will seek out the smoothest, smallest and prettiest pebbles they can or they will offer a peacock feather to their mate in order to 'pop the question' 
>Vespers from this clan are very well educated no matter where they come from; though granted that those in some areas *cough* the resistence *cough* are often fed propaganda
>Vespers apart of the Middle and the Embracing are the face of the clan and the reason why they have the antisocial, prestine and proper image
>Outside of this clan, drinking from other vespers is considered very taboo and very discouraged or punishable
>The method of getting the blood is mostly unknown by those who buy, the practices of the main sourcer [The Black Rose Society] are less than appealing, so they never advertise it
>The BRS is very secretive and can only be learned about through word of mouth; this is the biggest blood provider/club for vampiric vespers
>Vespers in this clan are often taught at a young age to keep their fangs hidden; to be respectful and to never drink infront of another living being besides family and friends
>Despite it being a topic most try to hide, unfortunatly the topic of how a vesper feeds and blood itself is very much discussed and very much more important to this clan and its society than most would want
>For a Mate Claiming Cermony; instead of exchanging scales and biting the neck of their mate; instead they will cut the palm of their grabbers and will combine their bloods. The binding potion will then heal this spot over as a scar.


A Clan of Mythics

Founded in 353
Fell in 1287

•Clans Nature/Description•
Akal use to be located within the borders of West Oblivion, Alma, Jagnu, Von and Nekane. It was and has always been known as a Clan of Mythics and believed to be Eternal. Overall this clan is very much a safe haven and a nice place to live; having little worry of being discriminated against if you have mutations or were born with an ailment you couldn't control! The vespers of Akal had open arms and a deep love for the goddesses and the mythics. It's rumored that a lot of the mythics hatched there had never heard or been from the clan in their previous life; it's as if the goddesses plucked them from the dangers and placed them into a place where they could grow up and live a happy life. Generally! This clan had really strong alliances and trade with its neighboring clans; Nekane being its biggest source of some ponish goods and services. They are very much known to have a more close-knit; save and welcoming environment, which is something a lot of vespers will actively seek out. On the sadder end of this; its known that a lot of kits or vespers who have had or are going through rough lives - will often pray to the goddesses that if they have a second chance; they go there. Nowadays; that hope has been lost as the clan fell.

•Clan Environment Description•
Akal used to be located within the borders of West Oblivion, Alma, Jagnu, Von and Nekane. Being nestled right up in the area that was flat lands for the most part and one main river that divided into smaller streams and creeks as it went along! The forest in this area was never too dense until it got much closer to that of Vons territory. When you'd get closer to that of West Oblivion the terrain would get more rocky and trees more spacious; but the heart of the clan was located closer to Nekanes old border. Their biggest landmark is that of a dark blue barked tree; having silver-y blue leaves that grew two types of fruit all year round. This legend is called the 'God Tree'; the final resting place of the goddesses Daifa and Polaris. The clan was founded and very lively around this center tree. Luck would have it that the clan is far enough away from Teife that the earth tremors that a lot of other clans experience; do not reach far enough to do any damage. Before the Empire took over their territory; Akal made the decision to sell the god tree's land to Nekane to keep it protected from the horror of a clan who would do nothing but destroy it.

•Typical Hut Description•
Akal's huts follow the more standard build for what a hut is.
These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room. Oftentimes these homes will have little garden boxes on the same branch of their homes. Having made use of the forest floor, they'd create a shallow bed with the planks, fill it with dirt and grow some fruit or veggie bushes to soak up the rain! This also provides them with delicious foods- Oftentimes they use the leaves from their trees, which the closer they get to tiefe become willow trees, as tiefe is surrounded by willows! The willow tree has some of the best greenery to use for doors and windows- usually being preserved with magic to stay green all year! Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry


Akal, on the terms of their Hieracrhy, theres not a very structured one. They value their members more than most clans! Their ranking goes as:

>Elder Council
>Mythic Females
>Mythic Males
>Working Adults

•Views on Goddesses•

Views on Polaris

The clan being as united as it is; they share very very similar ideas on who the goddesses are and so; all of these three will only have one view listed! Polaris is seen as a femine figure that is highly praised and looked to for guidance and wisdom. A Goddess of the Afterlife, Life, Rebirth, Knowledge, and Direction. Many shrines are dedicated to this goddess amongst the clan's various sections. She is believed to be buried under the side of the god tree that produces the Moonfruits; Crescent shaped Blue Java Bananas.

Views on Daifa
As stated above; the clan is rather united so their views are just about the same. Daifa is seen as a femenine figure and the mate of the goddess Polaris. Many will pray to her for fortunes of luck, wealth and harvest. She is a goddess of Fertility, Agriculture, Love, Flora/Fauna and Magic. Daifa is another heavily celebrated and loved goddess amongst the different parts of this clan; She is beleived to be buried beside Polaris under the part of the god tree that grows that of starfruit. Many rumor this is because Polaris always called her 'Little Star' - Many folklore within the clan often refer to this little detail

Veiws on  Shivani
Generally; this clan does not know nor cares for the existance of this goddess; thus there is really no veiws from anywhere in the clan for this specific one.

Akal's land is very rich in vegetables! Their main source of fruit is that of the one the god tree produces year round, beyond this they do have things such as wild berries!
You are more likely to come across things like salads, soups and such made from the vegetables that are commonly grown; be that of pumpkins, gourds, cucumbers and so on and so forth! Many vespers in this clan have a natural lactose intolerance which can make it very difficult for them to enjoy sweets and other confectionates that come from the clan of Altan. They are unable to eat any sort of seafood or meat; this is not a clan that has developed the ability to do so; so places such as Tiefe, Acantha or the Empire for example, would be difficult to find restaurants that sell more veggie and fruit dishes than that of meat or seafood ones.


Night of the Pheonix
This is an event that happens once a year on the two week mark before that of the winter preparations. As this clan often houses a minimum of 5 mythics at any given 100 years or so; this is an event run by the mythics to give back to the clan for their generous care. This is a festival/event that surrounds the legend of the great landmark of the clan; the God Tree. Mythics will dawn traditional garb as to retell the legend of the tree; using magic amplifiers to project their voices and have effects. It tells the love story between the goddesses Polaris and Daifa; and tells of how they eventually die to the tricks of a horrid beast. How the tree grew from their bodies and that their magic and souls are within the trees themselves so that's why they are always in bloom. However the legend does not end there; it often ends with the talk of daifa returning from the earth; like a phoenix rises from its ashes; to once again guide the vesper kind until she is ready again to meet her lover in the night sky. The performance is often ended with two mythics on opposite sides; three in the middle with one raised as they shoot multi-colored magical flames into the sky in the shape of a phoenix. It's a well anticipated event for those who live within, especially as a kit. Every year there are market stalls for kits and families to purchase items and food; the mythics will personally attend to giving the elder council food and drink during this time.

Mythical Parade
While the Night of the Phoenix is a way for the mythics to give back to their community; the opposite is true for the Mythical parade; this event happens once throughout the middle of August-November as to celebrate the mythics hatchdays in one go; in one huge extravagant event! The newest hatched mythic is often forged something of a small crown of gold and sits in the middle of the lined up mythics as they sit on a stage in view of the clan. The mythics will be dawned in robes and gold; jewelry and paint as well; they are treated to a wonderful feast as a small parade goes on in their honor. This parade often contains music, small performance numbers and floats/lanterns made in the image or designed to be something that the mythics enjoy. Once the food and parade are concluded; members of the clan can approach the mythics and offer them a variety of hatch-day gifts; be it a handcrafted item to some fien. The Mythics are usually very humble about this event and graciously accept the gifts. The only true downside to this grand birthday is that no mythic in this clan will ever have a small, private event for the times they age another year. As in Akal it is a very very public and well known event.

•Misc Details•
>This Clans Natural Fruits are that of a Blue Java Banana and a Starfruit; also known as the MoonFruit and Starfruit. These grow all year by the God Tree
>This clan is very traditional when it comes to popping the question; They often use Peacock feathers passed through family line to family line or newly purchased feathers. Most will not accept a feather unless it is a pure, authentic peacock feather. Which is difficult to come by as peacocks are near-extinct
>Education is an equal opprotunity for all the vespers within this clan and it is saught out by parents so their kits are prepared to exist in the forest when they come of age.
>Trans vespers are hevaily supported in this clan! This is where the 'goddesses fixing a mistake of a wrong body' legend comes from!
>Mythics are very much adored public figures in this clan; this can result in some very egotistical and materialistic mythics; or it can cause a mythic to flee the clan to live a much more peaceful life.
>This is the only clan amongst the forest that wouldnt have ever judged a vesper based off the mutations or ailments they have; treating both males and females the same if not on a Mythic/Elder scale.

 Next >

Akio, Alma, Altan, Amaris (Vesper Subtype)


A Seafaring Clan

Founded in 110
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
Akio is a clan that has very little interaction with the rest of the clans but does have some good standings with the pony folk surrounding their island! Generally this clan is full of vespers who LOVE to travel and explore the great beyond of the oceans. Living on an island your entire life can get kind of boring so many of the vespers will opt to take boats to the mainland and some will take boats to Eastern oblivion in order to enter the great mysterious forest. When it comes to potential allyships; East oblivion and Tiefe are the two they have; Considering that Akio is the original settlers of Tiefe and their current port is in East oblivion! A lot of the vespers to come from this clan are very self assured, headstrong, adventurous, curious, knowledgeable about nature n such! Though of course; like all things, not every single vesper you meet here will be the same as this description. This clan as a whole is close-knit, friendly and very lively! They can be described with 'It takes a village to raise a child' as many of the kits come and go from family homes; eating with neighbors and being treated like the whole islands well,, kid.
This clan is also seafaring; Pirates, Cargo Ships, Exploration Ships, the whole shebang.

•Clan Environment Description•
Akio is not apart of the Mythic Forest; instead it is located off the coast of East Oblivion; being a small island that inhabits purely vespers! A lot of folks speculate that this is where the species originated from but at the same time it doesn't fully connect the dots as there's artifacts much older from Aami! Their island does not have the same bizarrely massive trees [That have the smallest tree at 300ft tall] that the mythic forest does; instead their trees are more similar to what you'd find in the outside world today. Akio's an island so they have sandy shores that slowly go into grasslands that are flat! Eventually these turn hilly as you get up to the semi-circle of mountains and inactive volcanoes! They lack the same bioluminescent plants the mainland has and have less biodiversity than the continent the forest sits on. However! They have a lot of brilliant colored and exotic flora and fauna that a lot of vespers will visit this clan to see. Generally their main wood-types are that of Coconut trees; Oak, Spruce, Rubber and Birch. Their shores are lined with palm trees and these slowly gradient into the other tree types as you get into the heart of the island; the heart having a circle river that serves as a main port for their entire clan; this river connects to the ocean!

•Typical Hut Description•
Huts within this clan are either on the forest floor or hanging up from trees like something of a potted plant! These huts are usually 2-4 rooms; containing a restroom; a food storage, a community room and that of a work room! The homes are often made from wooden planks; having sandy floors and often having weaved palm leafs as a roof! Some will also opt for a more log-cabin esc style of home! They do follow a vespers natural thing of not needing much space and having little privacy. Generally their rest rooms contain shelving for items; a chest for clothing and their money and weapons; and the centerpiece is a bed that is made from rubber-y shells that hold salt water within; the beds are squishy and often have pelts and little bundles of leaves formed into pillows! They have a port of rubber as they collect the sap from the trees; having learned early on that this is something that can be made due to vespers with acidic elementals. Generally! Akio is a clan that focuses less on fruits and veggies; so their storage rooms are full of barrels and drying racks for the fish and shellfish they capture and preserve! The community room has little seats; as well as chests and shelving that are decorated to make the space nice; oftentimes these seats are built around a large cooking pit so they can share meals.

Art by Dinoberry

The heierarchy in Akio is something that borders the line of whats more typical but also having its own little unique flair. The hierarchy goes as follows:

>Elder Council
>Council of Trade and Seas
>Ship Captians

•Views on Goddesses•

Veiws on Polaris
Polaris is the only goddess known to this clan! She has and always will be seen as a feminine figure and a mother to the vesper species. Originally; the clans did not know of polaris until Akio originally stepped foot on the mainland and left things behind as they explored. From this the clans formed their own thoughts on this goddess. Generally Polaris has and will always be a big figure to this clan; as she gave and taught them the ability to read and chart the stars; to navigate and leave the island [This is more or less a folk lore, less of an actual fact; as vespers from this clan learned over time] She is believed to be the protector over the seas; as those who dont pray to her before sending off often get caught in storms. To this clan, Polaris is the goddess of Navigation, Life, Rebirth, Spirituality, Wisdom, amongst many other things. Its not uncommon to see small shrines or little areas to leave offerings to her.

As they have more of a limited option when it comes to the fruits and vegetables; Akio has resorted to other foods from early on in their time! The biggest things they consume are often grains, fish, seafood with the occasional fruit and/or vegetable! Many of the clan's ships are dedicated fishing boats and will do their best to bring in a good amount to sell down at the dock's market. They will often make foods that range from fish bakes to seafood boils; to salads and fruit desserts! Back when first interacting with Altan; they brought back seeds in order to grow things such as sugar, wheat and other things in their fields so they can be more self-sufficient rather than relying on traveling the weeks to get to the mainland from the clan.
When it comes to the veggies and fruits they often have in this area; it's more tropical; so fruits such as mangos, coconuts, and bananas! As well as wild berries such as blackberries, strawberries and raspberries! For their vegetables it ranges from carrots, beats, lettuce to things like cilantro and collard greens!


Captians Tourney 
The captains tourney is an event that is annual after the colder times of the island; while akio is not a clan that experiences the hibernation [due to it never getting cold enough] They do experience the weather getting colder and have to ration supplies a bit better in order to keep everyone fed. Most of the months fly by due to it taking the entire clan to raise the kits. But once it rolls around February; the annual captain duel will begin! Captains in general are highly ranked members of this clan as they have to understand star charts and withstand the ocean/own a boat to be considered one. Captains will get to prove their worth to the clan by wrestling and having a non-lethal duel in a sandpit. The last standing captain will be labeled 'Captain of the year'! This is a honorable that gives them ranking higher than an elder in some occasions. Those who are able to secure this title for five or more years are written in history books as legends as it's such a rare event to ever occur. Many kits and families will watch the event to cheer on their favorite captains; the ones they hear all the stories about.

Tykes Treasures
This is an event that is more parreled to what we know as Easter! This takes place on the third Sunday in April; At dusk the elders and captains of the clan will take the various little 'prizes' they and the other adults had prepared weeks in advance and will go along the island's shore and bury them shallowly in the sand! Once the kits wake; they'll have a huge public breakfast before huddling to the shore and giving the kits the whole rundown of; If you find an item you like, you are done. If you don't like it; rebury it for the next kit to find. So on and so forth. This is done so every kit has a chance to get a special little momento! These items can range from small handmade silk bags with some fein, to handcrafted toys or outfits! Kits from the ages of 1-10 are allowed to participate! Many of these vespers who once participated in these events will often still have the trinkets they received from the event! Most pass these on through the event for the kits of their time to find!

Night of Wishes
A week before the summer solstice is to arrive; the day in which there's such a short sliver of Polaris's beautifully crafted sky; vespers will prepare items for paper lanterns. These lanterns will be decorated and have a little scroll attached to it. This event is often held as a way to send the goddess wishes; thoughts; prayers as they believe that the lanterns will reach the heavens in which Polaris is in; this is often reinforced as a lot of the wishes kits make are very easy to be fulfilled or made true. When the time comes; Adults and kits alike will write messages to the goddess; be it their hearts deepest desire to something of a prayer to Polaris. Once it's ready; they'll tie a ribbon around the scroll and attach it to the lantern; from there they'll light the lanterns and send them off into the sky as the last licks of the sun are wiped away by the dark rays of dusk. The lanterns when floating further away will look like stars in the night sky; in place of the ones that have yet to appear. This is an event that gives closure to some and can renew hope for others. Overall it's a touching event that is always looked forward to

•Misc Details•
>The Native Fruit of this clan is that of a Coconut! The shell is often something a pair will break before sharing the fruits water and flesh during the mate claiming ceramony!
>Vespers will seek out a form of rock in order to pop the question in this clan! They will comb the sands in order to find smooth; pretty pieces of sea glass in order to present to their mate. Another method that is more traditional for this clan is finding a unique shell in order to give to their mate. They will viguriously clean the said shell of any sand before presenting it
>Vespers of this clan arent taught about the other clans as vespers of Akio know very very little about the clans as is
>They are often taught about Stars, Star maps, Boat stuff, alongside general survival; such as what can be consumed and what to avoid in the signs of weather and nature alike! They are also a clan that gives their kits pebbles to learn how to count
>Vespers of this clan are usually taken aback by how different their experiences and lives are compare to those who live within the other clans
>Akio, besides Altan, is one of the few places a vesper can actually fully transition with medicinal help! They often have ships coming back with travellers who are seeking this; In short trans vespers are very supported here
>Captians and Elders alike are known to,, Embelish their tales quite a bit to entertain the kits or gain the favor of families for the tourney; put their names out there pretty much
>Most vespers in this clan adhere to common wivestales; cautious to not step on any cracks or carrying around small trinkets as a good luck charm of sorts!
>If you are welcomed onboard as crew for one of the ships; you must be prepared to do your part or be thrown over. Loyalty and obeying orders are two things taken very seriously

A Clan of Superstition

Founded in 555
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Alma as a clan is very superstitious; very quiet and very private in its own right! They share a clan border with Jagnu being semi-rejoined with its sister clan! With the constantly encroaching and downright threatening,, threat,, that is the Empire. Alma is not taking any chances and finds that it's safer to give up land and be protected than to try and protect themselves. This is not the only thing Alma is worrying about either.
There is a reason as to why they are incredibly superstitious! Vespers who do not pray; who do not abide by the rules and curfew of the clan are often the ones to go missing or to be heard screaming before never seen again. This is a clan that is struck through the heart with a fear that is justified. No one has ever seen it; but there is a beast that comes out during the day and strikes down vespers in the clan who are foolishly disobeying the dawn curfew. Many vespers in this region will hear the rumors and wind up lunches to the beast themselves. Generally vespers of this clan are incredibly cautious, suspicious, distrusting and very quick to warn of the goddesses and of the rules the clan has.

