
Guard, Garden, Tiefe, Von (Vesper Subtype)

•The Guard•

The Main Line of Defense for the Forest

Founded in 267
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
The Guard is an all female 'clan'. They are what's known as the protectors of the forest. Oftentimes in order to even be considered to join or be a part of this clan; you have to meet certain requirements, these being; You must be female [Transfem are 100% welcome], You must be over 4'5, You must have physical strength.
Its only three but it can definitely make or break whether a vesper is allowed within or not; they have these requirements as; Vesper females are biologically much much stronger and better equipped to take a hit than a male, being bigger [ Like even goliath size] has its benefits for already strong females, and being physically fit/strong is exactly what you need if your going to take down clans. Of course vespers from this clan do not have to be like weightlifters; they can be moderately strong and focus on fields such as healing, scouting, making potions, bartering for resources or places to stay, etc.
The guard has a reputation amongst the clans and even Oluag/Acantha and the Empire will put on a pristine and proper outlook on their clans while they are making their routine visits. As the whole purpose of the guard is to investigate, chase down and take down corrupt clans that pose a threat to the forest; they hear a lot in the passings of the clans but as the three clans have eyes and ears around the forest; they always have time to prepare and put up appearances so they remain in the clear. The guard is notorious for the take down of the blood moon clan; that clan that massacred and came from the corpse of Bluebell.
They are also known to take down dragons, manticores and ponies frequently as a general sense of forest protection.

•Clan Environment Description•
As this is a clan that has no clear or specific home land; they do not have an enviorment description. They often are spending no more than 3-7 days within a clan before moving on to the next in their route; however they do change this route every year as to keep vespers on their toes about when the guards next visit will be.
If you are curious about the Mythic Forests enviorment; please views the other clan's information!

•Typical Hut Description•
While this clan does not have a specified hut type because they are constantly on foot and often times renting out huts in the various clans on their journey and patrol; these vespers do have something of a sort that is akin to a hut for them!
These vespers will often carry backpacks with them carrying their belongings; often these women are encouraged to leave their things behind as to make it easier to be on foot and travel; so its usually not much! This makes room for something more important for a comfortable nights sleep; a tent. The Guard vespers will set up tents around a main campfire in order to rest for the night and then move on. This is more convenient for the times they are on foot and not in the range of a clan or if they can not get a place to stay within a clan

Thier hierarchy follows a very simple guideline! Thought keep in mind no one is really treated disrespectfully within the clan itself but they can be depending on rank when viewed or within a different clans territory! Their hierarchy goes as follows:

>Clan Leader [Strong Almost, Elder Female]
>Clan Leaders Mate or Second in Command
>Scout Leader
>Female Mates of the Guard
>Male Mates of the Guard

•Views on Goddesses•
While the clan itself depicts that of all the goddesses; they do not actually have a specific outlook on any of the goddesses; its a thing of- if you feel like you want to worship or follow this god, by all means do so.
Every Guard vesper can share their ideals and the thoughts they have of the goddesses from their home clans; but generally everyone either doesnt beleive in the goddesses or they beleive to keep a sense of security that even when they die serving this clan that theyll wind up somewhere good.
Its also seen as a protection to follow a goddess; so many who are about to go into battle will frequently pray to their specific god or goddesss. 

As this clan is one of travellers; their diets will mainly pertain to that of either the clan they are in or that of what their home clan is! So its hard to give a clear and concise answer as to what exactly the diet of this clan is! Youll have vespers who eat small game [Mice, Weasels, Birds], Those who eat big game [Moose, Deer, Wolves], Those who eat things such as fruits and veggies, Those who need to contact the society to keep their hunger at bay, Those who eat seafood or shellfish. Its all depends on where the vesper comes from!


