
Nekane, Oblivion, Olaug, Orenda (Vesper Subtype)


A Clan dedicated to peace

Founded in 758
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Nekane is a very entertaining clan! This is a clan who is a sister-clan to that of Von; Meaning they come from the same original clan that divided and took the course of these two. Nekane has trade routes everywhere in the forest with all of the clans; be it for the God Tree fruit or for that of honey. They are the main source of the clan's honey supply; see in the vesper universe- honey acts very very similar to that of alcohol! They are usually very relaxed, laid back and generally very good natured vespers to be around! Many have a deep love for bees and the environment! Because it rains so frequently in this clan; many of the vespers have times where they can't leave their huts and will often sleep through days on end. So most vespers in this clan can have a narcoleptic trait to them. This can affect their productivity; however not every single vesper of the clan is affected by the gloomy weather! Most actually tend to enjoy it and will play in the rain. They also have treaties with the pony civilizations that border that of the mythic forest as they settled in very very old pony lands. This explains as to why the bees are as docile as they are; they were enchanted very long ago by unicorns to be this way.

•Clan Environment Description•
Nekanes clan is located in a more open forest kind of area of the forest! It is heavily affected by rain storms however. So it's not uncommon to be heavily rained on in the springtime! They have very mild winters but due to the drowsy nature of the clan; these vespers will still hibernate! There's multiple bee hives that exist in the clans trees which makes it rather hard for them to have their huts up in the trees! Generally the terrain is fairly flat besides a few hilly sections here or there and the flora isn't very overgrown; they have multiple paths going to and from different areas of the forest! Tiefes' tremors do affect some areas of this clan; causing small but noticeable cracks to form in the ground. The further southwest you go in this clan you'll eventually hit the start of a huge meadow! This meadow extends out of the forest and meets with the sandy shores before you hit the ocean! Many of the clan's events happen in this flowery field and it is a very beloved spot as there's so many different colors of the rainbow!

•Typical Hut Description•
 Some will also opt for a more log-cabin esc style of home! These homes are often raised off the ground a little bit due to small floods and heavy rainstorms . They have a porch so the vespers can easily transverse from the ground to their hut! Their roofs are often also made of wooden logs that are covered in a fine layer of moss! They do follow a vespers natural thing of not needing much space and having little privacy. Generally their rest rooms contain shelving for items; a chest for clothing and their money and weapons; Their beds are made from the same nesting materials as other clans; so general soft leaves and flora alongside pelts of animals and any fluffy stuff they can get their grabbers on! The other rooms of the home consist of a bathroom, a storage room and a general guest room! The kitchen will hold a honeypot more often than not and have barrels and shelving for preserved items or the things that do not need to be chilled! Their storage rooms hold a lot of different things! This is more or less dependent on the vesper who owns the home! or Vespers as some nekane vespers do bunk together in the same home; having a max of about 4 adult vespers. And their guest room is often a small space having a large window and a couple comfortable places to sit alongside bookshelves or sometimes a hammock for the vesper to rest

Because of the very relaxed nature of this clan; they do not have a solidified hierarchy!
Rather instead; they do things mostly by a vote which is then approved by the active elder council! Most are very okay with this system as it gives those not from the clan originally a break from the day to day hierarchy and ranks that they had to deal with in their previous clans. Though this can also be taken as a very weird thing to experience.

•Views on Goddesses•

Veiws on Daifa
Contrary to many of the other clans; Polaris and Shivani are the gods that are not worshiped here! Nekane is often referred to as an earth clan, meaning they heavily worship Daifa! No one fully remembers the origins of this but it's rumored that the founder of the clan found this area and was kept here by a thunderstorm; this is when the hives were discovered and honey was too. They believe that Daifa was in the rain that day and still do to this day. She's believed to be a femenine figure who is in charge of the weather, spirits, relaxation, spirituality and new beginnings