•Clan Environment Description•
Alma's side of the forest is surprisingly dense! The further you come in from all sides; including the side of Jagnu that now owns their old territory; the forest becomes so thick that your only guide is that of the bioluminescent plants or the bioluminescence of a vespers patterning. Even then it can be rather difficult to navigate the rocky and broken terrain. There's deep cuts in the ground from the tremors sent from Tiefe; these can become very dangerous traps when a vesper has very little visual field in the clan of Alma as it is. So travel is highly recommended to be kept to the trees; because of this; the huts in this clan have bridges going to and from the trees to keep their clan members from going down below. Generally; the clan itself has a very quiet; ominous stride to it. There's parts of the forest that are very overgrown; so who knows what lurks down below. Those who do trek through will find a small creek that runs through the territory! This creek has the same blue bioluminecence that the waters in Tiefe have and have a property to them that will temporarly change a vesper's sex. This is something that is quietly harvested and sent to places like Altan and Akio to be turned into a potion to help with transitioning. This creek does also run through Von and The Empire; however the magic property is lost by the time it enters Von.

•Typical Hut Description•
These clan huts are on the highest branches of the clan; reinforced with a multitude of different items! The biggest difference this has from that of the other clans is that the huts have bridges going from tree to tree to connect the clan; it's not often used as they keep to themselves but its still nice to have! Their huts are built about the same as the ones in Aami; having been made from wood and having roof gardens! They do however; cover their huts with their tree leaves to camouflage them beyond that of the bridges. So it's not hard to miss the buildings when you can't even see the bridges. They generally have the same 2-3 room structure to their homes! Having a nesting room, main room and storage. Generally however; these vespers have doors that are secured from the inside; so if the door is not open, you are NOT welcome in an Alma vespers space. They are not quite friendly to folks snooping around their huts and will kindly ask you to leave if you get too curious. It's not that most have something to hide but there is an overarching uncomfortableness that comes from it; the Council of elders drilled this into the brains of the kits in this clan.

Art by Dinoberry

The hierarchy of Alma is prety straight forward and simple! It goes as following; they keep to this very carefully

>Elder Council
>High Ranking Female Guards
>Female Guards
>High Ranking Male Guards
>Male Guards
>Teenagers and Kits

Those who are Mutated; have Ailments or are cursed are very quick to be banished from the clan. So they do not appear on this clans hierarchy.

•Views on Goddesses•

Views on Polaris
As this clan is far too little to have separate areas; their views on the gods are more universal! Polaris is seen as a Masculine figure; he is feared amongst the gods and often questioned as to why he'd allow this clan to be punished the way it is. Despite this they do turn to Polaris as a god to pray to for wisdom and protection. He is a God of Protection, Light, Fireflies [Souls] and Astronomy.

Views on Daifa
Daifa is seen as a genderless figure. They are not the most notable of the gods but they are also heavily worshiped and prayed to as the vespers of Alma are scared to leave any god out. They do believe Daifa to be a deity of dreams, as while most of these vespers are scared of the noises they hear outside; their dreams are often filled with the things they have only seen in picture books outside the darkness of their clan. Daifa is seen as a diety of Harvest, Wealth, Luck and Dreams.

Views on Shivani
Shivani is another god that is Heavily praid to within this clan! Shivani is believed to be the Mother of the beast. Seen as a femenine figure and a goddess that is deeply feared. Many shrines and offerings are made to her every night for the protection of a vespers family, home and clan. It's not uncommon to see a shrine to her within the home of one of these vespers. When a vesper breaks the rules of the clan; they will often be subject to the council who will call upon Shivani to pass judgment down. If they survive a day outside their hut; they will be considered innocent. Shivani is seen as a Goddess of Life and Death, Protection, Judgment and Punishment.

Vespers of Alma are responsible for feeding themselves and their family. Often times the mother or the strongest father will take a week to travel outside the clan in order to purchase seeds from Altan. These seeds are then used in the personal roof gardens that each of their homes have. They eat a small range of vegetables and fruits. However this clan can consume specific types of meat when desperate! These consist of rats, mice, various birds and rabbits. Small rodents and avians. Outside of this they mostly eat fruits and vegetables that can grow under the conditions of having very little to no sunlight. These consist of things such as: spinach, Beets, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Celery, Carrots, Mustard greens, Plums, Hardy Kiwis, Plums, and so on, so forth! There's some staple hearty vegetable soups and wraps that a particularly kind Alma host can make for their guests that come from inside or outside the clan. Though outsiders are very side-eyed at. These vespers are also VERY protective of their personal growth beds; it's rare they'll lend food to their neighbors to make sure their family can survive.


Night of Silence
This is a more somber event that is held by this clan. The vespers of the clan will step out of their huts with candles and dressed down in black garb with veils. The vespers of the clan will join on the bridges and look down to the forest below as the Elder council will recite the names of the vespers who were lost to the Beast, those lost to the forest and then will lead the clan in a moment of silence for the vespers who have gone. Once this moment has gone, the members of the council will then ask the clan to pray to the goddesses and leave an offering as to appease them this night; Once this opening ceremony is done; the vespers of the clan are to take a vow of silence for the next 24 hours as to respect the dead and to appease the gods, those who break this vow are rumored to be death bound. It's never clear as to when but without fail; those who break this vow are found dead or appear on the list for the next year. This is also the night in which the vespers who will partake in the Lost Lambs Gambit will be announced.

Lost Lambs Gambit
This is a night that many vespers dread, however many are also willing to turn a blind eye as to protect the clan for future years. There is a night; that of the Summer Solstice in which the beast is the most active it will ever be. The council will silently observe the vespers of the clan and hand select up to 3. These vespers are dawned with wreaths of flowers; fruits and given robes that are elegant. These vespers will be given an extravagant meal as vespers from the clan will watch from their windows; soft murmurs of prayers being heard as the three will be given lanterns to carry; a bag and then are sent down below. There are always a few moments of silence before a loud crunching of bone can be heard, Many sniffles can silence be heard from the parents of these vespers. But they all know its for the good of the clan; as with this sacrifice; the beast will leave them be for the next week. This is a needed sacrifice for the vespers of this clan to be able to safely scavenge the forest floor for resources in bulk. These resources go into building new huts; planting new food, getting things for the kits, etc. This week advantage is taken with much grace and these vespers are often given lovely burial sites.

•Misc Details•
>Their Native Fruit is that of Lowbush blueberries; the dark berries can be used for both paint pigments but also as a wonderfully sweet snack.
>The method of popping the question for these vespers is giving their mate a feather of a recent kill; be it an owl or a pigeon, Whatever is the seasons hardest catch. These feathers are very appriciated and show how well the vesper could provide for their potential family.
>Vespers are homeschooled by their parents; so their education is as good as their parents is.
>The biggest rules of this clan are as follows: Curfew is at Dawn; just when you start hearing the low whirring | The Councils statements must be followed | You may not theif from your neighbors; the rules continue in this manner for some time
>Vespers in this clan who witness moths are often the ones who are to die; Moths are seen as a Death Omen
>Fireflies are the oppisite; they are seen as a fortune and a blessing, More so if it lands on you.
>Trans vespers are quietly supported; they will be gifted a bottle of the creeks water and given a package to leave the clan to persue Altan or Akio. This is the kindest act a vesper will ever receive here.


The clan of merchants

Founded in 342
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
Altan is known as a clan of merchants! This is also an odd clan when compared to the rest. These vespers are not nocturnal; instead they are diurnal creatures, meaning that they do everything during the day like us humans do! This is a really hard adjustment for vespers from anywhere else to make when coming to live within this clan. But beyond this! Altan can't really be described as one thing or another as it's a melting pot of both vespers but also griffins, ponies and other creatures of the sort! While vespers are very open and relaxed with their own kind, they can get very territorial and aggressive with those outside. So again this clan can be very hard to adjust to if you're not hatched here! Altan is a clan that works closely with pony kind and is the place to purchase all sorts of goods or to have a profitable business! Vespers in this clan are usually rather smart, well educated, good with numbers and generally good talkers or folks who have good bartering skills! Even if you don't live here; Altan is widely known throughout the forest including out to sea where Akio is.

•Clan Environment Description•
Unfortunately; The clan itself is less a part of the forest as most of the other clans are! To make way for the pony treaties; the vespers did wind up tearing down most of the trees in their clan; granted there is still a LOT of trees within the area and they get denser the closer you get to the borders of the other clans! And of course this also stays true for the part of the clan that is closer to these areas; as not every single vesper lives within the more 'city' area of the clan! Generally though, the terrain is rather flat and only gets some-what hilly when you get closer the border of Olaug! Its rather easy to navigate this clan as there's pathways and road signs to help folks get to one territory or another; once you leave the borders of the clan however these paths and signs fade out and you are kinda left to your own vices to find where the hell you are going. Altan does have multiple rivers that spread out to other parts of the clan; so it's not uncommon to find ports alongside these rivers or to find altan boats coming and going to sell goods to the other clans for a higher price than if they trekked to Altan in order to get them themselves. The clans that are typically given this gift are as follows: The Empire, Olaug, Aceldama, Acantha,Southern Oblivion, Nekane, Tiefe, Western oblivion, Von, Aami, Daffodi and Northern Oblivion! They also bring back goods they buy from these clans in order to bring them back to Altan to be sold

•Typical Hut Description•
The huts within this clan are actually not huts! They are easily described as actual run of the mill homes! Most vespers in this clan opt to have living quarters up above their shops! As this clan is HEAVILY a market place; it's like going into a candy store that sells a bunch of exotic or rare goods imported by pony kind. The homes are made of a ton of different materials! Be it wood, concrete, plaster or brick; these houses vary widely and often have the most space than another clans' home-space as the vespers need a lot more room for the items they purchase!
These homes often consist of two stories; having up to 3 rooms on each floor. Commonly the first floor has 2 rooms if its a shop; having the main shop floor thats decorated however it needs to be to attract customers; and a back room that has a way up to the living quarters alongside an office/kitchen or storage room; again depending on whatever type of store or shop it would be!
However if it's not a shop; a vesper will oftentimes have a Kitchen; Foyer and a Living space for guests to come in and relax in! The homes are usually more modern and up to par with what ponies are used to; so the kitchen has a good storage space; a way to heat up food; a place for spices and dishware! The living room has couches, chairs, bookshelves, paintings and places to display and put things! The foyer often has the way up to the second story!
Almost always the upstairs in these homes have a Nesting room, a Bathroom and a Storage or Office.
The nesting room is one room that is either very traditional or very modern; there's no inbetween for this. They either have a nest made of the same materials you'd find in a normal hut; the space decorated to feel more like home while others will have an actual bed wil sheets and cushions; bedside tables and shelves to store things! It all depends on the vespers tastes and what they need to be comfortable
And of course; there are the homes that are two stories but act as two 3 room houses; these apartments are often sold out to the vespers who are much more used to living in the clans and having a much smaller space because they didn't need much room! These exist for the comfort of these kinds of vespers.

There is no real hierarchy in this clan! You are mostly ranked off your reputation as a store owner; no matter who you are in standards of male or female, your rarity or if you are cursed/mutated or have ailements. It doesnt really,, Matter

•Views on Goddesses•
At the core of this clan; its seperated heavily from a lot of things that make vespers who they are by tradition. While vespers may range from family to family and place to place. The general thing with altan is that the goddesses aren't widely or publically talked about or worshiped; that is beyond one or two events they'll put on to honor the roots of their kind as well as to give ponykind a taste of their culture as a way to get them to venture into the forest and ingrain themselves into the way of life of vesper! Generally; if you enter a vespers home- they might have something of a shrine to their god or goddess that they follow and most are more than happy to tell you the folk lore or the views they have on the gods; this varies from home clan to home clan for these vespers!
Though this does also rob vespers hatched in the clan of the ability to learn about the traditional religion of the forest. But does also give them an opportunity to explore outside what's traditional to what the ponies or other species believe in! It's a Blessing and a Curse.

The diets of the vespers who live within this clan range widely; due to all the different clans these vespers come from! Generally there's a population that can stomach meat from rodents, those who can stomach only seafood or shellfish, those who can stomach big game or those who can stomach only fruits and vegetables! There's no shortage of what a vesper can find here to eat as the clan also has confections and grains that are hard to come by within other clans! They have things such as bread, cereal, cookies, brownies, general pastries and doughs. Milk, eggs and such are also found in this clan! So there's a huge range of items that can be made; from soups to salads to full blown feasts with seafood or steak! There's always something of a restaurant no matter what block of Altan you are on; They sell different types of cuisine depending on what clan they come from! So you can easily try foods that they make in say The Empire or foods made over in Aami; Like the Sweethearts candies and such! There's no limit really


Rays of Light Festival
The Ray of Light festival is an adapted version of Jagnu's Lunar Festival; adjusted to fit the diurnal situation that the vespers of Altan have. Funnily enough though; this event is done at dawn! The vespers will spend the night preparing the streets of the clan with lanterns as well as will spend weeks sewing outfits for the plays; will bring Jagnu vespers over to help with painting sets and getting scripts for the traditional folklore tales. They will also seek out vespers to cook traditional meals and get outfits prepared for sale; Once dawn hits and the first rays of light hit the square; the festival begins! There's music in the air as the vespers will run plays all day long; the smell of food will be all day long as vespers get their busiest schedules of the year! Ponies and other species will dawn garb and participate whole heartedly; listening to the folklore and eating the meals; getting to experience something they never have before!
Sometimes mythics will make appearances to perform special events; such as a re-creation of Akal's Night of the Phoenix play!

Butterfly Migration
This event is more of a sweet and simple one! Vespers will mark this date on their calendars as it's a perfect time to pop the question; to their mates! In the open fields before that of the pony villages and the shore; vespers will get baskets ready and picnic out on the grass. The first day of the migration it's usually very quiet and nothing happens; families will picnic together and play, oftentimes camping on the spot so they don't lose it! The second day however, the butterflies will have made their way from Nekane's neck of the forest and will flutter over the observing vespers in a beautiful rainbow-y stream, heading to the pony lands for the winter. This is usually an event that is anticipated and very exciting for kits as they'll get to see a whole world of colors and have the light dance off the butterfly wings onto the grass and their spots! Its enchanting in its own right and just a lovely little event to witness; be it in this clan or in nekane.

Sweet Frights
Sweet Frights is a vespers take on the popular Nightmare night that vespers have; though lacking a scary legend. Sweet Frights is an event that is prepared for; for many weeks as the whole premise of this event is for the kits of the clan; they will help their parents or grandparents bake homemade sweets! These sweets can be something of a recipe from their Parents or Grandparents previous clan! The kits will then dawn little costumes; be it a little devil to something like a sheep! During the month of October; the clothing and textile shops will often have these outfits on display and will make them custom to the kit who it's being ordered for! On the Night of october 31st, the kits will walk around with a little woven basket and handkerchief; holding little individually wrapped sweets [The wrap being bee waxed fabric] They'll go from kit to kit to exchange sweeties to one another; often times a vesper kit will also exchange these sweets for pieces of candy that they get during nightmare night! Vesper kits will also sometimes play into the whole cursed legend that the ponies believe in and donate one of their sweets. While on the other end; the ponies and kits alike will offer up some sweets to the vesper goddesses that their household follows! It's a sweet alternative to the other vesper nightmare night equivalent holiday

•Misc Details•
>This clan does not have a solidified Native fruit; the best is to go off of one of the other vesper clans's native fruit!
>The most popular way to pop the question to ones mate within this clan is to get a ring forged! Rings are very popular within in the clan due to their ties with pony kind. Its seen as a unique and sweet way to do this; the most common engraving is that of a peacock feather as to keep some traditionalism in it.
>Vespers in this clan are often taught in classes with other species! They are given the same education as the rest and often are taught more than vespish as a language; knowing ponish and dragonish to a degree! They also know about history for the places outside the clans history!
>Vespers in this clan are usually more accepting and more advanced with their medicinal skills along with general skills with different fields!
>Its not uncommon to see vespers getting addicted to sugar; especially if theyve never had it before and are introduced to it by this clan
>Many vespers discover they are lactose intolerant at this clan
>This clan is one of the inports for Alma's creek water, this water is then turned into potions by skilled vespers with the aid of unicorns to sell to vespers to help them transition
>Very trans friendly
>Very friendly no matter what gender or rarity you are
>Mythics are not really special here; neither are corrupts; though corrupts will still be driven away because nobody wants to be around what smells like and looks like a rotting corpse
>Aami is their biggest source for Vesper Romance Novels/Poetry


"Child of the Moon"
A Clan Cut off from the World

Founded in 132
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
Amaris is a clan that is considered long dead; the area on the map they have is technically not owned by them; in actuality the land belongs to the Eastern oblivion clan! Its not known to be there at all, no one knows of it and no one who comes from it remembers it. Amaris is a secretive clan that lives deep,, deep underground. That where the sunlight not moonlight will ever travel far down enough to reach it. Not even Tiefes tunnels. Amaris is a clan that is far more advanced than the rest. An Underground Steampunk City! Vespers of this clan are bright-eyed, creative, curious, well read and generally very chaotic or very posh in their nature! This clan had long split off contact from the outside clans as their old ally; Orenda, warned them of the incoming dangers and what would happen if said dangers got their grabbers on the technology they have. The clan is aware of the threats outside and have voted with the council; that until those threats are gone.; their technology will not leave the city as to protect the rest of the clans. Orenda's last stance would be to encapsulate the entire city in an unbreakable and undismissable magic field. So any who leave; can but they will retain no memory of the clan as it fully scrubs it instead of repressing it. They'll feel an emptiness but they'll have vague memory. Many vespers wake up in East oblivion with no memory of where or how they got there but retain who they are! Generally though not many of these vespers want to leave as their wings aren't built for the outside world; neither are their eyes. Though Amaris will not force them to stay and if anyone is lucky enough to find a way in; they'll be welcomed with the safety blanket their former ally put in place. It is also noted that a vesper will be stripped of all their belonging before they are to be allowed to exit the clan; as with the barrier theres a single gateway they have to go through to get in or out; digging out isn't an option

•Clan Environment Description•

Amaris exists in a very expansive and very very deep cavern that was dug out by the clan! It started as a clan that originated the Lunis ailment and turned into one that became powered by steam as the vespers found a very large underground lake. They would settle at this lake and begin conducting methods of making it a renewable source! These vespers are wickedly smart and as such; it wound up creating an expansive city within the wall of limestone, stone and many other types of sediment and rocks. There would be cracks that come from Tiefes tremors; but they only give access for the most skilled of magic users to project images from the sky on certain nights. The terrain is more or less rocky but over the years; it's been transformed into a grassy landscape that has trees and some cave-dwelling animals! There's also crystals and ores of metal and minerals along the walls of the city.
There's beams of support to keep areas of the cave up while other areas have buildings built into it! Beyond the buildings; there's tall lamp posts and hanging lights to keep the area bright enough for the vespers to be able to see fairly well! There's wire lines that go from building to building with little metal cars that take vespers to and from; a little chime playing every time that they are there to dock and let new vespers on. There's little machines that whiz by to deliver packages and a small train station that encompasses the different sections of the clan! That way it's easier to get around and do what you need to do.
Moss and other bioluminescent flora crawl the tall stone walls of the city and there's multiple small streams and waterfalls; creeks and rivers as well have been formed to contain the water that the Amaris vespers managed to bring down into their cave or renew from the original source they had. There's small areas where there's food growing; in buildings designed to work like greenhouses. Overall this general place went from a very jagged; dark and very very stoney place to something of a lush forest floor with rocky walls at all sides and at the ceiling.