Month of Rest
The Month of Rest is an event that is solo for the vespers of the guard. They will allow up to 5 of their members at a month of their choice throughout the year to leave and return to their home clan for whatever purpose or reason they have to do so. Be it to relax, be with their mate or family.
They'll get a month to do whatever they need and will often come back to the guard wide-eyed and with a newfound passion for what they do and a better understanding of what they are here in the clan to protect.
Many older vespers or overachieving vespers will try to refuse going home and taking a break, so the guard will often drop them off at their home clan or to a clan of choice if they don't wish to go home; and once the month is over; they'll be sent a bird with the note as to where the clan will be and will be tasked with meeting back up with them.

Gilded in Gold
This is an event that happens once a year before the winter hibernation! The clan will settle in one of the clan territories and set up camp; many of the vespers dawn a variety of scars from their time in service for the clan. This event often begins by sitting around the bonfire and eating a variety of different meals; again depending on where they come from will depict what exactly their diet is and what they are comfortable eating!
Once food is done; the leader will bring forth a golden paint, then she will allow vesper by vesper to come up and she'll paint over the various scars of the vesper until they are shimmering with gold in the light of the fire. Once this is done and everyone is glittering with gold [Those without scars are given a golden crescent moon around their gem or below it].
The vespers of the clan will go around and tell the tales of how they got their scars and what memories are attached to them. It's a celebration of these battle marks and the stories that they hold. Strength and these scars are very beloved within the clan and marks of honor.

•Misc Details•
>This clan has no native fruit
>This clans method of proposal is a show of arms; the vesper will often put on a display of strength; be it duels with others in her clan or doing some crazy stunt. After of which theyll offer their mate an item that represents their home clans normal method of proposal! Be it a ring, rock or feather.
>Mates of these vespers are welcome to tag along but are often left at camp or the huts to keep them safe
>Vespers can join this clan when they turn 15, any younger and theyll be turned away so they dont die too young
>Vespers who are MTF are welcomed with open arms, those who are in the clan and discover they are FTM will be given an honorable discharge when being escorted to Altan or Akio's ships. They have nothing against Male vespers but its the strict regulations of the clan; this honorable discharge will give the vesper an opprotunity to have a gold band of the simple clan mark tatooed to their wrist or upper arm as a memory. These vespers are always welcome to visit but can no longer travel or participate in the clan for their own protection.
>Akio is a clan that is not patrolled by the guard as they are not physically apart of the forest
>Aras are not naturally born to the Guard; they are often kits taken from Oblivion who were previously under the Elders care
>Vespers who seek to be parents will be honorably discharged from the clan until their kits are old enough to be on to apprentanceships.
>They have the Month of Rest event as many of their mates do not come along; this gives the guard vesper a much needed break and the time to spend with their beloved mates
>Many Guard vespers are known to supress their pulls with magic items as to keep their potential mates safe
>Vespers who consume blood are not judged within this clan!
>They have a very strong sense of commradery and companionship within the clan
>Many young females of the clans will aspire to be apart of the guard; this is a common excuse for females within Olaug/Acantha and the Empire to get out with the approval of the clan


A Clan hidden by Falls

Founded in 107
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Tiefe is a fun bag of worms when it comes to the clans; they were a clan founded by Akio way back when and was not discovered until late 1023. They are the only vespers who have the ability to hold their breath for upwards of 4 minutes underwater and are very fast and resilient swimmers! Tiefes vespers are laid back, very chill, open and oftentimes very high energy and spirited!
They can also be really creative people; doing what they like be it as a community or in their own little groups! As they live primarily within the tunnels of the clan; these tunnels expand under the forest floor; they tend to migrate towards those they share a tunnel branch with to hang out with and just generally be around! Kits and families in this clan are very close knit and siblings will often do everything together for the first few years they are alive!
These vespers are naturally very very curious as well! They love to explore and as their home is in the ruins of an ancient ponykind civilization; there's so much to explore, decipher and look at throughout the tunnel systems!
All in all, it's a wonderful clan to be a part of and many vespers will migrate to come live here!

