

Visual Trait Index

Section 1 - Physical info

1.1 - What are Vespers?
Vespers are a mix between a Fruit bat, a pony and a dragon.  Most say they are like bat-cats.
Vespers have their home in the world of Alvera and live within a forest known as the Mythic Forest, within large clans. They are a matriarchal species. 
Vespers are very social and territorial creatures when it comes to species besides their own. They are protective of their family groups and home. When enraged or in danger they will grow over three times their size to protect themselves or scare off the invading creatures. 
Vespers are also a nocturnal species, meaning they scavenge, roam, build, interact and move around during the night. They sleep during the day like a normal bat or owl type species would. 
Another thing about species is that they need to be around their clan or other animals they have formed bonds with, such as their pliff, they thrive off social interactions, Vespers that have been separated from their clans and that are alone for a few days will stop eating, like how Sugar gliders will if they don't get enough attention. 
Another quick thing about Vespers: Their chest has a marking from the respected clan they are from, once they become a child, elders from the clan will use a special magic infused dye to draw the markings on! This can be changed if they decide to switch clans.

1.2 Vesper Diet and What Diets They are apart of
Vespers are herbivores more commonly than not, some branches of their kind are omnivores or straight up carnivores though! It depends on the clan they come from and how they adapted to the surrounding area
Taking after their fruit bat like inheritance, these creatures prefer to eat fruits, mostly like pears, apples, oranges, berries. Anything they can find that is a fruit they will gather and eat, if not poisonous. They can also eat things like veggies or other plants! It all depends on what your vesper prefers! Before you ask, the fangs are to rip into hard fleshed fruits and plants, like pineapple or cucumber! 
They can consume things like bread, cheese, dairy products, sugar and sugar-y products as well! Most of these items coming from Altan, the clan that has trade routes with pony kind.
Vespers form of alcohol is honey! Honey fuCKS with their system but acts essentially the same as alcoholic beverages and 'snacks', honey sticks are an equivalent to jello shots

As for the other end of- What eats vespers, its a simple answer- Due to their locations, the northern, western and some parts of the southern forest are frequently prowled by dragons and manticores from their respective areas (Dragons from the dragon lands, Manticores from the mountains). While they are a natural part of Dragon diets, they became a delicate delight for the manticores when one was starving and discovered the meat. Vespers have a natural sweetness to their meat which makes it perfect for some dishes! Often dragons will kill 2-3 vespers to sate their hunger and need for more gems, keeping the scales and gems as trophies, while Manticores will only take down one and discard the inedible parts. 
Vespers are also hunted for sport by pony kind, specifically any NOT from Ravenveiw City, Egrest Village or Leota Village - as those three pony civilizations have treaties with the vesper clans and species, the other towns are dangerous to pass through and are known for selling vesper hides, gems and scales. Their hides are used for fur coats and accessories, gems for magic enhancement items and their scales for armor.

1.3. - Life Stages and Life Span

Rarities and Ages:
Commons live up to normally 50-70 years 
Uncommons live up to normally 75-90 years
Rare live up to normally 100-120 years
Legendaries live up to normally 130-140 years
Mythics live both as long as their previous life span, and then can live up to 150-200 years

Young Kits:
Baby vespers are very small and fragile, for the first 2 weeks their eyes will be sealed shut and they will lose their sharp spike on the nose that would've allowed them to get out of the egg in the first place. Baby vespers are watched very carefully by the parents, since they do not have markings developed yet, they have no bio-luminescent glow to them. As they have no teeth the first year, they would be fed mushed up veggies or fruits. These beans have very large ears in which they need to grow into, so when they have their bursts of energy when not asleep, they trip over said ears a lot. Vespers are considered babies up until the age of 4, where the young vesp has earned their teeth, as well as some of their markings! During this time the vesp will undergo their first aging up ceremony, the one that marks them as apart of the clan. Vespers at the age of 4 earn their clan markings!

Children vespers are loud, obnoxious and just learning how to glide and climb. They are quite a handful to say the least and can often be put into nightcare so the parents can go do what they need to do. At this age, these vespers are gaining more of their markings and their new scales are coming in as they age
Some lucky few will also start feeling their pull for the first time during this stage in life, they are often the ones that talk about it the most or are the most interested in the legend.
They all know they'll have enraged forms to grow into when they become teenagers, many young vesps will duel each other and some of the older vesps will begin throwing them off low branches to teach them how to glide!
At the age of 10, these vespers are expected to start going to work under an adult vesper who has the trade they wish to do when grown up! For aras, this process starts at the age of 5
Overall, they are the age where they are getting smarter, learning basic skills like gliding, climbing and finding their own food and are generally, energetic

Teenage vespers are usually bigger than the children, their ears are still bigger than they should be, but they are still growing. These vespers would have finally gained all their markings and will have gained their fangs. They have fluffier chests and have more scales developing over the sensitive areas on their bodies. If the creature has more than one eye color, the color in the inside of their ears and eyes will begin to change.