•Typical Hut Description•
Vespers do not live in huts down in the depths of Amaris! Rather instead they live in something more akin to apartment buildings or little homes; having multiple rooms! The buildings in Amaris are built from stone, brick or metal; some of them are wood or plaster depending on what materials they had on hand! There's often pipes going in and out of them; clock towers being present in the main square of the city to keep them in the loop for what the time was.
Their general homes are similar to that of what is a typical hut; these being a one story home or a general apartment in one of the vastly big apartment buildings! As one floor can hold up to about 5-8 vespers! These vespers often have moss carpeted floors; a little nook for food preparation and storage, a general main living and relaxation space with windows that can look out and view the city that expands as far as the eye can see and is continuously expanding every day. They often have bookshelves and oil lamps next to chairs. Often also having little shelves they can decorate with items! And lastly the general nesting room consists of a very soft bedding material; having pillows and blankets!
Outside in the main city the roads are flat and smooth; having sidewalks as grass n trees and bushes alongside to keep the area all pretty and nice; there's shops that display various different things; be it metal parts or general parts for building items and machinery to clothing stores and other things such as a place to purchase cutlery and dishes. Some vespers will work on opposite sides of the city so the train or railcar stations are the most convenient thing they have; a quicker way than walking at least! There's a bunch of farms; mining facilities, smelteries and other areas of work that produce the items they need to remain self-sufficient as when they had Orenda for the many many years of allyship they had; they slowly purchased the items, animals and other things they would need in order to eventually cut off and remain self-sufficient as to not run any risk of having important or dangerous things leak from the city.

Amaris does have a hierarchy the same as any other of the clans within the mythic forest and beyond!
Theirs is a little more complicated and more based on Job and the gender of the character! It goes as follows:

>Elder Council
>Mayor [Fem]
>Mayors Advisers
>Female Engineers
>Female Conductors [Train/RailCar]
>Female Farmers
>Female General Labor Workers
>Female Caretakers/Nightcare Workers
>Unemployed Females
>Male Engineers
>Male Conductors [Train/RailCar]
>Male Farmers
>Male General Labor Workers
>Male Caretakers/Nightcare Workers
>Unemployed Males

•Views on Goddesses•

Veiws on Polaris
North> Polaris is a decently well known god within this portion of the city! Polaris is seen more as a masculine figure. A God of Creativity; Wisom and Direction. He is depicted in many of the universites and schools here
East> The East does lightly worship this goddess. Polaris is seen as a femenine figure! She is assosiated with Creativity, Hardwork, Knowledge and Astrology! She is highly in the areas of schools and experimentation chambers!
West> Polaris is not very worshiped here. She is seen a more femenine figure! Assosiated heavily with Hard work, Astrology, Navigation and Wisdom!
South> The South also lightly worships this god. Polaris is seen as a femenine figure! A God of Creativity; Knowledge and Astrology! He is frequintly found with shrines in the schools within this area

Veiws on Daifa
North> Daifa is not a very well known Deity here. They are seen as a genderless figure! Often assosiated with Agriculture, Patience, Love, and Fertility! They are more popular in the agriculture areas of this city
East> Daifa is heavily worshiped here and prayed to! She is seen as a Goddess, a Femenine figure. often assosiated with Luck, Bounty, Harvest, Love and Family! She is a figurehead for a lot of the agriculture and familial based structures
West> Daifa is decently worshiped here! She is depicted as a Goddess, a femmenine figure who is assosiated and prayed to for Luck, Family, Love and Harvest
South> The Goddess is not worshiped very heavily here; Most wouldnt know who she is unless they come from a different part of the city originally! When recognized she is assosiated with Family, Love and Fertility

Veiws on Shivani
North> Shivani is another that is not widely worshiped here. He is seen as a masculine figure, a god! He is often assosiated with Work, War, Persiverence and Judgment. Often seen more in the industrial areas of the city
East > Shivani is not very known here; They are seen as a genderless diety who is often assosiated with Greed, Judgment and Death. Very much an avoided diety if it can be helped!
West> Shivani is not a god that is known here
South> Shivani is very worshiped here! They are seen as a genderless being, a diety amongst men and is often prayed to for persiverence in Jobs. They are also seen as a god of Judgment, Work and Want.

The diets of the vespers who live within this clan range widely; due to all the different resources available to this clan's population! Generally the population can stomach meat from rodents, seafood or shellfish, big game, fruits and vegetables! There's no shortage of what a vesper can find here to eat as the clan also has confections and grains that are hard to come by within other clans! They have things such as bread, cereal, cookies, brownies, general pastries and doughs. Milk, eggs and such are also found in this clan! So there's a huge range of items that can be made; from soups to salads to full blown feasts with seafood or steak! There's always something of a restaurant no matter what block of Amaris you are on; There's different parts of the clan that specialize in different cuisine and recipes that have been learned from ponish, griffin and even some vespish cookbooks that have been brought to the clan and copied in order to sell in the bookstores. of course of the years they've been isolated down in the cave they have had time to come up with their own unique recipes that are definitely,, bizzare.


Makers Market
Makers market is an event that happens 4 times a year! Makers will set up stalls in the center plaza of the city with their most recent inventions, items and weres! Be it a new gun model; a new bot for helping clear out more area for the city to expand down further into the earth or if they just want to show off their ideas for toys for the kits or new modes of transportation! These vespers will be given the opportunity to show this off to the judges of the event; which is that of the Elder council and the current acting mayor of the city! The mayor and elders will pass judgment and make an offer to work with makers they enjoy the items from! This event also allows typical families to wander around; snacking on sweets and other foods as they browse the neat inventions the vespers will try to sell to them with a neat pitch or two! Since this event is something that happens four times a year; if a maker misses one, there's always the next within 3 months! It's very, very anticipated by the makers of the clan!

Dancing Lights Show
This is an event that happens twice a year! It's a small event that often has a lasting impact on the kits of the clan! This is an event put on by the creatives of the clan; they will take typical folklore tales and retell them through reenacting the events through their magic light; the end result often appears as if their magic is dancing across the dark cavern sky. This brings a lot of joy to both the parents and the kits of the clan as they get a day off to enjoy the said show! During this day they will also have the opportunity to purchase many items that they can only get during that time of year; such as a little snow globe that has little multi-colored dancing lights within its glass. Overall; this is a low maintenance but rather spectacular show that the creatives of this clan put on for its members. The first of the events is performed in the north and the second in the south. So most have to travel to come see it! Its worth it to a lot of the vespers who have to travel to see it.

Recasting Ritual
The Recasting Ritual is a vitally important ritual! Vespers within this clan are often taught magic; this magic is needed in order to strengthen the barrier that Orenda had left them in order to protect them from others getting their information or from their location getting stormed. This event happens once a year on the Winter Solstice. Vespers who are of age and have their gem will be asked to sit on the ground; and place their gems against the little bits of gold on the walkways; not everyone needs to participate but they are highly encouraged to for the sake of protection and safety! This is not an event that can really be sabotaged as there's no vesper interaction; not fully at least.
This ritual begins by vespers connecting their gems to the gold and begin casting a simple levitation spell; the multicolor streams of magic will light up the cracks in the stone and swarm to the clock tower; the highest point in the city and crawl up its sides until the entire building is covered in light; the collective magic of the vespers will be channeled into the golden spike upon the top of the tower and sent straight into the barrier to strengthen it.
The barrier itself is never visible until this festival. Once this is done for 5 minutes they are allowed to back off and sit to watch the spectacle as the holes and tears in the barrier are stitched back together in fits of golden glitter; the barrier shining a brilliant blue until eventually fading. The vespers who participate will always wind up feeling drained and unable to use their magic for a day or two but it's only once a year.

•Misc Details•
>This clans native fruit is that of a Pear!
>The best ways to pop the question in this clan is to either: Have a family hierloom that is that of a peacock feather; or having a unique one made. They can also get a ring forged for their partner; often engraving a peacock feather in or little intriquent carvings to make it special
>This clan does focus on art, inventions and general expansion further below the grounds as they really dont have any sort of threat looming over them that would prevent them from putting time, energy and resources into it
>Theres multiple universities, schools and general education in this clan that all vespers are able to get access to
>At the age of 10, most vesper kits will be applying to schools for their desired carrer path!
>Orenda and Amaris once had an open connection tunnel; but once the empire took it over; Amaris caved the tunnel in and created a new one to east oblivion that is very,, very well hidden
>Every three years they have a little mayoral campeign for some of the higher ranking females of the clan!
>The Barrier by Orenda can not be dispelled or broken; but it can be strengthened or left alone until it dissapaites on its own!
>They can and will make guns. The vespers have guns.
>The raincars and the trains are still very new ports of transportation! Only having been around for the past 5-10 years when theyve had prolly hundreds of years to get to the point of getting to manifacture and work them!
>A lot of vespers here are hatched with heightened intelligence and creativity
>The gods work less in a typical way than with the other clans! They are seen more as bringers of specific fortunes and aspects of life

< Prev | Next>

Bluebell, Daffodi, Empire, Jagnu (Vesper Subtype)


"Humility and Gratitude"
A Clan of Pasifists

Founded in 134
Fell in 289

•Clans Nature/Description•
Bluebell was once one of the oldest clans to have formed within the forest; having had good standings with the likes of Aami and the early travelers of Akio! They were a clan dedicated to peace and pacifism. Vespers of this clan were level headed; collected, and usually very wise. Being an early example to clans for a way to live without conflict as all major decisions were decided by the clans folk who resided. This clan was also one of very agile vespers; they would take to gliding from tree to tree more frequently than not; it was found to be a quicker way than gliding down and traveling by foot; though this would require the knowledge to judge the winds and the weather to see if it was a good day to do so or not. Their intelligence; good nature and general overall need for peaceful resolve would be their biggest vice but also their biggest weakness. Bluebell would be massacred by its own clan; A rouge bunch rising from the depths of the clan bearing crimson moon tattoos; claiming themselves as the 'Blood Moon' Clan. Most of the texts about this clan and Bluebell's writings have been lost to this massacre.

•Clan Environment Description•
Bluebell was located within one of the more hill-y esc areas of the clans as it bordered on a nearby mountain range. This meant that their trees were much further apart and this is why gliding became such an studied and important thing to this clan. It was much safer to glide down the mountain than it would ever be to try to glide down onto the jagged and rocky terrain to try and walk to the nearest tree. The clan itself has two rivers that connected into one large one as it left the valleys of the mountains! As water at this time was lethal to land in; these vespers once again took to the skies and mastered the art of gliding long distances. The heart of this clan was located in the valley between the mountains! The trees become more dense to the center of this valley. Generally this was before Tiefe began having its tremors so the land was not as broken up as it is in the current times Daffodi. At the border of what is now Daffodi and Aami; the forest was cleared out and many many sunflowers were planted for each vesper who died in the massacre

•Typical Hut Description•
Huts in this clan reflect that of Aami's standard hut build. These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room, Bluebell was one of the few clans to have roof gardens! Having made use of the forest floor, they'd create a shallow bed with the planks, fill it with dirt and grow some fruit or veggie bushes to soak up the rain! This also provides them with delicious foods- Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry

Due to this clans nature; they really did not care to have something of a hierarchy!
They beleived that this would breed feelings of resentment and conflict and instead resorted to having the can be something of a democracy that was treated equal no matter the age; gender or if you had ailments, curses or mutations.

•Views on Goddesses•

Views on Polaris
Polaris is considered a genderless diety to the folks within these areas of the clan! They are tied heavily to that of Astronomy, Mathmatics and Wisdom
Polaris is considered something of a fluctuating god; Sometimes seen as Masculine, Sometimes Seen as Femenine. They are seen and known as a god who resembles that of Wisdom, Navigation and Protection

Views on Daifa
Daifa is considered a femenine goddess, she is heavily looked to within this part of the clan! Daifa is heavily tied to that of the Weather and Nature. She is prayed to for bountiful harvests and Good/Clear Weather
Daifa is seen as a genderless diety, not as worshiped here but still very looked to. They are seen as a diety of the Weather, Love and Fertility

Views on Shivani
Shivani is a masculine figure to this area of the clan. He is heavily tied to that of Death, Life, Rebirth and Protection. A God that is prayed to and offered well offerings by the people of this clan as to keep their friends and families safe from the outside forces of the forest.
Shivani is seen as a genderless diety in this area of the clan. They do agree with the North and South that the Diety is one of Death, Life, Rebirth and protection. However they do not allign with the gender the diety is preceived as.

The vespers of bluebell had a diet that consisted heavily of fruits and vegetables!
Their stomachs can not handle that of any sort of meat and/or seafood. It is common to be offered things such as salads; sandwiches and other types of staple foods by these vespers! They love community meals and will often have vespers bring fruits and veggies from their personal gardens to donate to the meal being made during that given night of the week!
At this time; They were the vespers who had access to grains such as wheat and the methods of creating dough, breads, pastries and things like noodles from these grains! When the clan fell; the Blood Moon or Rouge clan- Would sell these grain seeds off to Aami to make some funds while they were off to travel the rest of the clans to stir up some havoc.


Harvest Festival
This is a festival celebrating Daifa more commonly than not, but as not all clans have Daifa as a deity that they worship- this festival is also known to be the week of feasts! Seeing as the winter hibernation is something all but a handful of clans go through, this is the time that the vespers will finish fattening themselves up for the long slumber ahead!
There's two phases to this festival usually, there's the two week period where they will gather their crops and preserve some for after the hibernation and the rest will be gathered in the center point for the clan to be prepared into many meals for the next week! The second part of this festival is that Vesper families will reunite to feast and talk about the upcoming slumber and plans for the springtime! There's always a bit of music and a wondrous feeling to the group of vespers, this is often a festival kits will not remember until they get to the age of 3, but they do remember faint sounds and smells- Once the festival has come to pass and the leftover foods have been preserved, the vesper families will go their separate ways and seal themselves away to slumber

Lunar Festival
This is the clan in which the Lunar festival originally was created. This is an event that is more commonly celebrated within that of Jagnu now within the current times. This event also has a few spin-offs within the clans of Altan and Aami! The vespers of the clan will dawn traditional robes and fans; market stalls will line the forest floor for the vespers to walk through and collect sweet treats; as well as savory buns that are filled with vegetables and a delectable savory sauce! There's other treats offered as well; from little baby pumpkins covered in a sticky sweet sap; to little hand held pies that take the shape of moons. They will also be able to purchase lanterns that dawn the symbols of the goddesses and once all the marketplace has been raided; they can join the others within the center of the festival to a stage that will be lovely decorated with cutouts; vespers will dress as the goddesses and tell out multiple folklore tales for the vespers of the clan to enjoy for the night. Once this is done; music will play and vespers will dance until the first rays of sunlight peek through the leaves of the trees.

Night of Offerings
The Night of Offerings is an event that happens between October 30th and October 31st. Vespers of the clan will spend many weeks preparing hand-made gifts. This can range from a traditional fan being handmade and embroidered; to jewelry and whittled down trinkets. Then the families of vespers will set up a small table that is beautifully decorated with roses; spider lilies and other flowers that they can find and the trinkets are left for the god of Shivani. During the Morning of October 31st, the items that were laid in place for the god to take in return for protection would be gone from the stands of the homes. This for many generations from and to come would give truth to the gods having once or currently walking the grounds of the earth. Many details of this event however have been lost to time as it was rather scrappily recorded and the records that do still exist only mention this event in passing.