Honey is a very staple part of a nekane vespers diet; while yes it does act like alcohol it's only when you have large quantities of the stuff! Most vespers will often sort to make sandwiches like a honey, banana, peanut butter sandwich for example! They have a mainly fruit diet but will eat vegetables if the need for it ever arised! Fruits like bananas are quite popular in the clan! They can be used for a variety of things; such as paring nicely with peanut butter; which is something that is commonly made within this clan! Same with other nut-butters as nuts are another common food source within this clan!
When it comes down to it, they eat a lot of grains, fruits and nuts! It's more common to see a fruit salad with some nuts and a zesty sauce than it would be for you to find a vegetable soup! Most vespers in this clan do opt for more 'easy' meals to keep their flow of life going.


Festival of Colors

This is one of the more known events of this clan and the one that attracts the most guests than that of the honey harvest! This is a three day event that allows vespers to unwind; forget about their duties and responsibilities and just let loose. A week before the event is scheduled; the vespers of nekane will go to the meadow and harvest as many of the colorful flowers as they think they'll need alongside a good bit of the bioluminescent moss around the forest. Together they'll make very brightly colored pigmented paints that will glow alongside a vespers natural glow! When vespers arrive they'll dawn flower wreaths and headdresses; painting themselves with intricate markings at the pools of paint and enter the brightly decorated clearing! This first day is often the beginning; allowing vespers to mingle and drink the honey that had been flavored for the event! The second day they'll dance and add music to the mix; building small statues out of hay and burning them late into the night; as the third day begins; the annual storm will hit and wash away the flames. Vespers will dance in the rain and allow the flowers and paint to float off their bodies; taking with them regrets and weight off the shoulder of the bearer. Most vespers who make their treck home after this event will feel like a changed person.

Butterfly Migration
The Butterfly migration is a more relaxed event and one for the family! Vespers will take notice of the change in the butterflies patterns in order to accurately mark out the date in which the migration will begin!  When this date is known word will get out to the rest of the clan and they'll prepare little picnic baskets for the daytime event! On the day  before the event; vespers will stay up and go to bed rather late so they can wake up in time to set up and be awake for the said event! They'll bring picnic baskets and their food and set up in the flower field. When it's time, butterflies will rise out of the flowers and dance above them for a while as more and more streams from other parts of the forest meet in this field. When all is said and done; vespers will eat while watching the beautiful array of colors sent by the butterflies as they stream across the fields, heading to altans territory before eventually dissipating into the pony kind's territory until spring returns again.

Honey Harvest
The honey harvest happens twice a year; once in fall and once in spring! because theres many,, many massive beehives within the clan this event does take many weeks to prepare for as it takes teams of 3-4 vespers to fully subdue and calm the bees in order to carve out the hunks of caps to break and extract the honey from! After this vespers will prep the honey and prepare different flavors; more or less to whatever has been ordered by their pony allies and prepare the honey in big barrels that will be enchanted to keep the honey fresh! After this theyll prepare altan boats to ship out this portion of honey to the pony folk who will be waiting for it! Altan roughly takes 20% of the total Honey harvest and the ponies take another 50%. This leaves nekane with about 30% of the honey which in the grand scheme is more than they will ever need! Once the business side is done; Nekane will prepare tastings for the honey and invite adults from all over the forest to come taste and purchase the honey from them! This event is by far popular but not one for the kits of the clans! It's a fun little wine tasting event for vespers.

•Misc Details•
>The native fruit to this clan is none other than the banana! it pairs well with honey after all
>The most common way to propose to a vesper in this clan is by finding them the smoothest rock possible! It doesnt matter if its pretty or small, it just has to be smooth to touch
>Education is very much not somethin enforced in this clan; if a vesper wants to seek it or their parents want them to go, theyll go! They do have schools that are fairly good afterall
>Vespers of this clan can be very hardworking; this is moreso during the summer and fall!
>Winter and Spring are very sluggish times due to the winter and that of the very frequent rainstorms
>Many vespers will come to this clan to vacation due to its very light atmopshere and the lack of a very strict hierarchy to tie them down
>This is where the 'giving a kit a bag of rocks to learn to count' tradition started
>Because these vespers dont live in the trees; they dont glide all that much; opting to rather climb up and down the trees to attend to the massive bee hives
>The bee hives are often big enough for a vesper to crawl inside it if forever passive; the bees however are still fairly small to the size of a small dog


