
Akio, Alma, Altan, Amaris (Vesper Subtype)


A Seafaring Clan

Founded in 110
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
Akio is a clan that has very little interaction with the rest of the clans but does have some good standings with the pony folk surrounding their island! Generally this clan is full of vespers who LOVE to travel and explore the great beyond of the oceans. Living on an island your entire life can get kind of boring so many of the vespers will opt to take boats to the mainland and some will take boats to Eastern oblivion in order to enter the great mysterious forest. When it comes to potential allyships; East oblivion and Tiefe are the two they have; Considering that Akio is the original settlers of Tiefe and their current port is in East oblivion! A lot of the vespers to come from this clan are very self assured, headstrong, adventurous, curious, knowledgeable about nature n such! Though of course; like all things, not every single vesper you meet here will be the same as this description. This clan as a whole is close-knit, friendly and very lively! They can be described with 'It takes a village to raise a child' as many of the kits come and go from family homes; eating with neighbors and being treated like the whole islands well,, kid.
This clan is also seafaring; Pirates, Cargo Ships, Exploration Ships, the whole shebang.

•Clan Environment Description•
Akio is not apart of the Mythic Forest; instead it is located off the coast of East Oblivion; being a small island that inhabits purely vespers! A lot of folks speculate that this is where the species originated from but at the same time it doesn't fully connect the dots as there's artifacts much older from Aami! Their island does not have the same bizarrely massive trees [That have the smallest tree at 300ft tall] that the mythic forest does; instead their trees are more similar to what you'd find in the outside world today. Akio's an island so they have sandy shores that slowly go into grasslands that are flat! Eventually these turn hilly as you get up to the semi-circle of mountains and inactive volcanoes! They lack the same bioluminescent plants the mainland has and have less biodiversity than the continent the forest sits on. However! They have a lot of brilliant colored and exotic flora and fauna that a lot of vespers will visit this clan to see. Generally their main wood-types are that of Coconut trees; Oak, Spruce, Rubber and Birch. Their shores are lined with palm trees and these slowly gradient into the other tree types as you get into the heart of the island; the heart having a circle river that serves as a main port for their entire clan; this river connects to the ocean!

•Typical Hut Description•
Huts within this clan are either on the forest floor or hanging up from trees like something of a potted plant! These huts are usually 2-4 rooms; containing a restroom; a food storage, a community room and that of a work room! The homes are often made from wooden planks; having sandy floors and often having weaved palm leafs as a roof! Some will also opt for a more log-cabin esc style of home! They do follow a vespers natural thing of not needing much space and having little privacy. Generally their rest rooms contain shelving for items; a chest for clothing and their money and weapons; and the centerpiece is a bed that is made from rubber-y shells that hold salt water within; the beds are squishy and often have pelts and little bundles of leaves formed into pillows! They have a port of rubber as they collect the sap from the trees; having learned early on that this is something that can be made due to vespers with acidic elementals. Generally! Akio is a clan that focuses less on fruits and veggies; so their storage rooms are full of barrels and drying racks for the fish and shellfish they capture and preserve! The community room has little seats; as well as chests and shelving that are decorated to make the space nice; oftentimes these seats are built around a large cooking pit so they can share meals.

Art by Dinoberry

The heierarchy in Akio is something that borders the line of whats more typical but also having its own little unique flair. The hierarchy goes as follows:

>Elder Council
>Council of Trade and Seas
>Ship Captians

•Views on Goddesses•

Veiws on Polaris
Polaris is the only goddess known to this clan! She has and always will be seen as a feminine figure and a mother to the vesper species. Originally; the clans did not know of polaris until Akio originally stepped foot on the mainland and left things behind as they explored. From this the clans formed their own thoughts on this goddess. Generally Polaris has and will always be a big figure to this clan; as she gave and taught them the ability to read and chart the stars; to navigate and leave the island [This is more or less a folk lore, less of an actual fact; as vespers from this clan learned over time] She is believed to be the protector over the seas; as those who dont pray to her before sending off often get caught in storms. To this clan, Polaris is the goddess of Navigation, Life, Rebirth, Spirituality, Wisdom, amongst many other things. Its not uncommon to see small shrines or little areas to leave offerings to her.

As they have more of a limited option when it comes to the fruits and vegetables; Akio has resorted to other foods from early on in their time! The biggest things they consume are often grains, fish, seafood with the occasional fruit and/or vegetable! Many of the clan's ships are dedicated fishing boats and will do their best to bring in a good amount to sell down at the dock's market. They will often make foods that range from fish bakes to seafood boils; to salads and fruit desserts! Back when first interacting with Altan; they brought back seeds in order to grow things such as sugar, wheat and other things in their fields so they can be more self-sufficient rather than relying on traveling the weeks to get to the mainland from the clan.
When it comes to the veggies and fruits they often have in this area; it's more tropical; so fruits such as mangos, coconuts, and bananas! As well as wild berries such as blackberries, strawberries and raspberries! For their vegetables it ranges from carrots, beats, lettuce to things like cilantro and collard greens!