•Clan Environment Description•
Tiefe is not the death pit drop with three central waterfalls as the map will have you believe it to be! Rather Tiefe slowly descends into the ground; having different levels of shallow cliffs; these little cliffs having willow trees spotted about until you get to the center ring; where willow trees are tightly packed! This is the entrance to the underground tunnel systems that are liveable [Levels 2-3] This also contains the level that is completely submerged underwater due to a trap that was triggered many many hundreds of years ago by three too-curious kits.
Generally however; back to the rings of the clan! These rings are covered by little waterfalls that extend from the three big waterfalls of the clan; they have pools of water- having hot springs and geysers sprinkled around! Most will say its very stuffy unless you grew up within the clan! Generally the terrain is pretty rocky; having mostly moss and bioluminescent plants that cause the water to be a bright glowing blue as well as lighting up the rocks around. Generally the outside portion of this clan is really interesting and really fun to explore and be active in! [or relax in as hotsprings].
As for the tunnel systems; around the midlevel of the rings you'll find the first level of tunnels! These tunnels are deep and are the ones that cave in and are unstable; these cause the tremors many of the other clans experience as well as the deep cuts that run in the ground for many of them! This is where the crystal known as fien is mined as the area these tunnels are located are very rich in the crystal! Luckily they use only shards for currency so they only really need very little to be mined for a good majority of the time!
When you stem into the liveable tunnels, two and three, you get to the more typical Tiefe layout! These tunnels are very deep and expansive; wide enough for you to put a one story home in! There's vines; bioluminescent plants, generally there's crystals and sometimes trees growing down here as well! It's really pretty to view. Below the flora of the tunnels; there's ancient murals and inscriptions within the walls with text that can't be translated! But from the pictures many can guess on the stories being told within the walls. Many young vespers and older scholars will spend years of their life studying these!
However they won't get very far as the bottom level of this clan; the fourth area, has been completely submerged underwater.
This tunnel system once opened up so large that you could fit a whole castle! In which; there use to be a castle. It's still there but it is very much underwater and very much covered in rubble so it would be a miracle to even get in. Because of the flooding trap; all the records that were on paper or fabric have been utterly destroyed and beyond repair. So there wouldn't be much use going into this level.

•Typical Hut Description•
As Tiefe is mainly situated within the second and third levels of the clans tunnel system; as the first is too unstable to be lived in and the fourth is completely submerged under water; these two expansive tunnels are the only places beyond being outside in the different levels of the cavern that are suitable for the vespers of this clan to live in. For the homes within the tunnels; vesper of this clan build them directly into the stone walls; each home is labeled with a small sign and a crystal that glows when its dark, they have two main rooms and often times a window facing the tunnel and a door to get in and out for some privacy! They have a nesting room and that of a general hangout and storage room! The hangout/storage room are about the same as what you'd normally expect; places to store away valuables as well as barrels and such to store away preserved foods and their nesting rooms are often soft pelts and flora as they have no way of getting leaves really
As for the other set of homes they have; these are built out into the open section of the clan that has the multiple pools and little waterfalls! You'll have a brick hut on the forest floor around the clan! They make mud bricks and build up these huts- some are more decrepit than others and they all have bark or woven leaf roofs, sometimes they'll have fur pelts depending on their status! Often times these homes are slightly build off the ground as to avoid flood waters. But generally follow the same layout as the other hut above

Tiefe does technically follow the more normal hierarchy of the clans!
Though its very very roughly followed at best! It goes as follows:

>Elder Council
>Elder Females
>Protector Jobs
>General Labor Jobs
>Kit Based Jobs
>Adult Females

•Views on Goddesses•
Teife is a very laid back clan; and thusly this winds up stemming to the views on the goddesses! While they do naturally have more affinity to follow that of Polaris because of the influences tha Akio left them when forming the clan; most of those within the clan either dont follow the gods or follow a few of them! Most often than not though this is more of a private and not very talked about thing within the clan!

