
Bluebell, Daffodi, Empire, Jagnu (Vesper Subtype)


"Humility and Gratitude"
A Clan of Pasifists

Founded in 134
Fell in 289

•Clans Nature/Description•
Bluebell was once one of the oldest clans to have formed within the forest; having had good standings with the likes of Aami and the early travelers of Akio! They were a clan dedicated to peace and pacifism. Vespers of this clan were level headed; collected, and usually very wise. Being an early example to clans for a way to live without conflict as all major decisions were decided by the clans folk who resided. This clan was also one of very agile vespers; they would take to gliding from tree to tree more frequently than not; it was found to be a quicker way than gliding down and traveling by foot; though this would require the knowledge to judge the winds and the weather to see if it was a good day to do so or not. Their intelligence; good nature and general overall need for peaceful resolve would be their biggest vice but also their biggest weakness. Bluebell would be massacred by its own clan; A rouge bunch rising from the depths of the clan bearing crimson moon tattoos; claiming themselves as the 'Blood Moon' Clan. Most of the texts about this clan and Bluebell's writings have been lost to this massacre.

•Clan Environment Description•
Bluebell was located within one of the more hill-y esc areas of the clans as it bordered on a nearby mountain range. This meant that their trees were much further apart and this is why gliding became such an studied and important thing to this clan. It was much safer to glide down the mountain than it would ever be to try to glide down onto the jagged and rocky terrain to try and walk to the nearest tree. The clan itself has two rivers that connected into one large one as it left the valleys of the mountains! As water at this time was lethal to land in; these vespers once again took to the skies and mastered the art of gliding long distances. The heart of this clan was located in the valley between the mountains! The trees become more dense to the center of this valley. Generally this was before Tiefe began having its tremors so the land was not as broken up as it is in the current times Daffodi. At the border of what is now Daffodi and Aami; the forest was cleared out and many many sunflowers were planted for each vesper who died in the massacre

•Typical Hut Description•
Huts in this clan reflect that of Aami's standard hut build. These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room, Bluebell was one of the few clans to have roof gardens! Having made use of the forest floor, they'd create a shallow bed with the planks, fill it with dirt and grow some fruit or veggie bushes to soak up the rain! This also provides them with delicious foods- Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry

Due to this clans nature; they really did not care to have something of a hierarchy!
They beleived that this would breed feelings of resentment and conflict and instead resorted to having the can be something of a democracy that was treated equal no matter the age; gender or if you had ailments, curses or mutations.

•Views on Goddesses•

Views on Polaris
Polaris is considered a genderless diety to the folks within these areas of the clan! They are tied heavily to that of Astronomy, Mathmatics and Wisdom
Polaris is considered something of a fluctuating god; Sometimes seen as Masculine, Sometimes Seen as Femenine. They are seen and known as a god who resembles that of Wisdom, Navigation and Protection

Views on Daifa
Daifa is considered a femenine goddess, she is heavily looked to within this part of the clan! Daifa is heavily tied to that of the Weather and Nature. She is prayed to for bountiful harvests and Good/Clear Weather
Daifa is seen as a genderless diety, not as worshiped here but still very looked to. They are seen as a diety of the Weather, Love and Fertility

Views on Shivani
Shivani is a masculine figure to this area of the clan. He is heavily tied to that of Death, Life, Rebirth and Protection. A God that is prayed to and offered well offerings by the people of this clan as to keep their friends and families safe from the outside forces of the forest.
Shivani is seen as a genderless diety in this area of the clan. They do agree with the North and South that the Diety is one of Death, Life, Rebirth and protection. However they do not allign with the gender the diety is preceived as.

The vespers of bluebell had a diet that consisted heavily of fruits and vegetables!
Their stomachs can not handle that of any sort of meat and/or seafood. It is common to be offered things such as salads; sandwiches and other types of staple foods by these vespers! They love community meals and will often have vespers bring fruits and veggies from their personal gardens to donate to the meal being made during that given night of the week!
At this time; They were the vespers who had access to grains such as wheat and the methods of creating dough, breads, pastries and things like noodles from these grains! When the clan fell; the Blood Moon or Rouge clan- Would sell these grain seeds off to Aami to make some funds while they were off to travel the rest of the clans to stir up some havoc.


