Retirment and Account Binding

Created: 15 June 2022, 21:13:39 EDT
Last updated: 15 June 2022, 23:55:18 EDT

------- ★Retirement and Account Bound★ -------

This page is for Retiring/Pulling kids out of retirement And for Binding characters or Unbinding characters to your account!
Please Note the Rules for the Species for the difference in the two
Note that pulling charcs out of either will have a 2 week long cool-down
A Moderator will update these MLs as soon as possible :D

General Form: 
Vesper ML(s):
Account Bind/Unbind/Retiring/Pulling from Retirement:



mythic_dreams Avatar
mythic_dreams Staff Member


The Nuggetlily designs don't have any redesign/voiding prohibiting TOS in place for them, Lux is my own design and the others are vesperfications.

2023-05-13 00:31:19

V4N4NITE Avatar

Rose-Blade Avatar
Rose-Blade Staff Member

Updated <3

2023-05-05 16:45:43

mythic_dreams Avatar
mythic_dreams Staff Member

---sent twice due to bad connection---

2023-05-01 08:25:10 (Edited 2023-05-01 08:30:28)

mythic_dreams Avatar
mythic_dreams Staff Member

Rose-Blade Avatar
Rose-Blade Staff Member

Updated <3

2023-05-05 16:37:26

mythic_dreams Avatar
mythic_dreams Staff Member

Rose-Blade Avatar
Rose-Blade Staff Member

Updated <3

2023-04-24 10:31:00

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