•Misc Details•
>This clans native fruit is that of plums! They are both tart and sweet; which fits well with the fate this clan faced
>The way to pop the question within this clan is to go along the jagged mountainside to find the smoothest, prettiest rock that one can; when they find one suitable they will present it to their mate
>Vespers within this clan had the best education of all the clans at this time; howver the one thing they sorely lacked was that of a way to protect themselves from the threat that existed within their own walls
>They were very trans friendly during the time they existed!
>The rouge vespers were an underground society that would later rebel and take the land of Bluebell for their own; however when the massacre was over; the Guard was hot on the tail of this rouge clan. The rest is unknown for what had happened
>Bluebell is heavily reveired and missed; many mourn for the loss of the many vespers that died on that fateful day.
>Bluebell had many books and scrolls that told of the studies they had on gliding and the benifits of doing so; many of these are lost to time but those that still exist are within the hands of Daffodi.


"New Beginnings"
A Clan formed in Memory

Founded in 1006
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Daffodi is a clan that was formed as a resurgence and a revival to the one wonderful clan of Bluebell. The biggest difference between the two is that Daffodi is not making the same mistakes that bluebell had made. They, instead of being pasifitstic, are neutral. This does mean that if they ever have cause or reason to do so; Daffodi will defend their territory even if its from vespers within their own clan! Generally vespers in Daffodi are quite intelligent; quick on their grabbers and feet as well with their tongues, they are usually very opinionated vespers but they are also very courteous of one another; having friendly debates on subjects before it passes into voting for the clan itself! Daffodi is known for being a good place to live and grow up! They put a heavy emphasis on that of education and the apprenticeship that vespers go on when they become of age to do so! These vespers are very curious and have managed to locate and dig up old records that had been left abandoned in the ruins of the Bluebell clan; As the clans territory had been left abandoned due to the guards protection of it

•Clan Environment Description•
Daffodi exists within the same-ish border lines that bluebell once had; though with a bit more land on all sides! The mountain area is still full of jagged and sharp rocks; within the current times however there is an additional danger of the slivers and chasms that are in the grounds due to the tremors that come from Tiefe. Many vespers have been noted to go missing at times these tremors occur. They are positioned within the same valley that Bluebell was once in; the trees get more dense the closer you get to the heart of the clan! The further you get from the heart however it spreads out to a degree that gliding is more than a convenient way to get around the clan! The next biggest detail to mention is that of the huge acres of land that hold a vast sunflower field. This field was planted by the early settlers of Daffodi in memory of those who perished and spilled their blood in bluebell. Every year this field will shimmer its golden hues; in a viewable distance from the clan's tallest trees. It's a beautiful sight but a sad reminder of the past.

•Typical Hut Description•
Daffodis huts are pretty much the same to that of Bluebells; as they have pretty much fixed up the old, abandoned buildings of the clan.
These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room, Bluebell was one of the few clans to have roof gardens! Having made use of the forest floor, they'd create a shallow bed with the planks, fill it with dirt and grow some fruit or veggie bushes to soak up the rain! This also provides them with delicious foods- Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry

This clan wouldve liked to keep true to that of Bluebell as much as they could; however to keep some sembalace of order and balance to the clan; they put a very simple one in place! It goes as follows:


•Views on Goddesses•
Once again; due to this clan being a replica of bluebell to a sense as they are trying to keep the memory of the clan alive; they ahve adopted the veiws that bluebell once had on the gods and who and what they were

Views on Polaris
Polaris is considered a genderless diety to the folks within these areas of the clan! They are tied heavily to that of Astronomy, Mathmatics and Wisdom
Polaris is considered something of a fluctuating god; Sometimes seen as Masculine, Sometimes Seen as Femenine. They are seen and known as a god who resembles that of Wisdom, Navigation and Protection

Views on Daifa
 Daifa is considered a femenine goddess, she is heavily looked to within this part of the clan! Daifa is heavily tied to that of the Weather and Nature. She is prayed to for bountiful harvests and Good/Clear Weather
Daifa is seen as a genderless diety, not as worshiped here but still very looked to. They are seen as a diety of the Weather, Love and Fertility

Views on Shivani
Shivani is a masculine figure to this area of the clan. He is heavily tied to that of Death, Life, Rebirth and Protection. A God that is prayed to and offered well offerings by the people of this clan as to keep their friends and families safe from the outside forces of the forest.
 Shivani is seen as a genderless diety in this area of the clan. They do agree with the North and South that the Diety is one of Death, Life, Rebirth and protection. However they do not allign with the gender the diety is preceived as.

Their region is heavily populated with that of fruit and vegetable plants; those that had been left after bluebells massacre had taken root outside their planter boxes and made the forest floor dense with these different; plentiful plants! Many vespers will sort through these plants to harvest any of the ripe fruits, veggies and grains. Many of the old buildings such as the wheat mill were rebuilt to be as authentic as they could be!
Many vespers will make hearty food and recipes in order to make sure that the food made is rather filling! They take on the tradition of vespers bringing fruits and veggies to a clan-wide public dinner and will work together to provide enough food for everyone in the clan! This is often a lot of work but at the end of the night it is a very cherished thing and helps with clan moral and together-ness


Golden Festival
This festival is one that happens on the first bloom of the season for the massive sunflower field that this clan has! Vesper families will go through the fields and harvest some of the flowers in order to collect the seeds and prepare them to be planted in more cleared out land that the clan will have made by harvesting wood for new homes. These new seeds will be planted for next year's festival! Beyond this expansion of the fields; vespers of this clan will dawn bright gold and yellow outfits; picnicing in the fields and watching the day go by- As this clan will throw off their sleeping schedule in order to witness the first bloom of the season in broad daylight; so most will have a very warm, drowsy feeling as they go throughout the day! Some of the staple foods of the festival are things like sunflower bread loafs; sunflower seed soups and other really delicious foods that give a good vibe to the atmosphere. Most will end the night off by listening to music that vespers of the clan will play as stories of bluebell will be told; a little memorial for the clan.

Harvest Festival
This is a festival celebrating Daifa more commonly than not, but as not all clans have Daifa as a deity that they worship- this festival is also known to be the week of feasts! Seeing as the winter hibernation is something all but a handful of clans go through, this is the time that the vespers will finish fattening themselves up for the long slumber ahead!
There's two phases to this festival usually, there's the two week period where they will gather their crops and preserve some for after the hibernation and the rest will be gathered in the center point for the clan to be prepared into many meals for the next week! The second part of this festival is that Vesper families will reunite to feast and talk about the upcoming slumber and plans for the springtime! There's always a bit of music and a wondrous feeling to the group of vespers, this is often a festival kits will not remember until they get to the age of 3, but they do remember faint sounds and smells- Once the festival has come to pass and the leftover foods have been preserved, the vesper families will go their separate ways and seal themselves away to slumber

Sweet Frights
Sweet Frights is a vespers take on the popular Nightmare night that vespers have; though lacking a scary legend. Sweet Frights is an event that is prepared for; for many weeks as the whole premise of this event is for the kits of the clan; they will help their parents or grandparents bake homemade sweets! These sweets can be something of a recipe from their Parents or Grandparents previous clan! The kits will then dawn little costumes; be it a little devil to something like a sheep! During the month of October; the clothing and textile shops will often have these outfits on display and will make them custom to the kit who it's being ordered for! On the Night of october 31st, the kits will walk around with a little woven basket and handkerchief; holding little individually wrapped sweets [The wrap being bee waxed fabric] They'll go from kit to kit to exchange sweeties to one another; Kits will offer up some sweets to the vesper goddesses that their household follows! Its a sweet alternative to the other vesper nightmare night equivalent holiday

•Misc Details•
>This clans native fruit is that of the Plum! Both sweet and Sour; it makes wonderful pastries
>They have kept the more traditional method of propsing to ones mate with a peacock feather or a feather simmilar! Many vespers have given up trying to get an authentic peacock feather due to the scarcity of them; as the species of bird is near-extinct
>They try to prioritize and work out methods to make gliding more resourceful and the best way to travel than be on foot within the clan! Due to this many vespers have stronger arms and are much lighter than vespers of other clans
>Vespers in this clan are given equal opprotunity to have a wonderful education! They are taught basic self defence at a very early age as well
>Trans vespers are often escorted to either Akios docks or that of Altan; depending on which would be the safer and quicker travel during the time of the year and the patrols of different clans!
>Vespers here have a deep connection with sunflowers; they are believed to be blessed by the gods and a good omen or a good luck charm


"Many Clans Under One"
A Clan seeking forest domination

Founded in 927
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
There are many, many ways to describe the Empire; be it from within or even outside the clan. Many clans had fallen in order to become one with this growing expanse of a kingdom; claiming its for the good of the forest and urging others to willingly let go of their borders and join. For those who live within this tyrannical clan; and being fed propaganda day after day in almost every little thing they do; The Empress is seen as a saint who is doing the goddesses' work. Many within this clan are led to believe that the Empire is gaining these territories after some peaceful discussions with the elder councils or the leaders of the clans; that they are doing a good thing by uniting the clans of the forest as they think it'll bring everlasting peace. Because of this many vespers hatched here are more than happy to support the efforts of the Empress and her army. Beyond this general sense of clan pride and patriotism; vespers of this clan are happy, productive and calm, kept in blissful ignorance even through the schooling systems that are purposefully failing to give these vespers a proper education to survive in the forest on their own.
However this clan is perceived in a different manner when viewed from beyond the walls and into the forest. The empire is a feared force to the clans; a sudden threat that began taking over territory and continuously doing so; erecting walls to keep them from seeing what's going on inside and from getting in or getting out. The empires 'peaceful' methods of getting vesper clans to give over their territory are nothing short of making brutal demonstrations of their clans' leaders if they do not give in willingly. There has been record of some clans being killed to take the territory or secrets the clan held; the biggest example of this was a former ally of theirs- Orenda. Many would think that this clan would turn its gaze to Olaug, Acantha and Aceldama to take over their land and gain the power that these three have. However, the empire is not foolish as much as many would come to hope; rather choosing to ally with that of Olaug and Acantha than take their territories over, knowing full well that doing so right now would be nothing but a liability. As of right now the bloodshot gaze of this clan is on that of Von, Alma, Aami, Oblivion and Nekane.

•Clan Environment Description•
The Empire has one of the largest if not the largest territory within the mythic forest. Their clan's capital is sitting on a cliff that overlooks the large lake; there sits the Empress's palace; the further you go from the palace more extravagant homes of the royals, elite and the elders can be found, this slowly fans out into more spread out homes all having had to abandon their old huts in place for new; more modern ones. The empire's land goes from the much more hilly terrain that comes from Western Oblivions border; to the flat lands of the capital; then to the more dense willow forest as you get closer to tiefe. The very last bit of this clan is hilly and decently spread out; slowly turning to the sandy shores that border the pony civilization of Leota Village. This clan has a multitude of streams, rivers and creeks that flow through it. Those of which cross boat paths that clans such as Altan will take; have to pay a fee to transverse or dock within the Empire's land. It's not uncommon for these boats to be searched before departure to make sure no scragalers get through. The entire clan's border is surrounded by a rather high, white and gold marble wall. As the clan and its borders expand and change; the wall is destroyed and remade around the new section. This acts as both protection and a privacy shield from the other clans

•Typical Hut Description•
Huts within this clan follow along the lines of what is more standard in clans such as Aceldama or Altan! The palace of the Empress is the largest structure; standing at about 50 some odd rooms; the contence of which is pretty unknown. However it is very known that the palace has a dungeon underneath. Many vespers fear entering the palaces walls and never coming out. Beyond the palace having the multitude of rooms it does; it also has expansive gardens, a personal farm and a lovely entranceway that has a fountain depicting the female vesper who rallied enough vespers to start this legendary clans transformation of the mythic forest. Up next is the homes of the elders, 'royals' and the more elite. These Homes are the next most extravagant; having their own gardens and a home made with marble, glass and gold detailing! The rooms for these homes can extend past that of 20! Not many vespers have these homes and even the Elders share one of these homes amongst themselves. As you stray further from the more wealthy or higher status members homes of this clan you start entering the more common-folk housing.
The homes are made of a ton of different materials! Be it wood, concrete, plaster or brick; these houses vary widely. These homes often consist of two stories; having up to 3 rooms on each floor. A vesper will oftentimes have a Kitchen; Foyer and a Living space for guests to come in and relax in! The homes are usually more modern and up to par with what ponies are used to; so the kitchen has a good storage space; a way to heat up food; a place for spices and dishware! The living room has couches, chairs, bookshelves, paintings and places to display and put things! The foyer often has the way up to the second story! Almost always the upstairs in these homes have a Nesting room, a Bathroom and a Storage or Office.
The nesting room is one room that is either very traditional or very modern; there's no inbetween for this. They either have a nest made of the same materials you'd find in a normal hut; the space decorated to feel more like home while others will have an actual bed wil sheets and cushions; bedside tables and shelves to store things! It all depends on the vespers tastes and what they need to be comfortable or what they are able to afford. These homes are more for the vespers who have a fair bit of wealth or are higher on the hierarchy than the rest
Theres also versions of these homes that are one story; containing the 4 basic rooms listed above! Kitchen, Nestingroom, Bathroom and a Office/Storage room. These homes are more for the lesser members of the clan; those who are not at rock bottom.
And of course; there are the homes that are two stories but act as two 3 room houses; these apartments are often sold out to the vespers; usually two or three. These homes are much more frequent for those who are of the lowest tier within this clan and are often shunned for how they are living.

The Hierarchy within the Empire applies to everyone within this clan; It is very hard to change your status within this clan. The most frequent method is marrying above yourself. Though this will cause a TON of side squints and ridiculeation towards ones mate. The Hierarchy goes as follows:

>The Empress
>The Empresse's Champions [Personal guards]
>The Empresses Adviser
>The Elder Council
>Female Heirs
>Female Heirs Champions [Personal Guards]
>The Female Heirs Guards and Servents
>Royal Aras
>Female Mythics
>Male Heirs
>Male Heirs Champions [Personal Guards]
>Male Heirs Guards and Servents
>Female Army Commander
>Palace Guards
>Palace Workers
>Palace Servents
>Male Mythics
>Royal/Council/Elite Guards
>Royal/Council/Elite Workers
>Royal/Council/Elite Servants
>Female Millitary
>Male Millitary
>Female Clan Guards
>Male Clan Guards
>Female Workers
>Male Workers
>Unemployed Females
>Mutated Folk
>Ailment Folk
>Cursed Folk
>Unemployed Males

•Views on Goddesses•
Like Olaug and Acantha, It is quite illegal to worship any of the goddesses within the walls of the empire.
Many vespers in this clan will risk this rule as to keep parts of their traditions alive when their homes had been robbed from them to abide by whatever this devil clan has in store. Others however who grew up in this clan and do not know any better will rather worship and treat the empress as a goddess in her own right

This clan pushes a full vegetable, grain and fruit diet onto all who live here. So those who have been grown within a clan that can consume meat will lose the ability or well the privilege of being able to. This also includes that of the vespers who come from Aceldama. They will be imprisoned if they are found drinking blood. The only source for aceldama vespers in this clan is that of the bloodfruit's flesh as the sap rarely is exported out of the clan. This will sate their hunger enough. Beyond that of Aceldama vespers, most of the clan is okay and can survive eating only fruits, veggies and grains! In Fact most of these vespers have bread and staple veggies/starches such as potatoes, celery and onion. So it's not uncommon to find steamed buns or to find vespers in lower income areas making community pots of soup, giving their own bits of grown fruits or veggies to be able to feed a good portion of the vespers who are needing it. There are a lot of vespers who go starving because the empress does nothing to provide food to those in lower classes. Most of the higher ups never have to worry a day in their lives about food as the food that the other vespers grow go straight to the wealthy or is exported to other clans.


Empresse's Tourney 
This is a non-lethal event that is hosted at the Palace's arena once a year. The empress will select her best champions and allow any and all who are willing to participate a chance to take down her champions, guards and other members of the military. If a vesper proves themselves to be a worthy candidate or surpasses the expectations of where they'd fall in the ranking. It's very common that the empress will send word to give the vesper in question a proposition to join the army, her guard or that of her champions. Because of this, there is a lot of incentive to participate in this event!
Beyond the rare chance to change ones status; this is a very large event that attracts many tourists from around the clans and within the clan itself and cause many vespers to drop months of fein in order to get a ticket to both get to the palace arena as well as to get some seats to the event! This is a very anticipated and well beloved event. Many of the champions of the Empress have been her champions for 4-5 years or sometimes longer. These champions are public celebrities amongst the clan members. [Will note that if you face off against a champion, its a 'to the death' fight. Even if surrendered, a vesper will have the opprotunity to become a heirs champion if proved worthy]

A Day of Unity
This is an event that is once a year and spans anywhere from a week to two weeks as it requires the empress to travel outside the palace in order to go visit each of the clans territories and listen to the complaints the people have [Which nothing is ever fully done for] The clans will spend weeks preparing for events and festivities for the empress to participate in and see. She'll sit through all of these and will always be surrounded by a multitude of guards to keep her from being assasinated; She rarely eats anything unless a servant and an unsuspecting guest tries it for her first.
This event is for the moral of the clans and to let them feel heard by the empress and her council for a solid day. Most kits will get a chance to meet her and that will often leave a lasting impact for the rest of their lives. When all is said and done, when the empress has visited every clan, dined with them and saw or participated in as many of the events as she could [Most often than not shell sit and watch while her servants participate]
The clans will often have a big boost in both productivity and morale, this is more for this than actually caring or doing anything for the members of the clan. Very rarely an empress will fight the council to have things done to improve conditions in the clans visited.