This is the age where Vespers usually first get to transform into their enraged forms. Because they are teenagers, these vespers are more agitable and get mad easily or strong emotons more frequently. Hence a good majority of the Clan will have the enraged forms wandering. this is lovingly named the "Edgy phase". As time goes on they will start to calm down and start chattering about what their roles have picked to peruse for their lives, or starting to plan their aging up ceremonies as siblings will have the same date depending on when they were hatched, due to mating season, this usually ends up having all the vespers in the clan planning together 
Teenage vespers also start finding themselves being more interested in their pull, as it starts to get stronger and stronger, while those without tend to get flirty with other vesps, though it's all in harmless fun

Adult vespers are the now fully grown members, usually only reaching the shoulder of a normal pony, females are a bit shorter than the males of this species as well. Vespers are considered adults once they undergo their aging up ceremonies, once their gems form they can be a bigger use and help to their clans. By now they would be skilled at climbing on the trees and gliding from the branches. This is the point in time the vespers would have fully completed their training to take over roles of the older members within the clan. Being that the species is matriarchal, the females of the clan take on defense, protector and important roles of the clan life. Most of the smaller males go into rearing the clans young. Also, at this point in their life Vespers are able to reproduce and find their life long mate, so their species cycle continues. Adults of this species personalities split off and cant be defined as one single thing, normally this species is very social and surrounds themselves in their clan. They also have that very strong territorial feelings.


Elder Vespers are the normal leaders for the colony, the eldest is always the one to make the final decisions as said, They become weaker and start to lose scales, they won't eat as often, if they have multicolored eyes that will eventually go back to one solid color once they are close to death. Elder Vesper's markings start to turn white, once they become fully white that's the time the vesper will die. As they go from an Adult to an elder, Vespers start to lose their "walking radiator" status as their hearts start to fail and stop heating their bodies as much as they normally would, to keep them alive the clans keep their elders in a tree with one another so they could use the remaining warmth of the others to keep alive. When an Elder dies off, they are buried underneath the center tree of their territory, the place where the clan originally formed

1.4. - Vesper Heights and Anatomy

Vespers themselves are about shoulder length when compared to a normal pony, they are small and quick on their wings, whether with climbing or gliding from the tall tree branches. However when they become enraged or feel that they are in an immediate danger, these seemingly small and cuddly creatures will grow to be three times their usual size to protect themselves and their clan

Forever passives range from 2' as shortest 2'11 the tallest
Goliaths are 5'1 as shortest, 6'5 as tallest

Females in normal form are usually only 3' feet-3'5 feet tall
In enraged they are 9' feet to 10' ft tall
Males in normal are usually only 4' feet- 4'5 feet tall 
In enraged they are 12-13 feet tall 

Both genders can honestly fit in either height range, you can find a massive 4'5 foot tall female and a 3' foot tall male; Do note that this is just a reccomendation of sorts, you are welcome to make your vesper any height for your worlds n stuff!

Their basic body build are here, almost all their components are useful.

They have hard scales located under the fluff around their neck to protect their soft underbellies from damage, and have scales covering the sensitive parts of their bodies. They have the grabbers at the tips of their wings to help them move around and climb. Vespers have rather big ears to help cool their body temperature as they could be considered walking radiators from the heat they give off, the have the fluff to make up for the cool temperatures they live at, as said earlier- vespers live at the tallest parts of trees, as they move down, the ears are there to cool them down.  Vespers become more dragon-like when becoming enraged to scare off intruders, protect themselves or to spar/intimidate
Their gems are connected to the soul, usually gained when a teenage vesper is ready to age up to an adult at the aging ceremony. These gems unlock a vespers magic, be it heating things up, cooling things down, healing or messing with flora, etc. HOWEVER, They are very WEAK magic users, legendary match up to the lowest level unicorns!! Unless they have unicorn blood in their lineage, when they have unicorn blood their magic will be stronger than normal- if its a reoccurring thing in their lineage, it would not be suprising to meet a highly skilled magic user vesper who is powerful. They can mainly heal small wounds, spark a small fire, make some plants grow a bit, levitate light objects, etc!!! A vesper will DIE if their gem is removed, it would severe their soul. The only way to do this would be to seek out the healer.