Harvest Festival
This is a festival celebrating Daifa more commonly than not, but as not all clans have Daifa as a deity that they worship- this festival is also known to be the week of feasts! Seeing as the winter hibernation is something all but a handful of clans go through, this is the time that the vespers will finish fattening themselves up for the long slumber ahead!
There's two phases to this festival usually, there's the two week period where they will gather their crops and preserve some for after the hibernation and the rest will be gathered in the center point for the clan to be prepared into many meals for the next week! The second part of this festival is that Vesper families will reunite to feast and talk about the upcoming slumber and plans for the springtime! There's always a bit of music and a wondrous feeling to the group of vespers, this is often a festival kits will not remember until they get to the age of 3, but they do remember faint sounds and smells- Once the festival has come to pass and the leftover foods have been preserved, the vesper families will go their separate ways and seal themselves away to slumber

Lunar Festival
This is the clan in which the Lunar festival originally was created. This is an event that is more commonly celebrated within that of Jagnu now within the current times. This event also has a few spin-offs within the clans of Altan and Aami! The vespers of the clan will dawn traditional robes and fans; market stalls will line the forest floor for the vespers to walk through and collect sweet treats; as well as savory buns that are filled with vegetables and a delectable savory sauce! There's other treats offered as well; from little baby pumpkins covered in a sticky sweet sap; to little hand held pies that take the shape of moons. They will also be able to purchase lanterns that dawn the symbols of the goddesses and once all the marketplace has been raided; they can join the others within the center of the festival to a stage that will be lovely decorated with cutouts; vespers will dress as the goddesses and tell out multiple folklore tales for the vespers of the clan to enjoy for the night. Once this is done; music will play and vespers will dance until the first rays of sunlight peek through the leaves of the trees.

Night of Offerings
The Night of Offerings is an event that happens between October 30th and October 31st. Vespers of the clan will spend many weeks preparing hand-made gifts. This can range from a traditional fan being handmade and embroidered; to jewelry and whittled down trinkets. Then the families of vespers will set up a small table that is beautifully decorated with roses; spider lilies and other flowers that they can find and the trinkets are left for the god of Shivani. During the Morning of October 31st, the items that were laid in place for the god to take in return for protection would be gone from the stands of the homes. This for many generations from and to come would give truth to the gods having once or currently walking the grounds of the earth. Many details of this event however have been lost to time as it was rather scrappily recorded and the records that do still exist only mention this event in passing.

•Misc Details•
>This clans native fruit is that of plums! They are both tart and sweet; which fits well with the fate this clan faced
>The way to pop the question within this clan is to go along the jagged mountainside to find the smoothest, prettiest rock that one can; when they find one suitable they will present it to their mate
>Vespers within this clan had the best education of all the clans at this time; howver the one thing they sorely lacked was that of a way to protect themselves from the threat that existed within their own walls
>They were very trans friendly during the time they existed!
>The rouge vespers were an underground society that would later rebel and take the land of Bluebell for their own; however when the massacre was over; the Guard was hot on the tail of this rouge clan. The rest is unknown for what had happened
>Bluebell is heavily reveired and missed; many mourn for the loss of the many vespers that died on that fateful day.
>Bluebell had many books and scrolls that told of the studies they had on gliding and the benifits of doing so; many of these are lost to time but those that still exist are within the hands of Daffodi.


"New Beginnings"
A Clan formed in Memory

Founded in 1006
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Daffodi is a clan that was formed as a resurgence and a revival to the one wonderful clan of Bluebell. The biggest difference between the two is that Daffodi is not making the same mistakes that bluebell had made. They, instead of being pasifitstic, are neutral. This does mean that if they ever have cause or reason to do so; Daffodi will defend their territory even if its from vespers within their own clan! Generally vespers in Daffodi are quite intelligent; quick on their grabbers and feet as well with their tongues, they are usually very opinionated vespers but they are also very courteous of one another; having friendly debates on subjects before it passes into voting for the clan itself! Daffodi is known for being a good place to live and grow up! They put a heavy emphasis on that of education and the apprenticeship that vespers go on when they become of age to do so! These vespers are very curious and have managed to locate and dig up old records that had been left abandoned in the ruins of the Bluebell clan; As the clans territory had been left abandoned due to the guards protection of it

