Approval and ML Submission

Created: 21 June 2022, 19:24:38 EDT
Last updated: 19 January 2023, 16:24:35 EST

------- ★Masterlist/Approvals★ -------

This page is used for uploading missing characters OR getting characters approved as a rights holder.
If you are using an MYO, there is an option to submit a design on the MYO ML itself!

Please use the following form for Approval/Uploading a missing Character:
You can use any sort of link to submit an image as long as it is high quality and unwatermarked!
And then fill out the following form:

CD ---> (Don't Delete or Fill In, Mod Use Only)

Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Artist DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker:

• If vesperfication, please list Designer as the ORIGINAL Designer and provide proof of permission along w/ the char in question.

If using Items, which items?:
If using Items, link Inventory:

[ Please reference when writing out the vesper's traits. ]


Eye Traits
# of Eye Colors:
Sclera Color:
Pupil Shape:

Head Traits
Sets of Horns:
Gem Shape:
# of Gems:
Ear Type:
Nose Type:

Mouth Traits
Blood Color:

[ List in C->L Ascending Order ]
Scale Traits
Scale Shape:
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck, & Belly
Additional Scale Placements:

Body Traits
Hind Legs:
# of Grabbers:
Tail Type:

[ List in C->L Ascending Order ]
Cursed Traits
Body Decay


Mop Avatar

Please use The following code to get the image to pop up: This is an image
And then fillout the following fourm:

Theme: Pink Cleaver
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker's DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link::

Rarity: Legendary
Vesperfication, Custom, Adopt, Personal or Gift: Vesperfication
Are you using any items: (If so please attach your inventory and specify what item) N/A

If Vesperfication, please give the OG Designers DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link: (permission proof)

Please use the (, to write out the vespers traits, add a (C), (UC), (R), (L), (Co) or (M) to indicate each rarity for each trait! Thank you : D

# of Eye Colors: 1 Eye Color (C)
Sclera Color: White Sclera (C)
Pupil Shape: Any - Rectangle (R)
Gem Shape: Misc/Fluid Shape Gem - Heart (R)
Gem #: One Gem (C)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (C)
Nose: Pony Nose (C)
Teeth: Sharp Teeth (R)
Tongue: Split Tongue (UC)
Blood Color: Unsaturated/Dark Blood - Red (UC)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common, UC, R or Leg, Please list all places out) (Mandatory)
Hind Legs: Hooved Legs (C)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (C)
# of Grabbers: 1 Grabber (C)
Tails: Nub (C)
Horns: One Set of Horns (L)

2022-09-23 21:35:24 (Edited 2022-09-28 18:17:05)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

- The permission proof for vesperfication does not seem to be working!
- Pupils appear rectangular and not round, so pupil shape would need to be Any (Rectangle) or made into circles

2022-09-28 10:32:06

Mop Avatar

Should be fixed? Lmk if proof is still broken

2022-09-28 18:17:30

Mop Avatar

Please use The following code to get the image to pop up: This is an image
And then fillout the following fourm:

Theme: Blooming Veil
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker's DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:: N/A

Rarity: Legendary
Vesperfication, Custom, Adopt, Personal or Gift: Custom
Are you using any items: (If so please attach your inventory and specify what item) N/A

If Vesperfication, please give the OG Designers DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link: N/A

Please use the (, to write out the vespers traits, add a (C), (UC), (R), (L), (Co) or (M) to indicate each rarity for each trait! Thank you : D

# of Eye Colors: 1 Eye Color (C)
Sclera Color: White Sclera (C)
Pupil Shape: Blind (C)
Gem Shape: Geometric Shape Gem - Round (C)
Gem #: Multi-Gem - 9 (L)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (C)
Nose: Pony Nose (C)
Teeth: Fanged Teeth (C)
Tongue: Long, Round Tongue (R)
Blood Color: Pastel/Light Blood - Orange (R)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common, UC, R or Leg, Please list all places out) (Mandatory)
Hind Legs: Hooved Legs (C)
Ear Type: Lop Ear (R)
# of Grabbers: 2 Grabbers (UC)
Tails: See Mutations (R)
Horns: No Horns (C)
> Unicorn Tail (R)
> Plant Growth - Hair Flower Accessories (R)
> Elemental [Partial] - Halos, Markings (L)
> Fluffless (L)

2022-09-21 23:20:33 (Edited 2022-09-28 18:23:53)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

- Please specify the # of gems in the multi-gem
- Probably should add plant growth to mutations!
- Unfortunately the center horn of the crown needs to be removed, or it needs to be shortened and fully vertical like a proper crown. It is way too far into the unicorn/crystal horn territory, mimicking those traits more than it resembles a crown. The crystal texture to it adds to that.

2022-09-28 10:38:32

Mop Avatar

Consulting w client,, If the flowers in hair are accessories and not a part of the vesp can I just make a note that they are accessories?