1.5. - Traits of Vespers
Below is the trait sheet for vespers. This is subject to change over time, and new traits may be added.

1.6 - Mutations

Below is the mutation sheet for Vespers. This is subject to change over time, and new traits may be added.

1.7 - Cursed Traits
Below is the cursed traits sheet for Vespers. This is subject to change over time, and new traits may be added.
Do note that cursed traits are FREE to use [With Rights/MYOs] and that the items in shop are purely for collection purposes!

Cursed traits themselves are an odd phenomenon that vespers have recently stummbled upon through their trading with pony-kind!
Cursed items have been known to cause bizzare and very out-of-character things to appear or change about a vesper.
Be it that their eyes and ears change color depending on their mood to enraged spines growing out of a females back! 
This is not a very well studied thing as its is more newly discovered.
Because of this being a new phenomenon, it causes many vespers to actively avoid anyone with these bizzare traits, seeing them more as monsters than one of their own kind. A majority of these curses dont seem to have lasting effects once the item is taken off; however many wind up in situations where they are unable to do so. By record; the only lethal cursed trait is that of an internal elemental [Note that light and shadow may NOT be internal].

General reference:

Section 2 - Vesper Lifestyle + Misc Info

2.1 - Magic and Gems
Gems are one of the more under rated and least talked about things with the vesper species.
Vespers in their base form are weak magic users. Most Legendries only match up with the weakest level unicorn being able to easily float items and have slightly stronger abilities.But its commonly known that those with unicorn blood in their lineage have a much stronger magic, the closer it is to the current generation means their magic is the strongest it'll be, and as the generations go on without another unicorn, the magic will dilute back to normal
Gems are ALWAYS located n the forehead unless they have multi-gem, in this case, beyond the main gem- the gems can be anywhere on the face
Their abilities and gaining their gems is one of the most important things in a young kits life as it is a symbol of aging up and becoming a full fledged adult! It also unlocks a lot of their potential power and skills
It is the last ceremony most vespers go through unless they have a mate.
Gems are formed over a course of a few days after a vesper aging up ceremony (Happens anywhere from the age of 16-20)!It starts as a small shard and will continue to form into a full gem. For most legendries sadly, the potion will fail to produce a gem, thus these vespers can not use their magic without an enhancer or helper item


With basic magic level, the most a common vesper can lift up things like a quill pen or some light fruits with their magic!
As they go up in rarity they more they can do! 
For example, a rare healer can heal deeper wounds and set broken bones! While a legendary vesper could fully heal broken bones and stop some internal bleeding if they purely focused on healing magic! It ranges based on the rarity of the vesper, their lineage and what they excel at, is usually what they take up an apprenticeship with a vesper who also has that ability or abilities 

Some of the most common of the magic types are:

So on and So forth

Please ask Keeble about magic if you have a question abt it!
Also note: Vespers CAN use pony magic enhancers to make their magic more powerful!

2.2 - Aras and Breeding

As the species is mainly homosexual, Aras and ara potions became a thing to keep the species alive and thriving! These vespers are always infertile and are selected at birth due to their scent being altered due to this infertility. (Unlike most Infertile vespers, aras have no scent at all! like fresh snow or fresh air)
Aras are Primarily female!!! The ratio for Female to male aras is 30:1, Aras are hatched every 50-100 years in the clan! usually 2-3 or more if you are in oblivion!

They are often raised by the elders or the ara of that clan and at the age of 5 (a year after the clan claiming ageing up) they begin their apprenticeship under the previous ara (there is often 1 to 3 in a clan) They learn how to make the ara potions mainly, which in itself takes many years to perfect as they don't want to ruin any vesps only chance to have kits. They also learn how to read vesper body language and chemistry between partners, they have the power to agree or not when it comes to giving the potion during the breeding season! 
They are often believed to be followers of Daifa mainly because of fertility, life and other things the goddess is known for but they can follow any of the goddesses 

Aras are often very swamped around July/August as that is the vesper breeding season and home to the many summer festivals for the species! The potions they make take about a week to fully get to a working state and due to many wanting to take the potion on these special events, many expecting parents will visit and ara in order to get their potion! The potion itself is a mix of herbs and as sad as it kinda sounds, magic infused tears from the ara, Often times the vesper parents will give blood, a scale or two OR! a few strands of hair to be dissolved into the potion during that week long period! This allows for the parents DNA to mix and combine. Aras will store these bottles with the vesper parents names written out in a glass storage container- While the potions are pretty in color, it is rancid tasting, so most are glad they only have to do this once