Red Day
This is a day that happens quite frequently; at most twice a month.This is akin to a public execution for those who have been found guilty of being treasonous to the Empire.Many vespers hatched and raised in this clan will bring their families along to the town square as the vespers are brought on stage and beheaded, many kits will have sparkling eyes wishing to grow into an executioner for the Empress one day.
For those who are not native to this clan will often skip this day as it breeds deep queasy and uneasy feelings about this clan.Many of these vespers were innocent; only making very minor things like trying to leave the clan or stealing a little bit of food from market stalls to feed themselves or their family. There's always vespers during this event that will protest against the cruelty of the empress and the guards will always subdue these vespers. Because this happens so frequently, vespers of this clan will be on high guard at all times.

•Misc Details•
>The Native fruit of this clan is often considered Mangos or Pineapples.
>Empire is a clan that has all three versions and methods of popping the question to a vespers mate! This means they can propse with rings, feathers or rocks!
>Vespers will willingly migrate from their clans to enter the empire becuase they dont know any better of what the clan is doing
>Vespers are hatched into whatever rank their parents are in; if its mixed, the child will inherent the rank of the higher.
>Vespers that are above the working class or millitary are offered education and are taught to read and write; this keeps the majority of the clan very ignorant and easily controllable [This does not include those who work within the royal or empress status.]
>Vespers who seek to leave the clan can do so by filling out proper paperwork, this is a long a grueling process so most will opt to try their luck with stoeing away or escaping/befriending the guard that exist within the walls, Many have tried to dig tunnels under the wall and have been discovered
>Theres eyes and ears almost everywhere in this clan, listening and abducting those who are treasonus to the empire.
>The empress is a figurehead of sorts; while she does have a say and can rebel against those who give her orders; its really that of the Elder/Mythic council that makes decisions within the empire.
>Never in the history of the empire has a male heir taken the throne; often times a female heir will be adopted from a royal family to assume the throne if the current empress has no daughters.


"One who is like a firefly"
The Home of Spirits

Founded in 525
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Jagnu is a more peaceful clan! Having graciously accepted the terms of taking some of its sister-clans land in return for protecting them! Alma and Jagnu were formed from the same clan and thus have a really good relationship with one another! Jagnu is known as a clan for the creatives, be it that you are a writer, an artist, a sculpter or someone who dabbles in different mixed-media projects! This is probably the clan to come to to pursue these interests and pleasures. Vespers of Jagnu are often described as starry-eyed, hopeful, creative, intelligent and really having their head up in the clouds, being both motivated and really passionate about everything they set their mind to doing! Though granted this is more or less a stereotype or romanticized version of a Jagnu vesper; they are not all like this but there is a good portion of the clan that does dive into this description and match it almost to a tee! Nevertheless, this is a wonderful clan to be a part of; they have great relations with a lot of the clans they share a border with alongside that of Altan and the Oblivion clans!

•Clan Environment Description•
Jagnu is nestled between the dragon lands and that of its sister clan, Alma!
Their terrain is rather rocky and mountainous until it gets closer to the famous clearing! This clearing is covered in wild grass that occasionally gets trimmed to make it look nice for some festivals! The closer you get to the sister clan, the more dense and dark the forest gets! By the time you reach the border of Alma, the forest has become barely navigable as it is near pitch black besides that of some bioluminescent plants! As for the more rocky and mountainous region of this clan; they have nestled into the patches of trees that exist in the valleys of these mountains! Beyond this most of the clan resides surrounding the large clearing that the forest has! The terrain around the clearing is a little hilly but overall not too dense and not too grown over! It's a nice place to live

•Typical Hut Description•

The huts in Jagnu are unique to their own degree but there are also the more 'Aami Standard' huts within the clan! Their unique huts are ones that hang from the branches with magically enchanted ropes or chains! These homes are made from a very tightly woven wooden braid that forms something of an oblong shape with four windows and two levels! The entrance to the home is often a circle that has a small wooden door; inside this home there's a wooden floor and the upper level houses the food storage alongside a small resting nook that has shelves and other places to store items and knick knacks! The bottom of this nesting situation is that of a rounded out room; kid of like an egg shape! Its floor is often covered with soft plants, pelts and blankets that the vesper can get their grabbers on! There's often two windows and a rope that goes up into the first floor. This is one of the more popular styles of huts as it's weirdly comfortable!
As for the more 'Aami standard huts'. These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room. Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry


Jagnu follows the more standard hierarchy platform! This is how it goes:

>Elder Council
>Elder Females
>Protector Jobs
>General Labor Jobs
>Kit Based Jobs
>Adult Females
>Mutated folk
>Ailment folk
>Cursed folk

•Views on Goddesses•

Veiws on Polaris:
Daifa and Shivani are not widely worshiped vespers within this clan. Polaris however is very much a powerful figurehead for this clan! She is the reason for all the festivals that these vespers celebrate! She is known as a femenine figure; the mother goddess of the clans and of vespers. She is highly assosiated with the aspirations and goals of this clan; she is a creative muse to them. Polaris is often seen as a goddess that is tied to Life, Death, Rebirth, Creativity, Prosparity, Passion, Dreams and much more. If theres something they cant explain about the world; the most often and most logical conclusions for the vespers of this clan is that it has something to do with the goddess.

Vespers of Jagnu have a diet that consists more of fruits, vegetables and small game such as birds, rabbits and mice!
The latter became more popular as the number of acantha refugees became a part of their clan! They are most known for serving up heart stews, meat buns, pies such as a shepards pie or that of fruit pies! The clan itself commonly grows Starfruit, Broccoli, Berries and things like the staple veggies! Such as Potatoes, celery, carrots and onions! So soups are also pretty common within this clan!
They are oftentimes a clan that will cook meals and share them with their neighbors to lessen the burden of having to cook for oneself for the most part! The community will also do occasional nights where the entire clan will get together to make a meal! Another note; due to this clan living as close as it does to the dragon lands, they do ocassionally kill a dragon and this winds up being a food source for some time until the beast has been completely consumed 


Night of Wishes
This is an event that Jagnu has adapted from that of Akio after vespers of the past visited and witnessed this event. However this event does not follow true to what akio does as lanterns in the forest are very much a fire hazard and not one these vespers are willing to risk or mess with. The night of wishes is an event for all of the vespers of the clan; for weeks in advance theyll collect rocks and make paints from the bioluminecent plants around them to make glowing paints! On the night of the festival; vespers of the clan will write their wishes, secrets or stories; keeping it as simple as they can so it fits on the rock and they will either take it to the clearing or take it to the bottom of their tree! The vespers will say a few words before they bury the stones as deep into the ground as they can. Once the rocks have been buried and they have the weight of it off their shoulders; the vespers of the clan will paint markings on themselves; the glowing paint making it easy to spot them across the fields. From here the night will be filled with music and food. The atmosphere of the clan light and airy.

Firefly Festival
The firefly festival is one that is close to the hearts of the vespers in the clan. Fireflies are often beleived to be the souls of dead vespers! So this is a time in which families of vespers will gather together in the clearing of jagnu and set out pincnic blankets. They will lay out a variety of fruits, sweets and other bits of food they think their ancestors would like. This event happens once a year and is one many will hold fondly as when the night fully falls over the clan; the vesper families sitting in the wild grass of the clearing will get to see as the fireflies begin to flicker to life and dance around the grass. Many fireflies will land on the vespers observing or land on the food and eat a little bit. Theres usually a couple vespers who will sit and murmur quietly to the firefly in their palm or on the food, talking to them about everything that has happened since theyve been gone. Its a small event that allows a lot of vespers to gain closure on their lost loved onces and give them a chance to talk to them again; even if its just for a fleeting moment before the fireflies would fly higher and higher until the vespers in the clearing can no longer tell if they are stars or their ancestors anymore.

Lunar Festival
Originally started in Bluebell, Jagnu has adopted this event and made it much more popular than it ever was beforehand!
This event has a few spin-offs within the clans of Altan and Aami! The vespers of the clan will dawn traditional robes and fans; market stalls will line the forest floor for the vespers to walk through and collect sweet treats; as well as savory buns that are filled with vegetables and a delectable savory sauce! There's other treats offered as well; from little baby pumpkins covered in a sticky sweet sap; to little hand held pies that take the shape of moons. They will also be able to purchase lanterns that dawn the symbols of the goddesses and once all the marketplace has been raided; they can join the others within the center of the festival to a stage that will be lovely decorated with cutouts; vespers will dress as the goddesses and tell out multiple folklore tales for the vespers of the clan to enjoy for the night. Once this is done; music will play and vespers will dance until the first rays of sunlight peek through the leaves of the trees.

•Misc Details•
>The native fruit of this clan is that of a Starfruit!
>Vespers will often propose with feathers that are painted or been crafted of different materials, anything that shows the personallity of the vesper who had crafted it, making it that more special!
>Vespers within this clan are taught how to count, read and write at a much earlier age than most clans!
>Many of the kits from this clan are often taught some sort of art; be it music, painting, drawing, designing sets, pottery, writing, poetry, so on and so forth!
>Vespers are encouraged to go through education and then find a mentor of a subject the vesper has interest in!
>This clan commonly has commissions sent out by other clans for different creative tasks! Vespers will be paid well for doing these tasks
>The beast from Alma, luckily does not venture far enough from the heart of that clan to do damage to the clan of Jagnu; They are however very aware and very weary of this beast!
>Vespers from Jagnu are very supportive of trans vespers and will often provide a way of transport to an altan boat in order to get the medication they need to transition!
>Living as close to the dragon lands as jagnu does, they are almost always in danger of being hunted by dragons; to counter this, these vespers have set up traps thatll catch big beasts; this makes it easier for the clan to dispose of tresspassing dragon.

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Nekane, Oblivion, Olaug, Orenda (Vesper Subtype)


A Clan dedicated to peace

Founded in 758
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Nekane is a very entertaining clan! This is a clan who is a sister-clan to that of Von; Meaning they come from the same original clan that divided and took the course of these two. Nekane has trade routes everywhere in the forest with all of the clans; be it for the God Tree fruit or for that of honey. They are the main source of the clan's honey supply; see in the vesper universe- honey acts very very similar to that of alcohol! They are usually very relaxed, laid back and generally very good natured vespers to be around! Many have a deep love for bees and the environment! Because it rains so frequently in this clan; many of the vespers have times where they can't leave their huts and will often sleep through days on end. So most vespers in this clan can have a narcoleptic trait to them. This can affect their productivity; however not every single vesper of the clan is affected by the gloomy weather! Most actually tend to enjoy it and will play in the rain. They also have treaties with the pony civilizations that border that of the mythic forest as they settled in very very old pony lands. This explains as to why the bees are as docile as they are; they were enchanted very long ago by unicorns to be this way.

•Clan Environment Description•
Nekanes clan is located in a more open forest kind of area of the forest! It is heavily affected by rain storms however. So it's not uncommon to be heavily rained on in the springtime! They have very mild winters but due to the drowsy nature of the clan; these vespers will still hibernate! There's multiple bee hives that exist in the clans trees which makes it rather hard for them to have their huts up in the trees! Generally the terrain is fairly flat besides a few hilly sections here or there and the flora isn't very overgrown; they have multiple paths going to and from different areas of the forest! Tiefes' tremors do affect some areas of this clan; causing small but noticeable cracks to form in the ground. The further southwest you go in this clan you'll eventually hit the start of a huge meadow! This meadow extends out of the forest and meets with the sandy shores before you hit the ocean! Many of the clan's events happen in this flowery field and it is a very beloved spot as there's so many different colors of the rainbow!

•Typical Hut Description•
 Some will also opt for a more log-cabin esc style of home! These homes are often raised off the ground a little bit due to small floods and heavy rainstorms . They have a porch so the vespers can easily transverse from the ground to their hut! Their roofs are often also made of wooden logs that are covered in a fine layer of moss! They do follow a vespers natural thing of not needing much space and having little privacy. Generally their rest rooms contain shelving for items; a chest for clothing and their money and weapons; Their beds are made from the same nesting materials as other clans; so general soft leaves and flora alongside pelts of animals and any fluffy stuff they can get their grabbers on! The other rooms of the home consist of a bathroom, a storage room and a general guest room! The kitchen will hold a honeypot more often than not and have barrels and shelving for preserved items or the things that do not need to be chilled! Their storage rooms hold a lot of different things! This is more or less dependent on the vesper who owns the home! or Vespers as some nekane vespers do bunk together in the same home; having a max of about 4 adult vespers. And their guest room is often a small space having a large window and a couple comfortable places to sit alongside bookshelves or sometimes a hammock for the vesper to rest

Because of the very relaxed nature of this clan; they do not have a solidified hierarchy!
Rather instead; they do things mostly by a vote which is then approved by the active elder council! Most are very okay with this system as it gives those not from the clan originally a break from the day to day hierarchy and ranks that they had to deal with in their previous clans. Though this can also be taken as a very weird thing to experience.

•Views on Goddesses•

Veiws on Daifa
Contrary to many of the other clans; Polaris and Shivani are the gods that are not worshiped here! Nekane is often referred to as an earth clan, meaning they heavily worship Daifa! No one fully remembers the origins of this but it's rumored that the founder of the clan found this area and was kept here by a thunderstorm; this is when the hives were discovered and honey was too. They believe that Daifa was in the rain that day and still do to this day. She's believed to be a femenine figure who is in charge of the weather, spirits, relaxation, spirituality and new beginnings

Honey is a very staple part of a nekane vespers diet; while yes it does act like alcohol it's only when you have large quantities of the stuff! Most vespers will often sort to make sandwiches like a honey, banana, peanut butter sandwich for example! They have a mainly fruit diet but will eat vegetables if the need for it ever arised! Fruits like bananas are quite popular in the clan! They can be used for a variety of things; such as paring nicely with peanut butter; which is something that is commonly made within this clan! Same with other nut-butters as nuts are another common food source within this clan!
When it comes down to it, they eat a lot of grains, fruits and nuts! It's more common to see a fruit salad with some nuts and a zesty sauce than it would be for you to find a vegetable soup! Most vespers in this clan do opt for more 'easy' meals to keep their flow of life going.


Festival of Colors

This is one of the more known events of this clan and the one that attracts the most guests than that of the honey harvest! This is a three day event that allows vespers to unwind; forget about their duties and responsibilities and just let loose. A week before the event is scheduled; the vespers of nekane will go to the meadow and harvest as many of the colorful flowers as they think they'll need alongside a good bit of the bioluminescent moss around the forest. Together they'll make very brightly colored pigmented paints that will glow alongside a vespers natural glow! When vespers arrive they'll dawn flower wreaths and headdresses; painting themselves with intricate markings at the pools of paint and enter the brightly decorated clearing! This first day is often the beginning; allowing vespers to mingle and drink the honey that had been flavored for the event! The second day they'll dance and add music to the mix; building small statues out of hay and burning them late into the night; as the third day begins; the annual storm will hit and wash away the flames. Vespers will dance in the rain and allow the flowers and paint to float off their bodies; taking with them regrets and weight off the shoulder of the bearer. Most vespers who make their treck home after this event will feel like a changed person.

Butterfly Migration
The Butterfly migration is a more relaxed event and one for the family! Vespers will take notice of the change in the butterflies patterns in order to accurately mark out the date in which the migration will begin!  When this date is known word will get out to the rest of the clan and they'll prepare little picnic baskets for the daytime event! On the day  before the event; vespers will stay up and go to bed rather late so they can wake up in time to set up and be awake for the said event! They'll bring picnic baskets and their food and set up in the flower field. When it's time, butterflies will rise out of the flowers and dance above them for a while as more and more streams from other parts of the forest meet in this field. When all is said and done; vespers will eat while watching the beautiful array of colors sent by the butterflies as they stream across the fields, heading to altans territory before eventually dissipating into the pony kind's territory until spring returns again.

Honey Harvest
The honey harvest happens twice a year; once in fall and once in spring! because theres many,, many massive beehives within the clan this event does take many weeks to prepare for as it takes teams of 3-4 vespers to fully subdue and calm the bees in order to carve out the hunks of caps to break and extract the honey from! After this vespers will prep the honey and prepare different flavors; more or less to whatever has been ordered by their pony allies and prepare the honey in big barrels that will be enchanted to keep the honey fresh! After this theyll prepare altan boats to ship out this portion of honey to the pony folk who will be waiting for it! Altan roughly takes 20% of the total Honey harvest and the ponies take another 50%. This leaves nekane with about 30% of the honey which in the grand scheme is more than they will ever need! Once the business side is done; Nekane will prepare tastings for the honey and invite adults from all over the forest to come taste and purchase the honey from them! This event is by far popular but not one for the kits of the clans! It's a fun little wine tasting event for vespers.