Captians Tourney 
The captains tourney is an event that is annual after the colder times of the island; while akio is not a clan that experiences the hibernation [due to it never getting cold enough] They do experience the weather getting colder and have to ration supplies a bit better in order to keep everyone fed. Most of the months fly by due to it taking the entire clan to raise the kits. But once it rolls around February; the annual captain duel will begin! Captains in general are highly ranked members of this clan as they have to understand star charts and withstand the ocean/own a boat to be considered one. Captains will get to prove their worth to the clan by wrestling and having a non-lethal duel in a sandpit. The last standing captain will be labeled 'Captain of the year'! This is a honorable that gives them ranking higher than an elder in some occasions. Those who are able to secure this title for five or more years are written in history books as legends as it's such a rare event to ever occur. Many kits and families will watch the event to cheer on their favorite captains; the ones they hear all the stories about.

Tykes Treasures
This is an event that is more parreled to what we know as Easter! This takes place on the third Sunday in April; At dusk the elders and captains of the clan will take the various little 'prizes' they and the other adults had prepared weeks in advance and will go along the island's shore and bury them shallowly in the sand! Once the kits wake; they'll have a huge public breakfast before huddling to the shore and giving the kits the whole rundown of; If you find an item you like, you are done. If you don't like it; rebury it for the next kit to find. So on and so forth. This is done so every kit has a chance to get a special little momento! These items can range from small handmade silk bags with some fein, to handcrafted toys or outfits! Kits from the ages of 1-10 are allowed to participate! Many of these vespers who once participated in these events will often still have the trinkets they received from the event! Most pass these on through the event for the kits of their time to find!

Night of Wishes
A week before the summer solstice is to arrive; the day in which there's such a short sliver of Polaris's beautifully crafted sky; vespers will prepare items for paper lanterns. These lanterns will be decorated and have a little scroll attached to it. This event is often held as a way to send the goddess wishes; thoughts; prayers as they believe that the lanterns will reach the heavens in which Polaris is in; this is often reinforced as a lot of the wishes kits make are very easy to be fulfilled or made true. When the time comes; Adults and kits alike will write messages to the goddess; be it their hearts deepest desire to something of a prayer to Polaris. Once it's ready; they'll tie a ribbon around the scroll and attach it to the lantern; from there they'll light the lanterns and send them off into the sky as the last licks of the sun are wiped away by the dark rays of dusk. The lanterns when floating further away will look like stars in the night sky; in place of the ones that have yet to appear. This is an event that gives closure to some and can renew hope for others. Overall it's a touching event that is always looked forward to

•Misc Details•
>The Native Fruit of this clan is that of a Coconut! The shell is often something a pair will break before sharing the fruits water and flesh during the mate claiming ceramony!
>Vespers will seek out a form of rock in order to pop the question in this clan! They will comb the sands in order to find smooth; pretty pieces of sea glass in order to present to their mate. Another method that is more traditional for this clan is finding a unique shell in order to give to their mate. They will viguriously clean the said shell of any sand before presenting it
>Vespers of this clan arent taught about the other clans as vespers of Akio know very very little about the clans as is
>They are often taught about Stars, Star maps, Boat stuff, alongside general survival; such as what can be consumed and what to avoid in the signs of weather and nature alike! They are also a clan that gives their kits pebbles to learn how to count
>Vespers of this clan are usually taken aback by how different their experiences and lives are compare to those who live within the other clans
>Akio, besides Altan, is one of the few places a vesper can actually fully transition with medicinal help! They often have ships coming back with travellers who are seeking this; In short trans vespers are very supported here
>Captians and Elders alike are known to,, Embelish their tales quite a bit to entertain the kits or gain the favor of families for the tourney; put their names out there pretty much
>Most vespers in this clan adhere to common wivestales; cautious to not step on any cracks or carrying around small trinkets as a good luck charm of sorts!
>If you are welcomed onboard as crew for one of the ships; you must be prepared to do your part or be thrown over. Loyalty and obeying orders are two things taken very seriously

A Clan of Superstition

Founded in 555
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Alma as a clan is very superstitious; very quiet and very private in its own right! They share a clan border with Jagnu being semi-rejoined with its sister clan! With the constantly encroaching and downright threatening,, threat,, that is the Empire. Alma is not taking any chances and finds that it's safer to give up land and be protected than to try and protect themselves. This is not the only thing Alma is worrying about either.
There is a reason as to why they are incredibly superstitious! Vespers who do not pray; who do not abide by the rules and curfew of the clan are often the ones to go missing or to be heard screaming before never seen again. This is a clan that is struck through the heart with a fear that is justified. No one has ever seen it; but there is a beast that comes out during the day and strikes down vespers in the clan who are foolishly disobeying the dawn curfew. Many vespers in this region will hear the rumors and wind up lunches to the beast themselves. Generally vespers of this clan are incredibly cautious, suspicious, distrusting and very quick to warn of the goddesses and of the rules the clan has.

