Vesper Of The Week [January 16th-January 31st]

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Jestea

Welcome to Vesper of the Week!

This is a bi-weekly event that allows users in the community to talk about their vesper, as well as get art from folks within the community for a fluctuating fein price!
While we dont have a way of updating the daily fein on the website; our discord has it alongside a 'Stonks' ping!
Below you will be able to find the interveiw for this weeks vesper as well as the reference and rules for this event!

This is a special event for VOTW in celebration of a co-owner's bday (Jestea's fell on Jan 16th)! As per special rules, you may submit 4 times over the next 2 weeks.

Unfortunately due to responsibilities of VOTW being passed around a bit, there WAS a VOTW for Jan 1st-15th, but it wasn't posted on site. It will be posted going forward!

VOTW Rules + Form
The form for submitting your vesper!
Please note: The form opens every other Sunday at 12pm EST and will close the following Saturday at 12pm EST - This meaning they get reset bi-weekly RNG will be utilized through out picking from the pool of people and the person selected will receive the @Vesper of the Week tag [Server Only] for the week as well as be interviewed that Saturday!

1. You must use the form to qualify Jestea is the one mainly running this event, they will not accept any dm's that have the information needed to submit your vesper 
2. You may only submit 1 (one) vesper per week This does not have to be your vesper but a lot of the interview questions are steered towards the characters information and the owners connection!
3. You may only submit 2 (two) art pieces per round This is set in place so you can not farm fein from this lil event. This event uses a fluctuating fein stock market that changes daily in ✦-votw-fein-market-status [Discord channel]
4. In order to qualify for the title again, you must give back You need to participate in giving art twice before you are able to qualify to get the VOTW title again! Just so people are able to get art as well
5. Bases, Sketched work and Monochrome pieces are not accepted These are rarely if ever accepted for prompts! This goes for this event as well.
6. If you submit in Server; you may still submit in the Gallery but you will receive no reward We are opening up VOTW to being an on-site and on-server sort of event! The Fein amounts for the day will be listed in the market status; we have no convenient way of displaying this on site so itll be what it iS  [ You can subit your VOTW entries on site via this Gallery ]
7. Art Submissions may not be within the same day While yes; we want you to participate and throw two pieces in! The rule is not that it cant be within the same day; Day being counted as a stock market rollover!

The Vesper of the Week

For the timeframe of January 16th-January 31st, The Vesper(s) for these weeks will be Carmin, Huxley, Pluto, and Whimsy!

Carmin's Toyhouse || Whimsy's Toyhouse || Pluto's Toyhouse || Huxley's Toyhouse
Carmin's Masterlist || Whimsy's Masterlist || Pluto's Masterlist || Huxley's Masterlist

Ref & VOTW Image


These vespers belong to Jestea, Designs are by Jestea and Keeble

Vesper of the Week; Interveiw

This interveiw was done between Jestea & Dinoberry

✧ Dino:

Okay! Lets get us started! Can you please introduce yourself and tell us why you picked these four adorable kiddos?

✦ Beau:

wHy yes~ Actually not my first time for VOTW, although this is under special circumstances ;0c I'm Theo/Beau/Tort, I go by a few dif names! Yall know me, been a community member for cosmkds as long as there's been a community, and can its exciting to say that even since the last time I got VOTW, I have become a co-owner! The char's I picked- Was a tough choice, but bc I could do a feW I wanted some variation!

- Carmin (they/he), a recent object of my fixation oh my g O D. Idk, rlly just wanted to include a common kid and their colors have me simping- Pat on the back to m e

- Huxley (he/him), I wanted to have a rlly challenging kid available anD include a clown kid, bc i am the clown g uy, so 2 birds with 1 stone ;D

- Pluto (he/they), a clASsic, much loved kid of mine, and although a mythic I'd say he's the simplest of the four today imo lmao

- Whimsy (he/him), oh my beloveD. Absolutely mainly just picked him bc he's my most attached vesp rn, siNce the other 3 I mainly picked to fulfill complexity options lmAO

✧ Dino:

HOH BABIES! I'm glad you were able to decide though! Must've been hard! What are your favorite design and or story aspects of each character? Do spill!

✦ Beau:

Admittedly! Pluto is the only developed char atm. I'm very early stages on developing the other 3, so I don't have like clear ideas for what their stories are or what their places are gonna be in my AU. I have? Some basic ideas for personality though. I think my favorite thing abt Carmin's design is his cOlOrs,, Frfr, idk what I was oN designing him. They were a song custom for Kibble!! So completely off the dome, I think the song name was called "Romantic Homicide", that's what their theme is anyway. I was happy w/ the custom doing it, and then rlly fell in love w/ em once I get em hehe. With Huxley, I really adore how such a wide range of colors and saturation can look!! So n iCE! Truly my favorite little clown baby. And Sad Clowns FTW >>> Not to mention!! his leg braces mean a lot :>c And more n more lately, I just rlly appreciate disabled rep. Jus a sad lil clown. When it comes to Pluto, I think my favorite thing abt his design has aLways been his simplicity. Like the toughest thing abt him is making that hair curl curls the right way, and the dual wings can be tough! Story wise, something I don't give enough credit is their ability to read minds!! :>c I love giving my myths like a powerful gimmick essentially, and Pluto's has always been their obscured third eye and that mind reading ability, along w/ the migraines that come associated with it. And laStlY, the absolute cHOKeHOLd Whimsy's blues and his lil tail has on m e. It's the itty bitty dog dail and the heart whiskers for me. Once again an instance of a kid I was hella proud of while making, but my attachment skyrocketed when I owned them primarily bc of the coloring. WAck

✧ Dino:

MaN I can see just how much you love these kids!! and honestly everything is so valid of you! I'm not sure if theres an answer to it but is there still somwthing you want to change with them?