Aras are often very respected in the clans even for being infertile, often times knowing the fact they can't bare kits, will sometimes drive the ara to be anxious and fretful that those in their clan will believe an old wives tale in which an ara looking at you will cause you to go infertile as well. In general, Aras allow vespers to reproduce even as same sex pairings, this is the only chance many many many vespers get to bare young and seeing as they only lay/vomit 3 eggs, the chances of getting a kit are sometimes very low as all can be infertile

As for Mating and creating off-spring, here is the information you need:

Vespers young almost never come in just a bundle of one when its a heterosexual paring who have created offspring. They have bunches of kits, it normally ranging from 2-5 per egg bunch. Heterosexual pairings can have up to 4 bunches of eggs, each bunch containing 3 eggs, during their lifetime. But alas, Hetero pairings are rather rare in the vesper species!

Homosexual pairings rely on Aras, with the information above you probably already know this fact. These pairings only have one shot at producing offspring, they will also vomit or lay 3 eggs for their single bunch, but the drawback is these eggs have a chance of not hatching any offspring- which is devastating to the expecting parents, usually by November, the eggs who are not going to hatch will sink in and rot.

The mating season happens during July and June. 
The hatching season is September and October (Earliest date being August 15th to the latest which is Nov 15th).  
This means vespers have very limited zodiacs, so instead you can list it the way they do:
>August 15-Sept 22 - Born under Daifa or B.o.D
>Sept 23-Oct 22- Born under Polaris or B.o.P
>Oct 23- Nov 15th- Born under Shivani or B.oS

2.3 - Pulls and The Mate Claiming Ceremony
Vespers are hatched with what's known as a pull, they aren't fully aware of it until they became a teenager! With the exception of a few lucky vesps who've known since a young age

Basically a pull is an emptiness in their mind- space will form as they age and it slowly will start to lead or tug them in a specific direction, so like north, south east/west, etc. If they chose to follow that pull it will lead them to their mate or as close as it can to them
They know when that mate is met as the emptiness will be filled with their mates presence, thus calming the vesper and the constant pulling stops, they are able to tell where their mate is in a general sense of direction but they can't pinpoint it like they were able to with finding their lifetime partner, friend or companion! As Pulls don't need to be romantic in any sense of the word, vesper can have bromance pulls, or pulls where they don't feel anything for their partner n they kinda just,, co-exist

However, for vespers who have a pull to another species, it's hard for the other species to comprehend this, so vespers can appear as very forward, out of the blue and very clingy/protective. They also don't take the rejection very well and can be seen as overdramatic by outsiders who know little to nothing about the species
Some vespers are born without one- this is called having no pull and is more common than not. Others feel a sudden absence and the pull is replaced with an emptiness, that's what we called a severed pull meaning their mate died and they never met them
And if their mate is dying or very very ill
Vespers can feel their partners presence start to fade.
If its a sudden death
They feel a sudden absence and that emptiness will linger until they perish|
Note: Vespers with more than one head STILL only have ONE pull in cannon

A Vesper is always pulled or drawn to their mate, as mentioned above. 
 When they age up to adulthood that is when the pull is the strongest. Even weak pulls are very notable and irritating. Often times when the vesper reaches adult hood, its when they go looking for their mate, to find them and see what the goddesses had in store.
Usually, those vespers will become a couple and see if things work out, most often then not the vespers mesh perfectly like two puzzle pieces being met and one will decide to bring up the mate claiming ceremony, their version of marriage. For simpler terms, ill refer to this as a wedding.

Its tradition to find a peacock feather to give to their mate in order to 'pop the question'. Considering these can only be bought from Altan, its a big expense and trip in order to gain one- on the flipside a vesper family can use a feather that was passed down from generation to generation. However not all families do this and not all vespers use this method. Its common for Altan and Empire vesper primarily to use rings to propose, taking this from what they've seen ponies do! And lastly, in some clans they've taken up searching for the shiniest, roundest pebble or stone they can find, often times this will be made into a choker, necklace, ring or earring for their mate to wear, or to be displayed in their hut. These vespers will often opt for the most perfect of stones over the biggest. Other clans have a mix of these three ways. But how the mate responds and how the other asks is fully up to the couple

This ceremony always requires a healer and either a mother or female elder from their family to bless the wedding. The vespers engaged will discuss where they'd like to hold it, who will be there, so on and so forth, your usual stuff- Because of how big the clans are they are very very rarely a clan celebration. Often times the mate who isn't from the clan will opt to change their clan during the ceremony but some do keep their homeclan marks
The ceremony will begin with the vespers citing vows and making small promises to one another, during this time they'll split open the clans native fruit and feed each other a piece, making their 'i dos' and taking a drink from the potion the healer will present
And to end the ceremony the vespers would sink their teeth into the others neck after taking a drink of what's known as the "Binding" potion. 
Once both are bit, their presence will become stronger, and a pull will increase when they are very far away from one another

Usually if a vespers mate is going corrupted, they will be able to tell either due to; the symptoms, their mates presence fading even though they are standing right beside them or it will be fully severed in the vesper goes full corrupt almost instantly.