A Clan for All

Founded in No one knows
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•

Generally the north is known for its happy-go lucky and very playful vespers! Its a clan that has its main export as ice and dehydrating salts so vespers are able to preserve foods better
West- The West is known for its more stoic, hearty and rough vespers! Their main export is that of sand, glass and things you can find in a mountainous and desert-y terrain
East- The East is very calm and easy-going when it comes to clans. They are easily entertained and entertaning! Some of these vespers come from places such as Akio or Amaris as this clan just happens to be in the perfect spot for these vespers to wind up
South- Southern oblivion is known for its schooling and the intellect of its vespers! Their main export is studies of different things as well as many many translations of pony and griffin work. 

•Clan Environment Description•

North -
Northern Oblivion is located up in the more frigid areas of Alvera, the rocky mountains that are often covered in snow to a point the vespers here naturally have really thick fur coats! Their area spreads across the ocean even its that big of a clan! Its generally a nice place to live if you dont mind the cold weather
West - Western oblivion is both rocky, mountain-y and desert-y! This is the place vespers will go if they want to harden up and experience some scorching heat! Often times this is the place youll see most naked chest vespers as its more common to have little to no hair in the very hot, rigid desert this clan is located in
East- Eastern Oblivion is located in that of a more mountain-y range! This range is the smallest of that in the mythic forest and thus makes the area actually pretty nice to live; however the mountains and the forest; which is a majority of the clan are inhabitable due to the tremor cracks tiefe caused and that of the forest being really dense to a point its rather hard to transverse.
South- Southern oblivion has the most 'normal' terrain of these clans! Having a more flat and semi-hilly areas! The forest isnt too dense and nor too thin! Its honestly a prime place to live within the Mystic forest! They also have a rather extensive flower meadow that comes from that of Nekane; this is met with a very nice sandy shore.

•Typical Hut Description•

North -
The north has more reinforced log cabins! Simmilar to that of nekanes but the inner walls are lined with moss and other flora to keep the heat in for the harsh winters. Their nesting rooms are also more prepped to have a lot more pelts!
West- The Wests homes follow that of the log cabins! They are built to be structurally sound and to survive any avalanches that may occur when one lives in the rocky mountains rather than the snowy mountains of the north
East- East oblivion has the same hangin-beachy homes that akio does! As most their clan is on the sandy shores rather than the dense forest behind them riddles with vesper-swallowing chasms; this is the best option they have and its rather calming to see the ocean waves through the windows.
South- The South has homes more akin to the more standard Aami homes; though they do not have the more typical rooftop gardens that most of these homes have! They are quite cozy nonetheless

Art by Dinoberry

The hierarchy for these clans follows the more typical set up! Though do note that these can be changed on yer own veiws of the clans!

>Elder Council
>Elder Females
>Protector Jobs
>General Labor Jobs
>Kit Based Jobs
>Adult Females
>Mutated folk
>Ailment folk
>Cursed folk

•Views on Goddesses•
Because the clans are so expansive; especially because its oblivion; there's not really anything that can be said on this subject as there are far too many little clans within the bigger clans and mostly it can be summed up with all the gods are believed in and prayed to!


North -
The north is more steered to vegetables and small game; such as rabbits, ferrets, weasels or anything they can get their grabbers on! Stews and soups are very frequently made within these clans
West - The west is more steered to big mountain game and that of fruits! Fruits are not always available and the rocky soil is not the best for growing veggies so this clan has developed the taste for things such as deer; mountain lions and other beasts of the mountain
East - The east is steered towards veggies and fish! Having the knowledge passed to them by akio for how to properly clean and cook the fish as to make it safe and okay for a vespers stomach to digest and not be very queasy.
South- The south has a more typical diet of fruits and vegetables! They also have the addition of nuts thanks to the neighboring clan of Nekane! These vespers often make things such as salads and soups!