Teife has a very very limited supply of fruits, grains and veggies! They do get shipments of stuff that is imported from the other clans that they do use; store and preserve for future meals. Their main diet lies within that of seafood! As they have an abundance of seafood coming from the deep pools of water around the clan; as many of these pools are rather deep!
They'll eat things such as crustaceans, like blue crabs, lobsters, etc! They will also eat things such as clams, mussels, shrimp, salmon, tuna, catfish, etc! Whatever is available within the waters of their clan is often hunted in moderation! As most of the time; they do build areas within the tunnels to breed these sources of food in order to keep from the clan draining the natural resources they have!
When it comes to fruits; they do have small hard-as-rock berries that grow and are bioluminescent! These little berries are a pain to crush in order to eat but they make a very delicious jam. Oftentimes vespers of the clan will make seafood boils and things such as pasta! But they do have stomachs that can handle smaller game and fruits/veggies/grains!


Night of Wishes
This is an event that is taken from that of Akio! The biggest difference is that it's not that of a religious event; many of the clans will talk about this spectacle of lanterns floating out of Tiefe as if the souls of the forest collect there and float out in the clearing every Summer Solstice! It's not something they can see Akio do as the clan is far away in the ocean! Vespers from tiefe will use this as an opportunity to send their wishes, secrets and thoughts out into the universe; in hopes they come true or to lift the weight off their shoulders. For the most part though it does work like that of Akio's Night of Wishes!
A week before the summer solstice is to arrive; the day in which there's such a short sliver of Polaris's beautifully crafted sky; vespers will prepare items for paper lanterns. These lanterns will be decorated and have a little scroll attached to it. Once it's ready; they'll tie a ribbon around the scroll and attach it to the lantern; from there they'll light the lanterns and send them off into the sky as the last licks of the sun are wiped away by the dark rays of dusk. The lanterns when floating further away will look like stars in the night sky; in place of the ones that have yet to appear. This is an event that gives closure to some and can renew hope for others. Overall it's a touching event that is always looked forward to

Tests of Endurence
As vespers within Tiefe are usually high energy and very active; loving to run around and jump off cliffs into the pools of water; they have a week within the year that they will set up a competition of sorts for the vespers who are 18 and above to participate within! These little endurance tests are very fun and often take many hours of training to improve upon!
Some of these events include things such as a breath holding contest [Both in cooler waters and in the hot springs], A Race around the different rings of the clan, Acrobatics with the trees in the center of the clan, sniffing out hidden food in the tunnels; collecting the most clams from the bottom of a pool. So on and so forth! These events spread out over the course of the week and many vespers will come by to watch from the sidelines as the hours tick by and these vespers participating push themselves to their limits for entertainment!
Those who rank the highest in these tests will often get fein as reward and those that get the most will be crowned the champion of the year; which often gives them tiny little privileges around the clan which is very very nice and often very sought after!
Generally though this event is more for the entertainment of the vespers of the clan and often very sought after and trained for!

•Misc Details•
>While they do not have a native fruit; they do have a native shellfish! That being a blue crab
>Their most common method of proposal is finding that of a soft and smooth rock or crystal thats been smoothed overtime
>Vespers in this clan are very open and welcoming to those who come from places such as Olaug and Acantha!
>You are more than welcome to try and set up a little garden within the clan! Most of the vespers here are use to getting their stuff inported so it would be a nice change of pace!
>Vespers within the clan often have the arms and claws made for digging through the dirt and stone of the tunnels!
>Vespers of this clan have fur that repell instead of accept water; so thats how they are able to swim and not be dragged down and drown
>Their waterpools often have little rings of sand around them! This is a comoforting place to relax as its often warm from the sun beaming down on it all day
>Vespers of this clan have odd-jobs such as fetching clams from the shallows or skimming out much from the hotsprings and such!
>Vespers from this clan often dont mind things such as frogs or toads; as they are frequently found in the pools of water
>Dont be suprisded if you see a vesper from this clan just death-grip a fish; they will try and catch them for fun and then have to try for dear life to keep their grip without killing the poor thing
>Tiefe vespers will often travel in groups when going to fetch materials and imported good from Altan!
>Vespers from this clan use carrier pigeons to send messages off to the other clans rather than sending off actual vespers to do so
>This is a clan that is very supportive of trans vespers!
>Their hierarchy isnt fully followed? A lot of the time decisions wind up being clan made rather than elder made!
>Many vespers will go to akio to experience how their culture differs from theirs in the clans