•Clan Environment Description•
Daffodi exists within the same-ish border lines that bluebell once had; though with a bit more land on all sides! The mountain area is still full of jagged and sharp rocks; within the current times however there is an additional danger of the slivers and chasms that are in the grounds due to the tremors that come from Tiefe. Many vespers have been noted to go missing at times these tremors occur. They are positioned within the same valley that Bluebell was once in; the trees get more dense the closer you get to the heart of the clan! The further you get from the heart however it spreads out to a degree that gliding is more than a convenient way to get around the clan! The next biggest detail to mention is that of the huge acres of land that hold a vast sunflower field. This field was planted by the early settlers of Daffodi in memory of those who perished and spilled their blood in bluebell. Every year this field will shimmer its golden hues; in a viewable distance from the clan's tallest trees. It's a beautiful sight but a sad reminder of the past.

•Typical Hut Description•
Daffodis huts are pretty much the same to that of Bluebells; as they have pretty much fixed up the old, abandoned buildings of the clan.
These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room, Bluebell was one of the few clans to have roof gardens! Having made use of the forest floor, they'd create a shallow bed with the planks, fill it with dirt and grow some fruit or veggie bushes to soak up the rain! This also provides them with delicious foods- Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry

This clan wouldve liked to keep true to that of Bluebell as much as they could; however to keep some sembalace of order and balance to the clan; they put a very simple one in place! It goes as follows:


•Views on Goddesses•
Once again; due to this clan being a replica of bluebell to a sense as they are trying to keep the memory of the clan alive; they ahve adopted the veiws that bluebell once had on the gods and who and what they were

Views on Polaris
Polaris is considered a genderless diety to the folks within these areas of the clan! They are tied heavily to that of Astronomy, Mathmatics and Wisdom
Polaris is considered something of a fluctuating god; Sometimes seen as Masculine, Sometimes Seen as Femenine. They are seen and known as a god who resembles that of Wisdom, Navigation and Protection

Views on Daifa
 Daifa is considered a femenine goddess, she is heavily looked to within this part of the clan! Daifa is heavily tied to that of the Weather and Nature. She is prayed to for bountiful harvests and Good/Clear Weather
Daifa is seen as a genderless diety, not as worshiped here but still very looked to. They are seen as a diety of the Weather, Love and Fertility

Views on Shivani
Shivani is a masculine figure to this area of the clan. He is heavily tied to that of Death, Life, Rebirth and Protection. A God that is prayed to and offered well offerings by the people of this clan as to keep their friends and families safe from the outside forces of the forest.
 Shivani is seen as a genderless diety in this area of the clan. They do agree with the North and South that the Diety is one of Death, Life, Rebirth and protection. However they do not allign with the gender the diety is preceived as.

Their region is heavily populated with that of fruit and vegetable plants; those that had been left after bluebells massacre had taken root outside their planter boxes and made the forest floor dense with these different; plentiful plants! Many vespers will sort through these plants to harvest any of the ripe fruits, veggies and grains. Many of the old buildings such as the wheat mill were rebuilt to be as authentic as they could be!
Many vespers will make hearty food and recipes in order to make sure that the food made is rather filling! They take on the tradition of vespers bringing fruits and veggies to a clan-wide public dinner and will work together to provide enough food for everyone in the clan! This is often a lot of work but at the end of the night it is a very cherished thing and helps with clan moral and together-ness


Golden Festival
This festival is one that happens on the first bloom of the season for the massive sunflower field that this clan has! Vesper families will go through the fields and harvest some of the flowers in order to collect the seeds and prepare them to be planted in more cleared out land that the clan will have made by harvesting wood for new homes. These new seeds will be planted for next year's festival! Beyond this expansion of the fields; vespers of this clan will dawn bright gold and yellow outfits; picnicing in the fields and watching the day go by- As this clan will throw off their sleeping schedule in order to witness the first bloom of the season in broad daylight; so most will have a very warm, drowsy feeling as they go throughout the day! Some of the staple foods of the festival are things like sunflower bread loafs; sunflower seed soups and other really delicious foods that give a good vibe to the atmosphere. Most will end the night off by listening to music that vespers of the clan will play as stories of bluebell will be told; a little memorial for the clan.