•Clan Environment Description•
Alma's side of the forest is surprisingly dense! The further you come in from all sides; including the side of Jagnu that now owns their old territory; the forest becomes so thick that your only guide is that of the bioluminescent plants or the bioluminescence of a vespers patterning. Even then it can be rather difficult to navigate the rocky and broken terrain. There's deep cuts in the ground from the tremors sent from Tiefe; these can become very dangerous traps when a vesper has very little visual field in the clan of Alma as it is. So travel is highly recommended to be kept to the trees; because of this; the huts in this clan have bridges going to and from the trees to keep their clan members from going down below. Generally; the clan itself has a very quiet; ominous stride to it. There's parts of the forest that are very overgrown; so who knows what lurks down below. Those who do trek through will find a small creek that runs through the territory! This creek has the same blue bioluminecence that the waters in Tiefe have and have a property to them that will temporarly change a vesper's sex. This is something that is quietly harvested and sent to places like Altan and Akio to be turned into a potion to help with transitioning. This creek does also run through Von and The Empire; however the magic property is lost by the time it enters Von.

•Typical Hut Description•
These clan huts are on the highest branches of the clan; reinforced with a multitude of different items! The biggest difference this has from that of the other clans is that the huts have bridges going from tree to tree to connect the clan; it's not often used as they keep to themselves but its still nice to have! Their huts are built about the same as the ones in Aami; having been made from wood and having roof gardens! They do however; cover their huts with their tree leaves to camouflage them beyond that of the bridges. So it's not hard to miss the buildings when you can't even see the bridges. They generally have the same 2-3 room structure to their homes! Having a nesting room, main room and storage. Generally however; these vespers have doors that are secured from the inside; so if the door is not open, you are NOT welcome in an Alma vespers space. They are not quite friendly to folks snooping around their huts and will kindly ask you to leave if you get too curious. It's not that most have something to hide but there is an overarching uncomfortableness that comes from it; the Council of elders drilled this into the brains of the kits in this clan.

Art by Dinoberry

The hierarchy of Alma is prety straight forward and simple! It goes as following; they keep to this very carefully

>Elder Council
>High Ranking Female Guards
>Female Guards
>High Ranking Male Guards
>Male Guards
>Teenagers and Kits

Those who are Mutated; have Ailments or are cursed are very quick to be banished from the clan. So they do not appear on this clans hierarchy.

•Views on Goddesses•

Views on Polaris
As this clan is far too little to have separate areas; their views on the gods are more universal! Polaris is seen as a Masculine figure; he is feared amongst the gods and often questioned as to why he'd allow this clan to be punished the way it is. Despite this they do turn to Polaris as a god to pray to for wisdom and protection. He is a God of Protection, Light, Fireflies [Souls] and Astronomy.

Views on Daifa
Daifa is seen as a genderless figure. They are not the most notable of the gods but they are also heavily worshiped and prayed to as the vespers of Alma are scared to leave any god out. They do believe Daifa to be a deity of dreams, as while most of these vespers are scared of the noises they hear outside; their dreams are often filled with the things they have only seen in picture books outside the darkness of their clan. Daifa is seen as a diety of Harvest, Wealth, Luck and Dreams.

Views on Shivani
Shivani is another god that is Heavily praid to within this clan! Shivani is believed to be the Mother of the beast. Seen as a femenine figure and a goddess that is deeply feared. Many shrines and offerings are made to her every night for the protection of a vespers family, home and clan. It's not uncommon to see a shrine to her within the home of one of these vespers. When a vesper breaks the rules of the clan; they will often be subject to the council who will call upon Shivani to pass judgment down. If they survive a day outside their hut; they will be considered innocent. Shivani is seen as a Goddess of Life and Death, Protection, Judgment and Punishment.

Vespers of Alma are responsible for feeding themselves and their family. Often times the mother or the strongest father will take a week to travel outside the clan in order to purchase seeds from Altan. These seeds are then used in the personal roof gardens that each of their homes have. They eat a small range of vegetables and fruits. However this clan can consume specific types of meat when desperate! These consist of rats, mice, various birds and rabbits. Small rodents and avians. Outside of this they mostly eat fruits and vegetables that can grow under the conditions of having very little to no sunlight. These consist of things such as: spinach, Beets, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Celery, Carrots, Mustard greens, Plums, Hardy Kiwis, Plums, and so on, so forth! There's some staple hearty vegetable soups and wraps that a particularly kind Alma host can make for their guests that come from inside or outside the clan. Though outsiders are very side-eyed at. These vespers are also VERY protective of their personal growth beds; it's rare they'll lend food to their neighbors to make sure their family can survive.