•Misc Details•
>The native fruit to this clan is none other than the banana! it pairs well with honey after all
>The most common way to propose to a vesper in this clan is by finding them the smoothest rock possible! It doesnt matter if its pretty or small, it just has to be smooth to touch
>Education is very much not somethin enforced in this clan; if a vesper wants to seek it or their parents want them to go, theyll go! They do have schools that are fairly good afterall
>Vespers of this clan can be very hardworking; this is moreso during the summer and fall!
>Winter and Spring are very sluggish times due to the winter and that of the very frequent rainstorms
>Many vespers will come to this clan to vacation due to its very light atmopshere and the lack of a very strict hierarchy to tie them down
>This is where the 'giving a kit a bag of rocks to learn to count' tradition started
>Because these vespers dont live in the trees; they dont glide all that much; opting to rather climb up and down the trees to attend to the massive bee hives
>The bee hives are often big enough for a vesper to crawl inside it if forever passive; the bees however are still fairly small to the size of a small dog


A Clan for All

Founded in No one knows
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•

Generally the north is known for its happy-go lucky and very playful vespers! Its a clan that has its main export as ice and dehydrating salts so vespers are able to preserve foods better
West- The West is known for its more stoic, hearty and rough vespers! Their main export is that of sand, glass and things you can find in a mountainous and desert-y terrain
East- The East is very calm and easy-going when it comes to clans. They are easily entertained and entertaning! Some of these vespers come from places such as Akio or Amaris as this clan just happens to be in the perfect spot for these vespers to wind up
South- Southern oblivion is known for its schooling and the intellect of its vespers! Their main export is studies of different things as well as many many translations of pony and griffin work. 

•Clan Environment Description•

North -
Northern Oblivion is located up in the more frigid areas of Alvera, the rocky mountains that are often covered in snow to a point the vespers here naturally have really thick fur coats! Their area spreads across the ocean even its that big of a clan! Its generally a nice place to live if you dont mind the cold weather
West - Western oblivion is both rocky, mountain-y and desert-y! This is the place vespers will go if they want to harden up and experience some scorching heat! Often times this is the place youll see most naked chest vespers as its more common to have little to no hair in the very hot, rigid desert this clan is located in
East- Eastern Oblivion is located in that of a more mountain-y range! This range is the smallest of that in the mythic forest and thus makes the area actually pretty nice to live; however the mountains and the forest; which is a majority of the clan are inhabitable due to the tremor cracks tiefe caused and that of the forest being really dense to a point its rather hard to transverse.
South- Southern oblivion has the most 'normal' terrain of these clans! Having a more flat and semi-hilly areas! The forest isnt too dense and nor too thin! Its honestly a prime place to live within the Mystic forest! They also have a rather extensive flower meadow that comes from that of Nekane; this is met with a very nice sandy shore.

•Typical Hut Description•

North -
The north has more reinforced log cabins! Simmilar to that of nekanes but the inner walls are lined with moss and other flora to keep the heat in for the harsh winters. Their nesting rooms are also more prepped to have a lot more pelts!
West- The Wests homes follow that of the log cabins! They are built to be structurally sound and to survive any avalanches that may occur when one lives in the rocky mountains rather than the snowy mountains of the north
East- East oblivion has the same hangin-beachy homes that akio does! As most their clan is on the sandy shores rather than the dense forest behind them riddles with vesper-swallowing chasms; this is the best option they have and its rather calming to see the ocean waves through the windows.
South- The South has homes more akin to the more standard Aami homes; though they do not have the more typical rooftop gardens that most of these homes have! They are quite cozy nonetheless

Art by Dinoberry

The hierarchy for these clans follows the more typical set up! Though do note that these can be changed on yer own veiws of the clans!

>Elder Council
>Elder Females
>Protector Jobs
>General Labor Jobs
>Kit Based Jobs
>Adult Females
>Mutated folk
>Ailment folk
>Cursed folk

•Views on Goddesses•
Because the clans are so expansive; especially because its oblivion; there's not really anything that can be said on this subject as there are far too many little clans within the bigger clans and mostly it can be summed up with all the gods are believed in and prayed to!


North -
The north is more steered to vegetables and small game; such as rabbits, ferrets, weasels or anything they can get their grabbers on! Stews and soups are very frequently made within these clans
West - The west is more steered to big mountain game and that of fruits! Fruits are not always available and the rocky soil is not the best for growing veggies so this clan has developed the taste for things such as deer; mountain lions and other beasts of the mountain
East - The east is steered towards veggies and fish! Having the knowledge passed to them by akio for how to properly clean and cook the fish as to make it safe and okay for a vespers stomach to digest and not be very queasy.
South- The south has a more typical diet of fruits and vegetables! They also have the addition of nuts thanks to the neighboring clan of Nekane! These vespers often make things such as salads and soups!

Because the clans are so big; theres no way all the events they celebrate can be listed here; theres far too many little clans for this section to be cohesive and not take up the entierty of the pagel you are more than welcome to create your own thoughts and headcannons for this section! be it they celebrate events that already exist or they have totally new ones!

•Misc Details•
>The native fruits of these clans go as follows:
North - Strawberries
West - Grapes
East - Apples
South - Peaches
>The typical proposal methods of these clans goes as follows:
North - Smooth and Pretty rocks are the best way to propose to your mate within this clan!
West - Feathers of any sort are often used; Peacock feathers have the best result even if rare and hard to come by!
East- The East is known for having all meathods of proposal; be it rings, feathers or rocks
South- The south is known for having rings as its main form of proposals!
>Generally vespers of these clans are offered rather good education!
>East oblivion is known for having vespers randomly appear and not be able to recall how or why they are there
>Northern oblivion does not hibernate! They spend most of their time in the snow so its normal to them
>Southern oblivion has a lot of ties to pony culture and ponies in general!
>Western oblivion somehow has a treaty with the dragons to where they will not get attacked in exhange the sacrifice a vesper to a dragon on request.


"Destruction or Destroyer"
A Clan of Death

Founded in 238
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Olaug has the reputation of being the absolute worst clan to live within. From its very strict class system that encourages those higher class to abuse the lower class; to a cruel dictator of a leader and to the Secret police that is only murmured about in the quiet recesses of the clan. This clan is cruel to keep order and for the entertainment of the leaders. This clan wants you to suffer and will make sure you do from the day you hatch.Olaug vespers are often described as cutthroat, rude, abrasive, aggressive and very quick to resource guarding as you have to defend every item you own for it to not be taken from you. Granted those who are hatched in this clan and sheltered from the abusive nature by the parent who got trapped in the clan by their mate; they often won't end up this way. Granted there are also vespers who grow up in this clan who actively detest how it's structured and act out to be better and to escape. Many though embrace this clan's core nature and will use it as an excuse to be awful. Olaug is very aware of the Empires motives and will use its resourses to subtely manipulate the clan until they sabtaoge it from within. As for Acantha, that is a masterpiece they worked on; slowly implimenting olaugs beleifs into their 'ally', this was their test to see how well it could work and its good to see for the most part it can; for now they keep Acantha close. Olaug wants entire clan domination.

•Clan Environment Description•
Olaugs clan sits between that of The Empire, Acantha, Aceldama and Eastern Oblivion!. Overall the terrain in the clan is not that bad in the grand scheme of what's available in the clans! Generally in the heart of the clan there are some small mountains that are covered in the trees of the clan; this is where the homes for the leader of the clan alongside where the dug-tunnel homes of the society are kept mainly; though some do expand under the clan's terrain. As you get away from the mountains the terrain becomes slightly hilly before kicking back up into strong hills and some minor cliffs. It only starts to get rocky the closer you get to that of Eastern Oblivion. This clan does share a border with its neighbor and ally; Acantha. So their territory does technically encompass that of Acantha's territory as well. [See Aami, Acantha, Aceldama & Akal, Subtype, to see Acantha's terrain information] This clan has a decently dense forest; not dense enough to where all light is blocked out, but enough to give vespers the willies while walking through on the forest floor. Most of the bioluminescent flora has been uprooted from this clan's forest floor to make it much easier for vespers to be abducted by the secret police.

•Typical Hut Description•
For the higher ups in the clans, they have the more typical hut build, but their huts are much bigger and contain 3 rooms instead of the typical 2! They live up in the trees if they are an Ara and up. Vespers living within these homes are considered more important and thus more heavily watched by that of the secret society of this clan. The members of the said society live within these types of huts as well while others will live in underground homes/bunkers!
These bunkers are dug under the earth and have multiple tunnels connecting them as to keep eyes and ears everywhere within the clan! Often times these little huts will have two levels; a main level with a solid floor made of wood and some shelving built into the stone! Below this they'll have stairs leading down into a rather nice nesting room!
If you are a High Rarity Male to a Kit, you'll have a brick hut on the forest floor around the clan! They make mud bricks and build up these huts- some are more decrepit than others and they all have bark or woven leaf roofs, sometimes they'll have fur pelts depending on their status! Like all clans they do use fur pelts to seal their windows and doors for the winter hibernation with the addition of those higher than a high rarity male will use the best fur pelts to line their nests and make it extra comfy for them to exist within than the typical leaves.

Art by Dinoberry

The Hierarchy of Olaug is very specific and must be followed at all times; if a vesper is caught being abusive or agressive to someone in a class higher; they can either face time in the pit or the prisons. It is perfectly legal for vespers in higher classes to be abusive to vespers in lower classes.

>Leader [Fem, Very dictator-esc; Leads the Police]
>Leaders Bodyguards
>High Ranking Officer
>Low Ranking Officer
>GruntWork Officers
>Female Elders
>Working Class Females
> Female Teenagers
>Female Kits
>Male Elders
>Working Class Males
>Male Teenagers
>Male Kits
>Freshly Hatched Kits
>Mutated/Ailment Folk
>Cursed Folk

•Views on Goddesses•
This is one of the main clans in which it is illegal to celebrate or worship ANY of the goddesses, vespers will be stripped of any religious items, books or anything depicting symbols of any of the gods. If a vesper is caught praying or worshiping; they can be subjected to a day or two in the torture pit [The torture pit is a small hole in which a vesper can be trapped with a variety of wild, ravenous animals with little to no way out]

Vespers in Olaug have only ever had one diet and it's one that has morphed an Olaug vespers stomach to what it is today. Vespers of the clan will often form hunting groups [Mainly high ranking females] in order to take down big game; such as bears, elk, moose and other creatures that roam their part of the forest! Vespers within this clan are used to meat and only meat; the most greens some ever get being that of whatever was digesting in the stomach tract of the animal. They are not barbaric so they do at least cook the meat; Anything captured will be split up in the form of the hierarchy; with the exception of the kits; as they need food to grow. This often leaves male vespers of the clan more hungry and more aggressive; which is exactly where the leader wants them as they can easily be controlled by dangling food in front of their faces. Vespers in this clan will have very bad and very violent reactions to food that is not meat; this being grains, fruits, veggies and sometimes fish/seafood. Some are okay eating smaller game as that is all they can catch between big hunts.


Death Day
Death day is a celebration that both Olaug and Acantha have on October 31st! It is their version of Nightmare night that the ponies celebrate. This is the one time in all of their lives that kits will be able to have fun and be normal children! This is more or less to cover up the truth behind the holiday/festival. Acantha and Olaug will meet at their border and perform a blood ritual to continue having their power in the forest for another year- they don't care what source gives them this as long as they can maintain status and strike fear into the hearts of those who hear whispers of their clan- often times the sacrificial lamb is a vesper of each leaders choice. This is performed by both leaders before they part ways with a mutual truce and alliance. However- on the other end! This is a night where kits from the ages of 1 to 8 will get to dress up and go pick a pumpkin from a cart in the olaug markets- the parents and the kits will sit and carve the pumpkin, filling it with a caramelized sugar before carving it into eat-able pieces and shared between the family- the kits often getting the most of the pumpkin! This is often the only good memories a kit will have from this clan

Red Day
This is a day that happens quite frequently; at most twice a month. The secret police keep a very keen eye and ear out for the clan; learning of what these vespers get up to in their personal lives and in their homes. This clan is advertised to have privacy when in reality they dont. Vespers can report others to the police and have them taken away during a Red day. However its very very rare a vesper who reports on a lower class will be beleived if their mate or the person they are reporting are a higher ranking than them. So this often results in the vesper being thrown in the pit or prisons for false claims! However if they CAN prove their claims; the vesper in question will be taken during Red Day. Many vespers know of this day and will watch from their windows as vespers dressed in uniforms drag bound vespers away to Acanthas borders. These prisoners will them be branded with a mark of a traitor and thrown into the arena prisons until that of the Areana Tourney.

•Misc Details•
>The Native Fruit of this clan is the Pomegranate; this is symbolism and the only fruit these vespers are allowed to have; once in their life for the mate claiming ceremony
>The most common method of proposing to a vesper in this clan is by one, challenging them to multiple duels and if/when you win by presenting a sharp, jagged rock that had been found on the cliff sides; this not only proved your worth but shows that you have a good eye as well
>Vespers in this clan are forbidden from ever learning to read or write; punishment for trying to do so or for having things like books in your posession can be up to a week in the prisons
>Its not uncommon for vesper families seeking safe passage through this clan to sell their kits to the clan; its sometimes the only way through without dying.
>Most who are trying to escape will purposfully do something of a minor treasonus act in order to be shipped off the Acantha dungeons and then play dead in the tourney. Most get out scott free because of practicing and studying fresh corpses 
>Vespers who have ailments, curses, or mutations are abandoned at hatching; if they somehow manage to survive; theyll be allowed to enter the clan at the same rank as a newly hatched kit no matter the age
>Some of these kits can be sold off to other clans as a means of Olaug getting money and ridding themselves of kits who are weak or considered worthless.
>Trans vespers are outcasted in this clan; most keep quiet until they are able to escape and seek shelter elsewhere.


"Black Magic"
The Clan in Darkness

Founded in 684
Fell in 1135

•Clans Nature/Description•
Orenda is an interesting clan when it comes down to it. The clan is seen as a more mysterious force, as the air within the clan is so thick with magic that you can sometimes feel it crackle around you. This is both scary but also a really cool and unique feeling that most vespers have never gotten the chance to experience before. Orenda vespers are on a wide range, the most notable different types of personalities these vespers are known to have goes as follows. You have the vespers on one end who are trying to study magic that can help vespers; they are usually very bright-eyed, hopeful, optimistic and often very hardworking! These vespers frequently seek out answers and try to do what they can to help. This is ultimately the side of the clan that would use its last ditch effort to protect Amaris by casting the shield. On the other end of this spectrum however; you have the more cruel vespers in which this clan is known. While yes this clan is full of rather powerful magic users who are very intelligent; there are vespers out there with a morbid curiosity and the ability to enact on this. Vespers from this clan have been known to run experiments on living vespers using both magic and potions to do so. This has resulted in things such as a fully slime vesper coming into existence. Often times these experiments are not treated well and at the end of the day a majority of these vespers can be labeled as Sadists who are morbidly curious, very analytical, intelligent, gruff, sarcastic and overall not the type of vesper you'd want to tango with or be around. Of course vespers from this clan can fall few and far between the two polars of the spectrum they appear on.

•Clan Environment Description•
Orenda itself was once located in an area that bordered that of Southern Oblivion, Aceldama, and Altan! Their terrain was neither too hilly nor tok flat, kind of a nice inbetween! However the forest here was rather dense once and before the Empire took over; there used to be giant crystals that grew from the earth and pierced through many trees within the area! Vespers of the clan often suspected that these crystals were exactly what gave this the strong magic field that it possessed, as there were chunks of the ground that left craters but floated in the sky; these craters were often filled with smaller jagged crystals. Vespers of unicorn and very strong magic lineages were drawn to this part of the forest and found themselves both growing stronger and weaker from it. This is an area of the forest that if you stay too long within, you'll feel it begin to breathe; like the forest floor is alive. Beyond the giant crystals that have strong magic fields to them [Many also speculate that these crystals have come from tiefe and are the same crystals that fein are, so low and behold when the empire took over; these crystals were destroyed and used as fein. This has very much dampened the magic atmosphere of this once very magic area.] There were many many wondrous bioluminescent plants and moss that covered the trees; the trees themselves were not a natural color! Being that of a lilac with white leaves. The forest floor was a dewy liliac as well, the forest in this area felt like it was ripped straight out of a kits fairytale.

•Typical Hut Description•

The homes within these clans relate more to that of what you would see in the likes of the Empire or that of Altan, as their society is built more on pony culture with its architecture! When it comes to the more Altan based homes the description is as follows!
The homes are made of a ton of different materials! Be it wood, concrete, plaster or brick; these houses vary widely and often have the most space than another clans' home-space as the vespers need a lot more room for the items they purchase!
These homes often consist of two stories; having up to 3 rooms on each floor. A vesper will oftentimes have a Kitchen; Foyer and a Living space for guests to come in and relax in! The homes are usually more modern and up to par with what ponies are used to; so the kitchen has a good storage space; a way to heat up food; a place for spices and dishware! The living room has couches, chairs, bookshelves, paintings and places to display and put things! The foyer often has the way up to the second story!
Almost always the upstairs in these homes have a Nesting room, a Bathroom and a Storage or Office.
The second type of home is similar to the altan one in appearance but it is not located on the trees or on the floor of the clan!
Rather these homes are located on small floating islands; kept suspended in the air by the sheer force of the magic atmosphere of this clan! These homes have the same sort of layout and structure but are more magic friendly and have very cool bridges that extend from the little personal island the vesper has to the nearest tree or island!

Magic and Education are two very big and powerful sources for this clan, this means that most of the clans Hierarchy is formed off the idea that your status follows your strength and level of intelligence! It goes as follows:

>Elder Council
>High Education + High Magic Vespers
>High Education + Medium Magic Vespers
>Medium Education + High Magic Vespers
>Low Education + High Magic Vespers
>High Education + Low Magic Vespers
>Medium Education + Medium Magic Vespers
>Low Education + Medium Magic Vespers
>Medium Education + Low Magic Users
>Low Education + Low Magic Vespers
>No Magic Vespers
>No Education Vespers

•Views on Goddesses•
Because of the clan's belief system and how the world around them works and is viewed. This clan actually does not follow any of the goddesses, least not as a clan itself. They will not punish vespers for claiming or staking belief on one goddess or another. One thing that is common for all vespers of this clan however; is that they believe that the earth is alive and seek to take care of it. So none of their experiments ever harms the earth.