2.4 Winter hibernation

Winter is a harsh time for any species. But when you live in an enchanted forest with harsh winters and have homes established in hundreds of feet tall trees, its rougher. Vespers outside of the following clans- North Oblivion, Amaris, Tiefe and Altan- All hibernate from the date of December 15th to February 28th. 
During this time the winter is the absolute worst and would be hellish to survive, especially with the very young kits who have hatched a month or two prior. Vespers huts are made to withstand the weather, reinforced on the inside with mud, sticks that have been nailed into supports, sap and anything else they can get their grabbers on, often times they opt for fur from other animals who have perished to cover up windows and the door during this time, sealing them in place from the inside, so no harsh air or snow can get in. 
Within the clans that do this, they prepare and stock up food for the months after the hibernation, in barrels and boxes, tucked into the corner of their hut- any of their fur or fur from other beings they could get will be added to their nests to make them more comfortable and warm, as the winter approaches- they'll become slower, heavier and have denser, thicker winter fur. About 3 weeks in advanced, they'll begin eating more and more to gain fat for the slumber ahead.
 When it comes time for it, the vesper families will seal themselves in their huts, gather their little ones up in the center of the nest along with any elderly family, and the adults will surround them and pile up to keep a good flow of heat to keep those who cant maintain it safe and warm the entire winter- 

When the date comes for them to wake, its always the kits who are up first- older and more energetic and loud as well as very hungry- These little rascals will bite their elders until all of the older vespers are awake to feed them and themselves. Often times the adults will spend time observing any damage the winter would've done their huts or neighbors huts. Snow is still covering the ground during the time they wake but spring is always just a breaths away, so the kits often lunge themselves in snow piles or off the tree into the snow drifts below while the adults manage and check on everyone in the clan- those who don't make it through the winter are buried in spring, but their bodies are preserved until then as the ground is too frozen to be broken through. Overall the vesper will spend their time repairing any damages, waking up, gaining their energy again and cleaning up their huts and gardens for the upcoming spring months

2.5 Vesper Specific Ailments

Vespers like any species has its own set of ailments that they have to deal with. some of these are life threatening to the vesper but not contagious in the slightest. ALL of these are hereditary though and is usually a trait in both parents
Vespers can also get other diseases and ailments that exist already!

The first of the ailments is known as "Inferno Heart", this is when a vespers heart begins to overwork from a very young age, causing them to produce way too much heat, so during the summer time this results in the vesper getting heat stroke which can be life threatening. This ailment also makes a vesper very slow and lethargic, usually occurring more in mutated or higher rarity vespers. It is a lifelong condition, it's the same with this ailments polar opposite
Speaking of the polar opposite, the ailment "Frozen heart" is the ailment that weakens a vespers heart as they grow up, around the teenager age, the vesper will lose heat rapidly and can't maintain their body heat, this will usually be life threatening in winter months and is also a lifelong condition. Usually these vespers are given a support vesper that usually produces lot of heat but not often to the level of an inferno.

The "Forever Passive" ailment is one that is severe and extremely rare seeing as this is the ailment that vespers under 3 foot can get. Vespers with this can NEVER go Enraged, however if it comes to an involuntary action such as fright, the vesper will lock up as their body will try to go enraged and grow three times their size, however this will cause their bones to snap and usually puncture the organs of the vesper, leaving them to bleed internally until death.
This is a life-long ailment and cant be cured, However these vespers can also have support Vesps that will protect them as well as make sure to knock the other out when they try to go enraged.

