Approval and ML Submission

Created: 21 June 2022, 19:24:38 EDT
Last updated: 19 January 2023, 16:24:35 EST

------- ★Masterlist/Approvals★ -------

This page is used for uploading missing characters OR getting characters approved as a rights holder.
If you are using an MYO, there is an option to submit a design on the MYO ML itself!

Please use the following form for Approval/Uploading a missing Character:
You can use any sort of link to submit an image as long as it is high quality and unwatermarked!
And then fill out the following form:

CD ---> (Don't Delete or Fill In, Mod Use Only)

Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Artist DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker:

• If vesperfication, please list Designer as the ORIGINAL Designer and provide proof of permission along w/ the char in question.

If using Items, which items?:
If using Items, link Inventory:

[ Please reference when writing out the vesper's traits. ]


Eye Traits
# of Eye Colors:
Sclera Color:
Pupil Shape:

Head Traits
Sets of Horns:
Gem Shape:
# of Gems:
Ear Type:
Nose Type:

Mouth Traits
Blood Color:

[ List in C->L Ascending Order ]
Scale Traits
Scale Shape:
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck, & Belly
Additional Scale Placements:

Body Traits
Hind Legs:
# of Grabbers:
Tail Type:

[ List in C->L Ascending Order ]
Cursed Traits
Body Decay


Faelicity Avatar


Theme: Cave of geodes
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:(
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:(
Base Maker's DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:: N/a

Rarity: Corrupt
Vesperfication, Custom, Adopt, Personal or Gift: Personal
Are you using any items: (If so please attach your inventory and specify what item)

If Vesperfication, please give the OG Designers DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:

Please use the (, to write out the vespers traits, add a (C), (UC), (R), (L), (Co) or (M) to indicate each rarity for each trait! Thank you : D

# of Eye Colors: 4 eye colors (L)
Sclera Color: Black Sclera (R)
Pupil Shape: Dripping, Pupil (CO)
Gem Shape: No Gem (L)
Gem #: No Gem (L)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (C)
Nose: Pony Nose (C)
Teeth: Fanged Teeth (C)
Tongue: Long, Round Tongue (C)
Blood Color: Grey Blood (C)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common, UC, R or Leg, Please list all places out) (Mandatory) (C)
Hind Legs: Elk/Deer Legs(C)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (C)
# of Grabbers: 4 Grabbers (L)
Tails: Dragon Tail (L)
Horns: No Horns (C)
>8 Eyes [C]
>Elemental [Partial] [L]
> Crystal Growth [R]
>Decay: Neck/Chest,Legs,Arms [CO]

2022-07-25 23:32:27

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

Please use your corrupt MYO to go through approval! There will be an option on the MYO menu to use the myo or update the design. Remember, do not include traits when going through that process ^^

2022-08-02 13:29:36

Mop Avatar

Theme: June
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:

Rarity: Rare
Are you using any items: No

# of Eye Colors: 2 Eye Colors (Uc)
Sclera Color: White Sclera (c)
Pupil Shape: Slit Pupil (C)
Gem Shape: Geometric Shape Gem - Tear (C)
Gem #: One Gem (C)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (C)
Nose: Pony Nose (C)
Teeth: Hollow Fanged Teeth (C)
Tongue: Round Tongue (C)
Blood Color: Unsaturated/Dark Blood - Red (Uc)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Mandatory)
Hind Legs: Hooved Legs (C)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (C)
# of Grabbers: 3 Grabbers (R)
Tails: Nub (C)
Horns: No Horns (C)

2022-07-21 19:15:21 (Edited 2022-08-02 13:29:25)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

( Sorry I forgot to continue corrections yesterday woops! )
- Can the slit be made more apparent? At first thought the kid was blind sksk

2022-08-02 13:17:35

Mop Avatar


2022-08-02 13:29:39

Mop Avatar

Theme: Iota
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:

Rarity: Uncommon
Are you using any items: No

# of Eye Colors: 2 Eye Colors (Uc)
Sclera Color: White Sclera (c)
Pupil Shape: Slit Pupil (C)
Gem Shape: Geometric Shape Gem - Inverted Kite (C)
Gem #: One Gem (C)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (C)
Nose: Pony Nose (C)
Teeth: Fanged Teeth (C)
Tongue: Split Tongue (Uc)
Blood Color: Unsaturated/Dark Blood - Red (Uc)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common) Base of Ear
Hind Legs: Hooved Legs (C)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (C)
# of Grabbers: 2 Grabbers (Uc)
Tails: See Mutations (Uc)
Horns: No Horns (C)
> Dog Tail (Uc)
> Overbite (Uc)

2022-07-21 19:10:56 (Edited 2022-08-02 13:04:15)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

Question before I look through corrections; is this a redesign? I recognize them and I see the twin on your acct so I thought I'd ask.

2022-08-01 13:38:41

Mop Avatar

It is not a redesign as the character it is meant to replace no longer exists due to the new twin rule. They are meant to be a twin of the one that still does exist though, yes.

2022-08-01 19:59:27 (Edited 2022-08-01 20:42:23)

Mop Avatar

This is an image

Theme: Leon
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:

Rarity: Legendary
Are you using any items: No

# of Eye Colors: 3 Eye Colors (R)
Sclera Color: Black Sclera (L)
Pupil Shape: Misc/Any Shape Pupil - Cross (R)
Gem Shape: No Gem (L)
Gem #: No Gem (L)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (C)
Nose: Pony Nose (C)
Teeth: Fanged Teeth (C)
Tongue: Long, Split Tongue (R)
Blood Color: Pastel Blood - Yellow (L)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Legendary) Plated Nose
Hind Legs: Paws Legs (R)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (C)
# of Grabbers: 2 Grabbers (Uc)
Tails: Dragon Tail (L)
Horns: One Set of Horns (L)
> 3 Eyes (R)

2022-07-21 19:02:59 (Edited 2022-08-01 20:14:34)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

- Specify pupil shape and blood color
- Specify scale placement a bit more (Plated Nose would be correct)
- Blood color appears pastel

2022-08-01 13:33:12

Mop Avatar


2022-08-01 20:14:55

Mop Avatar

This is an image

Theme: Spider's Knot
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:

Rarity: Corrupt
Are you using any items: No

# of Eye Colors: 2 Eye Colors (UC)
Sclera Color: Dripping, No Pupil (Co)
Pupil Shape: Blind (C)
Gem Shape: No Gem (L)
Gem #: No Gem (L)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (C)
Nose: Pony Nose (C)
Teeth: Sharp Teeth (R)
Tongue: Long, Round Tongue (R)
Blood Color: Unsaturated/Dark Blood - Teal (U)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Mandatory)
Hind Legs: Dragon Legs (L)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (C)
# of Grabbers: 2 Grabbers (UC)
Tails: See Mutations (UC)
Horns: No Horns (C)
> No Tail (Uc)
> Six Eyes (L)
> Extra Eyes (Co)
> Tendrils (Co)
Body Decay: Arms, Legs (Co)

2022-07-21 18:48:46 (Edited 2022-08-01 20:25:46)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

- Please make a note on if the left side of the ref is pre-corrupt or post-corrupt
- A note will be needed if the ears are clipped shorter (on the left)
- A side eye ref is needed
- Decay tentacles cannot be semi-opaque! They need to be made solid black, and either moved or removed in those positions if you do not wish to cover parts of the body.
- Specify blood color
- The tail looks like a clear bunny tail, rather than no tail. Either remove it or change the listing to be bunny instead.
- Please list mutations in C -> Co Rarity order!

2022-08-01 13:28:32

Mop Avatar

Fully updated, but questions in my last reply still stand /gen

2022-08-01 20:26:26

See More Replies

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