Keeble Keeble

8 May 2022 (2 years ago)


Female . 19 . Founder/Owner


Hello Hello!
I am Keeble, The Founder and Owner of this Closed Species!

I am the overseer of all the Moderator teams and can commonly be found in our discord server chatting or sharing art that has been made!

If you ever have any questions or need some help with the site or discord server; feel free to contact me! I am ALWAYS down to have normal conversations too; im not scary i pinky promise

For whatever reason you may need; You may contact me on discord @ Keeble#5661!

I also have a toyhouse!
This houses my Vespers; you can find it and contact me here as well:

3066 Fein Crystal
30 Star Shards
0 Silver Kernels
Ba (Custom)
Mimos (Space)
Slime (Mud)
Slime (Rainbow)

Characters / Pliffs


Keeble Avatar
Keeble Staff Member
Featured by Owner

For anyone who comes across this profile past that of 4/5/2023; Hi hello! I'm Kin, I was the active owner for this species from its start June 16th, 2018 alll the way to Late December-Early January of 2023. I reached a point in which I could no longer continue being the owner due to my passion and love for the species dying and having denied it for so long. I gave all that I could before hitting a wall due to everything and all the drama to have happened. This species is now in the ownership of my partner and best friend- I trust them to run the species well and to do amazing things. I originally just silently left without any hint that I wouldn't be coming back. But I wanted to tie up loose ends and thus I'm leaving this small tidbit here for anyone to find! I hope you find this well and that you enjoy the species I spent many years of my life on- I will always have a fondness and pride in this species and I'm grateful to see it continue to grow. We've had our fair share of issues and things that have gone wrong, but I still love the community and those who have parted, no matter the issues. I hope yall are well and you can always find me in other places- Just doing what truly inspires and motivates me again. It's good to be happy with my art and designs again. If you do cross paths with me, know that I won't be answering any species questions as it's not my place, i prefer not to discuss vespers at all as I'm no longer tied to any closed species! Thank you. /nm g

I hope this species lives on for more years to come and continues to thrive under its new owners. And generally, for those who have stayed for a very long time- Thank you for growing up with me, it was a pleasure to know you, I really couldn't have kept up with this if it wasn't for the support I received.

Till the next time we meet, Chiao Everyone<3

2023-04-05 09:45:22 (Edited 2023-04-05 09:52:26)

DeadmansArcade Avatar
DeadmansArcade Staff Member
Featured by Owner

I love you🥺

2022-05-15 00:15:44 (Edited 2022-05-15 00:26:46)

Keeble Avatar
Keeble Staff Member

I love you too!! Mwa h

2022-05-15 00:26:55

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