Night of Silence
This is a more somber event that is held by this clan. The vespers of the clan will step out of their huts with candles and dressed down in black garb with veils. The vespers of the clan will join on the bridges and look down to the forest below as the Elder council will recite the names of the vespers who were lost to the Beast, those lost to the forest and then will lead the clan in a moment of silence for the vespers who have gone. Once this moment has gone, the members of the council will then ask the clan to pray to the goddesses and leave an offering as to appease them this night; Once this opening ceremony is done; the vespers of the clan are to take a vow of silence for the next 24 hours as to respect the dead and to appease the gods, those who break this vow are rumored to be death bound. It's never clear as to when but without fail; those who break this vow are found dead or appear on the list for the next year. This is also the night in which the vespers who will partake in the Lost Lambs Gambit will be announced.

Lost Lambs Gambit
This is a night that many vespers dread, however many are also willing to turn a blind eye as to protect the clan for future years. There is a night; that of the Summer Solstice in which the beast is the most active it will ever be. The council will silently observe the vespers of the clan and hand select up to 3. These vespers are dawned with wreaths of flowers; fruits and given robes that are elegant. These vespers will be given an extravagant meal as vespers from the clan will watch from their windows; soft murmurs of prayers being heard as the three will be given lanterns to carry; a bag and then are sent down below. There are always a few moments of silence before a loud crunching of bone can be heard, Many sniffles can silence be heard from the parents of these vespers. But they all know its for the good of the clan; as with this sacrifice; the beast will leave them be for the next week. This is a needed sacrifice for the vespers of this clan to be able to safely scavenge the forest floor for resources in bulk. These resources go into building new huts; planting new food, getting things for the kits, etc. This week advantage is taken with much grace and these vespers are often given lovely burial sites.

•Misc Details•
>Their Native Fruit is that of Lowbush blueberries; the dark berries can be used for both paint pigments but also as a wonderfully sweet snack.
>The method of popping the question for these vespers is giving their mate a feather of a recent kill; be it an owl or a pigeon, Whatever is the seasons hardest catch. These feathers are very appriciated and show how well the vesper could provide for their potential family.
>Vespers are homeschooled by their parents; so their education is as good as their parents is.
>The biggest rules of this clan are as follows: Curfew is at Dawn; just when you start hearing the low whirring | The Councils statements must be followed | You may not theif from your neighbors; the rules continue in this manner for some time
>Vespers in this clan who witness moths are often the ones who are to die; Moths are seen as a Death Omen
>Fireflies are the oppisite; they are seen as a fortune and a blessing, More so if it lands on you.
>Trans vespers are quietly supported; they will be gifted a bottle of the creeks water and given a package to leave the clan to persue Altan or Akio. This is the kindest act a vesper will ever receive here.


The clan of merchants

Founded in 342
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
Altan is known as a clan of merchants! This is also an odd clan when compared to the rest. These vespers are not nocturnal; instead they are diurnal creatures, meaning that they do everything during the day like us humans do! This is a really hard adjustment for vespers from anywhere else to make when coming to live within this clan. But beyond this! Altan can't really be described as one thing or another as it's a melting pot of both vespers but also griffins, ponies and other creatures of the sort! While vespers are very open and relaxed with their own kind, they can get very territorial and aggressive with those outside. So again this clan can be very hard to adjust to if you're not hatched here! Altan is a clan that works closely with pony kind and is the place to purchase all sorts of goods or to have a profitable business! Vespers in this clan are usually rather smart, well educated, good with numbers and generally good talkers or folks who have good bartering skills! Even if you don't live here; Altan is widely known throughout the forest including out to sea where Akio is.

•Clan Environment Description•
Unfortunately; The clan itself is less a part of the forest as most of the other clans are! To make way for the pony treaties; the vespers did wind up tearing down most of the trees in their clan; granted there is still a LOT of trees within the area and they get denser the closer you get to the borders of the other clans! And of course this also stays true for the part of the clan that is closer to these areas; as not every single vesper lives within the more 'city' area of the clan! Generally though, the terrain is rather flat and only gets some-what hilly when you get closer the border of Olaug! Its rather easy to navigate this clan as there's pathways and road signs to help folks get to one territory or another; once you leave the borders of the clan however these paths and signs fade out and you are kinda left to your own vices to find where the hell you are going. Altan does have multiple rivers that spread out to other parts of the clan; so it's not uncommon to find ports alongside these rivers or to find altan boats coming and going to sell goods to the other clans for a higher price than if they trekked to Altan in order to get them themselves. The clans that are typically given this gift are as follows: The Empire, Olaug, Aceldama, Acantha,Southern Oblivion, Nekane, Tiefe, Western oblivion, Von, Aami, Daffodi and Northern Oblivion! They also bring back goods they buy from these clans in order to bring them back to Altan to be sold