2022-09-28 18:56:41

Mop Avatar

Please use The following code to get the image to pop up: This is an image
And then fillout the following fourm:

Theme: Caspian
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker's DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:: N/A

Vesperfication, Custom, Adopt, Personal or Gift: Personal
Are you using any items: (If so please attach your inventory and specify what item) N/A

If Vesperfication, please give the OG Designers DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link: N/A

Please use the (, to write out the vespers traits, add a (C), (UC), (R), (L), (Co) or (M) to indicate each rarity for each trait! Thank you : D

# of Eye Colors: 3 Eye Colors (R)
Sclera Color: Single Color Sclera - Dull Purple (L)
Pupil Shape: Round Pupil (UC)
Gem Shape: No Gem (L)
Gem #: No Gem (L)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (C)
Nose: Cow Nose (UC)
Teeth: Hollow Fanged Teeth (C)
Tongue: Long, Round Tongue (R)
Blood Color: Unsaturated/Dark Blood - Maroon (UC)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common, UC, R or Leg, Please list all places out) Up to Common - Shoulder (C)
Hind Legs: Fetlocked Elk/Deer Legs (UC)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (C)
# of Grabbers: 3 Grabbers (R)
Tails: See Mutations (UC)
Horns: Two sets of horns (L)
> Dog Tail (UC)
> 3 Eyes (R)
> Multi Pupil (R)
> Fluff Around Ear (R)
> Fluff Mut - Spine, Tail (L)

2022-09-19 21:53:00 (Edited 2022-09-29 00:03:40)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

- Specify the sclera color
- There appear to be 3 sets of horns
- Add Long Body to mutations, the body definitely leans more lonk
- Add Tail to the fluff mut, for it is bigger than normal fluff allows
- Can you also provide a shoulder ref for the scales? They're v muddled and hard to see

2022-09-28 10:42:16 (Edited 2022-09-28 11:36:27)

Mop Avatar

Updated- though I shorted the body, no more lonk! I outlined the shape of the horns and added a side ref to show their shape and that there’s in fact 2 sets. Finally, I simply cleaned up the shoulder scales and did them in a darker outline. If I absolutely need to make a side ref lmk!

2022-09-28 18:34:48

NuggetLily Avatar

Please use the following form for Approval/Updloading a missing Character:
Please use The following code to get the image to pop up: ![This is an image](IMAGE LINK)
And then fillout the following fourm:
Theme: city lights
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker's DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link::
Rarity: Legendary
Vesperfication, Custom, Adopt, Personal or Gift: custom
Are you using any items: (If so please attach your inventory and specify what item) N/A
If Vesperfication, please give the OG Designers DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link: N/A
Please use the (, to write out the vespers traits, add a (C), (UC), (R), (L), (Co) or (M) to indicate each rarity for each trait! Thank you : D
# of Eye Colors: 1 (c)
Sclera Color: colored sclera Grey (L)
Pupil Shape: slit (c)
Gem Shape: No gem (L)
Gem #: no gem ( L)
Scale Shape: shaped scales webbed (r)
Nose: deer nose (r)
Teeth: sharp teeth (r)
Tongue: drippy split long tongue (L)
Blood Color: grey (medium) blood (c)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common, UC, R or Leg, Please list all places out)
Hind Legs: pawed legs (r)
Ear Type: mouse ear (uc)
# of Grabbers: see mutations ( r)
Tails: see mutations(r)
Horns: one set of horns (L)
>unicorn tail (r)
>paws instead of grabbers (R)
>long body (r)
>fluff around ear (r)
> fluff mut - elbow, base of tail (L)
>glowing eyes(L)
>hood (L)
>elemental partial (light)(L)

2022-09-13 13:19:54 (Edited 2022-09-28 17:41:56)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

- Please specify the sclera's color
- Please specify the scale's shape
- Please put blood as Gray (Medium)
- Forgot to list out the grabber mutation! (Should be put at the top of the list
- Forgot to list out the tail mutation! (Should be put at the top of the list)
- Please specify locations of fluff mutation
- Please specify the type of elemental used

2022-09-28 11:18:41

NuggetLily Avatar


2022-09-28 17:52:59

NuggetLily Avatar

Please use the following form for Approval/Updloading a missing Character:
Please use The following code to get the image to pop up: ![This is an image](IMAGE LINK)
And then fillout the following fourm:
Theme: Flipped coin
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker's DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link::
Rarity: Legendary
Vesperfication, Custom, Adopt, Personal or Gift: Personal
Are you using any items: (If so please attach your inventory and specify what item) N/A
If Vesperfication, please give the OG Designers DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link: N/A
Please use the (, to write out the vespers traits, add a (C), (UC), (R), (L), (Co) or (M) to indicate each rarity for each trait! Thank you : D
# of Eye Colors: 3 (R)
Sclera Color: Left, White sclera (C) Right, colored sclera - dark blue grey (L)
Pupil Shape: Round (UC)
Gem Shape: No gem (L)
Gem #: No gem (L)
Scale Shape: round/circle scales (C)
Nose: pony nose (C)
Teeth: fanged (C)
Tongue: Long, round tongue (R)
Blood Color: unsaturated/Dark blood, greyish blue (UC)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common, UC, R or Leg, Please list all places out)
Hind Legs: pawed legs (L)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (C)
# of Grabbers: 3 grabbers (R)
Tails: 2 long fluffy tail (R)
Horns: one set of horns (L)
> Fluff mut - elbow, back of hand, back of knee, back of neck (L)

2022-09-05 15:34:36 (Edited 2022-09-28 17:44:35)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

- Please specify the non-white sclera's color
- Please list locations for the fluff mutation

2022-09-28 11:13:50

NuggetLily Avatar


2022-09-28 17:51:43

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