The Clan of Broken Souls

Founded in 756
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Von is a sister-clan to that of Nekane; it has always been a small clan of the broken, mutated, those who experienced corruption or generally seek a better life than that of which they have experienced in other parts of the forest.
Von vespers are soft spoke, quiet, often have a lost look in their eyes but find a soft comfort in being surrounded by vespers who are the same as them.
Von vespers are both private and open; very sweet to their own but also wanting a space to be by themselves and to be quiet.
Many post-corrupt vespers will find themselves being drawn to this small clan as they are not welcomed elsewhere; which is already very difficult for them as they have only about 25-50% of who they were before corruption. Many vespers in this clan refuse to give up hope that things will get better and be okay again, theyll hold eachother up and help eachother out; some vespers will struggle or relapse into old habits but they are not alone and never will be. 
This is a clan that will welcome anyone who is seeking a safe haven from the rest of the clans and a good support system.

•Clan Environment Description•
Von is nestled between the borders of The Empire, Alma and Aami. They are in technicallity an Empire territory; having struck a deal with the clan that they own the territory and can take taxes; but von gets to keep it non-walled so vespers can come or go, but they are required to report any moves of Aami and/or Alma to the empire. Von vespers keep up a minimumn of whats required in order to keep their clans space as their own. Because they have the smallest clan territory, theres not actually a whole lot of information about their enviorment! At most they have two creeks/streams goign through the clan and the terrtain isnt very hilly nor too flat. They trees arent too dense or too spread out and they are right up against one of the various empire border walls that has a checkpoint for vespers to come and go from the empire to von or from von to the empire. They feel that one day, the empire will fully take over and this small itty bitty safe haven will be ripped from the clans and leave the vespers who seek it, empty-grabbered.

•Typical Hut Description•
Von follows that of its neighboring clans hut type; that of the standard Aami hut. By now this is something of a common hut type that should be recognized, but if not this is how the hut is structured!
These homes are often made from the wood of smaller trees, having been cut into boards by enraged vespers, usually vespers will build in their enraged forms because they have a lot more strength! These boards will form 2 main rooms- the main room and the nesting room, Von is one of the few clans to have roof gardens! Having made use of the forest floor, they'd create a shallow bed with the planks, fill it with dirt and grow some fruit or veggie bushes to soak up the rain! This also provides them with delicious foods- Oftentimes they use the leaves from their trees, which the closer they get to tiefe become willow trees, as tiefe is surrounded by willows! The willow tree has some of the best greenery to use for doors and windows- usually being preserved with magic to stay green all year! Within the huts, the main room has about 1 doorway into the other room and up to 4 windows, oftentimes there's small tables, a small area to prepare foods and store them as well as shelves for knick knacks and mementos. As for the nesting room- they use the softest leaves and greenery they can find and make a pile of it, the border surrounded by rocks to form a neat nest. This room can also have an area to store clothing or a smaller nest for the kits!

Art by Dinoberry

Von does not have a hierarchy; this is to keep and encourage a very friendly and uplifting community that the clan has!
So you wont see them adopting the Empire hierarchy anytime soon even if they are technically suppose to have it because of being the only technical 'seperate' Empire territory!

•Views on Goddesses•
Von has the same mentality other clans have of; if you want to worship one goddess or another; by all means do so! Theres no specific veiws on the different goddesses throughout the little clan and its usually a very private and personal subject to the vespers living here! So not something most will openly talk about as it can be a really sensitive subject for some of the post-corrupted vespers who feel theyve been abandoned or betrayed by the goddesses for having gone through what they have.

