
<a href=" Mushroom" class="display-item">Corrupted Mushroom</a>

Corrupted Mushroom

Category: Haunted Items

Resale Value: 3500 Fein Crystal

Add or change 1-3 corrupt traits on any existing corrupt.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Idol" class="display-item">Mysterious Idol</a>

Mysterious Idol

Category: Haunted Items

Resale Value: 4000 Fein Crystal

Add or change 1 mythic trait to any existing mythic.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Antidote" class="display-item">Ineffective Antidote</a>

Ineffective Antidote

Category: Haunted Items

Resale Value: 4000 Fein Crystal

You may turn any MYO or existing vesper into a corrupt. Non-corrupt traits must remain within the MYO's rarity, or cannot be altered on an existing vesper without the usage of additional items.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Incense" class="display-item">Healing Incense</a>

Healing Incense

Category: Haunted Items

Resale Value: 3000 Fein Crystal

You may create a post-corrupt form of any existing corrupt as if using an MYO. All traits, aside from corrupt ones, must be the same without the usage of additional items.


Purchaseable At:

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