Because the clans are so big; theres no way all the events they celebrate can be listed here; theres far too many little clans for this section to be cohesive and not take up the entierty of the pagel you are more than welcome to create your own thoughts and headcannons for this section! be it they celebrate events that already exist or they have totally new ones!

•Misc Details•
>The native fruits of these clans go as follows:
North - Strawberries
West - Grapes
East - Apples
South - Peaches
>The typical proposal methods of these clans goes as follows:
North - Smooth and Pretty rocks are the best way to propose to your mate within this clan!
West - Feathers of any sort are often used; Peacock feathers have the best result even if rare and hard to come by!
East- The East is known for having all meathods of proposal; be it rings, feathers or rocks
South- The south is known for having rings as its main form of proposals!
>Generally vespers of these clans are offered rather good education!
>East oblivion is known for having vespers randomly appear and not be able to recall how or why they are there
>Northern oblivion does not hibernate! They spend most of their time in the snow so its normal to them
>Southern oblivion has a lot of ties to pony culture and ponies in general!
>Western oblivion somehow has a treaty with the dragons to where they will not get attacked in exhange the sacrifice a vesper to a dragon on request.


"Destruction or Destroyer"
A Clan of Death

Founded in 238
Fell in --

•Clans Nature/Description•
Olaug has the reputation of being the absolute worst clan to live within. From its very strict class system that encourages those higher class to abuse the lower class; to a cruel dictator of a leader and to the Secret police that is only murmured about in the quiet recesses of the clan. This clan is cruel to keep order and for the entertainment of the leaders. This clan wants you to suffer and will make sure you do from the day you hatch.Olaug vespers are often described as cutthroat, rude, abrasive, aggressive and very quick to resource guarding as you have to defend every item you own for it to not be taken from you. Granted those who are hatched in this clan and sheltered from the abusive nature by the parent who got trapped in the clan by their mate; they often won't end up this way. Granted there are also vespers who grow up in this clan who actively detest how it's structured and act out to be better and to escape. Many though embrace this clan's core nature and will use it as an excuse to be awful. Olaug is very aware of the Empires motives and will use its resourses to subtely manipulate the clan until they sabtaoge it from within. As for Acantha, that is a masterpiece they worked on; slowly implimenting olaugs beleifs into their 'ally', this was their test to see how well it could work and its good to see for the most part it can; for now they keep Acantha close. Olaug wants entire clan domination.

•Clan Environment Description•
Olaugs clan sits between that of The Empire, Acantha, Aceldama and Eastern Oblivion!. Overall the terrain in the clan is not that bad in the grand scheme of what's available in the clans! Generally in the heart of the clan there are some small mountains that are covered in the trees of the clan; this is where the homes for the leader of the clan alongside where the dug-tunnel homes of the society are kept mainly; though some do expand under the clan's terrain. As you get away from the mountains the terrain becomes slightly hilly before kicking back up into strong hills and some minor cliffs. It only starts to get rocky the closer you get to that of Eastern Oblivion. This clan does share a border with its neighbor and ally; Acantha. So their territory does technically encompass that of Acantha's territory as well. [See Aami, Acantha, Aceldama & Akal, Subtype, to see Acantha's terrain information] This clan has a decently dense forest; not dense enough to where all light is blocked out, but enough to give vespers the willies while walking through on the forest floor. Most of the bioluminescent flora has been uprooted from this clan's forest floor to make it much easier for vespers to be abducted by the secret police.

