Blacklist Update Log

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Alteric

Good Evening Everyone;
This is Both a public announcement of a user being Blacklisted but also a PSA

Tonight; Myself and a few of the moderators blacklisted the user; Mop or Mop_Senpai, for personal reasonings that was unrelated to anything moderation; we received the following message attached. [Sent through our moderator Toki] Also attached is a previous screenshot as to further that this is authentically from the user.

It is advised to not interact with this user and would like to gently inform everyone to not encourage this kind of behavior from folks outside the community.
Do not get vesper designs from them and report it if you see they have stolen a design and remade it into whatever as we've had that issue in the past with the Blacklisted user Khianite. 
Vesper designs may NOT go to them; but they may be received from them, you may NOT co-own [Generally co-ownership is already not recognized by the ML and highly discouraged]; the same old same old for general Blacklisted user stuff
Do note that if we are informed of anyone helping and/or working with this user to get vespers legally approved or customs/trades being done with said user; you will be given a formal strike and then blacklisted if continued. We do take folks ignoring the blacklist seriously and there will be consequences if ignored.

As a refresher for what blacklisted users entail;

'✧ Gain ownership of new vespers. You are not required to relinquish ownership of any vespers you currently own, but new ones cannot and will not be allowed to be in your ownership.
     ☾ If you try and circumvent the blacklist by "owning" vespers under someone else's username, all associated individuals who permitted this to happen will also be blacklisted and banned from the server. If you value your community friends, this is not advised.

✧ Design vespers, whether by rights (which if you have them, they are hereby revoked as well) or by an MYO.
     ☾ Attempting to design vespers secretly and pass them to another rights holder to get approved will result in the rights holder having their rights revoked and they will receive not one, but 2 strikes for assisting you, which can potentially result in their ban from the server. Once again, if you value your community friends, this is not advised.
     ☾ If you choose to sell designs without circumventing approval whatsoever, any person who purchases these illegal designs will receive at least 1 strike, and can potentially face further punishment in the form of blacklisting, rights removal, or a server ban.'

We do not wish to have this go further than it has already; please keep an eye out.
Our message is not a gateway to harass this user, so please do not start any witch hunt or malicious action towards them on our behalf
Thank you and have a wonderful night


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