Vespers of this clan can have a wide variety of diets; but the most common is that of what a typical vesper diet is!
Consuming mostly fruits and vegtables!
They dont have a whole lot of room to actually grow their food, so they rely on the empire to export them some that had been grown in the various big fields the clan has ownership over!So they tend to eat a lot of the same foods the Empire has, be it sanwiches, buns, soups, salads, so on and so forth! You can visit the Empires information for further depth on what they consume on the daily.


Purification Communion
While this event has no actual effect; it does boost morale and the general feelings of comfort for the community.
As many who seek refuge in this clan are those who were corrupted and have since been ridden of the corruption thanks to the healer of broken minds; they feel lost, scared and just trying to find a place to fit in. This is an event that happens every time a post-corrupted vesper enters the clan and seeks a place to stay. They'll be dawned with robes and given some crescent moon markings where their gem once was; being brought to the elder of the clan and sat before them.
The elder will have others leave and will sit with the newcomer until they feel ready to open up and speak of what they remember to the elder vesper. This can take anywhere from minutes to months for a vesper; the post-corrupts are free to roam the clan but they always will come back and eventually talk to the elder. When they do, the elder will hold their grabbers and cast a small purification spell while saying a few words of encouragement and general praises, reassuring them that the corruption can not and will not come back. That they are finally safe.
For most, this little bit of kindness and reassurance is enough.

Gilded in Gold
This is an event that had been inspired by watching that of the Guard as they passed through one night; they understand the beauty in scars and the stories vespers have so this is something they adopted!
The eldest members of the clan will dawn robes and gather up gold leaf and gold paint; their helpers making floral wreaths to hang around the necks or place upon the heads of the vespers who partake and willingly tell their story or stories. Their scars and imperfections will be lined with gold, markings painted on their body and the wreath will be placed upon them.
Vespers of the clan will have a community dinner while they take turns telling their stories and getting support and words of encouragement from their fellow clan members. This is a night where their flaws and the things that make them who they are shines through and is celebrated. Its something of closure for those who were corrupted; something of therapeutic for those who have been mistreated.
Many will let the paint naturally come off with the rain the clan has while others will clean themselves off before resting for the night.
Many who are brave enough to face this event and tell their tale and embrace the part of themselves they can be the most insecure about; often preserve the floral wreaths as a momento.

•Misc Details•
>This clans native fruit is that of a Fig, considered to be one of the most ditested fruits out there, but beloved by those in this clan
>The Most common method of proposal in this clan is offering a broken geode stone; the geode shows the inner beauty of the solid grey rock and is very meaningful to find and keep to these vespers
>Many vespers in this clan migrated from other clans because they were outcasted fro being cursed, mutated or have an ailment. This is a commonplace for abandoned olaug and acntha kits to be brought to and raised
>Many orphaned kits in the clans who are left in the forest are brought and raised here
>The clan will raise the kits together as no one is fully functional enough to raise a kit on their own
>Vespers who are raised here have higher empathy and understanding for those around them
>They are very seperated from the Empire beliefs and traditions, they are not included in the day of Unity as the empress has expressed shed rather die than step foot in the clan of rejects.
>Flaws are a celebrated thing here, its not something youll be put down for
>This is a clan that many will come to to sort themselves out, sometimes they stay and sometimes they move on to other pastures. Sometimes they go back to their original clans
>Elder vespers will often times seek this clan out to peacefully let themselves go out in one of the best clan enviorments there is in the forest

•The Garden of Eden•

The Clan of Memories

Founded in 756
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
The Garden is a more mysterious clan! It paints itself as a clan for those who are seeking refuge from the harsh reality of the rest of the clans. They will offer you a lilac lotus to consume when you are initiated into the clan and when consumed you'll begin to forget the bad memories of the life you hadd outside the clan. This leads many vespers to want to stay within the clan and the walls it stays within.
Generally the clan itself is very open and very friendly; vespers of the clan rest in the same room; all eat together as a community, and are assigned jobs to give back to the clan! Generally life in the clan is very simple and very nice; though the main thing with this clan is once you enter, you may leave but you may never return! The clan itself is magically protected; if you need the clan or you are seeking it out with pure intention; the clan will reveal itself to you.
However if you have malice in your heart while seeking the clan, you will be lost for ages trying to find it; as its location will be that of solid stone where the thick layer of vines would often be. Even magic items can not dispel it as it was casted by that of the ancient civilization that came from tiefes lower tunnels.