•Typical Hut Description•
For the higher ups in the clans, they have the more typical hut build, but their huts are much bigger and contain 3 rooms instead of the typical 2! They live up in the trees if they are an Ara and up. Vespers living within these homes are considered more important and thus more heavily watched by that of the secret society of this clan. The members of the said society live within these types of huts as well while others will live in underground homes/bunkers!
These bunkers are dug under the earth and have multiple tunnels connecting them as to keep eyes and ears everywhere within the clan! Often times these little huts will have two levels; a main level with a solid floor made of wood and some shelving built into the stone! Below this they'll have stairs leading down into a rather nice nesting room!
If you are a High Rarity Male to a Kit, you'll have a brick hut on the forest floor around the clan! They make mud bricks and build up these huts- some are more decrepit than others and they all have bark or woven leaf roofs, sometimes they'll have fur pelts depending on their status! Like all clans they do use fur pelts to seal their windows and doors for the winter hibernation with the addition of those higher than a high rarity male will use the best fur pelts to line their nests and make it extra comfy for them to exist within than the typical leaves.

Art by Dinoberry

The Hierarchy of Olaug is very specific and must be followed at all times; if a vesper is caught being abusive or agressive to someone in a class higher; they can either face time in the pit or the prisons. It is perfectly legal for vespers in higher classes to be abusive to vespers in lower classes.

>Leader [Fem, Very dictator-esc; Leads the Police]
>Leaders Bodyguards
>High Ranking Officer
>Low Ranking Officer
>GruntWork Officers
>Female Elders
>Working Class Females
> Female Teenagers
>Female Kits
>Male Elders
>Working Class Males
>Male Teenagers
>Male Kits
>Freshly Hatched Kits
>Mutated/Ailment Folk
>Cursed Folk

•Views on Goddesses•
This is one of the main clans in which it is illegal to celebrate or worship ANY of the goddesses, vespers will be stripped of any religious items, books or anything depicting symbols of any of the gods. If a vesper is caught praying or worshiping; they can be subjected to a day or two in the torture pit [The torture pit is a small hole in which a vesper can be trapped with a variety of wild, ravenous animals with little to no way out]

Vespers in Olaug have only ever had one diet and it's one that has morphed an Olaug vespers stomach to what it is today. Vespers of the clan will often form hunting groups [Mainly high ranking females] in order to take down big game; such as bears, elk, moose and other creatures that roam their part of the forest! Vespers within this clan are used to meat and only meat; the most greens some ever get being that of whatever was digesting in the stomach tract of the animal. They are not barbaric so they do at least cook the meat; Anything captured will be split up in the form of the hierarchy; with the exception of the kits; as they need food to grow. This often leaves male vespers of the clan more hungry and more aggressive; which is exactly where the leader wants them as they can easily be controlled by dangling food in front of their faces. Vespers in this clan will have very bad and very violent reactions to food that is not meat; this being grains, fruits, veggies and sometimes fish/seafood. Some are okay eating smaller game as that is all they can catch between big hunts.


Death Day
Death day is a celebration that both Olaug and Acantha have on October 31st! It is their version of Nightmare night that the ponies celebrate. This is the one time in all of their lives that kits will be able to have fun and be normal children! This is more or less to cover up the truth behind the holiday/festival. Acantha and Olaug will meet at their border and perform a blood ritual to continue having their power in the forest for another year- they don't care what source gives them this as long as they can maintain status and strike fear into the hearts of those who hear whispers of their clan- often times the sacrificial lamb is a vesper of each leaders choice. This is performed by both leaders before they part ways with a mutual truce and alliance. However- on the other end! This is a night where kits from the ages of 1 to 8 will get to dress up and go pick a pumpkin from a cart in the olaug markets- the parents and the kits will sit and carve the pumpkin, filling it with a caramelized sugar before carving it into eat-able pieces and shared between the family- the kits often getting the most of the pumpkin! This is often the only good memories a kit will have from this clan

Red Day
This is a day that happens quite frequently; at most twice a month. The secret police keep a very keen eye and ear out for the clan; learning of what these vespers get up to in their personal lives and in their homes. This clan is advertised to have privacy when in reality they dont. Vespers can report others to the police and have them taken away during a Red day. However its very very rare a vesper who reports on a lower class will be beleived if their mate or the person they are reporting are a higher ranking than them. So this often results in the vesper being thrown in the pit or prisons for false claims! However if they CAN prove their claims; the vesper in question will be taken during Red Day. Many vespers know of this day and will watch from their windows as vespers dressed in uniforms drag bound vespers away to Acanthas borders. These prisoners will them be branded with a mark of a traitor and thrown into the arena prisons until that of the Areana Tourney.

