Comments on Approval and ML Submission

Mop Avatar

Please use The following code to get the image to pop up: This is an image
And then fillout the following fourm:

Theme: Pink Cleaver
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker's DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link::

Rarity: Legendary
Vesperfication, Custom, Adopt, Personal or Gift: Vesperfication
Are you using any items: (If so please attach your inventory and specify what item) N/A

If Vesperfication, please give the OG Designers DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link: (permission proof)

Please use the (, to write out the vespers traits, add a (C), (UC), (R), (L), (Co) or (M) to indicate each rarity for each trait! Thank you : D

# of Eye Colors: 1 Eye Color (C)
Sclera Color: White Sclera (C)
Pupil Shape: Any - Rectangle (R)
Gem Shape: Misc/Fluid Shape Gem - Heart (R)
Gem #: One Gem (C)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (C)
Nose: Pony Nose (C)
Teeth: Sharp Teeth (R)
Tongue: Split Tongue (UC)
Blood Color: Unsaturated/Dark Blood - Red (UC)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Up to Common, UC, R or Leg, Please list all places out) (Mandatory)
Hind Legs: Hooved Legs (C)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (C)
# of Grabbers: 1 Grabber (C)
Tails: Nub (C)
Horns: One Set of Horns (L)

2022-09-23 21:35:24 (Edited 2022-09-28 18:17:05)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

- The permission proof for vesperfication does not seem to be working!
- Pupils appear rectangular and not round, so pupil shape would need to be Any (Rectangle) or made into circles

2022-09-28 10:32:06

Mop Avatar

Should be fixed? Lmk if proof is still broken

2022-09-28 18:17:30

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

CD ---> October 5th
You have 1 Leg Slot Left
(Note since you have 2 legs in approval still, one will need to use an extra slot ticket. Or one can wait to be approved till October, just lmk!)

2022-09-28 20:10:04

Mop Avatar

The one for pupp is being completely redone! It will probably end up going for October

2022-09-28 21:36:42