Orenda's diet follows that of the more typical vesper diet; consuming mainly that of fruits and vegetables!
They do also sometimes consume smaller game; such as weasels, moles or lizards. Mice and Rats are off the table as they are very much seen as pets to these vespers. The environment in the clan is actually not the best for growing their main diet funnily enough; this is why they eat small game as well!
When it comes to their actual planting and growing of crops; they will often have dirt imported from other clans in order to fill planter boxes and grow things such as; Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Onions, Grapes, Dragonfruit, Cherries, etc! Because of importing these soils and building up planters/greenhouses for them; they can grow a lot of different foods that need specific environmental conditions to grow correctly. So they have a lot of very exotic, unique and wonderful dishes that are made with these said fruits, veggies and the small game they have and can catch within the clan!
As another note; in all technicality; they are able to consume things such as seafood but many do not as to the lack of bodies of water around the clan that have these creatures/the knowledge how to properly cook them


Trial by Magic
This is a well known and very much a clan-wide event that happens once a year for the vespers who are in their fourth year of preliminary schooling.
Oftentimes these vespers are 8-11 depending on when they originally were placed into the 4 smaller preliminary schools around the clan. (It's more common for vespers turning 4 and gaining their clan marks to begin schooling). This event will pit the fourth year vespers in a tourney-esc event during the summer months within a small arena one of the advanced schools have.
These young vespers will dawn that of their school robes and will go head to head in magic duels; showing off what they have learned and their own raw strength, strategies and general spacial awareness/dexterity. Vespers who rank high within this will often have many of the advanced schools seek them out as a student. Those in lower ranks will be lucky if they get even one. This is how a vesper moves forward in their life within this clan!
The different advanced schools cover the different magic types that vespers can study and hone, once they graduate at the age of 18-21; they'll gain licenses that allow them to perform these magic tasks or experiments within the rest of the clans.
So all in all this is a very very important day for young vespers; those who fail to get any schools reaching out will have up to 3 chances before they are overall shunned or outcasted from the clan. Many beyond the headmistresses of the school's will come to observe and cheer on their kits or just generally everyone participating! Its both very very feared and very anticipated.

Festival of Renewal
This is more a personal event for the vespers of the clan and the clan itself.
While everyone does this on the same day; this is an event that is done solo [unless you have a kit]; as it's about the connection Orenda vespers have to their clan, the give and take. This happens once a year on the crest of a new year; it's the peak of a vespers soul hitting a reset with its magic reserves; as vespers within this clan are naturally born with a higher magic pool than those outside the clan while also taking in and absorbing the magic atmosphere of the clan; they tend to have an overwhelming excess of magic that can be very dangerous and sometimes lethal if not expelled to a more safe level. This is the negative effect of living within the enchanted part of the forest; however these vespers have found a way to keep the enchanted zone safe and healthy while also ridding themselves of the toxic levels of magic they'd have every 'renewal' period.
Before this day usually rolls around; the clan will become duller; levitating homes will begin to sink towards the ground and the clan itself looks sickly and as if its dying. Vespers of the clan during this time before the renewal is in full swing will feel sickly and sometimes deathly.
During this day; vespers who are the age of 2 and above will partake; Vesper parents will take their young and find a cluster of crystals around the expanse territory of their clan and sit beside it; the adult vespers resting their head and gems against the crystals surface while the kits hold a shard to their chest. For what seems like a few hours; they'll sit and meditate; tapping into the crystals and allowing the excess magic to flow out of their bodies and into the crystals.
This process will often feel like having one really big and very nice stretch as muscles relax and the ill feelings dissipate. The crystals will glow brighter in color and the ground around will pulsate with more vibrant colors as life begins to restore within the clan. Once all is said and done, every vesper doing their part and giving back to their clan; life will proceed as normal; these vespers having a regulated magic pool and the clan environment thriving once again. This clan is full of give and take; this is just one of the many things.

•Misc Details•
>The native fruit of this clan is that of the DragonFruit; They always can tell when its ripe; that bright pink color
>The most common method of proposal in this clan does not follow that of more traditional means; often times a mate will conjure a magical flower or feather for their mate; as this is a more advanced spell; as its one that is a permanent fixture- it means a lot, especially coming from those not well read or weaker in magic
>Vespers from this clan had the means to magically transition; these tomes are too advanced for those outside the clan and thusly this had been lost when the empire destroyed their clan
>The Clan once had a huge magical barrier; a natural one. But it was dispelled by those working on the inside of the clan for the Empire. When it fell; any suspicious vesper was killed and Orenda sealed Amaris off from the rest of the clans in a last ditch protection. Even if the Empire knew of the clan; there would never be a way in.
>Due to the barrier they built; sacrificing many in the clan, the magic from the clans home has drained- leaving it tapped out for the empire while also unfortunatley destroying a once beautiful and unique landmark of the forest. This is a fate many of these areas face as to keep the empire from taking it.
>Orenda had the absoulte MOST schools; advanced and basic. Those who lived here never really had aprentianceships but rather would shoot for a specific school to learn a trade of magic in order to gain a license and travel the clans.
>Orenda took and gave magic from the forst; this is why the renewal festival was so important; this is another reason as to why the magic enviorment fell; they drained it and very few knew how to give back.

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Guard, Garden, Tiefe, Von (Vesper Subtype)

•The Guard•

The Main Line of Defense for the Forest

Founded in 267
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
The Guard is an all female 'clan'. They are what's known as the protectors of the forest. Oftentimes in order to even be considered to join or be a part of this clan; you have to meet certain requirements, these being; You must be female [Transfem are 100% welcome], You must be over 4'5, You must have physical strength.
Its only three but it can definitely make or break whether a vesper is allowed within or not; they have these requirements as; Vesper females are biologically much much stronger and better equipped to take a hit than a male, being bigger [ Like even goliath size] has its benefits for already strong females, and being physically fit/strong is exactly what you need if your going to take down clans. Of course vespers from this clan do not have to be like weightlifters; they can be moderately strong and focus on fields such as healing, scouting, making potions, bartering for resources or places to stay, etc.
The guard has a reputation amongst the clans and even Oluag/Acantha and the Empire will put on a pristine and proper outlook on their clans while they are making their routine visits. As the whole purpose of the guard is to investigate, chase down and take down corrupt clans that pose a threat to the forest; they hear a lot in the passings of the clans but as the three clans have eyes and ears around the forest; they always have time to prepare and put up appearances so they remain in the clear. The guard is notorious for the take down of the blood moon clan; that clan that massacred and came from the corpse of Bluebell.
They are also known to take down dragons, manticores and ponies frequently as a general sense of forest protection.

•Clan Environment Description•
As this is a clan that has no clear or specific home land; they do not have an enviorment description. They often are spending no more than 3-7 days within a clan before moving on to the next in their route; however they do change this route every year as to keep vespers on their toes about when the guards next visit will be.
If you are curious about the Mythic Forests enviorment; please views the other clan's information!

•Typical Hut Description•
While this clan does not have a specified hut type because they are constantly on foot and often times renting out huts in the various clans on their journey and patrol; these vespers do have something of a sort that is akin to a hut for them!
These vespers will often carry backpacks with them carrying their belongings; often these women are encouraged to leave their things behind as to make it easier to be on foot and travel; so its usually not much! This makes room for something more important for a comfortable nights sleep; a tent. The Guard vespers will set up tents around a main campfire in order to rest for the night and then move on. This is more convenient for the times they are on foot and not in the range of a clan or if they can not get a place to stay within a clan

Thier hierarchy follows a very simple guideline! Thought keep in mind no one is really treated disrespectfully within the clan itself but they can be depending on rank when viewed or within a different clans territory! Their hierarchy goes as follows:

>Clan Leader [Strong Almost, Elder Female]
>Clan Leaders Mate or Second in Command
>Scout Leader
>Female Mates of the Guard
>Male Mates of the Guard

•Views on Goddesses•
While the clan itself depicts that of all the goddesses; they do not actually have a specific outlook on any of the goddesses; its a thing of- if you feel like you want to worship or follow this god, by all means do so.
Every Guard vesper can share their ideals and the thoughts they have of the goddesses from their home clans; but generally everyone either doesnt beleive in the goddesses or they beleive to keep a sense of security that even when they die serving this clan that theyll wind up somewhere good.
Its also seen as a protection to follow a goddess; so many who are about to go into battle will frequently pray to their specific god or goddesss. 

As this clan is one of travellers; their diets will mainly pertain to that of either the clan they are in or that of what their home clan is! So its hard to give a clear and concise answer as to what exactly the diet of this clan is! Youll have vespers who eat small game [Mice, Weasels, Birds], Those who eat big game [Moose, Deer, Wolves], Those who eat things such as fruits and veggies, Those who need to contact the society to keep their hunger at bay, Those who eat seafood or shellfish. Its all depends on where the vesper comes from!


Month of Rest
The Month of Rest is an event that is solo for the vespers of the guard. They will allow up to 5 of their members at a month of their choice throughout the year to leave and return to their home clan for whatever purpose or reason they have to do so. Be it to relax, be with their mate or family.
They'll get a month to do whatever they need and will often come back to the guard wide-eyed and with a newfound passion for what they do and a better understanding of what they are here in the clan to protect.
Many older vespers or overachieving vespers will try to refuse going home and taking a break, so the guard will often drop them off at their home clan or to a clan of choice if they don't wish to go home; and once the month is over; they'll be sent a bird with the note as to where the clan will be and will be tasked with meeting back up with them.

Gilded in Gold
This is an event that happens once a year before the winter hibernation! The clan will settle in one of the clan territories and set up camp; many of the vespers dawn a variety of scars from their time in service for the clan. This event often begins by sitting around the bonfire and eating a variety of different meals; again depending on where they come from will depict what exactly their diet is and what they are comfortable eating!
Once food is done; the leader will bring forth a golden paint, then she will allow vesper by vesper to come up and she'll paint over the various scars of the vesper until they are shimmering with gold in the light of the fire. Once this is done and everyone is glittering with gold [Those without scars are given a golden crescent moon around their gem or below it].
The vespers of the clan will go around and tell the tales of how they got their scars and what memories are attached to them. It's a celebration of these battle marks and the stories that they hold. Strength and these scars are very beloved within the clan and marks of honor.

•Misc Details•
>This clan has no native fruit
>This clans method of proposal is a show of arms; the vesper will often put on a display of strength; be it duels with others in her clan or doing some crazy stunt. After of which theyll offer their mate an item that represents their home clans normal method of proposal! Be it a ring, rock or feather.
>Mates of these vespers are welcome to tag along but are often left at camp or the huts to keep them safe
>Vespers can join this clan when they turn 15, any younger and theyll be turned away so they dont die too young
>Vespers who are MTF are welcomed with open arms, those who are in the clan and discover they are FTM will be given an honorable discharge when being escorted to Altan or Akio's ships. They have nothing against Male vespers but its the strict regulations of the clan; this honorable discharge will give the vesper an opprotunity to have a gold band of the simple clan mark tatooed to their wrist or upper arm as a memory. These vespers are always welcome to visit but can no longer travel or participate in the clan for their own protection.
>Akio is a clan that is not patrolled by the guard as they are not physically apart of the forest
>Aras are not naturally born to the Guard; they are often kits taken from Oblivion who were previously under the Elders care
>Vespers who seek to be parents will be honorably discharged from the clan until their kits are old enough to be on to apprentanceships.
>They have the Month of Rest event as many of their mates do not come along; this gives the guard vesper a much needed break and the time to spend with their beloved mates
>Many Guard vespers are known to supress their pulls with magic items as to keep their potential mates safe
>Vespers who consume blood are not judged within this clan!
>They have a very strong sense of commradery and companionship within the clan
>Many young females of the clans will aspire to be apart of the guard; this is a common excuse for females within Olaug/Acantha and the Empire to get out with the approval of the clan


A Clan hidden by Falls

Founded in 107
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Tiefe is a fun bag of worms when it comes to the clans; they were a clan founded by Akio way back when and was not discovered until late 1023. They are the only vespers who have the ability to hold their breath for upwards of 4 minutes underwater and are very fast and resilient swimmers! Tiefes vespers are laid back, very chill, open and oftentimes very high energy and spirited!
They can also be really creative people; doing what they like be it as a community or in their own little groups! As they live primarily within the tunnels of the clan; these tunnels expand under the forest floor; they tend to migrate towards those they share a tunnel branch with to hang out with and just generally be around! Kits and families in this clan are very close knit and siblings will often do everything together for the first few years they are alive!
These vespers are naturally very very curious as well! They love to explore and as their home is in the ruins of an ancient ponykind civilization; there's so much to explore, decipher and look at throughout the tunnel systems!
All in all, it's a wonderful clan to be a part of and many vespers will migrate to come live here!

•Clan Environment Description•
Tiefe is not the death pit drop with three central waterfalls as the map will have you believe it to be! Rather Tiefe slowly descends into the ground; having different levels of shallow cliffs; these little cliffs having willow trees spotted about until you get to the center ring; where willow trees are tightly packed! This is the entrance to the underground tunnel systems that are liveable [Levels 2-3] This also contains the level that is completely submerged underwater due to a trap that was triggered many many hundreds of years ago by three too-curious kits.
Generally however; back to the rings of the clan! These rings are covered by little waterfalls that extend from the three big waterfalls of the clan; they have pools of water- having hot springs and geysers sprinkled around! Most will say its very stuffy unless you grew up within the clan! Generally the terrain is pretty rocky; having mostly moss and bioluminescent plants that cause the water to be a bright glowing blue as well as lighting up the rocks around. Generally the outside portion of this clan is really interesting and really fun to explore and be active in! [or relax in as hotsprings].
As for the tunnel systems; around the midlevel of the rings you'll find the first level of tunnels! These tunnels are deep and are the ones that cave in and are unstable; these cause the tremors many of the other clans experience as well as the deep cuts that run in the ground for many of them! This is where the crystal known as fien is mined as the area these tunnels are located are very rich in the crystal! Luckily they use only shards for currency so they only really need very little to be mined for a good majority of the time!
When you stem into the liveable tunnels, two and three, you get to the more typical Tiefe layout! These tunnels are very deep and expansive; wide enough for you to put a one story home in! There's vines; bioluminescent plants, generally there's crystals and sometimes trees growing down here as well! It's really pretty to view. Below the flora of the tunnels; there's ancient murals and inscriptions within the walls with text that can't be translated! But from the pictures many can guess on the stories being told within the walls. Many young vespers and older scholars will spend years of their life studying these!
However they won't get very far as the bottom level of this clan; the fourth area, has been completely submerged underwater.
This tunnel system once opened up so large that you could fit a whole castle! In which; there use to be a castle. It's still there but it is very much underwater and very much covered in rubble so it would be a miracle to even get in. Because of the flooding trap; all the records that were on paper or fabric have been utterly destroyed and beyond repair. So there wouldn't be much use going into this level.

•Typical Hut Description•
As Tiefe is mainly situated within the second and third levels of the clans tunnel system; as the first is too unstable to be lived in and the fourth is completely submerged under water; these two expansive tunnels are the only places beyond being outside in the different levels of the cavern that are suitable for the vespers of this clan to live in. For the homes within the tunnels; vesper of this clan build them directly into the stone walls; each home is labeled with a small sign and a crystal that glows when its dark, they have two main rooms and often times a window facing the tunnel and a door to get in and out for some privacy! They have a nesting room and that of a general hangout and storage room! The hangout/storage room are about the same as what you'd normally expect; places to store away valuables as well as barrels and such to store away preserved foods and their nesting rooms are often soft pelts and flora as they have no way of getting leaves really
As for the other set of homes they have; these are built out into the open section of the clan that has the multiple pools and little waterfalls! You'll have a brick hut on the forest floor around the clan! They make mud bricks and build up these huts- some are more decrepit than others and they all have bark or woven leaf roofs, sometimes they'll have fur pelts depending on their status! Often times these homes are slightly build off the ground as to avoid flood waters. But generally follow the same layout as the other hut above

Tiefe does technically follow the more normal hierarchy of the clans!
Though its very very roughly followed at best! It goes as follows:

>Elder Council
>Elder Females
>Protector Jobs
>General Labor Jobs
>Kit Based Jobs
>Adult Females

•Views on Goddesses•
Teife is a very laid back clan; and thusly this winds up stemming to the views on the goddesses! While they do naturally have more affinity to follow that of Polaris because of the influences tha Akio left them when forming the clan; most of those within the clan either dont follow the gods or follow a few of them! Most often than not though this is more of a private and not very talked about thing within the clan!

Teife has a very very limited supply of fruits, grains and veggies! They do get shipments of stuff that is imported from the other clans that they do use; store and preserve for future meals. Their main diet lies within that of seafood! As they have an abundance of seafood coming from the deep pools of water around the clan; as many of these pools are rather deep!
They'll eat things such as crustaceans, like blue crabs, lobsters, etc! They will also eat things such as clams, mussels, shrimp, salmon, tuna, catfish, etc! Whatever is available within the waters of their clan is often hunted in moderation! As most of the time; they do build areas within the tunnels to breed these sources of food in order to keep from the clan draining the natural resources they have!
When it comes to fruits; they do have small hard-as-rock berries that grow and are bioluminescent! These little berries are a pain to crush in order to eat but they make a very delicious jam. Oftentimes vespers of the clan will make seafood boils and things such as pasta! But they do have stomachs that can handle smaller game and fruits/veggies/grains!