•Misc Details•
>The Native Fruit of this clan is the Pomegranate; this is symbolism and the only fruit these vespers are allowed to have; once in their life for the mate claiming ceremony
>The most common method of proposing to a vesper in this clan is by one, challenging them to multiple duels and if/when you win by presenting a sharp, jagged rock that had been found on the cliff sides; this not only proved your worth but shows that you have a good eye as well
>Vespers in this clan are forbidden from ever learning to read or write; punishment for trying to do so or for having things like books in your posession can be up to a week in the prisons
>Its not uncommon for vesper families seeking safe passage through this clan to sell their kits to the clan; its sometimes the only way through without dying.
>Most who are trying to escape will purposfully do something of a minor treasonus act in order to be shipped off the Acantha dungeons and then play dead in the tourney. Most get out scott free because of practicing and studying fresh corpses 
>Vespers who have ailments, curses, or mutations are abandoned at hatching; if they somehow manage to survive; theyll be allowed to enter the clan at the same rank as a newly hatched kit no matter the age
>Some of these kits can be sold off to other clans as a means of Olaug getting money and ridding themselves of kits who are weak or considered worthless.
>Trans vespers are outcasted in this clan; most keep quiet until they are able to escape and seek shelter elsewhere.


"Black Magic"
The Clan in Darkness

Founded in 684
Fell in 1135

•Clans Nature/Description•
Orenda is an interesting clan when it comes down to it. The clan is seen as a more mysterious force, as the air within the clan is so thick with magic that you can sometimes feel it crackle around you. This is both scary but also a really cool and unique feeling that most vespers have never gotten the chance to experience before. Orenda vespers are on a wide range, the most notable different types of personalities these vespers are known to have goes as follows. You have the vespers on one end who are trying to study magic that can help vespers; they are usually very bright-eyed, hopeful, optimistic and often very hardworking! These vespers frequently seek out answers and try to do what they can to help. This is ultimately the side of the clan that would use its last ditch effort to protect Amaris by casting the shield. On the other end of this spectrum however; you have the more cruel vespers in which this clan is known. While yes this clan is full of rather powerful magic users who are very intelligent; there are vespers out there with a morbid curiosity and the ability to enact on this. Vespers from this clan have been known to run experiments on living vespers using both magic and potions to do so. This has resulted in things such as a fully slime vesper coming into existence. Often times these experiments are not treated well and at the end of the day a majority of these vespers can be labeled as Sadists who are morbidly curious, very analytical, intelligent, gruff, sarcastic and overall not the type of vesper you'd want to tango with or be around. Of course vespers from this clan can fall few and far between the two polars of the spectrum they appear on.

•Clan Environment Description•
Orenda itself was once located in an area that bordered that of Southern Oblivion, Aceldama, and Altan! Their terrain was neither too hilly nor tok flat, kind of a nice inbetween! However the forest here was rather dense once and before the Empire took over; there used to be giant crystals that grew from the earth and pierced through many trees within the area! Vespers of the clan often suspected that these crystals were exactly what gave this the strong magic field that it possessed, as there were chunks of the ground that left craters but floated in the sky; these craters were often filled with smaller jagged crystals. Vespers of unicorn and very strong magic lineages were drawn to this part of the forest and found themselves both growing stronger and weaker from it. This is an area of the forest that if you stay too long within, you'll feel it begin to breathe; like the forest floor is alive. Beyond the giant crystals that have strong magic fields to them [Many also speculate that these crystals have come from tiefe and are the same crystals that fein are, so low and behold when the empire took over; these crystals were destroyed and used as fein. This has very much dampened the magic atmosphere of this once very magic area.] There were many many wondrous bioluminescent plants and moss that covered the trees; the trees themselves were not a natural color! Being that of a lilac with white leaves. The forest floor was a dewy liliac as well, the forest in this area felt like it was ripped straight out of a kits fairytale.