✦ Beau:

I thiNk the only things I'd change is Huxley's wing color (I just don't wanna redo his ref lmao, I'll do it eventually but since it's covered by the sleeves I never saw it as a big deal), as well as remove the gem and maybe??? up grabber count to 4, but also 3 is fitting? so eH They're just trait preferences but not major enough to make a ref update pressing yet lmao aAANd for Pluto, I think in ways I think the dark starry parts are a bit,, too soft. I'd mby want em darker n more ominous n all that. But! W/ the amt of art he has and it truly doesnt bother me a whole lot, only whenever I draw them myself lmAo, I haven't felt any sort of need to change that. And then, any changes I would've made to Carmin + Whimsy I've already done recently. I'm rlly hap w/ all of em!

✧ Dino:

Im so glad!! Just goes to show how much you like the characters and I'm glad they have you in a chokehold xD! My gosh how long have you had them :0? And what made you want them (if you got them through a trade or smth!)

✦ Beau:

whEw, the oldest is definitely Pluto. He's!! Over a year old! Made as a custom in December 2021, and has just- been in a death grip since mOment of creation lmao I believe!! He was made from a concept, although I don't have the concept anymore Carmin and Huxley I got at the same time! Abt mid-late December from Keeble. When they were doing one of their TH clearouts, I knew they were kids I just had to swoop up. Huxley is interesting in that he's a character I've adored but never imagined that I'd own lmao. I consider myself very lucky to have him now, and I think subconsciously rose to the top of the clown ranks to be my fave rn! And then!! Whimsy is the most recent! Got him at the end of December, just abt a week after Carmin + Huxley. I had seen him being passed betwen Bug n Kin often on a TBD, and yk- just kinda waiting to see if that TBD would ever break on eithed part but was never sure! Then seeing him in a folder Bug had that said offers were permitted, I zoomed so mf fast o Ml- I think!! It was the icon I did for Bug of this char that really,, cemented how much I rlly adored him. It made me especially proud of the design, and then when I got my chance to get him myself attachment kicked into high gear

✧ Dino:

omg A YEAR OLD!!! what a bABY! And I can def see how attached you are, speaking as someone who's been like that as well xD! And I'm glad you got connected back to Whimsy because if a piece you made for them! Props to you on that! I'm sure it goes without asking but - how much do these characters mean to you? And is there anything you're specifically lookin' to get this week?

✦ Beau:

Even tho these kids are,, v new to me rlly I love them smM

As for what they meAn to me- I'm still figuring that out a bit! Whimsy is just,, pure joy and delight. He's so bright + happy + carefree, it's a much needed boost of serotonin rlly. Carmin is sassy and snarky and very chill, but I think mostly they're a character I can already tell that I'm starting to explore gender a bit more with. Huxley is ofc my sad little lad, and Pluto my reserved, quiet artist, bUT both have kinda my struggles w/ the metric ton of ass-kicking my health gives me on the daily. I love to give or explore parts of my identity w/ my characters, but also sometimes what they mean to me is they just make me happy. Also!! Not mentioned yet, but 3/4 of them have pets! And I would love to see them with their pets over this round. Don't have names for said pets, but we got Pluto w/ his Slime, Huxley w/ his Ba, and Carmin w/ both a Fawling and a Teacup Piggy. Beyond that! Would also probs just enjoy an even spread or to see the chars w/ v little art bump up to balance the two w/ the most!

✧ Dino: hOh, glad they mean so much to ye! Sometimes people can feel lost with how attached they are to the character, but seeing your response makes me see attachment in a new light! And will take note of the pets! Them having pets is just to c UTE :yellow_wail: But anyway! Before I get sidetracked, last question! Is there anything these inspiring artists should avoid when drawing your characters? Or general tips/notes?

✦ Beau:

I would say!! Most of my pointers would be for Huxley! Since I haven't updated his ref, mainly just: - Not the end of the world if he isn't drawn w/ his outfit, although it is preferred, but iF you dO would like his wing color matching his ears!! I'll probs- Add a doodle for it in his gallery :>c - Other thing is don't!! Forget his leg braces, regardless if the outfit is included I also might remake his ref soon anyway, so keep a lookout but don't rely on it! Other than that, refs should be straight forward + updated so don't rlly got notes. I may make a marking ref for Carmin at some point, where then it'd be fine to draw him w/o the sweater :>c

But other than that!! No notes, and I hope folks enjOy drawin thEM


Note > Since this interview was conducted, all Refs have been updated!


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