Harvest Festival
This is a festival celebrating Daifa more commonly than not, but as not all clans have Daifa as a deity that they worship- this festival is also known to be the week of feasts! Seeing as the winter hibernation is something all but a handful of clans go through, this is the time that the vespers will finish fattening themselves up for the long slumber ahead!
There's two phases to this festival usually, there's the two week period where they will gather their crops and preserve some for after the hibernation and the rest will be gathered in the center point for the clan to be prepared into many meals for the next week! The second part of this festival is that Vesper families will reunite to feast and talk about the upcoming slumber and plans for the springtime! There's always a bit of music and a wondrous feeling to the group of vespers, this is often a festival kits will not remember until they get to the age of 3, but they do remember faint sounds and smells- Once the festival has come to pass and the leftover foods have been preserved, the vesper families will go their separate ways and seal themselves away to slumber

Sweet Frights
Sweet Frights is a vespers take on the popular Nightmare night that vespers have; though lacking a scary legend. Sweet Frights is an event that is prepared for; for many weeks as the whole premise of this event is for the kits of the clan; they will help their parents or grandparents bake homemade sweets! These sweets can be something of a recipe from their Parents or Grandparents previous clan! The kits will then dawn little costumes; be it a little devil to something like a sheep! During the month of October; the clothing and textile shops will often have these outfits on display and will make them custom to the kit who it's being ordered for! On the Night of october 31st, the kits will walk around with a little woven basket and handkerchief; holding little individually wrapped sweets [The wrap being bee waxed fabric] They'll go from kit to kit to exchange sweeties to one another; Kits will offer up some sweets to the vesper goddesses that their household follows! Its a sweet alternative to the other vesper nightmare night equivalent holiday

•Misc Details•
>This clans native fruit is that of the Plum! Both sweet and Sour; it makes wonderful pastries
>They have kept the more traditional method of propsing to ones mate with a peacock feather or a feather simmilar! Many vespers have given up trying to get an authentic peacock feather due to the scarcity of them; as the species of bird is near-extinct
>They try to prioritize and work out methods to make gliding more resourceful and the best way to travel than be on foot within the clan! Due to this many vespers have stronger arms and are much lighter than vespers of other clans
>Vespers in this clan are given equal opprotunity to have a wonderful education! They are taught basic self defence at a very early age as well
>Trans vespers are often escorted to either Akios docks or that of Altan; depending on which would be the safer and quicker travel during the time of the year and the patrols of different clans!
>Vespers here have a deep connection with sunflowers; they are believed to be blessed by the gods and a good omen or a good luck charm


"Many Clans Under One"
A Clan seeking forest domination

Founded in 927
Fell in ---

•Clans Nature/Description•
There are many, many ways to describe the Empire; be it from within or even outside the clan. Many clans had fallen in order to become one with this growing expanse of a kingdom; claiming its for the good of the forest and urging others to willingly let go of their borders and join. For those who live within this tyrannical clan; and being fed propaganda day after day in almost every little thing they do; The Empress is seen as a saint who is doing the goddesses' work. Many within this clan are led to believe that the Empire is gaining these territories after some peaceful discussions with the elder councils or the leaders of the clans; that they are doing a good thing by uniting the clans of the forest as they think it'll bring everlasting peace. Because of this many vespers hatched here are more than happy to support the efforts of the Empress and her army. Beyond this general sense of clan pride and patriotism; vespers of this clan are happy, productive and calm, kept in blissful ignorance even through the schooling systems that are purposefully failing to give these vespers a proper education to survive in the forest on their own.
However this clan is perceived in a different manner when viewed from beyond the walls and into the forest. The empire is a feared force to the clans; a sudden threat that began taking over territory and continuously doing so; erecting walls to keep them from seeing what's going on inside and from getting in or getting out. The empires 'peaceful' methods of getting vesper clans to give over their territory are nothing short of making brutal demonstrations of their clans' leaders if they do not give in willingly. There has been record of some clans being killed to take the territory or secrets the clan held; the biggest example of this was a former ally of theirs- Orenda. Many would think that this clan would turn its gaze to Olaug, Acantha and Aceldama to take over their land and gain the power that these three have. However, the empire is not foolish as much as many would come to hope; rather choosing to ally with that of Olaug and Acantha than take their territories over, knowing full well that doing so right now would be nothing but a liability. As of right now the bloodshot gaze of this clan is on that of Von, Alma, Aami, Oblivion and Nekane.