•Clan Environment Description•
The Garden of Eden is a clan located just on the furthest coast of the East oblivion border. Tucked away and leading into a valley in a mountain, the entrance is covered by a thick layer of vines, grown from magic to protect the garden from harm.
There are no separate huts within this clan, but rather a large manor made of marble and wood, nature overtakes the stone in some areas. A hidden away sanctuary that started as a dark hearts horde. All who seek this place will find it, those who need it will find it, but those with malice in their hearts will be locked away.
Within this clan; it opens up at the very tip-top of the mountains to where vespers within the clan can see the sky! This in itself has a magic field that protects the clan from outside harm. There's not many trees and there's some rocks scattered about within the clan! Beyond that of the main structure within the clan; they have farm fields, a big area to eat as a community, a well for fresh water, a koi fish pony with a big sakura blossom tree and generally space to just exist! 
Below the clan itself is that of the lotus cavern; this is a bioluminecent cavern submerged in a shallow pool of water in which the lilac lotuses grow; these grow from the resting place of one of the past Osai leaders whos powers were transfered into the lotus plant so the memory-eating was more controlled and less likely to target non-upsetting memories. This area is often taken care of by members of the clan.

•Typical Hut Description•
The main structure of this clan is that of a marble and wood temple. Its main building has stairs leading up to a grand entrance; the walls are cracked and much of the building has been overtaken by nature as its clear this spot was not vesper made but once a safe space for a different race of creatures all together.
The main hall is spacious with very little in it beyond a small shrine for vespers to pray to and to receive a loti petal whenever need be, this is if they have memories beginning to bubble up once more! From there you have two separate out-door corridors known as the pillar corridors. The one set to the left will bring you to that of the nesting room for all clan members who fall in ranks that are more common! These are communal nests and many vespers will cuddle up together to share warmth throughout the nights
To the right of the corridors is that of another nesting room! This is also somewhat a communal space but is also sectioned off by curtains so those who are in the higher ranks are able to rest in peace without disturbing one another! There's also often times shelving for the vespers of the clan to put their belongings. And lastly in the final section with a room that a wall had been built for; this is the Osai or the leaders room. This room has a very large nest that has four posters and silk covering it. There's many bookshelves, wardrobes and places to put Knick knacks and other items that this leader will accumulate over the years of rule.

Like all clans and civilizations, there is a hierarchy to some degree
The Osai, or leader of the clan, reassures everyone that the hierarchy is needed and will keep everyone safe and happy. There is to be no violence, no speak of the world beyond the garden, there is only the garden.
The hierarchy goes as follows:

-The Osai or Leader [Female vesper often]
-The Mother [ Female Vesper who rears the young of the clan]
-Osai Mate(s)
-High rank Healers
-The Mothers Helpers
-Lotus Caretakers
-Kit Caretakers [Secondary to the Mother]
-Low Rank Healers
-Basic Temple Preists(ess)
-Farmers & Other lines of menial work

•Views on Goddesses•
They do not follow or believe in any of the traditional goddesses; rather instead the mother and that of the Osai are treated like goddesses in their own right. Divine beings that provide the lotuses that allow them to forget the negativity and the bad of the life they lived before that of the Garden!
Obviously this in its own right is not the most healthy outlook for a vesper to have when the vesper they are idolizing is the same as them and has no really abilities that would differentiate them from one another!