•Typical Hut Description•
The huts within this clan are actually not huts! They are easily described as actual run of the mill homes! Most vespers in this clan opt to have living quarters up above their shops! As this clan is HEAVILY a market place; it's like going into a candy store that sells a bunch of exotic or rare goods imported by pony kind. The homes are made of a ton of different materials! Be it wood, concrete, plaster or brick; these houses vary widely and often have the most space than another clans' home-space as the vespers need a lot more room for the items they purchase!
These homes often consist of two stories; having up to 3 rooms on each floor. Commonly the first floor has 2 rooms if its a shop; having the main shop floor thats decorated however it needs to be to attract customers; and a back room that has a way up to the living quarters alongside an office/kitchen or storage room; again depending on whatever type of store or shop it would be!
However if it's not a shop; a vesper will oftentimes have a Kitchen; Foyer and a Living space for guests to come in and relax in! The homes are usually more modern and up to par with what ponies are used to; so the kitchen has a good storage space; a way to heat up food; a place for spices and dishware! The living room has couches, chairs, bookshelves, paintings and places to display and put things! The foyer often has the way up to the second story!
Almost always the upstairs in these homes have a Nesting room, a Bathroom and a Storage or Office.
The nesting room is one room that is either very traditional or very modern; there's no inbetween for this. They either have a nest made of the same materials you'd find in a normal hut; the space decorated to feel more like home while others will have an actual bed wil sheets and cushions; bedside tables and shelves to store things! It all depends on the vespers tastes and what they need to be comfortable
And of course; there are the homes that are two stories but act as two 3 room houses; these apartments are often sold out to the vespers who are much more used to living in the clans and having a much smaller space because they didn't need much room! These exist for the comfort of these kinds of vespers.

There is no real hierarchy in this clan! You are mostly ranked off your reputation as a store owner; no matter who you are in standards of male or female, your rarity or if you are cursed/mutated or have ailements. It doesnt really,, Matter

•Views on Goddesses•
At the core of this clan; its seperated heavily from a lot of things that make vespers who they are by tradition. While vespers may range from family to family and place to place. The general thing with altan is that the goddesses aren't widely or publically talked about or worshiped; that is beyond one or two events they'll put on to honor the roots of their kind as well as to give ponykind a taste of their culture as a way to get them to venture into the forest and ingrain themselves into the way of life of vesper! Generally; if you enter a vespers home- they might have something of a shrine to their god or goddess that they follow and most are more than happy to tell you the folk lore or the views they have on the gods; this varies from home clan to home clan for these vespers!
Though this does also rob vespers hatched in the clan of the ability to learn about the traditional religion of the forest. But does also give them an opportunity to explore outside what's traditional to what the ponies or other species believe in! It's a Blessing and a Curse.

The diets of the vespers who live within this clan range widely; due to all the different clans these vespers come from! Generally there's a population that can stomach meat from rodents, those who can stomach only seafood or shellfish, those who can stomach big game or those who can stomach only fruits and vegetables! There's no shortage of what a vesper can find here to eat as the clan also has confections and grains that are hard to come by within other clans! They have things such as bread, cereal, cookies, brownies, general pastries and doughs. Milk, eggs and such are also found in this clan! So there's a huge range of items that can be made; from soups to salads to full blown feasts with seafood or steak! There's always something of a restaurant no matter what block of Altan you are on; They sell different types of cuisine depending on what clan they come from! So you can easily try foods that they make in say The Empire or foods made over in Aami; Like the Sweethearts candies and such! There's no limit really


Rays of Light Festival
The Ray of Light festival is an adapted version of Jagnu's Lunar Festival; adjusted to fit the diurnal situation that the vespers of Altan have. Funnily enough though; this event is done at dawn! The vespers will spend the night preparing the streets of the clan with lanterns as well as will spend weeks sewing outfits for the plays; will bring Jagnu vespers over to help with painting sets and getting scripts for the traditional folklore tales. They will also seek out vespers to cook traditional meals and get outfits prepared for sale; Once dawn hits and the first rays of light hit the square; the festival begins! There's music in the air as the vespers will run plays all day long; the smell of food will be all day long as vespers get their busiest schedules of the year! Ponies and other species will dawn garb and participate whole heartedly; listening to the folklore and eating the meals; getting to experience something they never have before!
Sometimes mythics will make appearances to perform special events; such as a re-creation of Akal's Night of the Phoenix play!

Butterfly Migration
This event is more of a sweet and simple one! Vespers will mark this date on their calendars as it's a perfect time to pop the question; to their mates! In the open fields before that of the pony villages and the shore; vespers will get baskets ready and picnic out on the grass. The first day of the migration it's usually very quiet and nothing happens; families will picnic together and play, oftentimes camping on the spot so they don't lose it! The second day however, the butterflies will have made their way from Nekane's neck of the forest and will flutter over the observing vespers in a beautiful rainbow-y stream, heading to the pony lands for the winter. This is usually an event that is anticipated and very exciting for kits as they'll get to see a whole world of colors and have the light dance off the butterfly wings onto the grass and their spots! Its enchanting in its own right and just a lovely little event to witness; be it in this clan or in nekane.