•Clan Environment Description•
The Empire has one of the largest if not the largest territory within the mythic forest. Their clan's capital is sitting on a cliff that overlooks the large lake; there sits the Empress's palace; the further you go from the palace more extravagant homes of the royals, elite and the elders can be found, this slowly fans out into more spread out homes all having had to abandon their old huts in place for new; more modern ones. The empire's land goes from the much more hilly terrain that comes from Western Oblivions border; to the flat lands of the capital; then to the more dense willow forest as you get closer to tiefe. The very last bit of this clan is hilly and decently spread out; slowly turning to the sandy shores that border the pony civilization of Leota Village. This clan has a multitude of streams, rivers and creeks that flow through it. Those of which cross boat paths that clans such as Altan will take; have to pay a fee to transverse or dock within the Empire's land. It's not uncommon for these boats to be searched before departure to make sure no scragalers get through. The entire clan's border is surrounded by a rather high, white and gold marble wall. As the clan and its borders expand and change; the wall is destroyed and remade around the new section. This acts as both protection and a privacy shield from the other clans

•Typical Hut Description•
Huts within this clan follow along the lines of what is more standard in clans such as Aceldama or Altan! The palace of the Empress is the largest structure; standing at about 50 some odd rooms; the contence of which is pretty unknown. However it is very known that the palace has a dungeon underneath. Many vespers fear entering the palaces walls and never coming out. Beyond the palace having the multitude of rooms it does; it also has expansive gardens, a personal farm and a lovely entranceway that has a fountain depicting the female vesper who rallied enough vespers to start this legendary clans transformation of the mythic forest. Up next is the homes of the elders, 'royals' and the more elite. These Homes are the next most extravagant; having their own gardens and a home made with marble, glass and gold detailing! The rooms for these homes can extend past that of 20! Not many vespers have these homes and even the Elders share one of these homes amongst themselves. As you stray further from the more wealthy or higher status members homes of this clan you start entering the more common-folk housing.
The homes are made of a ton of different materials! Be it wood, concrete, plaster or brick; these houses vary widely. These homes often consist of two stories; having up to 3 rooms on each floor. A vesper will oftentimes have a Kitchen; Foyer and a Living space for guests to come in and relax in! The homes are usually more modern and up to par with what ponies are used to; so the kitchen has a good storage space; a way to heat up food; a place for spices and dishware! The living room has couches, chairs, bookshelves, paintings and places to display and put things! The foyer often has the way up to the second story! Almost always the upstairs in these homes have a Nesting room, a Bathroom and a Storage or Office.
The nesting room is one room that is either very traditional or very modern; there's no inbetween for this. They either have a nest made of the same materials you'd find in a normal hut; the space decorated to feel more like home while others will have an actual bed wil sheets and cushions; bedside tables and shelves to store things! It all depends on the vespers tastes and what they need to be comfortable or what they are able to afford. These homes are more for the vespers who have a fair bit of wealth or are higher on the hierarchy than the rest
Theres also versions of these homes that are one story; containing the 4 basic rooms listed above! Kitchen, Nestingroom, Bathroom and a Office/Storage room. These homes are more for the lesser members of the clan; those who are not at rock bottom.
And of course; there are the homes that are two stories but act as two 3 room houses; these apartments are often sold out to the vespers; usually two or three. These homes are much more frequent for those who are of the lowest tier within this clan and are often shunned for how they are living.

The Hierarchy within the Empire applies to everyone within this clan; It is very hard to change your status within this clan. The most frequent method is marrying above yourself. Though this will cause a TON of side squints and ridiculeation towards ones mate. The Hierarchy goes as follows:

>The Empress
>The Empresse's Champions [Personal guards]
>The Empresses Adviser
>The Elder Council
>Female Heirs
>Female Heirs Champions [Personal Guards]
>The Female Heirs Guards and Servents
>Royal Aras
>Female Mythics
>Male Heirs
>Male Heirs Champions [Personal Guards]
>Male Heirs Guards and Servents
>Female Army Commander
>Palace Guards
>Palace Workers
>Palace Servents
>Male Mythics
>Royal/Council/Elite Guards
>Royal/Council/Elite Workers
>Royal/Council/Elite Servants
>Female Millitary
>Male Millitary
>Female Clan Guards
>Male Clan Guards
>Female Workers
>Male Workers
>Unemployed Females
>Mutated Folk
>Ailment Folk
>Cursed Folk
>Unemployed Males

