Profile AB-0887: Echo

Owned by SolintheStars





Black and White, a simple view for such a world.

"From which side of my mates do I owe thee the honor of meeting?" -Echo

She is the embodiment of Black and White; Ying and Yang; Good and Bad. Yet is it truly just that?

Her body embodying a meaning deeper than such common thoughts. Glitches and Static cover her body; Inversion across her left and her right. The concept of mirroring, your reflection; is that of she embodies.






Easy to Approach




Two Faced*(rare occasions)

Echo is usually found within her group, smiles etched on all their faces. Maybe for the fleeting moments in time, it lives forever in her soul...



Comfortable Living Spaces


Pure White

Static Screens



  • Palette being Fixed
  • Skin||Front Hair||Inner Ears||Back Hair||Bun||Bun Shine||
  • Left side is Inverted
Account Bound



Echo has not recollection of her parents nor her childhood. Not that it matters much for her anyways.
She had a bond, not long ago, though was promptly rejected for reasons that she had long repressed. Fate however, had better plans for her then;
She wasnt sure when, nor how but she had a new pull invade her mind. Multiple of them. She was tempted not to seek them out after her encounter with [REDACTED], however she decided that it was worth another shot.
"Perhaps this time around, I will be alright."

Story I.

It was hard to believe for dear Echo, how the gods had finally smiled at her with grace.
Searching for those of which that invaded her mind was no easy feat, after all, these are multiple vespers all scattered to the winds- except for the first one.
A maiden with quite a fair complexion and a huge tail, her name was Eden. At the time, Echo had bumped into her in a busy day whilst she gathered supplies for her journey. It's quite unsure how the other vesper recognized Echo, but she did. In the end, they settled into Echo's home for the short while, with Eden popping the question to Echo, fairly certain they were mates first and foremost. This shocked an astounded Echo, who quickly accepted the feather bestowed into her by her newly found mate. However she had noticed the four other feathers the other had equipped. Eden had explained that she had noted 5 vespers in her pull; aware that her pull had animosities since her childhood.
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
This causes Echo to let tears rain her face, and for the first time in over 20 years; she had felt love like no other.
"Please do not cry! I-i'm sorry if my revelation shocked you, I promise I care for you all the same!!!"
"It's not that... I too have the s-same situation as thy..."

Story II.

Things grew better, when she searched for her mates.
Gradually and slowly meeting all kinds of Vespers as they traveled, she soon came to learn more of the outside world.
Vespers, both charmed and intrigued by Echo approached her. There was fear in a number, but Eden was there to correct them and to introduce her. This caused Echo to slowly come from her shell and form a personality; form herself and find herself once more. Soon they meet their next mates.
"Eden, where are we?"
"The clan of all, you sense it too; do you not?"
"Two of them..."
Finding one of the two was easy, Malice, her name was. A tall lady that looked fierce but turned out quite shy; Upon contact colors flew in her heart and it drew them together.
Malice joined them soon after, quite easily despite her pull being directed to Eden only. Eden later surmises to Echo that perhaps Malice had been looking for them as well, but to wait until all of them are found and together.
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
Sinai was the next, and quite frankly, was one of the hardest to explain said dilemma to. However, as fortune had it his pull was directed to Echo. This surprised Echo, as she wasn't quite sure how to approach a male vesper.
"Will you... explain your dilemma? You look quite troubled,"
"It's... complicated, have you heard of the poly pull?"
"I... We have more?"
"I'm sorry if this isn't what you want-- it's okay if-"
"No no... I will go with you, all of you."
"It is... confusing for me but, if we have more... I want to see; Because, there is one more."
"h e h?!"

Story III.