The "Goliath" ailment is both very similar and very different from the Forever passive one. These vespers are also unable to get into their enraged forms, cursed from birth. They have massive bodies and are often mistaken for corrupts even though they are far too small to be one. These vespers are very lethargic and calm and also eat a ton. Usually clans will drive Goliath vespers out due to them being a useless member of their community and really only eating the food the clan worked hard to grown and collect. The only clan that keeps them a lot of the time is Oblivion and Olaug, Goliaths' are nipped at and trained to be territory border watch, they are fed from time to time when keeps them awake and active, being pretty much starved

This vesper ailment is one that relates to a plant mutation, now this ailment stays dormant in about 90% of all the vespers who have it. This being known as the "Seeded heart" ailment. This ailment basically means the root of the plant mutation lays dormant in/next to or on the heart of the vesper and if the vesper experiences a certain level of heartbreak, it will cause the seed to begin growing wildly out of control. This ailment ultimately ends in a very quick yet painful death or corruption
Another ailment that follows the lines of the Seeded heart ailment is known as "Crystal heart". Though instead of plants, crystals form from the heart and through the skin of the vesper, usually resulting in a morbid, but beautiful corpse or corrupt

Continuing the streak of ailments, This one only occurs if the vesper is rejected by their mate. 
This is related to the hanahaki disease! Known as "Star tears". When a vesper is rejected by their mate, sparkles and tears shaped like stars will begin to flood their vision and face, the longer it continues the worse it becomes. The stars make a little twinkling sound and do glow softly. Depending on severity and the amount of time the vesper deals with it, they go blind and sometimes they can die from this, as itll fill their windpipe and lungs overtime.

The next is Lunis. This is also known as a werewolf ailment! Vespers who are affected by this can't access their enraged forms. This appears more in females than it does in males! What happens is these vespers when its a half, full or new moon, they are stuck in their enraged forms and aggressive. Vespers with this ailment are usually driven from their clans or are welcomed into the Guard/Olaug

This is the last known 'ailment' though not quite like the others, as instead of a vesper physical being- it messes with that of a vespers soul and core. This is known as a 'Poly Pull', this takes a vespers pull and divides it to where the vesper has more than one life long partner, taking it from 1 to 2-10 different vespers. They do not occur naturally and are very difficult to find as the different pulling directions would be incredibly difficult to follow, especially if they are in different places. Poly pulls do not occur in all parties and can often lead to one vesper who has it but the rest of them do not; or multiples can be drawn to one another. This also means; a vesper will have multiple presences in their mind when they meet all their mates; if they haven't met all of them- then there will be presences for those they have and a pulling urge will continue for the one they have yet to meet. Its a bit confusing but these vespers have very big families usually; be it platonic or romantic

2.6 Written Language

This is the script that vespers write in, made to be easy for vesper with one grabber to carve into objects- it is called Vespish and the script was created by Lovoid

2.7 Blood Color Flavors

This comes from Aceldama vesper research, with their group of vesper that consume other vespers blood, this is handy for helping your vesper figure out what colors fit their preferred palette 
Mythic and Corrupted blood have a unique effect on the Vesper that consumes it
But let us go through the blood colors and how they generally taste to the vespers who consume it

Light Grey- Kind of Sweet, no distinguishable flavor
Medium Grey- Kind of Savory, no distinguishable flavor
Dark Grey- Kind of Spicy, no distinguishable flavor
Silver- Tastes of mint after you ate one and took a drink of water
Dark Red- Cherries
Dark Orange- Blood Orange
Dark Yellow- Butter, a rich butter
Dark Green- Cucumber  
Dark Blue- Blueberries Dark
Teal- A sweet candy, like taffy
Dark Purple- Eggplant
Dark Pink- Dragon Fruit
Dark Brown- Chocolate  
Bronze- Caramel
Pastel Red- Apple
Pastel Orange- Oranges, Tangy
Pastel Yellow- Banana  
Pastel Green- Kiwi
Pastel Blue- Blue Raspberry
Icy or Teal Blue- Berry Pie
Pastel Purple- Black Raspberry
Pastel Pink- Watermelon
Red- Red velvet cake
Orange- Snicker doodle
Yellow- Lemon Tart
Green- Spearmint
Blue- Cotton Candy
Teal- Sugar Cookie
Purple- Grapes
Pink- Strawberry
Brown- Brownies
Gold- Honey
Mythic Blood- Hard to obtain but has healing properties:
White to heal the Body + Soul, 
Black to heal the Body + Mind. 
This is highly sought after but extremely expensive

White-Angel Cake
Black- Devils Food Cake
Corrupted Blood - is very addictive, its described to taste of a sweet nectar, deceptive by a hallucination.
This blood enables horrific hallucinations both visual and audible, rots the teeth of the vesper and leaves them in writhing pain and a wrecked mind as a come down from consuming