•Views on Goddesses•
Like Olaug and Acantha, It is quite illegal to worship any of the goddesses within the walls of the empire.
Many vespers in this clan will risk this rule as to keep parts of their traditions alive when their homes had been robbed from them to abide by whatever this devil clan has in store. Others however who grew up in this clan and do not know any better will rather worship and treat the empress as a goddess in her own right

This clan pushes a full vegetable, grain and fruit diet onto all who live here. So those who have been grown within a clan that can consume meat will lose the ability or well the privilege of being able to. This also includes that of the vespers who come from Aceldama. They will be imprisoned if they are found drinking blood. The only source for aceldama vespers in this clan is that of the bloodfruit's flesh as the sap rarely is exported out of the clan. This will sate their hunger enough. Beyond that of Aceldama vespers, most of the clan is okay and can survive eating only fruits, veggies and grains! In Fact most of these vespers have bread and staple veggies/starches such as potatoes, celery and onion. So it's not uncommon to find steamed buns or to find vespers in lower income areas making community pots of soup, giving their own bits of grown fruits or veggies to be able to feed a good portion of the vespers who are needing it. There are a lot of vespers who go starving because the empress does nothing to provide food to those in lower classes. Most of the higher ups never have to worry a day in their lives about food as the food that the other vespers grow go straight to the wealthy or is exported to other clans.


Empresse's Tourney 
This is a non-lethal event that is hosted at the Palace's arena once a year. The empress will select her best champions and allow any and all who are willing to participate a chance to take down her champions, guards and other members of the military. If a vesper proves themselves to be a worthy candidate or surpasses the expectations of where they'd fall in the ranking. It's very common that the empress will send word to give the vesper in question a proposition to join the army, her guard or that of her champions. Because of this, there is a lot of incentive to participate in this event!
Beyond the rare chance to change ones status; this is a very large event that attracts many tourists from around the clans and within the clan itself and cause many vespers to drop months of fein in order to get a ticket to both get to the palace arena as well as to get some seats to the event! This is a very anticipated and well beloved event. Many of the champions of the Empress have been her champions for 4-5 years or sometimes longer. These champions are public celebrities amongst the clan members. [Will note that if you face off against a champion, its a 'to the death' fight. Even if surrendered, a vesper will have the opprotunity to become a heirs champion if proved worthy]

A Day of Unity
This is an event that is once a year and spans anywhere from a week to two weeks as it requires the empress to travel outside the palace in order to go visit each of the clans territories and listen to the complaints the people have [Which nothing is ever fully done for] The clans will spend weeks preparing for events and festivities for the empress to participate in and see. She'll sit through all of these and will always be surrounded by a multitude of guards to keep her from being assasinated; She rarely eats anything unless a servant and an unsuspecting guest tries it for her first.
This event is for the moral of the clans and to let them feel heard by the empress and her council for a solid day. Most kits will get a chance to meet her and that will often leave a lasting impact for the rest of their lives. When all is said and done, when the empress has visited every clan, dined with them and saw or participated in as many of the events as she could [Most often than not shell sit and watch while her servants participate]
The clans will often have a big boost in both productivity and morale, this is more for this than actually caring or doing anything for the members of the clan. Very rarely an empress will fight the council to have things done to improve conditions in the clans visited.

Red Day
This is a day that happens quite frequently; at most twice a month.This is akin to a public execution for those who have been found guilty of being treasonous to the Empire.Many vespers hatched and raised in this clan will bring their families along to the town square as the vespers are brought on stage and beheaded, many kits will have sparkling eyes wishing to grow into an executioner for the Empress one day.
For those who are not native to this clan will often skip this day as it breeds deep queasy and uneasy feelings about this clan.Many of these vespers were innocent; only making very minor things like trying to leave the clan or stealing a little bit of food from market stalls to feed themselves or their family. There's always vespers during this event that will protest against the cruelty of the empress and the guards will always subdue these vespers. Because this happens so frequently, vespers of this clan will be on high guard at all times.