•Typical Hut Description•

The homes within these clans relate more to that of what you would see in the likes of the Empire or that of Altan, as their society is built more on pony culture with its architecture! When it comes to the more Altan based homes the description is as follows!
The homes are made of a ton of different materials! Be it wood, concrete, plaster or brick; these houses vary widely and often have the most space than another clans' home-space as the vespers need a lot more room for the items they purchase!
These homes often consist of two stories; having up to 3 rooms on each floor. A vesper will oftentimes have a Kitchen; Foyer and a Living space for guests to come in and relax in! The homes are usually more modern and up to par with what ponies are used to; so the kitchen has a good storage space; a way to heat up food; a place for spices and dishware! The living room has couches, chairs, bookshelves, paintings and places to display and put things! The foyer often has the way up to the second story!
Almost always the upstairs in these homes have a Nesting room, a Bathroom and a Storage or Office.
The second type of home is similar to the altan one in appearance but it is not located on the trees or on the floor of the clan!
Rather these homes are located on small floating islands; kept suspended in the air by the sheer force of the magic atmosphere of this clan! These homes have the same sort of layout and structure but are more magic friendly and have very cool bridges that extend from the little personal island the vesper has to the nearest tree or island!

Magic and Education are two very big and powerful sources for this clan, this means that most of the clans Hierarchy is formed off the idea that your status follows your strength and level of intelligence! It goes as follows:

>Elder Council
>High Education + High Magic Vespers
>High Education + Medium Magic Vespers
>Medium Education + High Magic Vespers
>Low Education + High Magic Vespers
>High Education + Low Magic Vespers
>Medium Education + Medium Magic Vespers
>Low Education + Medium Magic Vespers
>Medium Education + Low Magic Users
>Low Education + Low Magic Vespers
>No Magic Vespers
>No Education Vespers

•Views on Goddesses•
Because of the clan's belief system and how the world around them works and is viewed. This clan actually does not follow any of the goddesses, least not as a clan itself. They will not punish vespers for claiming or staking belief on one goddess or another. One thing that is common for all vespers of this clan however; is that they believe that the earth is alive and seek to take care of it. So none of their experiments ever harms the earth.

Orenda's diet follows that of the more typical vesper diet; consuming mainly that of fruits and vegetables!
They do also sometimes consume smaller game; such as weasels, moles or lizards. Mice and Rats are off the table as they are very much seen as pets to these vespers. The environment in the clan is actually not the best for growing their main diet funnily enough; this is why they eat small game as well!
When it comes to their actual planting and growing of crops; they will often have dirt imported from other clans in order to fill planter boxes and grow things such as; Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Onions, Grapes, Dragonfruit, Cherries, etc! Because of importing these soils and building up planters/greenhouses for them; they can grow a lot of different foods that need specific environmental conditions to grow correctly. So they have a lot of very exotic, unique and wonderful dishes that are made with these said fruits, veggies and the small game they have and can catch within the clan!
As another note; in all technicality; they are able to consume things such as seafood but many do not as to the lack of bodies of water around the clan that have these creatures/the knowledge how to properly cook them


