Website Update Log 1.0

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Keeble

:shimmerymoon: Galleries

★ Gallery Submissions are now Working 
★ Prompts must now be uploaded on site before being submitted to the prompt

:shimmerymoon: Character Transfers

★ Moderator side; Things have been resolved

:shimmerymoon: Aliases

★ You may now have either: Deviantart, Tumblr or Twitter as a Primary alias GENERAL NOTE: Twit and tumblr links are broken, investigating atm
★ You may now link as a new alias: Imgur, Twitter, & Tumblr GENERAL NOTE: Twit and tumblr links are broken, investigating atm
★ If you have a secondary account; make sure you are logged in when linking a new alias for it
★ Only one Alias can be active at a time as 'Primary'
Please Note For the time, ALL MLS will be uploaded under the DA of users until caught up

:shimmerymoon: Misc and Reminders

★ For whatever reason, if you need to change site username; Contact Alteric
★ For whatever reason, if you need to change your alias on a site; Contact Alteric
★ Please remember to LINK your vespers Toyhouse for prompts if they have yet to be uploaded on site
★ Please have the encyclopedia open when you are listing out traits for an update; itll save you a lot of time (Search via category, you will need 17 traits if they: Have a gem/Have no mutations, please list Horns as well)

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