Sweet Frights
Sweet Frights is a vespers take on the popular Nightmare night that vespers have; though lacking a scary legend. Sweet Frights is an event that is prepared for; for many weeks as the whole premise of this event is for the kits of the clan; they will help their parents or grandparents bake homemade sweets! These sweets can be something of a recipe from their Parents or Grandparents previous clan! The kits will then dawn little costumes; be it a little devil to something like a sheep! During the month of October; the clothing and textile shops will often have these outfits on display and will make them custom to the kit who it's being ordered for! On the Night of october 31st, the kits will walk around with a little woven basket and handkerchief; holding little individually wrapped sweets [The wrap being bee waxed fabric] They'll go from kit to kit to exchange sweeties to one another; often times a vesper kit will also exchange these sweets for pieces of candy that they get during nightmare night! Vesper kits will also sometimes play into the whole cursed legend that the ponies believe in and donate one of their sweets. While on the other end; the ponies and kits alike will offer up some sweets to the vesper goddesses that their household follows! It's a sweet alternative to the other vesper nightmare night equivalent holiday

•Misc Details•
>This clan does not have a solidified Native fruit; the best is to go off of one of the other vesper clans's native fruit!
>The most popular way to pop the question to ones mate within this clan is to get a ring forged! Rings are very popular within in the clan due to their ties with pony kind. Its seen as a unique and sweet way to do this; the most common engraving is that of a peacock feather as to keep some traditionalism in it.
>Vespers in this clan are often taught in classes with other species! They are given the same education as the rest and often are taught more than vespish as a language; knowing ponish and dragonish to a degree! They also know about history for the places outside the clans history!
>Vespers in this clan are usually more accepting and more advanced with their medicinal skills along with general skills with different fields!
>Its not uncommon to see vespers getting addicted to sugar; especially if theyve never had it before and are introduced to it by this clan
>Many vespers discover they are lactose intolerant at this clan
>This clan is one of the inports for Alma's creek water, this water is then turned into potions by skilled vespers with the aid of unicorns to sell to vespers to help them transition
>Very trans friendly
>Very friendly no matter what gender or rarity you are
>Mythics are not really special here; neither are corrupts; though corrupts will still be driven away because nobody wants to be around what smells like and looks like a rotting corpse
>Aami is their biggest source for Vesper Romance Novels/Poetry


"Child of the Moon"
A Clan Cut off from the World

Founded in 132
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
Amaris is a clan that is considered long dead; the area on the map they have is technically not owned by them; in actuality the land belongs to the Eastern oblivion clan! Its not known to be there at all, no one knows of it and no one who comes from it remembers it. Amaris is a secretive clan that lives deep,, deep underground. That where the sunlight not moonlight will ever travel far down enough to reach it. Not even Tiefes tunnels. Amaris is a clan that is far more advanced than the rest. An Underground Steampunk City! Vespers of this clan are bright-eyed, creative, curious, well read and generally very chaotic or very posh in their nature! This clan had long split off contact from the outside clans as their old ally; Orenda, warned them of the incoming dangers and what would happen if said dangers got their grabbers on the technology they have. The clan is aware of the threats outside and have voted with the council; that until those threats are gone.; their technology will not leave the city as to protect the rest of the clans. Orenda's last stance would be to encapsulate the entire city in an unbreakable and undismissable magic field. So any who leave; can but they will retain no memory of the clan as it fully scrubs it instead of repressing it. They'll feel an emptiness but they'll have vague memory. Many vespers wake up in East oblivion with no memory of where or how they got there but retain who they are! Generally though not many of these vespers want to leave as their wings aren't built for the outside world; neither are their eyes. Though Amaris will not force them to stay and if anyone is lucky enough to find a way in; they'll be welcomed with the safety blanket their former ally put in place. It is also noted that a vesper will be stripped of all their belonging before they are to be allowed to exit the clan; as with the barrier theres a single gateway they have to go through to get in or out; digging out isn't an option

•Clan Environment Description•

Amaris exists in a very expansive and very very deep cavern that was dug out by the clan! It started as a clan that originated the Lunis ailment and turned into one that became powered by steam as the vespers found a very large underground lake. They would settle at this lake and begin conducting methods of making it a renewable source! These vespers are wickedly smart and as such; it wound up creating an expansive city within the wall of limestone, stone and many other types of sediment and rocks. There would be cracks that come from Tiefes tremors; but they only give access for the most skilled of magic users to project images from the sky on certain nights. The terrain is more or less rocky but over the years; it's been transformed into a grassy landscape that has trees and some cave-dwelling animals! There's also crystals and ores of metal and minerals along the walls of the city.
There's beams of support to keep areas of the cave up while other areas have buildings built into it! Beyond the buildings; there's tall lamp posts and hanging lights to keep the area bright enough for the vespers to be able to see fairly well! There's wire lines that go from building to building with little metal cars that take vespers to and from; a little chime playing every time that they are there to dock and let new vespers on. There's little machines that whiz by to deliver packages and a small train station that encompasses the different sections of the clan! That way it's easier to get around and do what you need to do.
Moss and other bioluminescent flora crawl the tall stone walls of the city and there's multiple small streams and waterfalls; creeks and rivers as well have been formed to contain the water that the Amaris vespers managed to bring down into their cave or renew from the original source they had. There's small areas where there's food growing; in buildings designed to work like greenhouses. Overall this general place went from a very jagged; dark and very very stoney place to something of a lush forest floor with rocky walls at all sides and at the ceiling.