Echo wasn't sure how to put into words, how poly pulls worked.
So, she did one of the things she knew would help her; she looked for a library.
Though, as she came to find sooner than later, the information she absorbed wasn't quite helpful to explain. So she was stuck again with square one.
It did not help that Eden wasn't willing to explain on her behalf, something about needing to 'woman up'... or whatever she meant.
Do not get her wrong, she's basking in the love she's recieving from Sinai. As well as reciprocating some back; they all settled into 2 separate homes for the time, Eden with Malice and Sinai with Echo.
After seeing a book Sinai had in his home, however, Echo was then sure on how she would explain such pull.
A day later, with all regrouped, Eden was surprised to see Echo blushing brightly, out of embarassment perhaps? Or was it love?- only to discover Sinai knew what a poly pull was and that he was playing with Echo and the rest the whole time.
"Don't worry... I'm not mad at you all or anything, heh"
"Echo~ You got trolled! Haha!"
"However..I do want to bestow this upon you all, it isn't enough yet but.."
"Is it..?"
"I will go with you all, and in fact.. I am ready to meet our last ones, Eden; Echo.. Lead the way for us both, please.."
"Count me in..! Me and Eden have talked about it last night a-and even if I only have one pull that I... I'm willing to see us all complete!"

Story IV.

What do you get when you are suddenly filled with emotions you have not been taught before?
A flustered Echo; that's the correct answer. Since departure from Oblivion, things have gotten livelier and livelier; with little events happening here and there. At day, they travel and encounter little events that brighten up their lives more; and at night, they huddle and set in for the night. Mostly sharing bits and pieces of their lives, and settling in with one another- the pulls making things easier for them.
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
Echo loved the affection. She was however, awkward in recieving it. Somehow, though, Sinai seemed to know where to nudge. Did he have experience for this? She didn't know. Either way, she did not mind, because she was sure that it was sincere.
Her elder taught her that anyways. Her words, that stuck with Echo for a life time; 'sincerity is always found in the heart of words, know that child'.
Traveling to Tiefe was no small feat, but they had managed. Upon entry, they immediately are faced with that of who they were finally looking for. Funnily enough, not even Eden expected it; which caused everything to be more than a surprise than it should be.
"You... all?"
"We've been... waiting for you.."

Story V.

That meeting was years ago.
They all got married within 2 years, settled down and mostly settled into The Garden of Eden. All have kept their old markings, save for those that hailed from Oblivion; new look to what they say.
Quite happy, are they as of late. A happy 37 years of life together; and are soon expecting to ready for mating season; Echo however, writes letters to the elder that raised her. Most days she would childishly ask the elder when she may come pick her to come with them; to which the elder berates her in letter for thinking of that before even having children.
*+:。.。  。.。:+
Life is good for Echo; whose grown satisfied and counts her blessings from it all... and in the quietest nights she hears the softest voice in her mind.
"I'm happy you're finally happy!"


Echo owns a mirror.
Given to her by her elder when she was 15. She was told to hold onto it for life's worth; a confused feature etched across Echo's face. However, in that moment, her elder did not retaliate nor give a snarky remark; a face so rare it stuck with Echo until today. Gentle features highlighting her age and wisdom accumulated from her years, a small smile graced her lips then and she just held Echo's cheek and uttered;
"Because, young child, You have given me your past pains; and with this mirror, I would like you to remember that your other side is you and no one else. You are Echo, one and whole."

The Past

Echo was meant to have a twin.
Echo was told by her father, she wasn't meant to be like this. Complications at pregnancy had started within a few months of concieving; where two eggs had merged into one, and killing the other.
Then when her birth came, it took her mother along with it. This caused her father to become wracked with guilt, grief, and fear.
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
For years her father hated and feared Echo. He was forced to face her and bring her up, but he wanted to rid of her; Due to this, he brought up Echo in one of the most cruelest ways to go.
He taught her to be a killer.
"You are acursed, child of Shivani!"
She was always reminded of the deaths of her mother and her sibling. Never was she let out nor has she been outside, and always has she been harshly trained; assigned; and told to kill.
She hated it, every time, for at least 12 years she endured this cruel style of life. Before one day, it all snapped in her; and she fled. Fled away from home, away from her father, and away from her past.
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
She was found by an elder of Olaug mere days after her escape, and was promptly accepted into Olaug; being bestowed that of the northen part while being put under the care of the elder.
"Hear ye, Child, a new beginning; and the death of your past."



  • Ironically enough, despite her theme being from Echo, her themesong was initially Unravel by LeeandLie. Now though her song is still being decided by me.
  • Echo is 4'2 !!
  • Echo has difficulty being alone, in contrast a younger Echo has difficulty in having company. Eden was the one to slowly introduce the other mates to her, and to slowly teach her how to incorporate into society.
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  • Please ask before gift writing