The garden of eden is a clan that consumes more of what a normal vespers diet would be or is!
This being that of consuming veggies, fruits and things like grains.
They grow a lot of veggies, like cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, peppers of all kinds, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, seasoning and herbs + so much more!
Wheat and things to make bread and doughs, fruits and such to make jams and beans too! During the winter they make a lot of soups!
Usually meals are made in 3 really big cauldrons! Specially for soups and salads and stir fries and such! For sandwiches each will make their own pretty much! They eat as a community, 3 meals a day! The Osai, Omens, Mother and Mates eat in the central hall together though, keeping it separate unless its a festival or someone's hatchday!


Loutus Feast
This is one of the most important traditions, this happens every lunar cycle as to regulate the clan.
The loti are important to the clan, but also very dangerous. Eating too many can result in a vesper beginning to gain an addiction that'll lead them to slowly forget everything about themselves beyond the bad parts of their past, to a point with enough they could end up forgetting how to do basic bodily functions like breathing, which will ultimately end a vespers life.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, not eating the required amount (1 medium size every full moon) you will begin to remember to trauma and bad things that life had brought a vesper beforehand, but some will choose to take that to remember the good within that bad.
During this event all of the clan will gather in the mess hall, a patch of grass with blankets if leaves and sticks, kind of like nests, that vespers have created
The loti will be passed out by the priests and priestesses to each and every clan member, as the moon raises to its peak, the loti will begin to glow a pale lilac, this is when everyone in the clan besides a select few will consume the loti (omens, aras, Osai included in those who do not partake) and begin falling asleep one by one, the forgetting beginning (note that the magic is and has been attuned to seek and take away the negative, with the consumption of multiples, it begins to weaken that motive and begin taking what it can)

Newcomers Welcome
This event is for that of the new members joining the clan, on average the clan welcomes at least 4 new vespers every cycle of the moon!
There's months where its less and months where its higher but the average is 4. Since the garden is a place you can find when you need it most but also one you can find if your intentions are good. During the new moon, the new clan members are dressed in silks and given wreaths made of lotus's and Moonflowers.The night they are celebrated with dancing and a feast once the time is right, the new members will be given a speech by the osai and they'll be given the potions to drink
They'll fall unconscious after that, and will need to rest for a week to let the forgetting take a full hold over the newcomer

Crowning of the Osai
The osai is often female, the first hatched daughter of a previous osai.
However its also not uncommon for an osai to be hatched male and to rule as such. During this day the Osai can be a multitude of ages, depending when their parent had past, sometimes a parent lives long enough that the childs, child takes over the garden.
But they are given a speech by The Mother, she will tell the clan and the Osai all of the expectations they are to live up to, their responsibilities and what is needed of them. The Osai will then be required to complete a task their parent or grandparent had set out before them to prove they are worth of the title. Once this has been completed the new Osai will be given the crown and they will take the head of the table for a grand feast and celebration

•Misc Details•
>Their native plant is that of the memory-eating Lotus
>Their way of propsing within this clan is presenting that of a sakura blossom wreath! When it wilts; this is replaced by a more traditional ring.
>The Osai comes from a lineage of memory-eating vespers; this is the only magic type they have
>Vespers in this clan can and will be punished for talking about the world outside the clan; as it can trigger back old memories
>Vespers who wind up here are often times abused, mistreated or generally did not leave a very good life before finding the clan and entering its perimeter
>Poly pulls are very encouraged within this clan!
>The Osai will typically take on more than one mate even if they do not have a pull to the vesper in question as to mostly keep up appearences and status
>The Osai oversees that of the lotus growth down in the caverns below the clan
>Those who drink blood in this clan are permitted to drink from their fellow vespers as the BRS has no reach within the clan shut off from the rest of the forest
>If the Mother or Osai are harmed; the clan will sentance the purpertrator to death- this is and will always be a community decision rather than one either head of the clan will make
>There can be Male Osai!
>There is a binding spell that surrounds the clan; it keeps the vespers within forever passive as to keep the whole; no hurting or maiming those within.
>The Mother must always be female; if she has no kits of her own, she will adopt one to train to take her place

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