•Typical Hut Description•
Vespers do not live in huts down in the depths of Amaris! Rather instead they live in something more akin to apartment buildings or little homes; having multiple rooms! The buildings in Amaris are built from stone, brick or metal; some of them are wood or plaster depending on what materials they had on hand! There's often pipes going in and out of them; clock towers being present in the main square of the city to keep them in the loop for what the time was.
Their general homes are similar to that of what is a typical hut; these being a one story home or a general apartment in one of the vastly big apartment buildings! As one floor can hold up to about 5-8 vespers! These vespers often have moss carpeted floors; a little nook for food preparation and storage, a general main living and relaxation space with windows that can look out and view the city that expands as far as the eye can see and is continuously expanding every day. They often have bookshelves and oil lamps next to chairs. Often also having little shelves they can decorate with items! And lastly the general nesting room consists of a very soft bedding material; having pillows and blankets!
Outside in the main city the roads are flat and smooth; having sidewalks as grass n trees and bushes alongside to keep the area all pretty and nice; there's shops that display various different things; be it metal parts or general parts for building items and machinery to clothing stores and other things such as a place to purchase cutlery and dishes. Some vespers will work on opposite sides of the city so the train or railcar stations are the most convenient thing they have; a quicker way than walking at least! There's a bunch of farms; mining facilities, smelteries and other areas of work that produce the items they need to remain self-sufficient as when they had Orenda for the many many years of allyship they had; they slowly purchased the items, animals and other things they would need in order to eventually cut off and remain self-sufficient as to not run any risk of having important or dangerous things leak from the city.

Amaris does have a hierarchy the same as any other of the clans within the mythic forest and beyond!
Theirs is a little more complicated and more based on Job and the gender of the character! It goes as follows:

>Elder Council
>Mayor [Fem]
>Mayors Advisers
>Female Engineers
>Female Conductors [Train/RailCar]
>Female Farmers
>Female General Labor Workers
>Female Caretakers/Nightcare Workers
>Unemployed Females
>Male Engineers
>Male Conductors [Train/RailCar]
>Male Farmers
>Male General Labor Workers
>Male Caretakers/Nightcare Workers
>Unemployed Males

•Views on Goddesses•

Veiws on Polaris
North> Polaris is a decently well known god within this portion of the city! Polaris is seen more as a masculine figure. A God of Creativity; Wisom and Direction. He is depicted in many of the universites and schools here
East> The East does lightly worship this goddess. Polaris is seen as a femenine figure! She is assosiated with Creativity, Hardwork, Knowledge and Astrology! She is highly in the areas of schools and experimentation chambers!
West> Polaris is not very worshiped here. She is seen a more femenine figure! Assosiated heavily with Hard work, Astrology, Navigation and Wisdom!
South> The South also lightly worships this god. Polaris is seen as a femenine figure! A God of Creativity; Knowledge and Astrology! He is frequintly found with shrines in the schools within this area

Veiws on Daifa
North> Daifa is not a very well known Deity here. They are seen as a genderless figure! Often assosiated with Agriculture, Patience, Love, and Fertility! They are more popular in the agriculture areas of this city
East> Daifa is heavily worshiped here and prayed to! She is seen as a Goddess, a Femenine figure. often assosiated with Luck, Bounty, Harvest, Love and Family! She is a figurehead for a lot of the agriculture and familial based structures
West> Daifa is decently worshiped here! She is depicted as a Goddess, a femmenine figure who is assosiated and prayed to for Luck, Family, Love and Harvest
South> The Goddess is not worshiped very heavily here; Most wouldnt know who she is unless they come from a different part of the city originally! When recognized she is assosiated with Family, Love and Fertility

Veiws on Shivani
North> Shivani is another that is not widely worshiped here. He is seen as a masculine figure, a god! He is often assosiated with Work, War, Persiverence and Judgment. Often seen more in the industrial areas of the city
East > Shivani is not very known here; They are seen as a genderless diety who is often assosiated with Greed, Judgment and Death. Very much an avoided diety if it can be helped!
West> Shivani is not a god that is known here
South> Shivani is very worshiped here! They are seen as a genderless being, a diety amongst men and is often prayed to for persiverence in Jobs. They are also seen as a god of Judgment, Work and Want.

