Approval and ML Submission

Created: 21 June 2022, 19:24:38 EDT
Last updated: 19 January 2023, 16:24:35 EST

------- ★Masterlist/Approvals★ -------

This page is used for uploading missing characters OR getting characters approved as a rights holder.
If you are using an MYO, there is an option to submit a design on the MYO ML itself!

Please use the following form for Approval/Uploading a missing Character:
You can use any sort of link to submit an image as long as it is high quality and unwatermarked!
And then fill out the following form:

CD ---> (Don't Delete or Fill In, Mod Use Only)

Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Artist DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Base Maker:

• If vesperfication, please list Designer as the ORIGINAL Designer and provide proof of permission along w/ the char in question.

If using Items, which items?:
If using Items, link Inventory:

[ Please reference when writing out the vesper's traits. ]


Eye Traits
# of Eye Colors:
Sclera Color:
Pupil Shape:

Head Traits
Sets of Horns:
Gem Shape:
# of Gems:
Ear Type:
Nose Type:

Mouth Traits
Blood Color:

[ List in C->L Ascending Order ]
Scale Traits
Scale Shape:
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck, & Belly
Additional Scale Placements:

Body Traits
Hind Legs:
# of Grabbers:
Tail Type:

[ List in C->L Ascending Order ]
Cursed Traits
Body Decay


Mop Avatar


Theme: Angelic Dove
Owner DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:
Designer DA/Tumblr/Twitter/Site Link:

Rarity: Legendary
Are you using any items: No

# of Eye Colors: 2 Eye Colors (UC)
Sclera Color: White Sclera (C)
Pupil Shape: Blind (C)
Gem Shape: Geometric Shape Gem - Tear (C)
Gem #: One Gem (C)
Scale Shape: Round/Circle Scales (C)
Nose: Pony Nose (C)
Teeth: Fanged Teeth (C)
Tongue: Drippy Split Tongue (L)
Blood Color: Pastel/Light Blood - Lavender (R)
Scale Placement: Under Eye, Neck & Belly (Mandatory)
Scale Placement: (Mandatory)
Hind Legs: Elk/Deer Legs (C)
Ear Type: Bat Ear (C)
# of Grabbers: 4 Grabbers (L)
Tails: See Mutations (R)
Horns: No Horns (C)
> Unicorn Tail (R)
> Elemental [Partial] - Light (L)
> Fluff Mut - Back of Legs (L)

2022-07-21 18:34:15 (Edited 2022-08-02 13:44:32)

Jestea Avatar
Jestea Staff Member

- Please include a note on the ref that the wings are accessories!
- Please specify the exact gem shape + blood color
- Please specify exact elemental used and all locations of fluff mutation

2022-08-01 13:18:14

Mop Avatar


2022-08-01 20:31:03

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