Section 3 - Mythics and Corrupts

3.1 - Mythics

3.1.a What are Mythic Vespers?
Mythic vespers are vespers who are given a second chance to live their life, usually these vespers first lives are very unfair, brutal or horrid in general. They can also be givin this second chance because the soul of the vesper was put into the wrong gendered body, the goddesses will use this as a chance to fix their mistakes and give the vesper the right body and better life than before. 
As for first lives, be it they die at a very young age and don't get to live out the life the goddesses had placed before them, or they were sacrificed unfairly by a clan. Whatever it is, these vespers usually have immense amounts of burdens and pains in that life, the rebirth is giving them a second chance to live, love and exist with less pains and horrendous things that happen- usually before these vespers die, they are said to hear the voice or see one of the goddesses and are often reborn with the flower relating to that said goddess. A Lotus is Polaris, a Bluebell for Daifa and a Black rose for Shivani.
Mythics are usually the most spoiled of kits and usually praised heavily, which can make them entitled, egotistic or just plain rude at times- some mythics are humbled by their families or by their pasts, their first lives and many other things
These vespers do have duties within the clan, be it working in one of the temples, lighting fires for ceremonies, protecting the clan on the front lines, being one of the strongest vespers- caring for the elders, or just existing as a figurehead when needed

They CAN breathe small to large magic fireballs based on the rarity of their previous life:

Common: Size of a fist
Uncommon: Size of a Cantaloupe 
Rare: Size of a watermelon
Legendary: Size of a Backpack

3.1.b Behaviors:
Mythic Vespers, are the more calm and collected, wise creatures on the outside but most deal with their own things inside or are just goofy and have a softer, relaxed personality under that mask. They act more casually, and spend most nights while clans are busy, they spend most nights in a temple of the lunar goddess, they sometimes act high and mighty because they are known as children of polaris. Often times vespers will cower away or try to befriend the mythic, many parents will push their children to work towards this second life, its seen as a goal, but some parents go too far with it. It's a blessing and a curse. Some are able to remember pieces of their past lives and it can really mess them up too
Some mythics are really really egotistical and sometimes slack off with the duties they are given within the clans

3.1.c Diets:
Like all vespers, they are herbivores, and live mainly in fruits and veggies, however some of the mythics are omnivores, having developed more of the dragons appetite, they will hunt small animals like rabbits or mice to feed on, but nothing larger and it's often once every two or three full moons. Mythics enjoy leaves of things like mint or Baisley, but also have favorite fruits or veggies they also enjoy honey and other saps/syrupy type foods

3.2 - Corrupts

3.2.a What are corrupt Vespers?
Corrupt Vespers are something that is Shivani's doing, this is more known nowadays after many vespers who have been corrupted had some sort of tie to the goddess, good or bad. When a vesper goes corrupt it either is a very slow process of becoming more aggressive, losing ones sense of self, becoming detached and apathetic. 
Or this process can be nearly instant. As a vesper goes corrupt they will also slowly get bigger, start smelling like decay and rotting fruit, and start coughing up the black liquid that is poisonous to all living creatures. these are early signs, later stages include starting to go enraged and being stuck in a in-between form. 
Some vespers manage to keep their conscious thought up until a year or two after they go full, after this point they can NOT think for themselves and are basically rampaging murderous husks, aimless, but can be saved if they hadn't reached this point yet or haven't been in it for very long. If the vesper had a drive or motive before corruption, that will stay as their main driving force, but they are reckless and sloppy an leave decayed trails usually, the scent of them is almost unbearable, so you can usually tell when a corrupt is nearby. 
A lot of things can trigger becoming corrupted, from being rejected by a mate, to being left to starve in a tunnel to losing a kit- strong emotional triggers can cause it but so can magic items and black magic

3.2.b Behaviors:
Corrupted Vespers are unstable, very unstable beings from the first symptoms to the very last ones. They can act calm and unknowing until they finally go full and completely snap. Others will begin to lose their selves very, very quickly and become so bad they are usually killed or out casted from their clans, by that point they usually are fully corrupted. Once they no longer can think for themselves, they are a danger to everyone and everything around them. The pattern is: Track, Kill, Consume, Repeat

3.2.c Diets:
Corrupted vespers can go one of three ways when it comes to their diets. Either they stay true to their vesper nature and eat mainly plants and fruits, if they find the right resources away from the clans, they can thrive there. Another path they could take is well, becoming omnivore, even if it makes them sick for a while, these vespers will hunt and eat meat to keep themselves alive. And lastly, the vespers that have gone mad or were driven past limits, become cannibalistic, Killing and eating their travel companions or clan members that stray too far. 