The diets of the vespers who live within this clan range widely; due to all the different resources available to this clan's population! Generally the population can stomach meat from rodents, seafood or shellfish, big game, fruits and vegetables! There's no shortage of what a vesper can find here to eat as the clan also has confections and grains that are hard to come by within other clans! They have things such as bread, cereal, cookies, brownies, general pastries and doughs. Milk, eggs and such are also found in this clan! So there's a huge range of items that can be made; from soups to salads to full blown feasts with seafood or steak! There's always something of a restaurant no matter what block of Amaris you are on; There's different parts of the clan that specialize in different cuisine and recipes that have been learned from ponish, griffin and even some vespish cookbooks that have been brought to the clan and copied in order to sell in the bookstores. of course of the years they've been isolated down in the cave they have had time to come up with their own unique recipes that are definitely,, bizzare.


Makers Market
Makers market is an event that happens 4 times a year! Makers will set up stalls in the center plaza of the city with their most recent inventions, items and weres! Be it a new gun model; a new bot for helping clear out more area for the city to expand down further into the earth or if they just want to show off their ideas for toys for the kits or new modes of transportation! These vespers will be given the opportunity to show this off to the judges of the event; which is that of the Elder council and the current acting mayor of the city! The mayor and elders will pass judgment and make an offer to work with makers they enjoy the items from! This event also allows typical families to wander around; snacking on sweets and other foods as they browse the neat inventions the vespers will try to sell to them with a neat pitch or two! Since this event is something that happens four times a year; if a maker misses one, there's always the next within 3 months! It's very, very anticipated by the makers of the clan!

Dancing Lights Show
This is an event that happens twice a year! It's a small event that often has a lasting impact on the kits of the clan! This is an event put on by the creatives of the clan; they will take typical folklore tales and retell them through reenacting the events through their magic light; the end result often appears as if their magic is dancing across the dark cavern sky. This brings a lot of joy to both the parents and the kits of the clan as they get a day off to enjoy the said show! During this day they will also have the opportunity to purchase many items that they can only get during that time of year; such as a little snow globe that has little multi-colored dancing lights within its glass. Overall; this is a low maintenance but rather spectacular show that the creatives of this clan put on for its members. The first of the events is performed in the north and the second in the south. So most have to travel to come see it! Its worth it to a lot of the vespers who have to travel to see it.

Recasting Ritual
The Recasting Ritual is a vitally important ritual! Vespers within this clan are often taught magic; this magic is needed in order to strengthen the barrier that Orenda had left them in order to protect them from others getting their information or from their location getting stormed. This event happens once a year on the Winter Solstice. Vespers who are of age and have their gem will be asked to sit on the ground; and place their gems against the little bits of gold on the walkways; not everyone needs to participate but they are highly encouraged to for the sake of protection and safety! This is not an event that can really be sabotaged as there's no vesper interaction; not fully at least.
This ritual begins by vespers connecting their gems to the gold and begin casting a simple levitation spell; the multicolor streams of magic will light up the cracks in the stone and swarm to the clock tower; the highest point in the city and crawl up its sides until the entire building is covered in light; the collective magic of the vespers will be channeled into the golden spike upon the top of the tower and sent straight into the barrier to strengthen it.
The barrier itself is never visible until this festival. Once this is done for 5 minutes they are allowed to back off and sit to watch the spectacle as the holes and tears in the barrier are stitched back together in fits of golden glitter; the barrier shining a brilliant blue until eventually fading. The vespers who participate will always wind up feeling drained and unable to use their magic for a day or two but it's only once a year.

•Misc Details•
>This clans native fruit is that of a Pear!
>The best ways to pop the question in this clan is to either: Have a family hierloom that is that of a peacock feather; or having a unique one made. They can also get a ring forged for their partner; often engraving a peacock feather in or little intriquent carvings to make it special
>This clan does focus on art, inventions and general expansion further below the grounds as they really dont have any sort of threat looming over them that would prevent them from putting time, energy and resources into it
>Theres multiple universities, schools and general education in this clan that all vespers are able to get access to
>At the age of 10, most vesper kits will be applying to schools for their desired carrer path!
>Orenda and Amaris once had an open connection tunnel; but once the empire took it over; Amaris caved the tunnel in and created a new one to east oblivion that is very,, very well hidden
>Every three years they have a little mayoral campeign for some of the higher ranking females of the clan!
>The Barrier by Orenda can not be dispelled or broken; but it can be strengthened or left alone until it dissapaites on its own!
>They can and will make guns. The vespers have guns.
>The raincars and the trains are still very new ports of transportation! Only having been around for the past 5-10 years when theyve had prolly hundreds of years to get to the point of getting to manifacture and work them!
>A lot of vespers here are hatched with heightened intelligence and creativity
>The gods work less in a typical way than with the other clans! They are seen more as bringers of specific fortunes and aspects of life

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