Trial by Magic
This is a well known and very much a clan-wide event that happens once a year for the vespers who are in their fourth year of preliminary schooling.
Oftentimes these vespers are 8-11 depending on when they originally were placed into the 4 smaller preliminary schools around the clan. (It's more common for vespers turning 4 and gaining their clan marks to begin schooling). This event will pit the fourth year vespers in a tourney-esc event during the summer months within a small arena one of the advanced schools have.
These young vespers will dawn that of their school robes and will go head to head in magic duels; showing off what they have learned and their own raw strength, strategies and general spacial awareness/dexterity. Vespers who rank high within this will often have many of the advanced schools seek them out as a student. Those in lower ranks will be lucky if they get even one. This is how a vesper moves forward in their life within this clan!
The different advanced schools cover the different magic types that vespers can study and hone, once they graduate at the age of 18-21; they'll gain licenses that allow them to perform these magic tasks or experiments within the rest of the clans.
So all in all this is a very very important day for young vespers; those who fail to get any schools reaching out will have up to 3 chances before they are overall shunned or outcasted from the clan. Many beyond the headmistresses of the school's will come to observe and cheer on their kits or just generally everyone participating! Its both very very feared and very anticipated.

Festival of Renewal
This is more a personal event for the vespers of the clan and the clan itself.
While everyone does this on the same day; this is an event that is done solo [unless you have a kit]; as it's about the connection Orenda vespers have to their clan, the give and take. This happens once a year on the crest of a new year; it's the peak of a vespers soul hitting a reset with its magic reserves; as vespers within this clan are naturally born with a higher magic pool than those outside the clan while also taking in and absorbing the magic atmosphere of the clan; they tend to have an overwhelming excess of magic that can be very dangerous and sometimes lethal if not expelled to a more safe level. This is the negative effect of living within the enchanted part of the forest; however these vespers have found a way to keep the enchanted zone safe and healthy while also ridding themselves of the toxic levels of magic they'd have every 'renewal' period.
Before this day usually rolls around; the clan will become duller; levitating homes will begin to sink towards the ground and the clan itself looks sickly and as if its dying. Vespers of the clan during this time before the renewal is in full swing will feel sickly and sometimes deathly.
During this day; vespers who are the age of 2 and above will partake; Vesper parents will take their young and find a cluster of crystals around the expanse territory of their clan and sit beside it; the adult vespers resting their head and gems against the crystals surface while the kits hold a shard to their chest. For what seems like a few hours; they'll sit and meditate; tapping into the crystals and allowing the excess magic to flow out of their bodies and into the crystals.
This process will often feel like having one really big and very nice stretch as muscles relax and the ill feelings dissipate. The crystals will glow brighter in color and the ground around will pulsate with more vibrant colors as life begins to restore within the clan. Once all is said and done, every vesper doing their part and giving back to their clan; life will proceed as normal; these vespers having a regulated magic pool and the clan environment thriving once again. This clan is full of give and take; this is just one of the many things.

•Misc Details•
>The native fruit of this clan is that of the DragonFruit; They always can tell when its ripe; that bright pink color
>The most common method of proposal in this clan does not follow that of more traditional means; often times a mate will conjure a magical flower or feather for their mate; as this is a more advanced spell; as its one that is a permanent fixture- it means a lot, especially coming from those not well read or weaker in magic
>Vespers from this clan had the means to magically transition; these tomes are too advanced for those outside the clan and thusly this had been lost when the empire destroyed their clan
>The Clan once had a huge magical barrier; a natural one. But it was dispelled by those working on the inside of the clan for the Empire. When it fell; any suspicious vesper was killed and Orenda sealed Amaris off from the rest of the clans in a last ditch protection. Even if the Empire knew of the clan; there would never be a way in.
>Due to the barrier they built; sacrificing many in the clan, the magic from the clans home has drained- leaving it tapped out for the empire while also unfortunatley destroying a once beautiful and unique landmark of the forest. This is a fate many of these areas face as to keep the empire from taking it.
>Orenda had the absoulte MOST schools; advanced and basic. Those who lived here never really had aprentianceships but rather would shoot for a specific school to learn a trade of magic in order to gain a license and travel the clans.
>Orenda took and gave magic from the forst; this is why the renewal festival was so important; this is another reason as to why the magic enviorment fell; they drained it and very few knew how to give back.

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