3.2.d Can they be cured?
Yes, Corrupted vespers may be healed, but it is a very time sensitive procedure. Corrupted vespers are easy to track, and the current Healer is usually hoping from location to location tracking these beasts. The Healer has strong flora magic, usually using that to his advantage when he encounters a corrupt. Like his teacher, He tries to save every single one, however the potion that is used (Being only known by the healer and his apprentice) will sometimes accidentally kill the vesper if they are too far gone. See all the healers potions and remedies are natural as he has no healing magic, hence why he uses a specific potion. When a corrupted vesper is held down, he will dump it over the vespers head, over their gem and face. This will usually knock the corrupt out an the liquid will seep in. Usually a healing vesper will be out for a good 2 months or a year depending how far gone they were. This potion slowly severs the tie between a vespers soul and their gem, said gem turning to dust. If they are too far gone, this process kills the vesper instead. Once a vesper is awake, they will be forever stuck in a calm mode, and have about half of who they were before the corruption occurred, most have ptsd and can't go back to living like they use to, so many stay with the healer or wander until they die. 

3.2.e Post-Corruption:
Vespers who survive corruption are often left with PTSD, anxiety and amnesia!
As they lose about half of who they were before their corruption, this is often frustrating, scary and confusing to the vesper
Sometimes more if they were close to the threshold of almost being killed with the potion to heal them! This leaves the vesper feeling weak, lost and just odd
Often times the vesper will wander, unable to make sense of themselves or the world
But overtime, their minor wounds will heal over, leaving scars to remember their dark pass by, their major wounds will never heal, this includes parts that have fully decayed off and these spots often cause pain for the vesper, these areas can be amputated or be covered with magic infused ointments to alleviate some of the pain
One of the most notable things for this type of thing is the vespers pull if they had one before corruption has a 25-50% chance of coming back and reviving in a very weak state. This means the vesper could potentially find their mate again and slowly begin to regain themselves with help!
But often time these vespers feel fear and cant bring themselves to try and find their past mate, so instead they seek out the clan for the broken and damned to have a new start, Von

Section 4 - FunFacts

All information within this section did not fit in any other section or was a small note that i felt needed to be restated! Please enjoy these little notes

>Vesper learn to glide by being thrown off low branches by their fathers, uncles, or nightcare caretaker
>Females are smaller, more aggressive and less fluffy- they are the powerful leaders of the vesper world
>Males are bigger, more relaxed and soft and very fluffy- they are the caretakers, made to rear the young and take care of simpler tasks
>Vespers have a matriarchal society, Females are put higher than male, lesbian pairings are considered the most powerful. All elder councils are made of females, so on and so forth
>When content or very happy, a vesper will make clicking or purring like sounds 
>Have a heart that produces a lot of heat, this is nicknamed the "Dragon heart"
>They travel in groups of 3, sometimes more if a goliath or forever passive is travelling alongside them- this is incase of a dragon or manticore attack, a single vesper can wipe out a pony so they aren't to concerned with them
>Vespers just kinda seemed to appear one day, even though they've lived in the forest for a very long time that was unrecorded
>Vespers prefer their mates scent over anything else
>Vespers smell of flowers, fruits or veggies, depending on what they eat the most- often times a vesper can smell of honey- Infertile vespers have an off-ness to their scent while aras have no scent
>Back in the times of Dae, vesper had 2 syllable names, a tradition that's been since dropped
>Spoken Vespish is a lot of chirps, screeches, squeaks and grabber movements- it can be learned by other species
>Vesper can be found as an egg by other species- this is because griffins are assholes and make a game of stealing vesper eggs and hiding them when they realize they aren't a better parent than the vesper who vomited/laid the egg
>Vesper markings glow their eye color! They can control this glow
>A lot of their mutations come from having mates that were not vespers
>If a vesper and another species have a kit, it will always be one or the other, no hybrids- Often times the offspring is always a vesper, like 99% of the time
>Twins and Triplets are extraordinarily rare
>Vespers will scratch a part of their hut to sharpen their grabbers
>Vesper families all share the same nesting room, they don't have much care for privacy a lot of the time- seeing as their huts consist of a main room and a nesting room
>Vespers learn to count with little bags of 10 pebbles, given to them when they are 3, they use the pebbles to help them learn math, most keep their bags to give to their kits when they don't need them, others keep them because they still need them
>When vesper learn ponish and other languages, they have a wispy-airy accent!
>Vesper eggs are usually dull, dusty colors as to blend in, but they can be very bright and colorful

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