•Misc Details•
>The Native fruit of this clan is often considered Mangos or Pineapples.
>Empire is a clan that has all three versions and methods of popping the question to a vespers mate! This means they can propse with rings, feathers or rocks!
>Vespers will willingly migrate from their clans to enter the empire becuase they dont know any better of what the clan is doing
>Vespers are hatched into whatever rank their parents are in; if its mixed, the child will inherent the rank of the higher.
>Vespers that are above the working class or millitary are offered education and are taught to read and write; this keeps the majority of the clan very ignorant and easily controllable [This does not include those who work within the royal or empress status.]
>Vespers who seek to leave the clan can do so by filling out proper paperwork, this is a long a grueling process so most will opt to try their luck with stoeing away or escaping/befriending the guard that exist within the walls, Many have tried to dig tunnels under the wall and have been discovered
>Theres eyes and ears almost everywhere in this clan, listening and abducting those who are treasonus to the empire.
>The empress is a figurehead of sorts; while she does have a say and can rebel against those who give her orders; its really that of the Elder/Mythic council that makes decisions within the empire.
>Never in the history of the empire has a male heir taken the throne; often times a female heir will be adopted from a royal family to assume the throne if the current empress has no daughters.


"One who is like a firefly"
The Home of Spirits

Founded in 525
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Jagnu is a more peaceful clan! Having graciously accepted the terms of taking some of its sister-clans land in return for protecting them! Alma and Jagnu were formed from the same clan and thus have a really good relationship with one another! Jagnu is known as a clan for the creatives, be it that you are a writer, an artist, a sculpter or someone who dabbles in different mixed-media projects! This is probably the clan to come to to pursue these interests and pleasures. Vespers of Jagnu are often described as starry-eyed, hopeful, creative, intelligent and really having their head up in the clouds, being both motivated and really passionate about everything they set their mind to doing! Though granted this is more or less a stereotype or romanticized version of a Jagnu vesper; they are not all like this but there is a good portion of the clan that does dive into this description and match it almost to a tee! Nevertheless, this is a wonderful clan to be a part of; they have great relations with a lot of the clans they share a border with alongside that of Altan and the Oblivion clans!

•Clan Environment Description•
Jagnu is nestled between the dragon lands and that of its sister clan, Alma!
Their terrain is rather rocky and mountainous until it gets closer to the famous clearing! This clearing is covered in wild grass that occasionally gets trimmed to make it look nice for some festivals! The closer you get to the sister clan, the more dense and dark the forest gets! By the time you reach the border of Alma, the forest has become barely navigable as it is near pitch black besides that of some bioluminescent plants! As for the more rocky and mountainous region of this clan; they have nestled into the patches of trees that exist in the valleys of these mountains! Beyond this most of the clan resides surrounding the large clearing that the forest has! The terrain around the clearing is a little hilly but overall not too dense and not too grown over! It's a nice place to live

•Typical Hut Description•

The huts in Jagnu are unique to their own degree but there are also the more 'Aami Standard' huts within the clan! Their unique huts are ones that hang from the branches with magically enchanted ropes or chains! These homes are made from a very tightly woven wooden braid that forms something of an oblong shape with four windows and two levels! The entrance to the home is often a circle that has a small wooden door; inside this home there's a wooden floor and the upper level houses the food storage alongside a small resting nook that has shelves and other places to store items and knick knacks! The bottom of this nesting situation is that of a rounded out room; kid of like an egg shape! Its floor is often covered with soft plants, pelts and blankets that the vesper can get their grabbers on! There's often two windows and a rope that goes up into the first floor. This is one of the more popular styles of huts as it's weirdly comfortable!
As for the more 'Aami standard huts'. These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room. Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry


Jagnu follows the more standard hierarchy platform! This is how it goes:

>Elder Council
>Elder Females
>Protector Jobs
>General Labor Jobs
>Kit Based Jobs
>Adult Females
>Mutated folk
>Ailment folk
>Cursed folk

•Views on Goddesses•

Veiws on Polaris:
Daifa and Shivani are not widely worshiped vespers within this clan. Polaris however is very much a powerful figurehead for this clan! She is the reason for all the festivals that these vespers celebrate! She is known as a femenine figure; the mother goddess of the clans and of vespers. She is highly assosiated with the aspirations and goals of this clan; she is a creative muse to them. Polaris is often seen as a goddess that is tied to Life, Death, Rebirth, Creativity, Prosparity, Passion, Dreams and much more. If theres something they cant explain about the world; the most often and most logical conclusions for the vespers of this clan is that it has something to do with the goddess.

