Comments on Approval and ML Submission

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Its-Chips Staff Member

Hiya! Firstly, huge apologies for the delay in response- hopefully shouldn't happen again!
Secondly, there are a handful of things off here, so bear with me;
- This is not a vesperfication! Those are when pre-existing designs of a different species are turned into vespers, and require the original designer's permission. This would be an ML submission for a vesper that has yet to be uploaded ^^
- As such, it also wouldn't be considered a "Personal" design either (that term is used when RHs submit designs they intend to keep for themselves)!
- I don't believe this piece is on a base, but if it is, it's by the designer!

- You don't need to list the rarity of traits!
> Overall Rarity --> Legendary
> # of Eye Colors --> 3
> Sets of Horns --> 1
> Gem Shape --> Diamond + Circle
> # of Gems --> 2
> Teeth --> Fanged
> Tongue --> Drippy Round
> Blood Color --> Dark (Red)
> Hind Legs --> "Hooved" (specific wording helps us identify traits easier)
> # of Grabbers --> 3
> Tail Type --> List as "see mutations"
- Remove x2 Tails
+ Add Bunny Tail

2023-06-04 19:24:07