Night of Wishes
This is an event that is taken from that of Akio! The biggest difference is that it's not that of a religious event; many of the clans will talk about this spectacle of lanterns floating out of Tiefe as if the souls of the forest collect there and float out in the clearing every Summer Solstice! It's not something they can see Akio do as the clan is far away in the ocean! Vespers from tiefe will use this as an opportunity to send their wishes, secrets and thoughts out into the universe; in hopes they come true or to lift the weight off their shoulders. For the most part though it does work like that of Akio's Night of Wishes!
A week before the summer solstice is to arrive; the day in which there's such a short sliver of Polaris's beautifully crafted sky; vespers will prepare items for paper lanterns. These lanterns will be decorated and have a little scroll attached to it. Once it's ready; they'll tie a ribbon around the scroll and attach it to the lantern; from there they'll light the lanterns and send them off into the sky as the last licks of the sun are wiped away by the dark rays of dusk. The lanterns when floating further away will look like stars in the night sky; in place of the ones that have yet to appear. This is an event that gives closure to some and can renew hope for others. Overall it's a touching event that is always looked forward to

Tests of Endurence
As vespers within Tiefe are usually high energy and very active; loving to run around and jump off cliffs into the pools of water; they have a week within the year that they will set up a competition of sorts for the vespers who are 18 and above to participate within! These little endurance tests are very fun and often take many hours of training to improve upon!
Some of these events include things such as a breath holding contest [Both in cooler waters and in the hot springs], A Race around the different rings of the clan, Acrobatics with the trees in the center of the clan, sniffing out hidden food in the tunnels; collecting the most clams from the bottom of a pool. So on and so forth! These events spread out over the course of the week and many vespers will come by to watch from the sidelines as the hours tick by and these vespers participating push themselves to their limits for entertainment!
Those who rank the highest in these tests will often get fein as reward and those that get the most will be crowned the champion of the year; which often gives them tiny little privileges around the clan which is very very nice and often very sought after!
Generally though this event is more for the entertainment of the vespers of the clan and often very sought after and trained for!

•Misc Details•
>While they do not have a native fruit; they do have a native shellfish! That being a blue crab
>Their most common method of proposal is finding that of a soft and smooth rock or crystal thats been smoothed overtime
>Vespers in this clan are very open and welcoming to those who come from places such as Olaug and Acantha!
>You are more than welcome to try and set up a little garden within the clan! Most of the vespers here are use to getting their stuff inported so it would be a nice change of pace!
>Vespers within the clan often have the arms and claws made for digging through the dirt and stone of the tunnels!
>Vespers of this clan have fur that repell instead of accept water; so thats how they are able to swim and not be dragged down and drown
>Their waterpools often have little rings of sand around them! This is a comoforting place to relax as its often warm from the sun beaming down on it all day
>Vespers of this clan have odd-jobs such as fetching clams from the shallows or skimming out much from the hotsprings and such!
>Vespers from this clan often dont mind things such as frogs or toads; as they are frequently found in the pools of water
>Dont be suprisded if you see a vesper from this clan just death-grip a fish; they will try and catch them for fun and then have to try for dear life to keep their grip without killing the poor thing
>Tiefe vespers will often travel in groups when going to fetch materials and imported good from Altan!
>Vespers from this clan use carrier pigeons to send messages off to the other clans rather than sending off actual vespers to do so
>This is a clan that is very supportive of trans vespers!
>Their hierarchy isnt fully followed? A lot of the time decisions wind up being clan made rather than elder made!
>Many vespers will go to akio to experience how their culture differs from theirs in the clans


The Clan of Broken Souls

Founded in 756
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Von is a sister-clan to that of Nekane; it has always been a small clan of the broken, mutated, those who experienced corruption or generally seek a better life than that of which they have experienced in other parts of the forest.
Von vespers are soft spoke, quiet, often have a lost look in their eyes but find a soft comfort in being surrounded by vespers who are the same as them.
Von vespers are both private and open; very sweet to their own but also wanting a space to be by themselves and to be quiet.
Many post-corrupt vespers will find themselves being drawn to this small clan as they are not welcomed elsewhere; which is already very difficult for them as they have only about 25-50% of who they were before corruption. Many vespers in this clan refuse to give up hope that things will get better and be okay again, theyll hold eachother up and help eachother out; some vespers will struggle or relapse into old habits but they are not alone and never will be. 
This is a clan that will welcome anyone who is seeking a safe haven from the rest of the clans and a good support system.

•Clan Environment Description•
Von is nestled between the borders of The Empire, Alma and Aami. They are in technicallity an Empire territory; having struck a deal with the clan that they own the territory and can take taxes; but von gets to keep it non-walled so vespers can come or go, but they are required to report any moves of Aami and/or Alma to the empire. Von vespers keep up a minimumn of whats required in order to keep their clans space as their own. Because they have the smallest clan territory, theres not actually a whole lot of information about their enviorment! At most they have two creeks/streams goign through the clan and the terrtain isnt very hilly nor too flat. They trees arent too dense or too spread out and they are right up against one of the various empire border walls that has a checkpoint for vespers to come and go from the empire to von or from von to the empire. They feel that one day, the empire will fully take over and this small itty bitty safe haven will be ripped from the clans and leave the vespers who seek it, empty-grabbered.

•Typical Hut Description•
Von follows that of its neighboring clans hut type; that of the standard Aami hut. By now this is something of a common hut type that should be recognized, but if not this is how the hut is structured!
These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room, Von is one of the few clans to have roof gardens! Having made use of the forest floor, they'd create a shallow bed with the planks, fill it with dirt and grow some fruit or veggie bushes to soak up the rain! This also provides them with delicious foods- Oftentimes they use the leaves from their trees, which the closer they get to tiefe become willow trees, as tiefe is surrounded by willows! The willow tree has some of the best greenery to use for doors and windows- usually being preserved with magic to stay green all year! Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry

Von does not have a hierarchy; this is to keep and encourage a very friendly and uplifting community that the clan has!
So you wont see them adopting the Empire hierarchy anytime soon even if they are technically suppose to have it because of being the only technical 'seperate' Empire territory!

•Views on Goddesses•
Von has the same mentality other clans have of; if you want to worship one goddess or another; by all means do so! Theres no specific veiws on the different goddesses throughout the little clan and its usually a very private and personal subject to the vespers living here! So not something most will openly talk about as it can be a really sensitive subject for some of the post-corrupted vespers who feel theyve been abandoned or betrayed by the goddesses for having gone through what they have.

Vespers of this clan can have a wide variety of diets; but the most common is that of what a typical vesper diet is!
Consuming mostly fruits and vegtables!
They dont have a whole lot of room to actually grow their food, so they rely on the empire to export them some that had been grown in the various big fields the clan has ownership over!So they tend to eat a lot of the same foods the Empire has, be it sanwiches, buns, soups, salads, so on and so forth! You can visit the Empires information for further depth on what they consume on the daily.


Purification Communion
While this event has no actual effect; it does boost morale and the general feelings of comfort for the community.
As many who seek refuge in this clan are those who were corrupted and have since been ridden of the corruption thanks to the healer of broken minds; they feel lost, scared and just trying to find a place to fit in. This is an event that happens every time a post-corrupted vesper enters the clan and seeks a place to stay. They'll be dawned with robes and given some crescent moon markings where their gem once was; being brought to the elder of the clan and sat before them.
The elder will have others leave and will sit with the newcomer until they feel ready to open up and speak of what they remember to the elder vesper. This can take anywhere from minutes to months for a vesper; the post-corrupts are free to roam the clan but they always will come back and eventually talk to the elder. When they do, the elder will hold their grabbers and cast a small purification spell while saying a few words of encouragement and general praises, reassuring them that the corruption can not and will not come back. That they are finally safe.
For most, this little bit of kindness and reassurance is enough.

Gilded in Gold
This is an event that had been inspired by watching that of the Guard as they passed through one night; they understand the beauty in scars and the stories vespers have so this is something they adopted!
The eldest members of the clan will dawn robes and gather up gold leaf and gold paint; their helpers making floral wreaths to hang around the necks or place upon the heads of the vespers who partake and willingly tell their story or stories. Their scars and imperfections will be lined with gold, markings painted on their body and the wreath will be placed upon them.
Vespers of the clan will have a community dinner while they take turns telling their stories and getting support and words of encouragement from their fellow clan members. This is a night where their flaws and the things that make them who they are shines through and is celebrated. Its something of closure for those who were corrupted; something of therapeutic for those who have been mistreated.
Many will let the paint naturally come off with the rain the clan has while others will clean themselves off before resting for the night.
Many who are brave enough to face this event and tell their tale and embrace the part of themselves they can be the most insecure about; often preserve the floral wreaths as a momento.

•Misc Details•
>This clans native fruit is that of a Fig, considered to be one of the most ditested fruits out there, but beloved by those in this clan
>The Most common method of proposal in this clan is offering a broken geode stone; the geode shows the inner beauty of the solid grey rock and is very meaningful to find and keep to these vespers
>Many vespers in this clan migrated from other clans because they were outcasted fro being cursed, mutated or have an ailment. This is a commonplace for abandoned olaug and acntha kits to be brought to and raised
>Many orphaned kits in the clans who are left in the forest are brought and raised here
>The clan will raise the kits together as no one is fully functional enough to raise a kit on their own
>Vespers who are raised here have higher empathy and understanding for those around them
>They are very seperated from the Empire beliefs and traditions, they are not included in the day of Unity as the empress has expressed shed rather die than step foot in the clan of rejects.
>Flaws are a celebrated thing here, its not something youll be put down for
>This is a clan that many will come to to sort themselves out, sometimes they stay and sometimes they move on to other pastures. Sometimes they go back to their original clans
>Elder vespers will often times seek this clan out to peacefully let themselves go out in one of the best clan enviorments there is in the forest

•The Garden of Eden•

The Clan of Memories

Founded in 756
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
The Garden is a more mysterious clan! It paints itself as a clan for those who are seeking refuge from the harsh reality of the rest of the clans. They will offer you a lilac lotus to consume when you are initiated into the clan and when consumed you'll begin to forget the bad memories of the life you hadd outside the clan. This leads many vespers to want to stay within the clan and the walls it stays within.
Generally the clan itself is very open and very friendly; vespers of the clan rest in the same room; all eat together as a community, and are assigned jobs to give back to the clan! Generally life in the clan is very simple and very nice; though the main thing with this clan is once you enter, you may leave but you may never return! The clan itself is magically protected; if you need the clan or you are seeking it out with pure intention; the clan will reveal itself to you.
However if you have malice in your heart while seeking the clan, you will be lost for ages trying to find it; as its location will be that of solid stone where the thick layer of vines would often be. Even magic items can not dispel it as it was casted by that of the ancient civilization that came from tiefes lower tunnels.

•Clan Environment Description•
The Garden of Eden is a clan located just on the furthest coast of the East oblivion border. Tucked away and leading into a valley in a mountain, the entrance is covered by a thick layer of vines, grown from magic to protect the garden from harm.
There are no separate huts within this clan, but rather a large manor made of marble and wood, nature overtakes the stone in some areas. A hidden away sanctuary that started as a dark hearts horde. All who seek this place will find it, those who need it will find it, but those with malice in their hearts will be locked away.
Within this clan; it opens up at the very tip-top of the mountains to where vespers within the clan can see the sky! This in itself has a magic field that protects the clan from outside harm. There's not many trees and there's some rocks scattered about within the clan! Beyond that of the main structure within the clan; they have farm fields, a big area to eat as a community, a well for fresh water, a koi fish pony with a big sakura blossom tree and generally space to just exist! 
Below the clan itself is that of the lotus cavern; this is a bioluminecent cavern submerged in a shallow pool of water in which the lilac lotuses grow; these grow from the resting place of one of the past Osai leaders whos powers were transfered into the lotus plant so the memory-eating was more controlled and less likely to target non-upsetting memories. This area is often taken care of by members of the clan.

•Typical Hut Description•
The main structure of this clan is that of a marble and wood temple. Its main building has stairs leading up to a grand entrance; the walls are cracked and much of the building has been overtaken by nature as its clear this spot was not vesper made but once a safe space for a different race of creatures all together.
The main hall is spacious with very little in it beyond a small shrine for vespers to pray to and to receive a loti petal whenever need be, this is if they have memories beginning to bubble up once more! From there you have two separate out-door corridors known as the pillar corridors. The one set to the left will bring you to that of the nesting room for all clan members who fall in ranks that are more common! These are communal nests and many vespers will cuddle up together to share warmth throughout the nights
To the right of the corridors is that of another nesting room! This is also somewhat a communal space but is also sectioned off by curtains so those who are in the higher ranks are able to rest in peace without disturbing one another! There's also often times shelving for the vespers of the clan to put their belongings. And lastly in the final section with a room that a wall had been built for; this is the Osai or the leaders room. This room has a very large nest that has four posters and silk covering it. There's many bookshelves, wardrobes and places to put Knick knacks and other items that this leader will accumulate over the years of rule.

Like all clans and civilizations, there is a hierarchy to some degree
The Osai, or leader of the clan, reassures everyone that the hierarchy is needed and will keep everyone safe and happy. There is to be no violence, no speak of the world beyond the garden, there is only the garden.
The hierarchy goes as follows:

-The Osai or Leader [Female vesper often]
-The Mother [ Female Vesper who rears the young of the clan]
-Osai Mate(s)
-High rank Healers
-The Mothers Helpers
-Lotus Caretakers
-Kit Caretakers [Secondary to the Mother]
-Low Rank Healers
-Basic Temple Preists(ess)
-Farmers & Other lines of menial work

•Views on Goddesses•
They do not follow or believe in any of the traditional goddesses; rather instead the mother and that of the Osai are treated like goddesses in their own right. Divine beings that provide the lotuses that allow them to forget the negativity and the bad of the life they lived before that of the Garden!
Obviously this in its own right is not the most healthy outlook for a vesper to have when the vesper they are idolizing is the same as them and has no really abilities that would differentiate them from one another!

The garden of eden is a clan that consumes more of what a normal vespers diet would be or is!
This being that of consuming veggies, fruits and things like grains.
They grow a lot of veggies, like cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, peppers of all kinds, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, seasoning and herbs + so much more!
Wheat and things to make bread and doughs, fruits and such to make jams and beans too! During the winter they make a lot of soups!
Usually meals are made in 3 really big cauldrons! Specially for soups and salads and stir fries and such! For sandwiches each will make their own pretty much! They eat as a community, 3 meals a day! The Osai, Omens, Mother and Mates eat in the central hall together though, keeping it separate unless its a festival or someone's hatchday!


Loutus Feast
This is one of the most important traditions, this happens every lunar cycle as to regulate the clan.
The loti are important to the clan, but also very dangerous. Eating too many can result in a vesper beginning to gain an addiction that'll lead them to slowly forget everything about themselves beyond the bad parts of their past, to a point with enough they could end up forgetting how to do basic bodily functions like breathing, which will ultimately end a vespers life.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, not eating the required amount (1 medium size every full moon) you will begin to remember to trauma and bad things that life had brought a vesper beforehand, but some will choose to take that to remember the good within that bad.
During this event all of the clan will gather in the mess hall, a patch of grass with blankets if leaves and sticks, kind of like nests, that vespers have created
The loti will be passed out by the priests and priestesses to each and every clan member, as the moon raises to its peak, the loti will begin to glow a pale lilac, this is when everyone in the clan besides a select few will consume the loti (omens, aras, Osai included in those who do not partake) and begin falling asleep one by one, the forgetting beginning (note that the magic is and has been attuned to seek and take away the negative, with the consumption of multiples, it begins to weaken that motive and begin taking what it can)

Newcomers Welcome
This event is for that of the new members joining the clan, on average the clan welcomes at least 4 new vespers every cycle of the moon!
There's months where its less and months where its higher but the average is 4. Since the garden is a place you can find when you need it most but also one you can find if your intentions are good. During the new moon, the new clan members are dressed in silks and given wreaths made of lotus's and Moonflowers.The night they are celebrated with dancing and a feast once the time is right, the new members will be given a speech by the osai and they'll be given the potions to drink
They'll fall unconscious after that, and will need to rest for a week to let the forgetting take a full hold over the newcomer

Crowning of the Osai
The osai is often female, the first hatched daughter of a previous osai.
However its also not uncommon for an osai to be hatched male and to rule as such. During this day the Osai can be a multitude of ages, depending when their parent had past, sometimes a parent lives long enough that the childs, child takes over the garden.
But they are given a speech by The Mother, she will tell the clan and the Osai all of the expectations they are to live up to, their responsibilities and what is needed of them. The Osai will then be required to complete a task their parent or grandparent had set out before them to prove they are worth of the title. Once this has been completed the new Osai will be given the crown and they will take the head of the table for a grand feast and celebration

•Misc Details•
>Their native plant is that of the memory-eating Lotus
>Their way of propsing within this clan is presenting that of a sakura blossom wreath! When it wilts; this is replaced by a more traditional ring.
>The Osai comes from a lineage of memory-eating vespers; this is the only magic type they have
>Vespers in this clan can and will be punished for talking about the world outside the clan; as it can trigger back old memories
>Vespers who wind up here are often times abused, mistreated or generally did not leave a very good life before finding the clan and entering its perimeter
>Poly pulls are very encouraged within this clan!
>The Osai will typically take on more than one mate even if they do not have a pull to the vesper in question as to mostly keep up appearences and status
>The Osai oversees that of the lotus growth down in the caverns below the clan
>Those who drink blood in this clan are permitted to drink from their fellow vespers as the BRS has no reach within the clan shut off from the rest of the forest
>If the Mother or Osai are harmed; the clan will sentance the purpertrator to death- this is and will always be a community decision rather than one either head of the clan will make
>There can be Male Osai!
>There is a binding spell that surrounds the clan; it keeps the vespers within forever passive as to keep the whole; no hurting or maiming those within.
>The Mother must always be female; if she has no kits of her own, she will adopt one to train to take her place

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