Vespers of Jagnu have a diet that consists more of fruits, vegetables and small game such as birds, rabbits and mice!
The latter became more popular as the number of acantha refugees became a part of their clan! They are most known for serving up heart stews, meat buns, pies such as a shepards pie or that of fruit pies! The clan itself commonly grows Starfruit, Broccoli, Berries and things like the staple veggies! Such as Potatoes, celery, carrots and onions! So soups are also pretty common within this clan!
They are oftentimes a clan that will cook meals and share them with their neighbors to lessen the burden of having to cook for oneself for the most part! The community will also do occasional nights where the entire clan will get together to make a meal! Another note; due to this clan living as close as it does to the dragon lands, they do ocassionally kill a dragon and this winds up being a food source for some time until the beast has been completely consumed 


Night of Wishes
This is an event that Jagnu has adapted from that of Akio after vespers of the past visited and witnessed this event. However this event does not follow true to what akio does as lanterns in the forest are very much a fire hazard and not one these vespers are willing to risk or mess with. The night of wishes is an event for all of the vespers of the clan; for weeks in advance theyll collect rocks and make paints from the bioluminecent plants around them to make glowing paints! On the night of the festival; vespers of the clan will write their wishes, secrets or stories; keeping it as simple as they can so it fits on the rock and they will either take it to the clearing or take it to the bottom of their tree! The vespers will say a few words before they bury the stones as deep into the ground as they can. Once the rocks have been buried and they have the weight of it off their shoulders; the vespers of the clan will paint markings on themselves; the glowing paint making it easy to spot them across the fields. From here the night will be filled with music and food. The atmosphere of the clan light and airy.

Firefly Festival
The firefly festival is one that is close to the hearts of the vespers in the clan. Fireflies are often beleived to be the souls of dead vespers! So this is a time in which families of vespers will gather together in the clearing of jagnu and set out pincnic blankets. They will lay out a variety of fruits, sweets and other bits of food they think their ancestors would like. This event happens once a year and is one many will hold fondly as when the night fully falls over the clan; the vesper families sitting in the wild grass of the clearing will get to see as the fireflies begin to flicker to life and dance around the grass. Many fireflies will land on the vespers observing or land on the food and eat a little bit. Theres usually a couple vespers who will sit and murmur quietly to the firefly in their palm or on the food, talking to them about everything that has happened since theyve been gone. Its a small event that allows a lot of vespers to gain closure on their lost loved onces and give them a chance to talk to them again; even if its just for a fleeting moment before the fireflies would fly higher and higher until the vespers in the clearing can no longer tell if they are stars or their ancestors anymore.

Lunar Festival
Originally started in Bluebell, Jagnu has adopted this event and made it much more popular than it ever was beforehand!
This event has a few spin-offs within the clans of Altan and Aami! The vespers of the clan will dawn traditional robes and fans; market stalls will line the forest floor for the vespers to walk through and collect sweet treats; as well as savory buns that are filled with vegetables and a delectable savory sauce! There's other treats offered as well; from little baby pumpkins covered in a sticky sweet sap; to little hand held pies that take the shape of moons. They will also be able to purchase lanterns that dawn the symbols of the goddesses and once all the marketplace has been raided; they can join the others within the center of the festival to a stage that will be lovely decorated with cutouts; vespers will dress as the goddesses and tell out multiple folklore tales for the vespers of the clan to enjoy for the night. Once this is done; music will play and vespers will dance until the first rays of sunlight peek through the leaves of the trees.

•Misc Details•
>The native fruit of this clan is that of a Starfruit!
>Vespers will often propose with feathers that are painted or been crafted of different materials, anything that shows the personallity of the vesper who had crafted it, making it that more special!
>Vespers within this clan are taught how to count, read and write at a much earlier age than most clans!
>Many of the kits from this clan are often taught some sort of art; be it music, painting, drawing, designing sets, pottery, writing, poetry, so on and so forth!
>Vespers are encouraged to go through education and then find a mentor of a subject the vesper has interest in!
>This clan commonly has commissions sent out by other clans for different creative tasks! Vespers will be paid well for doing these tasks
>The beast from Alma, luckily does not venture far enough from the heart of that clan to do damage to the clan of Jagnu; They are however very aware and very weary of this beast!
>Vespers from Jagnu are very supportive of trans vespers and will often provide a way of transport to an altan boat in order to get the medication they need to transition!
>Living as close to the dragon lands as jagnu does, they are almost always in danger of being hunted by dragons; to counter this, these vespers have set up traps thatll catch big beasts; this makes it easier for the clan to dispose of tresspassing dragon.

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